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Hi Ho! Currently taking request for Canon X Reader, Headcanons, and Oneshots! Find all my fics under #persafic
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persa-fics · 3 years ago
Finally!!! Inquisitor fives story is going live on my AO3! Big thanks to
for helping me co-write this and helping me with the flow and my spelling! I hope you all enjoy the first chapter of Inquisitor fives and stay tuned for more to come!!!
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persa-fics · 4 years ago
Peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Just a small little drabble based off a pb and j :) “What are you making?” Omega soft voice asked, catching your attention as you stood in front of a makeshift kitchen counter. You looked down to the smaller child, eyes full of wonder as she watched you move your hand as you spread jelly against the toasted bread. You smiled and showed her the half of the sandwich you were making, “It’s a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I’m sure you’ve had these before.” It was something you didn’t think much of, clearly the clones must have had a staple meal during their childhood. “Nope, the kaminoans never gave us that. What even is that?” Omega asked, confused on how taken back you were by her response. But before you could even respond, Tech walked in to answer her question. “It’s a type of meal or snack that people would eat when they have nothing else to eat. It consists of bread, toasted or soft, jelly which is made out of mushed up berries from strawberry to grape, and peanut butter which is also mushed up peanuts into a sort of paste.” Tech says, looking over to see that you were making more than one. “And it seems to be our lunch for the day.” You quickly grabbed Tech arm, pulling him close to you so that Omega couldn’t hear you. “Tech correct me if I’m wrong, but did clones at kids never have a pb and j sandwich?” Tech nods, “Of course not, the kaminoans didn’t want us to be near any sugar, artificial or natural. You making us a peanut butter and jelly sandwich was the first time we ever had it. So it would make sense that Omega has never tried it either.” You slowly nodded, turning back to see Omega staring at the sandwich with a curious look. “Well Omega, I think you’ll like this! It’s pretty easy to make, and if none of us is around, you can make this on your own.” You say, continuing on making the sandwiches. Omega watched you, mentally taking notes on how to make it. Once you finished all the sandwiches, you had Omega notify the others to come get lunch. Wrecker was the first to come in, beaming at the sight of his plate stacked with so many sandwiches!!! “Hahaha!!! Thank you y/n!!!” He picked up his plate and shuffled out, making excited noises along the way. Crosshair came in next, picking up the plate with the crustless pb and j. He grunted a soft thank you before leaving the room to his bunk. Hunter and Echo came in and both grabbed their plate, just normal cut less sandwiches.Hunter next to Omega, ruffling her head. Tech grabbed his plate, his sandwich cut up in four pieces. “They all eat their sandwiches in a weird way huh?” Omega asked, grinning when you handed Omega her plate, her sandwich cut in triangles. “They all have a preference, though I think Hunter and Echo are the only one who eats his normally” You say, giving the two a wink. “Give your sandwich a taste, I think you’ll like it!” Omega sniffed it, a bit unsure about it at first. But a little encouraging nudge from Hunter got her to take a nibble. Then that nibble turned into a bit, a happy squeal coming after it. “This is delicious!!! It’s sweet like mantell mix!!” You closed your eyes and smiled for a moment, thankful for the small peaceful moment with this rambunctious group. “I’m glad you like it Omega.”
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persa-fics · 4 years ago
"I am not alone" Part 1
Instead of 50 years, let's make it 30 years from when Kix was found from stasis.
Bad Batch passed away because of their accelerated aging
Omega wears a armor that haves a piece of each original armor
Omega is in her late 30s now
Thank you @shadowlight17 for being my beta reader in this fic!!! You where a huge help with my spell checking and making sure everything was good!!!
It’s been 30 years since the rise of the empire, and Omega had witnessed it all. She watched her fellow clones fall to the empire hands due to the chip, she was trained and raised by the elite squadron known as The Bad Batch, learning all sorts of skills from them before their untimely passing. For the first few years after their passing, Omega felt alone, realizing that she was the last clone from the facility. She never imagined or dream she would meet another who shared her face. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“Ugh… That informant better have been right when she said I would find more supplies in this sector. It's impossible to find Separatist supplies nowadays…” Omega muttered to herself as she came out of hyperspace, reaching the planet Ponemah. It was an isolated planet, apparently the empire never got as far as this planet, and from what the informant had said the ship was practically untouched. Omega made her way down through the atmosphere, following the coordinates that were given to her, and to her surprise she found the old dreadnought ship lying where it had fallen.. “Bingo~” She chirped out, flipping a switch and powering the hyperdrive down. The landing sequence initiated, she scanned the landscape and scowled slightly at the dust stirring up with the disturbance. The ship settled onto its landing gear and Omega swung around, heading for the makeshift armory.
