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sunshineonamission-blog Ā· 6 years ago
long time no see
but some random thoughtsĀ 
March 19th 12:24 pm Iā€™m sitting in the theatre office outside Jesseā€™s door because the table is full and Iā€™m kinda trying to write my actor critique paper due tomorrow but im also kinda not trying very hard at all... for some reason I just wanna buy some clothes and bathing suits and call it a day....
I weight 126 pounds?
I weighed myself yesterday for the first time since January of 2018 when I had a doctorā€™s appointment and I weighed 140Ā 
Itā€™s just kinda crazy since I thought I weighed 140 and that the last time I weighed 126 was I think my freshman year of high school. Very interesting.
I love being vegan I feel amazing
I love doing these exercise classes - sometimeā€™s itā€™s wicked hard to be so sore and goin at another one early in the morning but Iā€™m pretty proud of myself.Ā 
AND iā€™m getting abs
and my legs look the same except for a little bitta quad starting and thatā€™s alright cause in general my self confidence about my physical appearance is High at the moment.Ā 
Is it bad that I fully am hoping Daniel comes to three sisters on a night he has time to come over after and is it bad that I fully wanna rip his clothes off and have his hands on me??? IS THAT BAD? I miss him.
AnyWAY Iā€™m setting myself up for such the allnighter and im not even mad about it at the moment causeeeee whatever. sleep is important but i cannot focus on this paper and life goes on
THOUGHT: some time Iā€™m just gonna be like yo. Peri and Elise. Letā€™s go do X. And itā€™s gonna be fun. . . . .... I have to come up with something since Iā€™m SUPER not gonna be like letā€™s get ice creammm but idek if thatā€™s their vibe anyway.Ā 
ooh update! Peri just walked over I wanna be friends:Ā 
I WANT MY SEX IN THE CITY FRIENDS give me people who get it
also peri just made me feel better about this paper i have to zoom in on one scene. okay.Ā 
Maybe we can go to the beach
Picnic beach it? HMMMM stay a night
I wanna do that w Al and my friends!
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sunshineonamission-blog Ā· 6 years ago
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Thursday, Feb 7
And it worked!Ā 
Cloudy cold daylight woke me at like 6:47 even tho I went to bed at like 1Ā 
managed to get myself up and into leggings and my leon tee and to Studio A at Marino by 8am
It was really nice. I was perfectly capable of it. It didnā€™t kick my ass as hard as I thought it would and sure I need more than that if I wanna sculpt my body... but a start is a start. And iā€™m so proud of myself for going honestly and Iā€™m gonna definitely try to do that every thursday because it was the perfect timing and it really just allowed me to wake up and sweat and focus on myself and breathe for a second. Plus! Not a wasted morning!Ā 
Home to shower and get ready. Ate my protein oatmeal. Raining today. Went to intro with vaguely wet hair - we discussed marat-sade. so interesting (It was RSC by the way)Ā 
Then womenā€™s - Dan taught the class today. I totally just organized my desktop and like looked at things to do for our cousins daytrip but Dan was literally a better teacher sorry Margot. AND THEN DISCUSSION LED BY STUDENTS. SO. BASICALLY. TODAY WAS ABOUT BIRTH CONTROL. AND I REALIZED I AMĀ 
P A S S I O N A T E. About birth control.Ā 
- the fact that such undue burden of preventing pregnancy falls to women --> lack of male birth control, etc.
- SLUT SHAMING WOMEN FOR USING PLAN B. One girl said she went to buy it and the guy at CVS saidĀ ā€œYou know condoms are a lot cheaper.ā€ You have no. fucking idea why she needs this, for one thing so you had better fucking Pray that this girl hasnt had a traumatic experience, but this is stressful and embarrassing enough without that comment. And uh. Iā€™m sorry did your sexual partner pay for your birth control? So why the fuck are you responsible for condoms? This girl said her mom said her problem with plan b is that it erases all consequences of sex. you donā€™t even have to think about the consequences. And I said no Im sorry. I donā€™t know why sex has to have consequences. I think that culturally we have moved past sex having consequences seeing as we do have birth control and condoms and all of these preventative measures. The idea is certainly not that sex Should have consequences. But shit happens. Condom breaks. He doesnā€™t pull out in time. You miss a pill one dayĀ Ā and you get worried. Shit happens. There should be no shame in being careful.
At some point I said sorry What the FUCK. And the whole class laughed even Dan who lowkey put his face in his hands sorry Dan hahaha I was LIVID. At the end of the class the girl sitting next to me saidĀ ā€œI love you.ā€ and during the class this other girl saidĀ ā€œIā€™m sorry I donā€™t even know youā€™re name but YEAH.ā€ hahahahahahahaHA.Ā 
Then shop. Changed into gross clothes which Iā€™ll now be leaving there.Ā 
Was so tired. Nothing real to do, too many cooks, ugh ugh ugh, so sucky today. The set is ugly idk why it looks like that. Belly REALLY hurt. Then home. Walked thru Richards to smell the dunks which hurt. I still havenā€™t ordered it.Ā 
Ate yogurt when I got home then some fruit which helpedĀ 
I think Iā€™m still dehydrated but i am Drinking water!
