phptpoint3 · 2 years
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phptpoint3 · 2 years
PHP Tutorial — Learn PHP Step by Step Beginner to the Advanced Level
What is PHP?
PHP is an open-supply, interpreted, and object-oriented scripting language that can be implemented in server-like terms. It is well suited for the development of the Internet. The development of net applications (a utility that runs on the server and generates the dynamic page) is therefore widely used.
It was founded by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994 but in 1995 it appeared on the marketplace. PHP 7.4.0 is the modern version of PHP, released on November 28th. Many important points related to PHP are as follows:
PHP stands for Preprocessor in Hypertext.
It is an interpreted language, i.e., the compilation will not be needed.
It is faster than other scripting languages, such as ASP and JSP, for example.
It is a scripting language on the server-side that is used to handle the website's dynamic content.
This may be used in HTML.
It is a language-oriented towards artifacts.
It is the language of open-supply scripting.
Examining the language is facile and smooth.
You need to have basic skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript before mastering PHP. So, look at this technology for greater implementation of it.
HTML-Using HTML for static website layout.
CSS-CSS makes content material on the website more efficient and attractive.
Html-JavaScript is used for interactive website design.
This PHP tutorial is intended for PHP programmers who are totally ignorant of PHP principles but have a basic knowledge of computer programming.
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phptpoint3 · 2 years
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phptpoint3 · 2 years
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phptpoint3 · 2 years
Free Social Networking PHP Project - Download with source code
Facebook social networking media with dynamic form processing code in PHP.This is a basic PHP script for students and PHP beginners.You can use this PHP project just by extracting the given PHP zip file and make use of it.This Php project is totally free for all kinds of studentsThis PHP project is an example of the functionality of dynamic pages using PHP source code.Throughout this project, JavaScript is used for validations be it simple one or complex. https://www.phptpoint.com/projects/social-networking-project/
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phptpoint3 · 2 years
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phptpoint3 · 2 years
PHP Projects Download with Database | Free PHP Projects
These PHP Projects is combination of Different modules related to different source code and MySql. It‘s involve Planning, designing and implementation.
Project is best if it Fulfill the user requirement . Its take less time during the execution and work smoothly.
This blog usually contains complete PHP projects, which you may download for free in a zip file. All open source php projects that include mysql or other databases. Download free php projects with documentations, including raw, small, and final year php projects.
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phptpoint3 · 3 years
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phptpoint3 · 3 years
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phptpoint3 · 3 years
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phptpoint3 · 3 years
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phptpoint3 · 3 years
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phptpoint3 · 3 years
Add Google reCAPTCHA V3 in PHP contact form
Google has released Google reCAPTCHA v3, a new and improved version of recaptcha. It improves the security of your web forms against spam bots and other sorts of abuse. The spam score is used by Google reCAPTCHA v3, which means that the reCAPTCHA v3 API delivers the spam score of each request based on the user activity.
How to add Google reCAPTCHA V3 in PHP Contact form
In comparison to Google reCAPTCHA v2, this reCAPTCHA v3 is more easier to use because the user does not have to click on the checkbox, which is required in Google reCAPTCHA v2. It simply calculates a spam score based on the supplied data and user activity and determines whether the action is spam or not.
In this PHP TUTORIAL , we'll look at how to use a contact form to implement Google reCAPTCHA v3 in PHP. If you have a contact form or any other type of form on your website and are concerned about spam, you've come to the correct spot. We recommend that you follow this guide all the way through so that you have a thorough understanding of how to defend your forms from spambot attacks.
You can see a demo of Google recaptcha v3 here, and I've prepared a functioning code so you can quickly download Google recaptcha v3 code and incorporate it into your project or application.
Google reCAPTCHA v3 in PHP: Step to step explanationDevelopers are paying greater attention to the newest version of Google reCAPTCHA v3 because it eliminates one extra click in your HTML forms. In your HTML forms, this reCAPTCHA v3 will not display any kind of captcha. This implies it is hidden and will not appear in your frontend forms on the web page; it can only be seen in the right bottom corner.