Her armor was a mix of her former mentor’s armor. Echo’s chest plate, Hunter’s helmet, Wrecker’s shoulder and arm pieces, which she had to weld to fit her own arms, Crosshair’s codpiece and leg piece, and last but not least, Tech’s backpack. The rest of their armor was laid neatly on their old bunks, everything in it was kept how it was when her family was last alive. She still didn’t have the heart to touch any of it, especially Lula. Once Omega was geared up, she made her way outside. The dust hitting her visor made it difficult to navigate, but she eventually found her way inside the downed ship. Everything was covered in a thick layer of dust, likely blown in from the surface, but nothing looked too damaged. Thus began her scavenging, everything she found useful she would drag inside her ship so she made sure to leave no room untouched. “This ship is a gold mine! I could probably sell some of this stuff...especially the deactivated droids! I know those will go for a good price.” Omega said to herself as she made her way to the last room of the ship; “I have a good feeling about this one.” She commentated as she forced the door open, shining a light inside the room. It was the most damaged one out of all of the rooms. She was sure she could still rummage and hopefully find something useful. Omega moved broken pieces, crates that had nothing in them, and wires that dangled from the ceiling. Nothing. “Well, that might be that…” The words echoed around the room and she turned to leave. Something tugged in her mind, something screaming that she left something big behind. “....One last look wouldn’t hurt” she exclaimed, turning around and lighting her flashlight once more. She looked over at a specific part of the room where there was a large piece of debris laying against the wall. Omega made her way over and pushed the debris off, gasping out loudly when she saw what was hidden behind it. A human. No, not just any human. A clone. Omega cried out and fell back, her breathing was shaky and she stared up at the pod that held the clone inside of it. How long had he been here, why was he here, who was he!? Those questions would need to be answered later, right now she had to get him out of there. Omega got back to her feet and quickly worked to get the clone out of the stasis pod. He was still in his armor and he was still young, as if he was stopped in time. He was also heavy. “Thank you Wrecker for all those weight exercises!” Omega giggled to herself as she carried the clone back to her ship. Omega had made her own bunk into a small med area. She was grateful that the clone was still alive somehow. She put him on oxygen and stripped his armor off, leaving him only in his blacks. Omega sat on a crate as she kept careful watch over him, his chest rising up and down with each breath he took. “How is this possible…” She muttered to herself. A part of her was worried about this clone. Was he one of the clones that the chip was active and participated in order 66? Or was this clone captured before that… Her questions was about to be answered because the clone began to wake up. Kix eyes shot open, gasping for air and coughing. He was delirious after being in stasis for so long. immediately cried out, “The J-Jedi, I need to get t-to the jedi..!” He coughed, thrashing around on the cot, “Where am I-I?! Jesse!! Rex!!” Omega rushed to his side, holding him down on the bed to not hurt himself, “Breathe trooper!” She says authoritatively, her helmet still on. Kix’s gaze flicked up to the helmet and he stopped thrashing a bit, “H-Hunter…?” He breathed out. Shock and confusion painting a picture on his face. Omega blinked, how did he know Hunter? Omega slowly took her helmet off, meeting the clone gaze. “No… I’m Omega…. You knew Hunter…?” To be continued........
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persa-fics · 4 years ago
Working on something big that includes Omega and Kix :)
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persa-fics · 4 years ago
I will find time to read your works;;; someday,,,,;;;;;;
I don't have much! So take your time stinky :>
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persa-fics · 4 years ago
"You are my Hero"
A Tup fic
I decided to do a response from Tup for my Dogma, "I am not a momster" Fic. We get to see how the little brother really viewed his big brother.