okay Mia soon we will see how it goes. rrr
PS Weā€™re roadtripping for one day to Brattleboro VT me al Jess Jacob on March 2 and I wanna see a shitty basement folk show.Ā 
the sundance film festival starts today. Daniel auditions sasturday. He was supposed to come down friday night. Everything about that hurts. A date I never asked him on.Ā Ā 
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sunshineonamission-blog Ā· 6 years ago
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Up early to write up poetry
Made first vegan yogurt smoothie not bad
I felt like I was dressed as so many eras of myself this day. I had purple leggings which Iļæ½ļæ½ve never really worn but bear resemblance to the ones I wore during Spring Awakening and Much Ado and then promptly swore off of after seeing those photos where I simply looked butass naked. I was wearing my jean jacket, Later style, a white turtleneck, my new $7 fake white lowtops which have a similar vibe as my converse I lost... so .... mid to late senior year, my new green bandana which is simultaneously new and OLD. My new water bottle which is the one from shakespeare. My new scarf which I wore to Boston and got all over danielā€™s clothes which makes me think of my junior year scarf wearing. All around... Yeah I wish Daniel coulda seen me. Hopefully he looks at my VSCO but I kinda doubt it heā€™s not as crazy as me
then class. intro, acting, thtr@NU, poetry
intro we watched marat/sade which was SO MUCH. Brecht&Artaud for a sneaky sneaky combo of grotesque brilliance
Acting we did bad acting which I didnā€™t do big enough then we got our Scenes and Iā€™m playing claire with Marie as catherine in proof for our first scene
I stayed to ask Jesse about summer - BTG used to be 30 and not singing so heā€™s confused and cant really help me get in cause he burned that bridgeĀ  - Shakespeare&co is cool and I should make it my top priority and he can help me - NETC is worth looking into (big auditions)
Thtr@NU was baby pictures
what do i see in that little weirdo riding a bike with stickers on her face? - determination. drive. creativity. focus.Ā  - I wanna be like her when I grow up
When did I unlearn that I can do anything?Ā 
Poetry was whatever as always.Ā 
Then I walked to by CHLOE and called mom about rooming and mia and how I dont want to room with her / sheā€™s been a really bad friend. Sheā€™s made me feel so judged about wanting to transfer, sheā€™s essentially gloated about Daniel and I breaking up and was not supportive in any way during the worst week of my LIFE when I was so sad, it basically felt like her whole vibe was like.. are u done being a pussy yet. Iā€™m really not an idiot. Iā€™m really not. For any reason. Iā€™m kind and Iā€™m smart and I am making conscious choices about my life. Yes Iā€™m a mess. But I have a mom. And I deserve to be a mess. But Iā€™m not a child and Iā€™m not stupid and I really do not need to be condescended to.Ā 
I have to be honest with her before I blow up at her
She texted me why dont u love me I miss u betch and I felt bad we are talking thursday .
by CHLOE is a wonderland I got that taco salad thing and a matcha latte with oatmilk and it was so yummy and I wanna live there. Super loud but thatā€™s okay - pretty emptyĀ 
Stayed til it closed at 9 working on my resume and things
It was pouring. Ran to target. Tried on clothes bought more bars and vitamins and things I thought of I needed.Ā 
On my way out, an at-least-30 year old man came up to me with a scarce beard and a strange accent and saidĀ ā€œHello. I was just talking to my friend and I mentioned that I like you and she said I should come over here and talk to you so Iā€™m doing that. So can I take you out for coffee some time?ā€ And I saidĀ ā€œIā€™m only 18 and I have a boyfriend but Iā€™m flattered youā€™re very nice have a nice nightā€ and jetted. So much for not lying.. but saying you have a boyfriend is generally a safe way to go bc guys like respect other guys more than women so if ur someone elseā€™s property theyā€™re less likely to mess with you AND then their egos arenā€™t hurt so u don;t get knifed on the streets of boston
It was still pouring so I ubered home and the uber driver was this very young hip black man in a turtleneck and he asked how my night was and I described the encounter Iā€™d just had and he said he felt like guys had to tow the line and now and I said honestly I always feel like Iā€™m walking a thin line because no matter what a guy says to me even if itā€™s rude I feel like I canā€™t be rude back or even fully stand up for myself without putting myself in danger. And he was BLOWN AWAY by that. So random but a woke convo on my 8 minute uber ride home.
Into my room
Mia came over and like whatever lounged around I think? WAIT. No that was wednesday. Yesterday I just went home and read some womens and talked to Jesse for a sec and then went to sleep I think - oh and ate my new halo top... no more devon... registered for barre and went to sleep with window open hoping sunlight would wake me cause I took melatonin
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sunshineonamission-blog Ā· 6 years ago
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woke at 10:01. Needing to shower, and to already be at build. So i emailed matthew, got in the shower, went to the bookstore to get awful bar&chia pudding squeeze thing and roll up to shop at like 11:10.Ā 
I painted in the studio theatre on a very tall ladder alone for 4 hours listening to music knowing that the patriots parade was in boston and daniel was most certainly there and feeling pain in my chest
It was like 60 degrees outside
I was there til after 3:30.
Then went to see Jill& Chiara and get my transcript and sweatshirt and give hugs.
Then home to do nothing for a second and be mopey.Ā 
I changed into a springy and cute outfit? i dont even know that it was but I had this feeling like... Daniel is in Boston and while I wonā€™t run into him and while it would actually rip my heart out to run into him and then like awkwardly continue on our own ways... rip my heart out... I was like somewhere in my heart hoping I would run into him looking all cute cause holy moly I miss himĀ 
Took myself to whole foods for my first vegan shopping spree. Bought $97 worth of exciting groceries. So exciting.
Did I have dinner? I simply do not remember. But I did eat a tub of halo top and predictably pass tf out.Ā 
I donā€™t remember anything else at the momentĀ 
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sunshineonamission-blog Ā· 6 years ago
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Dressed weird but kinda liked it.Ā 
Iā€™m simply not gonna remember the detailsĀ 
but intro, womens, poetry.Ā 
Iā€™m behind in poetry write ups and chapter readings and I space out in womensĀ 
I think I then took myself to Bgood where I had the southwest chili lime bowl and looked into summer programs and emailed Jesse.Ā 
Then Beanpot. Wouldā€™ve been fun if I liked my friends. Not that I dislike my friends. Theyā€™re just not fun. Especially Max. God. I was on the end next to max and first and I literally had to move. I love them all but they are so boring. So boring so boring so boring.Ā 
We won
BU vs NEU chants were funny
T home was so crowdedĀ 
I said I wanted to be trashed before the next game and mia saidĀ ā€œI donā€™t wanna be near you. I donā€™t wanna be responsible for you.ā€ LMAO.Ā 
I donā€™t know I think I went home and went to bed?
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sunshineonamission-blog Ā· 6 years ago
Pod Save the Queen
(Still Sunday)
Writing at 12:15am Monday
I didnā€™t feel like I belonged per se, BECAUSE they are all so in it together there and I just am not a part of that but
The energy in that room was so supportive and so There For every artist
And those theses were just brilliant honest collaborative painful funny wow
And so. Distinctly. Personal. It was like each one of them without a doubt could say I have an idea of Who I Am. And this is how I make art.
Thomas was beautiful. He was a beautiful actor and he was like just in his vibe and not trying to be anything else. Really cool
I didnā€™t linger to say hi cause like mostly SOT emotions needing to happen I think.
Walked sketchy way to Emā€™s apartment
It was good and I really love her. In some ways I feel like I just donā€™t and wonā€™t ever know how to interact with her anymore. I feel some need to prove myself? and itā€™s not because of her.