The spam score is returned by Google reCAPTCHA v3 on each request without the end-user having to do anything. Because Google reCAPTCHA v3 is transparent and does not interfere with user engagement, we may use it anywhere on the website and in user interactions, but it works best when we are capturing user input.
To use Google reCAPTCHA V3 in a PHP Contact form, follow the steps below.
From the Google reCAPTCHA Admin panel, generate a Site key and a Secret key.
In PHP, create a simple contact form.
Create a PHP file that uses the Google reCAPTCHA V3 API to validate the form.
In PHP, create a simple contact form.
To demonstrate Google reCAPTCHA, we constructed a simple contact form in HTML and Bootstrap. We supply a js file that may be used to contact the Google reCAPTCHA API from an HTML form.
<script async src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?render=<YOUR_SITE_KEY>"></script>
We'll replace YOUR SITE KEY> with your produced site key below. We also use recaptcha response as a hidden field, and we'll use a javascript call to replace the value of this input field during runtime. As a result, the Google reCAPTCHA API generates a one-of-a-kind key and saves it in this input field. This value will be used in the PHP file to validate the input and calculate the spam score.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Google reCAPTCH V3 Example</title>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.5.2/css/bootstrap.min.css">
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/popper.js/1.16.0/umd/popper.min.js"></script>
    <script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.5.2/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
    <script async src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?render=<YOUR_SITE_KEY>"></script>
    <div class="container col-sm-5" style="background-color:#ffffff; padding:25px; border: 1px solid #d9d8d8;">
       <h1 style="font-size: 21px; font-weight: bold;">Demo of Integrate Google reCAPTCHA V3 in PHP</h1>
       <form action="" method="post">
       <div id="alert_message"></div>
          <div class="form-group">
             <label for="pwd">Name:</label>
             <input type="text" class="form-control" id="name" placeholder="Enter your name" name="name" required>
          <div class="form-group">
             <label for="email">Email:</label>
             <input type="text" class="form-control" id="email" placeholder="Enter your email" name="email" required>
          <div class="form-group">
             <label for="email">Comment:</label>
             <textarea name="comment" class="form-control" id="comment" placeholder="Enter your comment" required></textarea>
          <input type="hidden" name="recaptcha_response" value="" id="recaptchaResponse">
          <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" class="btn btn-success btn-lg" style="padding: 6px 46px; margin: 16px 0 0 0;">
          <div style="font-size: 12px; padding-top: 12px; color: #808080;">Note: This form is protected by Google reCAPTCHA.</div>
The Javascript code
grecaptcha.ready(function () {
              grecaptcha.execute('<YOUR_SITE_KEY>', { action: 'submit' }).then(function (token) {
                  var recaptchaResponse = document.getElementById('recaptchaResponse');
                  recaptchaResponse.value = token;
We'll now use AJAX to call the PHP file and provide all of the contact form's values to it. As a result, all of the information will be validated, and we will receive a response based on the Google reCAPTCHA API valiadation and spam score.
      $('form').submit(function(event) {
          event.preventDefault(); //Prevent the default form submission
          grecaptcha.ready(function () {
              grecaptcha.execute('<YOUR_SITE_KEY>', { action: 'submit' }).then(function (token) {
                  var recaptchaResponse = document.getElementById('recaptchaResponse');
                  recaptchaResponse.value = token;
          // Making the simple AJAX call to capture the data and submit
                      url: 'submit_enquiry.php',
                      type: 'post',
                      data: $('form').serialize(),
                      dataType: 'json',
                      success: function(response){
                          var error = response.error;
                          var success = response.success;
                          if(error != "") {
                          else {
                      error: function(jqXhr, json, errorThrown){
                          var error = jqXhr.responseText;
Create a PHP file(submit_enquiry.php)This PHP file takes all of the information from the contact form and sends it to Google's reCAPTCHA API. You must replace YOUR SECRET KEY> with the secret key you generated. To generate the spam score, we now use the reCAPTCHA API and send these variables to it.