This fic is in a first person view of tup.
Warnings: Slight Angst, Mention of Umbara
Do I start? Ah, alright. Hello, I'm CT-5385 but please call me Tup. I was recently given a holo diary that belonged to my Vod, Dogma. I went ahead and started to listen to it, and I wanted to respond back to him in case I ever see him again... That is, if I see him again....
I remember us growing up, Kamino was always dull, yet somehow you made it far more duller with your constant nagging and reminder of the rules. You would always put my hair up in a pony tail so I wouldn't get scolded, I remember I woke up once seeing you with a razor in your hand and you saying, "You need to follow regulations." I remember how loud I scream and how quick the Alphas came running in.
We both got scolded that night.
You always obeyed every rule, you where by the book, never questioned a order from the higher up. You where the better one out of us, making sure I was kept in line... Heh... You even protected me from the long necks thanks to your insane knowledge of the rules. You always called me reckless, and I'm too relaxed, I can't help it knowing that I had you as my Ori'Vod. You would always remind me how precious I was to you....
How I wish I can hear you say those words again Vod....
When we joined the 501st, I was more excited than you where. We where going to work along side the legendary (and reckless) General Skywalker and Captain Rex, I was so sure that they would help loosen you up, but you proved me wrong yet again.
Tho the tattoo was a bold statement from you, I give you props for that.
Arc Trooper Fives? Of all clones, you deemed he was the reckless one!? Vod, you forgot all about Hardcase ahaha!!! In my opinion, Fives has been the tamest of the group. Speaking about Fives? Hes taken over your role of nagging me and making sure I'm fine, for some reason.... It feels like he adopted me to be his Vod'ika. I guess it makes sense, he lost his little brother and I lost my older brother...
Umbara.... I lost you on Umbara... You, the rule follower, if you where given the order to kiss Krell feet, I feel like you would have done it. Yet you still pulled the trigger.
........ There's still talk about you, even tho its been so long since Umbara... Some calls you a hypocrite, some are still confused by your action... Its whispers, and they would stare at me when they talk about you, as if they're waiting for what I think of you.
The only one I want to know how I feel about you, what I felt when you where taken away, how I feel now? .... Vod, I just want you to be the only one to hear, because you where always the one who picked me up after I fell. You protected me from the long necks, you even went as far as protecting my hair style because you.... Y-You knew how much I liked it long. You where a-always there by my s-side, lifting my spirits up when I failed my exams...
I will never forget that smile of yours when we finally passed and got our armor, I saw the real you, and everytime I feel like I can't go on, I close my eyes and I remember that smile, that smile that I know is waiting for me, somewhere.
Yes you where a nagging old man, yes you where by the book, yes you never let me have one alcoholic drink when we went to 79s (Or in your words, dragged), yes you always scolded me if my hair came undone.
We argued, we fought, we where mad at each other.... But you where always the first to come apologize to me. Your apologies where always the best, you would put my hair down and massaged my scalp until I ended up falling asleep.
I still ask myself to this day, why didn't I do the same to you....
Do you want to know what I think of you vod? Do you think that I hate you and that I'm glad you're gone because I have my "freedom" now?
You're my brother. I would trade anything and everything in the world to be able to tell you that face to face. To hug you once more. To hear your voice again.
We may be clones, but you Dogma...?
You where one of a kind.
And my Hero.
I'll see you soon brother, I promise.
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persa-fics · 5 years ago
"I am not a monster."
A Dogma fanfic
Theres too many bad things for dogma, why not take a look at things from his perspective?
Warning: Angst/Umbara Arc Mention
I am not a monster. I am not a mindless soldier. I am a living being. And I..... I am scared.
All my life since childhood, I was taught to live, breathe, eat, sleep, work, fight, and die for the republic. If not, then I was worth nothing. I would be seen defective and thrown away. I would obey all the rules, listen to my captain, commander, general, whoever was above my rank, I would listen. I didnt want to show weakness to them, I wanted to show them just how loyal I was to the republic.
My brother, Tup, he was more relaxed than I was. Wanting to break the rules at time, but I didnt let him. I didnt want him to be deemed worthless and thrown away. I have to protect him. Protect Tup. Protect Tup from them.....