Walked a long ass sketchy way down her dark Allston street to the bus stop and chased down the bus only to have it not stop for me but good news I realized it was the wrong bus when I saw the right bus zoom by on the other side of the Boston busy double road which I ran across and ran to the other bus which happened to be at a red light and clambered on
Some things that stuck with me:
Weā€™re acting like life is a means to an end but itā€™s not a Journey To a Place. Itā€™s like music. You donā€™t play music to get to the end you donā€™t play it to get to a special part you just play.
There is no shame in acknowledging darkness inside of you or in your past. It is the reason I am Joyful now. (Acknowledging it making peace with it)
And there is nothing wrong with you.
writing now from Thursday... yeah while I was writing ^ i missed my bus stop after having to chase down the bus in the first place, ended up at an almost empty orange line stop which wouldve taken me to ruggles and the train just wasnā€™t coming. So I ubered. Got home at 12:50 totally worn out but cā€™est la vie.Ā 
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sunshineonamission-blog Ā· 6 years ago
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Sunday February 3rd
Woke early then fell back asleep
Had a vivid dream that I was walking Danielā€™s street loop with Ian Lobo? Really weird it was like for some reason I had to? And then I got on the subway. And then something about Daniel. And then I woke up and it was 11:19 and iā€™d already missed the workshop and i ran into mom and dadā€™s room weeping and yelling except then I actually woke up and it was like 8:30 am.Ā 
Hard to get up. But eventually did. Got all my plays and clothes I wanted and some jewelry and whatnot all collected.Ā 
9:45 hit the road with dad
I love car rides with dad I literally love them. We had so so many on the way from ballet on the way to school on the way to lowell and weā€™re so similar in how we like to talk and I just really love it.Ā 
We parked at Wentworth fieldā€™s parking lot and I brought my stuff up (mom had bought and packed me curtains to keep the heat in my room) and then said bye
I went to my room and by the way looked super cute today in my prague leggings (who knew) and my new gray sweater and my new white converse sneaksĀ 
Rushed through acts 3&4 and jotted down questions, then hustled to the workshop.Ā 
We first had MOVEMENT WITH VIKTOR. I thought this would mean like,,, you know,,, movement. It meant dance. It meant complicated and very cool dance combo which is long - and then doing it in small groups.
So I went to the front row and struggled through it and went in the first group and practiced on the side and aggressively tried to learn and do and it wasnā€™t amazing but it wasnā€™t atrocious and I am sufficiently proud of myself for how I did --> no big but Viktor was the star of Boston Ballet and his wife was the prima. He is another very Russian man. Now heā€™s a well respected and known choreographer.Ā 
Then we discussed our questions and thoughts about the play with Igor. Then we read again.Ā 
I was Masha again and I see now that that was basically never not the case... I think.Ā 
Matt was Kulygin and really funny. really funny. like he was bad as vershinin and good in this role. Zeke was Vershinin. Not that great but Vershinin is like pretty boring honestly and it should be good.Ā 
honestly this play is so heartbreaking and so fucking funny and Iā€™m so excited and IGOR IS PHENOMENAL AND SO ARE VIKTOR AND JAKOV THIS IS GOING TO BE. SO. COOL. YAY
Tatte for dinner.Ā 
The walk there was full of a weird like anxious joy??? idek. My face is super flushed though I know that check out that pic. PS Iā€™ll fix my hair part at.. some point.Ā 
Oh. basically Bill Maher last night was talking about the climate and how dire the situation is and the biggest way to reduce carbon footprint is to stop eating meat. So. Vegan. Iā€™m vegan. Iā€™ll eat eggs occasionally when I need some protein or whatever.Ā 
And thatā€™s that...Ā 
had the winter farro bowl and it was Filling
I guess Iā€™m seeing Thomasā€™s thesis tonight but Iā€™m terrified im gonna see Mr towers there and I also like am nervous to go in general without Em? but Iā€™m going cause I said I would. I think I;m gonna go home and change.Ā 
thatā€™s all for now
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sunshineonamission-blog Ā· 6 years ago
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Saturday, February 2nd
woke? lateish but like in time?Ā 
Got ready for workshop - couldnā€™t wear my rosĆ© soaked leggings from the night before so wore my kinda stretched out old navy leggings and my black turtleneck because... I am addicted to that sweater
Ryder 372 by 11:45
First an exercise of walking around the space and stopping at the same time as the ensemble without any sort of cue - hard. cool. had to stop in front of people and find ~something you could fall in love with~ about them. Igor is definitely brilliant.Ā 
Then we read through the play. I was masha matt was vershinin and dan lutz who wasnā€™t there was kulygin. Read first 2 acts and talked about the play and I love Igor and it was just really fun.Ā 
Then Jakov came in for the music portion.Ā 
I went first and played the piano and just the first two pages of Paderewski, without repeats. When I finished, other people literally saidĀ ā€œI donā€™t actually play the pianoā€ and that felt so cool.Ā 
Jakov said how about sightread? And I said not my strong suit.... and he put a hard looking, notes bold and close together, piece of music in front of me, and I said no.... and he played the first few notes and I was like no way Iā€™ve played through this and I played really well and he saidĀ ā€œperfect very good. 12 years of playing hmm? very goodā€
Other people played various instruments, turned into a singalong at times, then we went home.
I told Keely about DanielĀ 
I went home for a sec and changed into my flowery dress and orange sweater then dad picked me up so we could go to Janetā€™s bday dinner.Ā 
That was lovely it was so nice to see Janet and EricĀ 
when al walked into the restaurant I immediately started to cryĀ 
gave her a hug and kept my cool
had bad salmon and good mini dessert thing
They got me socks that say fuck off Im reading and thatā€™s hysterical
bathroom with janet I accidentally was really negative about prague... but pointed out that Iā€™ve learned a lot about what I need to work on in my life.Ā 
then LLBEANE with everyone briefly. God I want Eric to have self confidence so badly.Ā 
Burlington mall for like an hour before it closed with Al - bought a new dry brush - sheā€™s so amazing she was like just hyping me up and she also got some cute clothesĀ 
I got some rehearsal sweaters and fake white $7 converse at primark and a dress
then we went to walgreens for snacks then home
Littleton road? Vose Road? my driveway? Daniel. Daniel.