When you call the API, you'll get something like this:
{ "success": true, "challenge_ts": "2020-11-06T15:31:26Z", "hostname": "localhost", "score": 0.9, "action": "submit" }
if(isset($_POST['name']) && $_POST['name']!="" && isset($_POST['email']) && $_POST['email']!="")
  // This is Google API url where we pass the API secret key to validate the user request.
  $google_recaptcha_url = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify';
  $recaptcha_secret_key = '<YOUR_SECRET_KEY>'; // Add your generated Secret key
 $set_recaptcha_response = $_POST['recaptcha_response'];
  // Make the request and capture the response by making below request.
  $get_recaptcha_response = file_get_contents($google_recaptcha_url . '?secret=' . $recaptcha_secret_key . '&response=' . $set_recaptcha_response);
  print( $get_recaptcha_response);
  $get_recaptcha_response = json_decode($get_recaptcha_response);
  // Set the Google recaptcha spam score here and based the score, take your action
  if ($get_recaptcha_response->success == true && $get_recaptcha_response->score >= 0.5 && $get_recaptcha_response->action == 'submit') {
      $success_msg = "Your message has been sent successfully.";
  } else {
      $err_msg = "Something went wrong. Please try again after sometime.";
} else {
  $err_msg = "Please enter the required fields in this form";
// Get the response and pass it into your ajax as a response.
$return_msg = array(
  'error'     =>  $err_msg,
  'success'   =>  $success_msg
echo json_encode($return_msg);
Now we'll go over how to implement Google reCAPTCHA V3 to a PHP Contact form step by step. To prevent spam, I recommend using this reCAPTCHA in your web forms or in your application.
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phptpoint3 · 3 years
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phptpoint3 · 3 years
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phptpoint3 · 3 years
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phptpoint3 · 3 years
Codeigniter Tutorial for Beginners
What is CodeIgniter?
You spend a lot of time writing the same code over and again when developing a web application. Frameworks provide you a place to start and reduce the amount of code you'll need to create a website.
CodeIgniter is a PHP-based framework, however it is not a PHP replacement. You don't have to abandon PHP just because you're learning CodeIgniter. PHP is a server-side scripting language that may be used to create dynamic web applications.
CodeIgniter includes libraries, a clear interface, and a logical structure for accessing these libraries, as well as plug-ins, helpers, and other resources that make it easier to solve difficult PHP functions while retaining high performance. It shortens the time it takes to create a fully interactive, dynamic website by simplifying the PHP code. It requires PHP 5.2.6 or higher, as well as MySQL 4.1 or higher.
Why you should use CodeIgniterIf you're looking for a framework with a minimal footprint, look no further.
A high level of performance is required.
I'm looking for a framework that doesn't require any setting.
I'm looking for a framework that doesn't rely on the command line.
I'm looking for a framework that doesn't need me to follow stringent code guidelines.
To achieve a more streamlined code structure.
Features of CodeIgniterBecause of its many features and benefits, the
CodeIgniter framework
is in high demand among PHP developers. A web application built with CodeIgniter operates well and quickly. It offers a comprehensive set of features for creating a dynamic web application from the ground up.
Important Features
It is completely free to use
It is free to use because it is licenced under the MIT licence.
The MVC pattern is followed.
Model-View-Controller is used, which separates the logic and presentation elements. The controller receives the request, the model performs the database activity, and the views present the output.
However, with standard PHP scripting, each page represents MVC, which adds to the complexity.
It's light.
It is very light in weight. The CodeIgniter core system only requires a tiny library; however, more libraries may be added dynamically in response to your demands. As a result, it is quick and light in weight.
Create URLs that are optimised for search engines.
CodeIgniter generates clean and search engine friendly URLs. Instead of using a query-based technique, it uses a segment-based approach.
Libraries built-in
It includes comprehensive packet libraries that enable all web-related functions such as database access, form validation, email transmission, image manipulation, and email transmission.
Some other Features
Security and XSS Filtering
File uploading, session management, pagination, data encryption
Flexible URI Routing
Zip encoding class
Error logging
Full page caching
Codeigniter tutorial
is beneficial for both experienced developers and beginners who want to learn how to build websites with creativity and ease using the Codeigniter framework.
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