The 501st legion accepted us in with open arms, making us one of them. I wished they didn't, being under General Skywalker guidance, they where careless and constantly broke the rules. Tup wanted to join in, but I told him to remember the rules. He would listen, but he wouldn't be too happy about it. Captain Rex would tell me to loosen up and not worry, how could I not? He would go along with the General crazy plans.
Arc Trooper Fives, he was the most craziest trooper I met. Constantly bending the rules to fit his needs. He's a arc trooper for kriff sakes, how are you not dead? He's a bad influence on Tup, I do my best to make sure they dont interact much than necessary.
It seems we're being sent to Umbara, another fight with the clankers, another fight trying to stay by the book with the 501st. Tup is excited to blast some clankers, I remind him to stick close to me unless ordered by the General or the Captain, tho they both know by this point to not seperate us.
The first battles of Umbara was tiring, stressful, but it seemed that we may win this. I hope so, I want to get off this planet as soon as I can. Theres so many thing that can go wrong, but unless we go by the book, then we'll live. We'll go home...
General Skywalker was sent back to Coruscant, we're left with General Pon Krell, and he seems to go by the book, tho his casualty count.... Its too high to stomach it. But he goes by the book, he must know what's right and what's wrong. Remember, follower the highest rank.... Follow them and you'll live...
Rex and Fives are getting more and more irritated with Krell, Fives shows it more than Rex tho. They're so used to bending the rules that they forget how things go by the book. Heh. Finally, things may be going better than I expected.
Fives, Hardcase, and Jesse took one of the Umbarans ship, I know they did. "Tup where are they... We have to tell the general." We get up but rex is in our way. I knew it... He would cover for him.
......... I knew what would happen, they disobeyed orders and now they're going to be executed by firing squad. I have to make sure my brothers do it, I have to make sure they're not in the same position as him...... What....? They missed...?
We have intell that the Umbarans have our armor and is disguising themselves as our brothers. Shoot anyone. Make sure to take them down, those where direct orders from Krell...... Why is Rex running in the middle of the battle field. Why is he holding an umba...... No.....
Krell lied to us, we are about to commit treason. I have to step up but... No... What if it was a mistake, our General would never put us in harm way. I have to run from this squadron and stop rex myself.
..... I couldnt do it.....
General Krell just admitted to using us. Using me. Using my loyalty against me. How could he. I did everything he asked of me, I went against my brother to stay loyal. Why. Why. ... WHY.
.... The smell of smoke went in my nose, I realized what I've done. I killed the general. I didnt have orders or permissions. I went.... Against the book...
Reinforcements came, but I was taken away, probably to be court martialed. I'm sorry Tup. I'm sorry I didnt protect you. I'm not a monster. Please dont think I'm a monster Vod'ika... I wanted to live... I wanted to protect you...
I'm not a monster.... Im scared.....
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persa-fics · 5 years ago
Bad batch in Order 66.
Okay so, I was talking to a friend of mines on Instagram and the topic of Bad batch and Cody came up after order 66. So we know that Rex and Ashoka will come up, and potentially even Wolffe. But of course we know Cody will be there.
So here is the thing.... As we all know, the bad batch have high respect for cody right? Even going as far to listen to Rex because of Cody, if not, then we knew how chaotic that would be. So let's take that respect of Cody into order 66.... And by that, I'll make a small fic :)
"Run with us"
Warnings: Angst, heartbreak, tears
Takes place after Order 66.
The news of Order 66 took a good while to reach to the bad batch who where wrapping up a mission on a planet in the outer rim. It was just a regular mission, grab the information, blast some clankers, and get out of there. But today, the air felt... Tense. Hunter could sense something was wrong, and it wasn't a sense of a ambush coming out, it was something far more sinister....
"Is something the matter vod, you seem more tense than usual." Crosshair asked, using a rag to polish up his sniper that got dirty. Hunter sighed out slowly, "Somethin feels off... The air feels more tense, like a string about to snap." He leaned back on boulder that he was sitting against, taking a look up at the sky. "Maybe I still have some adrenaline in me after that battle. But it just feels... Wrong."