Five-0 on the couch with the fam
Then this is us with mom til 2am
Just really wanted him to see I was home and text me
texted daniel I was homeĀ 
fell asleepĀ 
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sunshineonamission-blog Ā· 6 years ago
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still writing in retrospect from sunday..Ā 
Friday, February 1stĀ 
By the way. There was this moment in the elevator on the way from maxā€™s house to rubenstein (we thought on thursday night we were hanging out at west f but plans changed) when it was february 1st and I was just devastated. February. The first month of the last 16 that I havenā€™t been with Daniel.Ā 
Anyway. Friday.Ā 
I woke up so disheveled and could. Not . Get. Up. Couldnā€™t. Had work to do? Couldnā€™t wake up. finally did. Got ready to go, speed read thru my acting article at home and then at ryder before class- got most of it.Ā 
Acting - the contentless scenes - well received, but we needed way more specificity.Ā 
Then I ran to wollastonā€™s and bought it. The water bottle Iā€™d seen. The one, gray, cracked water bottle Iā€™d seen like the day after we broke up. The exact weird thing I had during Much Ado. That Daniel so willingly filled up and complained about. I got that one.Ā 
Then I met max ben and julia and riana and got in the zipcar and we went to wahlburgers which was fine. Boring... but fine.Ā 
Max zoomed riana back to class but i left my phone at the restaurant so julia and I went back for it then hung out in west elm waiting for them to come back for us I WANT ALL OF WEST ELM TO FURNISH MY FUTURE HOME. AND I WANT THESE MUGS. ONE OF EACH.Ā 
then we drove to cambridge for dessert even though thatā€™s really not where you go for dessert and even though they didnt understand that cambridge is big and we werenā€™t in a nice area. Ended up at cafe nero. Got a mocha. Then to a park to like look at the ice and then run back to the car cause it was cold. Im sorry it just like. So unfulfilling. Not wild enough or grounded enough. No conversation. The spontaneity is like... Iā€™m realizing that I just want fucking spontaneous wild things to happen in my life so Iā€™m just gonna start making them happen. Gonna see theatre on weekdays and get on a train at night and go to the beach gonna live a little. Iā€™ll find those people soon enough i guess. And whenever I get the chance someday Iā€™m gonna take Daniel on an adventure because thatā€™s who I am deep in my bones and my self-doubt and need for validation drowns it out all too often.Ā 
(unfortunately these are not the people I donā€™t think.)Ā 
got home at like 6:30 - read 3 sisters and waited for jesse to call me when he got outta work cause heā€™s having a hard time - had a wonderful phone call with him and was reminded that I have wisdom and itā€™s no small thing that Iā€™m really good at listening and hearing peopleā€™s needs.Ā 
Gonna figure out a time to hang out with Jake Jess and Al
Then Keelyā€™sĀ 
drank white wine on erinā€™s floorĀ 
kaitlyn fiery reminds me of medha
i was so not afraid of anythingĀ 
smoked a little idek if anything happened, ate too much but itā€™s fine
erin exploded sparkling rose on me and keely had to wash my hair and give me new clothes.Ā 
At some point keely asked how daniel was and I said good. I didnā€™t say anything else.
I stupidly texted daniel on the way out telling her about that and then asking him this fear in the pit of my stomachĀ  - had he known it was gonna happen that night - did he want it to? And he got angry and I was so sad but he was so gentle and kind and I went to sleep so sorry when I got home
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sunshineonamission-blog Ā· 6 years ago
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Okay! So Iā€™ve had a few days of just complete and utter crashing into bed for... various reasons! As I write this is it Sunday feb 3rd at 4:33 PM and I am sitting in a Tatte awaiting my grain bowl minus the eggs bc as of yesterday iā€™m vegan but weā€™ll get to that.Ā 
Okay.Ā  Letā€™s see if I can remember...
Thursday, January 31st
Woke in time to shower and prep for Angels. Wore my trouser jeans and my black turtleneck and my gray cardigan to be Harper.Ā 
We met by the tables on 3rd floor of ryder at 9 and rehearsed and solidified.Ā 
in class the show went off... not without a hitch. Several hitches. We all fucked something up somehow. I missed a line... Zekeā€™s lights, whatever.Ā 
When it was over I didnā€™t feel AMAZING and I saw Daniel had texted me saying he was thinking about drive in movies and pooh and he loved me forever and I almost criedĀ 
Johnathan and the class loved our angelsĀ  - the lights - light in the darkness, fighting darkness, Eliseā€™s moment @ end - interesting and effective blocking esp with joe harper diagonal and prior louis in the center - Acting was praised and Jonathan singled out myĀ ā€œno yes no yesā€ moment and how every word i said meant something different and nuanced.Ā 
Felt good!
Interesting and upsetting movie in WMNS called TRAPPED about TRAP laws in the south - super moving. Some people are really amazing.Ā 
Making plans w myself to go to Jugos except oh wait.. uh BUILD?
wasnā€™t prepared. didnā€™t have shop clothes. Debated calling matthew and being like help Iā€™m not coming except i canā€™t call Matthew and I was like stick it out Dev so I went. And improvised. Tiberius, Jonah, wait. Jonas. Jonah. Oops. Ivy and Niki were there. I was a goofball and won them all over and told the stories of my prom and cotil experiences chronologically with the punchline of not knowing how to make a boutonniere.Ā 
Jonah encouraged me to join his improv troupe lol no thanks thirsty boy. Got sketchy vibes from him (not like scary sketchy just like.... u kno?)Ā 
Anyway we didnā€™t have to do much trip to the mailroom whatever.Ā 
Then I genuinely donā€™t remember?Ā 
I went to Rebeccas with Maddie and Max and got a sandwich which was literally just like whole wheat bread deli chicken and avocado and when I got home I entered a coma for like an hour and a half.Ā 
I posted my insta and wished daniel was gonna screenshot it and sent it to me with that blushy emoji but he liked it and it got a lotta love so thatā€™s good enough i guess hehehe
Went to fortnight dressed like Phoebe with weird pigtails idek it was funky and fortnight was like fine and i dipped pretty fast and then friend group ended up in miaā€™s room and mia was a dick and i yelled at her to stop being so angry and we got dominoes and I got a cheeseless sauceless veggie and beef pizza and entered another coma because it was like 3 and i dragged myself downstairs and into bed with makeup on and was out.Ā 
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sunshineonamission-blog Ā· 6 years ago
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Wednesday January 30th (itā€™s now Thursday at 2:01am actually)
new rules: when im in bed not doing homework or reading or somehow bettering myself or being happy, time to call it a night and write this. no need to wait til im bout to fall asleep
this is gonna be shorter cause im dead tired
yes iā€™ve been wearing variations of this same outfit over the past 4 days. Itā€™s my heartbroken but a badass outfit and itā€™s getting me through.Ā 
No really find me someone who makes devastation look this good
up in time to make tea hit wollastons and go to Ryder for 10am little line through with angels. I donā€™t like people who are always late.Ā  Note to self. I like showing up on time or early. I will give myself time to prepare and then have the self confidence to say fuck it if I have to, and I will show up on time. Or early.Ā 
the space buns of As You Like It summer have returned... itā€™s funny they make me think of a different era a little but I have short enough hair again and something had to be done with it. They will become a staple until I decide I donā€™t like them again Iā€™m sure.Ā 
Intro whatever. But I did come up with a cool idea for angels about lights with the shades down in the daylight at the end of class. I ran to tell my group my idea and Zeke said just wondering do you want to be a director? and I was like lol yeah could you tell from my overzealous micromanagement of this entire project??? more on this project later
Acting. I came to kick ass like Jesse told me to. I ended up bossing Lou around because I wanted our scene to be just so. To the point where Lou had to say hey im doing it how im doing it and i was like woah. Thank you for saying that. I am so sorry. I get in such a critical mindset of myself and any group partner. Thank you for saying that.Ā 
Note to self. I cannot control my scene partners. I cannot control my partners. Period. I can only ever control myself. I can respond honestly. I can give my all. Thatā€™s it.Ā 
okay. nervous about those scene but not til friday.Ā 
thtr@NU Janet came. She was cool. Frances made pumpkin bread and i had a piece and a half and that was my lunch and my poor malnourished-of-late body could hardly handle it.Ā 
poetry. whatever? i donā€™t care. But Tiffany is really cool. I wanna be friends.Ā 
then. ryder. Played a baby grand in a practice room. Practiced the paderewski minuet a little. Played waltz&dream with heartache. a little wrong lyrics make you feel my love. A hot sec of my back pocket miss the mountains audition I always use... gotta find someone to help me with my berkshire audition
home briefly
applied makeup because I looked good if a little exhausted and felt like feeling badass-er.