Tech was busy logging in the data they managed to steal, looking through each line of text and code, until he got an alert. He raised a brow and took a look at it, his eyes widening at the news. "HUNTER! CROSSHAIR! WRECKER! GET IN HERE NOW!" His brothers hears the panic in his voice, causing them all to get up and rush to his side. Before they could ask what was wrong, they saw in big, bold text.
The men looked at the headline in pure fear, they didn't turn into the mindless clones that many others sadly turned into after seeing the order being executed. No.... They felt like helpless childrens seeing that headline.
"Its a lie." Crosshair was the first to speak, his hand visibly shaking. "Its a lie. We worked with a jedi and he showed no sign of wanting to betray."
Wrecker breathing hitched lightly, having to take a seat. His head, firmly placed in his hands. The Jedi couldnt have done that, what about General Skywalker? He went out of his way to get him a detonator to make his biggest explosion yet....
".... Tech, check to see if the separatist hacked into our communication line, there can be a chance this is a hoax. They could have found out about the order and used it against us." Hunter spoke, placing a comforting hand on Crosshair shoulder.
Tech quickly typed away, trying to find the source. But his hope of it being fake was crushed, he saw the holo video himself.
"Commander Cody, the time has come. Execute Order 66"
"Yes my lord"
Hunter eyes widened in disbelief, the commander he had high respect towards too, executing a horrid Order.... He quickly shook his head, "Everyone, pack your things. We need to head to Cody now." They all quickly grabbed there stuff, got into their ship, and headed off to Coruscant, having small hope that they can get through to their commander.
Upon arrival, all they saw was a flame in the distance, the Jedi temple being surrounded with all sorts of GAR ships. They tried their best to focus on the task on hand, avoiding other troops to not be forced into the killing spree of the Jedis. It was a good while until they found Cody who was barking out orders to his men. Hunter had to lure him into a private area to make sure no one heard of their conversation, which wasnt as hard as he imagined.
Cody had recieved a note from out of nowhere, seeing the bad batch sign on it. He quickly took his leave and left to the empty landing platform, seeing the boys there waiting to talk to him
"Hunter, what do you need. As you can see, I'm currently busy." Cody stated, not even taking the moment to remove his helmet.
Hunter took a step forward, "Comma.... No, Cody. Tell me this is a lie. That the separatist send the order as a way to turn on our jedi general. Please, I cant trust anyone but my brothers and you."
"Lord Palpetine has sent out the order after a group of traitorous Jedi attacked him in his office. The Jedi are traitors to the rebublic." His voice was slowly filling with rage.
"But... But how can a group of Jedi justify the actions for all Jedi? It doesnt make sense!" Tech spoke up, but was quickly shushed by Hunter.
"They where planning to use us to take over the galaxy. To overthrow the Chancellor. Keep speaking out of line and I wont hesistate to execute you here on the spot."
Hunter eyes widened, his hands balling up into a fist. "..... Cody." He took a few deep breaths before continuing to speak. "You know this isnt right. You know your Jedi general would never do this to the Republic." He extended his hand out to Cody, "... Run with us Cody, you don't need to stay here and be used as a pawn by someone who clearly doesnt have anyone but his own intention in mind. Trust me."
Cody head tilted slightly to his hand, hand own hand twitching as it it wanted to reach out and grab his hand.
"You're one of us Cody, we can find out the real reason why this happened. Please, run with us.... You know this is wrong"
Cody head tilted back up, his visor looking in his direction. "Unlike you Hunter.... I'm not defective." His hand quickly reached for his own blaster, but Cross hair was quick to use his sniper to shoot a non lethal shot to his shoulder. Using the time they had with Cody down, they ran to the ship and left the atmosphere.
Hunter repeated the words Cody said over and over in his mind. The man who once celebrated their differences, now looking at them as a piece of garbage. Hunter looked down at the metal floor, and allowed the tears to fall. He lost one of his brothers.
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persa-fics · 5 years ago
Commander Fox X Medic!Reader
Hi! This is my first time writing a fanfic ever! And for it, I chose our lovely boy Fox! Since this is my first time, there might be a lot of mistakes and whatnot, but I'm still excited to share this with you all, and I would love to get input from all of you on how I can do better! Without further ado, enjoy!