then. dinner 6:30. stwest. I hate the dining hall.Ā 
Frankly? ate like whatever pasta salad and shitty food there was. and then two bowls of lucky charms with shitty rice milk. Then to curry to meet mia. Where I went and threw up in the bathroom and then just stayed there for a while.Ā 
Didnā€™t get any work done there really. Riana came. Is it bad that like Mia really frustrates me right now? I love her but she has a kind of superiority and hostility almost that I honestly really donā€™t like. A good friend doesnā€™t sayĀ ā€œCan I tell you something. Im so glad you broke up with Daniel.ā€ I know you are. But that Really doesnā€™t fucking matter. What matters is that I am shattered. A good friend just knows when to shut up and squeeze your hand. But I donā€™t care because I do know ultimately thatā€™s just who she is and so whatever. Riana gets it.Ā 
then library
listened to some musical theatre and tried to take notes. didnā€™t really. spent lots of time distracted on pinterest.Ā 
the angels project. We had already agreed on not having elaborate or specific costuming becuase we have to do the scene in an ugly classroom. So basically costumes would only look out of place. Plus we have 3 girls playing men. Today zeke texts that heā€™s wearing black pants white shirt red tie. The rest of us are wearing like. Black and gray neutral outfits. I had to text elise because we both feel guilty for perpetually shutting down ideas and frankly thatā€™s why we had to just let the casting work out as it did etc. but. iā€™m glad I have a friend who like. Isnā€™t stupid. And Iā€™m grateful for her quiet calm energy which offsets myĀ ā€œuh uh uhā€ gasp in response to bad ideas hahaha
okay uh then home to do nothing. Except take an extended photo shoot of myself trying to make it look like someone else may have taken it. The walk was torture. I need a real jacket not a jean jacket itā€™s 10 degrees but I wanna feelĀ  like a badass. I Really need it at the moment. Really do.Ā 
Do I want Daniel to text me first? Fuck yeah. Really really weird to me that he hasnā€™t but like itā€™s okay obviously. Thatā€™s more than allowed.
But guess who didnā€™t cry todayĀ Ā 
Someday Iā€™m gonna be ready enough. And Iā€™m gonna feel it in my belly. That itā€™s time. But I am gonna have an instinct. Itā€™s already there and just waiting to give me the go.
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sunshineonamission-blog Ā· 6 years ago
I just wanna say.Ā 
Iā€™m gonna go for it.Ā 
Iā€™m gonna spend my efforts where Iā€™m not miserable.Ā 
Iā€™m gonna be an actor. Iā€™m gonna be a director.Ā 
Iā€™m gonna figure out my style.Ā 
Iā€™m gonna take the reins for once. And forever after that.Ā 
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sunshineonamission-blog Ā· 6 years ago
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January 30th Wednesday 1:38AM
So basically Tuesday
Do i even remember this morning
This morning I woke up and I was just so. Tired. So tired. Like hard to move in a literal way.Ā 
It was either this morning or yesterday - I think yesterday but when I went to open my blinds to let the light in it was like blue. Maybe that was Monday. Anyway.
Last night I slept in the dark with the door completely closed and the kitchen light off. I guess there was nothing scary to me about the dark anymore.
This morning I took a painful shower and I got dressed in my lined mom jeans that Iā€™ve been avoiding and my grey turtleneck, and my denim jacket. I knew Iā€™d sweat through the turtleneck. I was in denial. I packed a bag. I made some tea. I put my last lara bar in my pocket. I walked to Ryder.Ā 
Meeting with Jesse at 8:45. Was amazing.Ā 
I blabbed and he actually made sense of it.Ā 
So. Sounds like you like to make shit.Ā 
If you wanna do the new york thing and pound the pavement for a while you can. If you want to stay in boston... you can.Ā 
ā€œIā€™m not fuckin corporate Northeastern. I want whatā€™s best for youā€
ā€œYou have permission to act. To be a theatre artist.ā€
ā€œI give you permission to not know what youā€™re doing right now.ā€
- Summer. Berkshire Theatre Co. or Shakespeare & Co. or work and make money andĀ ā€œmake a bunch of shit. get your friends. --> his best man runs Shakes, he used to run Berkshire:Ā ā€œitā€™s... grueling. if you wanna kinda pay your dues and train...ā€
- Fall. As many studio classes as possible. Acting 2.Ā 
- Playwriting, Directing, movement at some point, voice& speech, viewpoints
- He said I could get into movement right now. Ugh. Yesterday was the last day to drop a class withoutĀ ā€œwithdrewā€ on transcript.Ā 
- If I wanna do a BFA program and just grind it out and wear black every day and be in a conservatory setting I can- probably not gonna be this year. Thatā€™s okay.
- MFA is an option. Maybe not recommended unless you have a trust fund or a strong desire to teach
-Ā ā€œYour makeup as a human being seems right. To be an actor. You have a seriousness but also a goofiness. You need both.ā€
ā€œFor the sake of your health, just maybe breathe...ā€
ā€œYou have time.ā€
ā€œI know a lotta actors who direct. My wife does. I know directors who act sometimes.ā€
Itā€™s weird right. Youā€™re here for theatre and surrounded by like. STEM majors. Theyā€™re robots.Ā 
Keep the conversation going when I need to.Ā 
Advice for acting & life: donā€™t wait for someone to teach you. donā€™t wait to be instructed. If the opportunity arises to learn and do, do something.Ā 
Kick ass in acting tomorrow.Ā 
ā€œyouā€™re okay. Youā€™re in the right place. in terms of like. mindsetā€
I was really just beaming walking outta there. I was excited. I changed into the acid wash jeans and too tight flowery converse and acadia sweatshirt and made my way to curry while i scarfed down the lara bar
Had like 15 minutes so I sat and researched summer programs a little. Obviously he said berkshire was grueling sooo thatā€™s where I wanna go.Ā  - must do more research and maybe a second more soul searching and then just start prepping
Okay shop for 4 hours. Climbed scaffolding. Super grateful Julia Chase a normal human being was there.Ā  MƤtthewā€™s nice and itā€™s fine. I hate Jenny. Jeanie. Whatever her name is. And that other kid whose name I donā€™t remember but he has an absurdly low voice and a beard and heā€™s tall and heā€™s stupid. I apologize for the strong language. Ultimately I donā€™t hate them I just like can hardly stand being around them because theyā€™re just so cringey and rude and like the combo makes me want to go off. It makes me wanna be like yo. Jennie. I know. And stop holding the screw while you drill. Thatā€™s why you keep bleeding. But we got a lot done and especially when it was just me julia and matthew i really did like save the day with my ideas several times. fun! draining though and hadnt eaten in like a while besides the lara bar
Home. Was gonna research summer while eating my ubereats smoothie bowl because Jugos closed at 5 and it was like 3 and i wanted to sit and eat and research. No thank u Bgood u are a heartbreak at the moment.Ā 
Accidentally didnt put in my address for ubereats. What was in there was Park Plaza. Mhm. Ow. I called to fix my mistake but it was already on the way. 3 miles away. via bike. Angry ubereats biker.Ā 
I went to atm at MARINO and got money out, crying, came back, waited. Called mom weeping. He got here. He was biking away. What? I said hey excuse me he saidĀ ā€œit dropped. It fuckin dropped. Im sorry okay you wont get charged it dropped.ā€ I made him take $10 and apologized for the mistake and he said he was sorry for freakin out, sorry for making me cry. He made me think of Maddie Dinsmore. SO, MUCH. He said youā€™re a female Iā€™m sorry I hate making girls cry and I said oh no trust me you didnt. I said the address I sent it to by accident was just a place I was at with my boyfriend like a month ago and we just broke up and I never order ubereats but i was really hungry so it made me cry.
And he said youre obviously hungry and you didnt even get your food and offered to go get me something from nearer by. He said he was moving to california on friday. I gave him the $10 and said no no thatā€™s fine but good luck in California.
Ā I donā€™t know why I felt the need to overshare to this stranger. I think it was two things. One was that I saw someone who felt very badly and whoā€™d just biked 3 miles and who wasnt getting paid for it. I am a decent liar sometimes. When it seems like the right thing to do. Or at least I have been. But Iā€™m so fuckin done with that. Not a bone in my body had the capacity in that moment to say oh no itā€™s not you I totally just bombed a test I literally just didnā€™t have it in me. But I didnā€™t want this person to have any guilt or sadness from today. So I just told the truth. Because yeah he was mad and it made me cry but ultimately it wouldnā€™t have if not for the circumstances. Because the circumstances made me feel stupid and like essentially I started feeling well enough to eat and okay enough not to be scared to eat or to at least be brave enough to leap that hurdle and the universe said fuck you. You should be hurting. And you tried to eat and this is what happens. I donā€™t believe that to be true. Itā€™s just how it felt in the moment.Ā 
And Iā€™m also just so heartbroken and it couldnt hurt to tell this person that Iā€™ll never see again, who could judge me if he wanted but whose judgment would ultimately have no bearing on my life
Back inside. Back in bed. Talked to mom.Ā 
Made eggs.Ā 
Felt super anxious
In bed totally checking danielā€™s snap map and thinking he was auditioning.Ā 
Iā€™m so glad heā€™s auditioning.Ā 
I wonder if he knew that he couldā€™ve auditioned last week.Ā 
I texted him when he was out and asked. He did. Iā€™m glad.Ā 
We talked for a while. I said more than usual. I dont put the screenshots of texts here because we donā€™t need to torture ourselves.Ā 
I told him I just wanted him to be happy. He asked if id gone to any parties which blew me away because of course not.Ā 
I told him about miss you like hell
I told him about my ubereats experience
I told him I was scared
I asked if it had to be til we were 25 to come back around
I said I wanna take it back
He said he was gonna marry me
He asked if I was okay
He knows.