"Expendable", oh how you hate that word with a passion. Especially when the clones who ended up under your care at the med bay said it when you scold them on their carelessness on the battle field. The majority of the clones gives you a soft chuckle at the scolding, others would go quiet when they hear how much you care about them. It got to the point where all the clones knew to never say that word around you, knowing they would end up with a lecture, ah yeah all the clones knew.... Well, except for a Commander named Fox who was heading directly to your section.
It was another "Peaceful" protest gone wrong, the commander came in with a broken arm, bruised up face, and a few scratches near his eyes. To shinies, they would be complaining about the pain, maybe even groaning about the broken arm. But not Commander Fox, he acted as if nothing was wrong when he took a seat on the bed bed.
"So what brings you in commander?" You asked, tugging your gloves on.
"Protest gone wrong. A few protestor manages to push me to the ground and stomp on me. My arm got broken in the process." He responded in a rather calm manner.
You couldn't help but blink and be surprised at how calm he was, "I see, I'm surprised you aren't complaining about the pain" you said, taking out bacta patches for the bruises and scratches.
"Why should I complain? I'm a clone, I was made for this. And if I got killed, then I would have been easily replaced. We where made to be expendable."
There it was, that word that made you twitch. Your calm and professional face twisted into a irritated look. Your eyes met the commander stoic face. "Expendable huh."
"Yes, that's what I said y/n"
You firmly placed a patch on his cheek, making him look at you with slight confusion.
"You're not expandable Commander." You begin to say, "You may be a clone but you're still a living a breathing human being whether you like it or not."
Fox rolled his eyes at your comment, "Y/N, we where made to obey orders without question, made to do our job right or die in order to get it right. We weren't made to last long, in a sense... We're just pawns in this war, ready to be used then tossed in the trash when the republic no longer have use for us."
You raised your hand in an attempt to slap him and make him stop talking nonsense. But you had to remind yourself that he already had a brutal beating, slapping him would be like adding salt to the wound. You took a deep breath and carefully placed your hands on his cheeks. His amber eyes looking up into yours with a confused look, but instead of saying something, he waited for you to speak.
"That is not what I see Commander. What I see is..." You took a moment to admire his face, even tho all the clones shared the same face, they still had something that made them unique. "I see... Two eyes to make you see the bigger picture, and to see the beauty around you.... A nose to take in breaths of fresh air... A mouth to speak your mind... And two ears to hear everything around him..." You leaned close, placing your ear against his chest. You could hear his heart beating loudly, causing you to smile. "And I hear a beating heart that's pumping blood throughout your body..." You pulled away and looked at fox, who now had a tint of red spread across his face.
"Why exactly are you telling me this...?" He asked in a soft tone.
"Because you are living, you have the opportunity to use your like for more than being 'expendable'. Everyone haves a choice and that includes you too Commander fox, it doesn't matter if you're a clone or not..." You rested your forehead against his, "I don't want to see you be so reckless and get yourself hurt just because you believe you're expendable... You're important..."
Fox inhaled sharply, then exhaled shakily. No one has shown him this amount of kindness, the tenderness of your hand against his skin made him felt as if he was about to melt. The soft and soothing tone of your voice eases the anxiety that was hidden within him. All his life, he was ready to put his life on the line, to die without a second thought, he was made to be expandable. But you.... You somehow made him rethink his mentality, maybe there is more than data pads and being ready to take a bullet just to protect a corrupt senator.
You where about to pull away until you felt a tug pulling you back in. Your eyes trailed down to see a pair of gloves hands holding you at your waist.
"Let me stay like this for a moment... Please..." He quietly asked, pulling you in closer until you where embraced in his arms.
You nodded and held him back, taking in the scent of soft cologne and old books. You both stayed in each other arm until his conlink went off, making him pull away and answer to a request of his presence. After answering he focused his attention back to you.
"Is it possible to come back again?" He asked, his face reddening more, causing you to smile.
"Of course you can"
Fox nodded and got up, giving a quick fairwell before leaving your section. You smiled as you watched him leave, but your smile quickly dropped and you jumped out of your seat.
"Oh kriff, Fox come back!!! Your arm is still broken!!!"
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