He told the boys itā€™s only me heā€™s dating ever
I miss him like hell
My heart doesnt beat the same without you
i carry your heart with me (i carry it in)Ā 
Ryder. Piano and singing and writing a song. Curry. HW with mia, my creative dna
Library w max ben maddie rianaĀ 
ava had stopped at maxā€™s lobby cause she was scared of a sketchy van so when i left i walked with max to ava so that we could walk home together.Ā 
Ava thinks she gets it but she doesnā€™t. I appreciate it but she doesnā€™t.Ā 
Iā€™m in bed. This is a no teeth no face wash night but itā€™s okay because no makeup todayĀ 
Iā€™m very tired and itā€™s 2:16 now and time to go to sleepĀ 
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sunshineonamission-blog Ā· 6 years ago
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Monday 1/28/19
1:28 AM
I woke up this morning and it was as if total body exhaustion had replaced all pain. I fell back asleep even though I had work to do and woke again at maybe 8. Then I tried to get dressed. All of my clothes. All of them. Are drenched in him. It took too long to get dressed. I was wearing these jeans friday night. My jean jacket pockets are empty of the love letters I kept in each pocket. He loved and hated this turleneck. But as a look altogether, Iā€™ve never worn it and I didnā€™t feel like my usual self and that helped. Iā€™ve been dressed differently. My denim jacket and black hoodie and walking at a very brisk pace have become the insufficient replacement for any other form of coat. Hoops. I kinda need to feel like a badass artist because happy earth girl isnā€™t here right now.Ā 
Green tea for breakfast. Iā€™ve been good at making tea. Trust me I know. Tea is not breakfast. But eating is fucking hard at the moment. Iā€™m honestly not about to force myself to eat when Iā€™m not hungry. I am stressed enough, I am in enough pain, I do not need to deal with that too. Itā€™s only been 3 days so I doubt itā€™s a big deal. I think my ass mightā€™ve gotten flatter but that could just be the fact that Iā€™ve got no reason to pop it out and take a pic.Ā 
I went to Ryder and worked on my essay and blessed Mia looked over it for me.Ā 
Intro to theatre. Womens. Projector still not working. I have like,,, my own questions about abortion. And theyā€™re totally not askable in that classroom setting. Ugh.Ā 
Hour and 20 minutes to crank out my poetry critiques before class. Made the tragic mistake of opening instagram while I peed and saw the movie was out. The star wars movie that Daniel sent to me on thursday when it was unfinished. On Thursday. Thursday Thursday Thursday.Ā 
Cranked out poetry critiques with tear streaked face as one does, finished with a half hour. Watched the movie. Cried cause I couldnā€™t talk to Daniel about it. Cried cause he didnā€™t text me saying ITā€™S OUT. GO LOOK. Didnā€™t tag me. Not cause heā€™s a jerk but because the rules are different now.Ā 
Itā€™s ironic that I now have this TIME that I can use to Focus on Myself, when that time is just spent Wishing I could talk to him. Thinking of him.
Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost meant nothing to me last Wednesday. Today it made me cry on my yellow legal pad in the very front of the classroom with my head down.Ā ā€œYouā€™d like things to last. Youā€™d like people to stay. But they donā€™t.ā€
I read my poem. Even though Iā€™ve edited it since and not reprinted. But thatā€™s okay. People had interesting feedback but I didnā€™t really care. I thought it would make me cry but it didnā€™t. Thinking of Daniel waiting for me at the airport... yeah that would. But I just let it be a bad poem. They got it for the most part. They had things to say.Ā 
I left poetry and came home. I cried. I called mom.Ā 
I fell asleep for an hour.
I went upstairs and talked to Mia while she got ready for her frat thing. (I went upstairs and got immediately in her bed for warmth while she got ready)
Back downstairs. I texted Daniel when I was thinking of coming home. I told him I loved the movie. I told him it made me cry. That everything makes me cry. He said everything makes him cry. Everything. I told him I was here. I told him I felt like Iā€™d been hit by a train. He said two trains. Iā€™m grateful that I still get to tell him I love him. I love him. I love him.Ā 
Do I have to wait until Iā€™m 24 and I can say okay lets move somewhere letā€™s rent an apartment and get married do I have to wait or can I just check off my list can I just figure out my shit and then go back to him
Am I allowed to be thinking about when I get to go back to him? Doesnā€™t that defeat the purpose. If subconsciously my plans are informed by what might be the path which brings us closer together? Fuck everything honestly. I feel like this is for nothing. I actually feel like this might hurt me. Because if I could figure out what I was gonna do what I wanted to do, which I was already starting to do, on my own, but while dating Daniel, then I would know I have him and if it doesnā€™t work out it doesnā€™t. But I wouldn'tā€™ know that I Might get him back and that every move I make might determine whether or not thatā€™s true. Or how soon that is. My brain and my heart hurt. Everything hurts.Ā Ā 
I got up and packed up and went to Ryder so I could play the piano from 8:30-9. I played and sang to make you feel my love. I might wanna touch up a piano piece for Saturday. My sight reading no longer exists if it ever did...Ā 
I went to the library. Got overwhelmed by my essay. Just fuckin did it. It was bad. Turned it in. Weā€™ll see how it goes. I can beg for extra credit later. Iā€™m not gonna dwell on how I feel about my potential grade in WMNS. Whatever.Ā 
Sat in the room with friends and listened to a combo of miss you like hell and chopin nocturnes.Ā 
I left at like 12:15?Ā 
I walked partway home with Riana who asked me about how my poem went today. Sheā€™s a good friend.Ā 
I decided I donā€™t have a shower in me tonight. I have my meeting with Jesse tomorrow morning at 8:45 and weā€™ll see how that goes. I have my questions and thoughts all written down but Iā€™m such a mess. Weā€™ll see.Ā 
Iā€™m gonna go to sleep now after I drink my mug of water.Ā 
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sunshineonamission-blog Ā· 6 years ago
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sunshineonamission-blog Ā· 6 years ago
Sunday 1/27/19 10:40pm
I woke up this morning and felt empty
But empty implies that it wasnā€™t painful
I felt like my entire body was doing everything it could to keep itself from the inevitable explosion of my heart and my brain. And it was exhausting.Ā 
I wasnā€™t hungry. I havenā€™t been hungry. Even a little bit. The thought of eating is repulsive.Ā 
I got myself up. Put on some leggings and my black hoodie and my jean jacket. I was thinking about the time I wore awful jeans and that black hoodie after hanging out with Janet to Danielā€™s house, the jeans I bought on the way home from Maine with him at the GAP. He thought I was incredible. Thinking about how the pockets of my jean jacket each had a love letter in them since fall of 2017 and they donā€™t anymore. Thinking about how what if this chapstick is the last chapstick Iā€™ll have that Iā€™ve shared with him, that Iā€™ve put on in preparation to kiss him, what if it falls out of my pockets, fuck it, itā€™s not coming with me.Ā 
I drank water out of the empty seltzer bottle I carried home from Miaā€™s last night when I was so sad I fell asleep on her floor while everyone was still there.Ā 
I went to curry and tried to work for a little. I signed up for the classes at the gym here. I wrote down my rehearsal schedule. I am terrified but I think I will be so relieved to be busy.Ā 
Except for the fact that I am exhausted. In a way I canā€™t describe. In that I feel like I could sleep or cry every second but also that my heart is pounding so quickly Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ll ever sleep again.Ā 
I went to lighting hang and the person who taught us - Evey, graduated from BU. They seemed to be in awe of the lack of specificity of classes here and of the outdated lights. It was a nice refresher and Iā€™m (secretly and will ever admit it there) scared of the massive extension ladders but lights are cool.Ā 
Roamed the student fair briefly. Nothin much.Ā 
Curry with Mia to work. I wanted to buy a bar just to eat something so I didnā€™t accidentally die but there wasnā€™t a single one that didnā€™t have so much shit in it so I bought avocado sushi. Ate most of it. Stomach hurt.Ā 
Rehearsal for Angels at 5 - mostly me and sometimes Elise shooting down ideas and making corrections and suggestions.Ā 
I just wanted to talk to Daniel. Just wanted to tell him about it after. Wanted to tell him that Zeke canā€™t act and has the same voice as Connor Bellone and that it was so frustrating but I know that Iā€™m good at this.Ā 
I couldnā€™t.Ā 
When we left I risked it. I texted.Ā ā€œDaniel.ā€ I told him I just wanted to say hi. I told him time was moving slow. I told him it hurt so badly. He told me everything he saw was me somehow. We said we loved each other. We said ow. We said goodbye. I was crying. But I know heā€™s the only person in the world who gets it. Who could truly get it. Because heā€™s the only person in the world who knows what it was like to be us. What it is like to be us. And somehow it helped.
I had to call mom when I got home. I was so exhausted. And so sad.Ā 
I have a lot of work due tomorrow. Iā€™ve wasted a lot of time doing mindless things. I think that thereā€™s a part of me thatā€™s just waiting for something to make me happy and by that I mean I think a part of me thinks if I scroll on instagram enough Iā€™ll find some courage or Iā€™ll laugh or Iā€™ll somehow be connected to him and thatā€™s... stupid. I think part of me is just so scared to face the world right now.Ā 
Mom said make some tea, work for an hour, bang it out, have something to turn in, donā€™t kill yourself over it.Ā 
I boiled water.
I went to pick my tea.
Who knew the wordĀ ā€œchamomileā€ would ever make me cry.
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sunshineonamission-blog Ā· 6 years ago
sunday morning
I woke up yesterday morning and I didnā€™t know so much pain could stay in my body.
I called mom. I needed her.Ā 
My eyes were swollen almost shut from crying.Ā 
Heartbroken. But he didnā€™t break my heart.Ā 
Everyone said the same thing. Mom, Dad, Alex, Amy. If itā€™s meant to be, itā€™ll be. Itā€™ll come back around.Ā 
I picked up my packages at Speare and sat reading the Creative Habit for a second.Ā 
A single lacrosse player in a white helmet and white shoes was practicing with a lax back outside my window and I cried. It wouldnā€™t be Daniel though. Heā€™d still be in his peacoat.Ā 
I went to Miss You Like Hell with Julia
I couldnā€™t breathe getting dressed when I realized Iā€™d worn the outfit I was about to throw on - black tights and my denim dress with my pink bralette with my platform shoes- when I realized Iā€™d created that outfit for the train ride down to Boston winter break to the park plaza. Itā€™d be an easy dress to take off, easy to change into my sexy undies, I was so sweaty when we got the hotel that the entire sides of the dress were soaked from my armpits and we laughed. Change of plans obviously. I wore my new jumper. Iā€™ve never worn it before. I wanted to show him how I looked kinda nice even though my eyes were smaller than usual.
Julia was very kind and listened and understood. It was really important to me that they all didnā€™t just have whatever Miaā€™s version of the story was.
The tickets at the ART were identical to my barbershop chronicles one. I sat with lead actressā€™s boyfriend and mother, who went on about how theyā€™d been dating for 8 years and met in high school show choir. How they were gonna get married and sheā€™d flown in for possible mother-in-law points. How her last show was at the Seacoast Repertory Theatre in Newburyport. That hurts. That hurt a lot. As either mom or dad said after,Ā ā€œCanā€™t make this shit upā€Ā 
The play was incredible. Relevant and necessary and breathtaking. It hurt. And I am in a raw state of being. So everything hurt doubly. When she sangĀ ā€œIā€™m gonna miss you like hell. Thereā€™s a hole in the world in the shape of you. Iā€™m gonna miss you like hell. Thereā€™s a hole in the world in the shape of us.ā€ orĀ ā€œYou are the bread and I am the hungerā€ I wept for this mother and daughter who are real they are real and this story is real. And selfishly, selfishly, I wept for myself. I wept for the loss of the love of my life. I wept for the fact that I couldnā€™t call Daniel after the show and tell him how incredible it was and how I wanna direct something like that.Ā 
At intermission I opened my phone to a long text from Amy. I stood up and suddenly was outside the theatre and I was crying so uncontrollably. Somehow the most painful words there were the first ones.Ā ā€œHi sweetheart. I talked with Daniel today.ā€ Because of everything that meant. Because it means itā€™s real. Itā€™s real. Because it means she talked to Daniel my Daniel about how heā€™s not my Daniel anymore.Ā 
I wish it didnā€™t happen yet. It had to. I wish it didnā€™t happen on that day. I wish it didnā€™t. I wish it didnā€™t. I wish it didnā€™t. I hope he knows I didnā€™t give a fuck about that party. I think he does.Ā 
I hope he feels the way I do, still. I hope that he feels like we did the right thing but God I hope he wants to take it back as much as I do. Thatā€™s selfish. I know that. I donā€™t want him to be in pain and this is the worst pain I have ever felt. Ever. I called Dad when I got home last night and he said it might be permanent it probably is and I screamed that I didnā€™t want it to be. I donā€™t want it to be. I wish I couldā€™ve said Daniel. Wait for me. Live your life. Have fun. Love it. Grow. But wait for me. And the thing is, thatā€™s our hope. He said heā€™ll never not be thinking about me. I believe him. Because I know him, and fuck any hard time Iā€™ve ever had believing him. That boy says only what he means. But I know that life continues. And I want his life to be magical. And I wanna be in it. And I wanna run back to him next week and say was this enough? Is it time?Ā 
But i will see him again. Soon.
I hope we can keep in touch a little. I really think I need that.Ā 
Heā€™s my best friend.
I will never fall out of love with him.
I will always love him.
Right now I miss my best best friend.Ā 
And I can know this: that when I have figured out these things:
How to love myself fairly unconditionallyĀ  -or at least not to hate myself. Not to swallow myself. To be kind.
How to make certain my self-love is fueled by my own satisfaction with Who I Am and not how others praise me.Ā 
How to make my own happiness and not let it hinge upon the satisfaction of others with me.Ā 
How to make choices for myself.Ā 
If not what I want to do for the rest of my life, where Iā€™m going next. What do I want now.Ā 
And then, how to get it.Ā 
When have figured out these things, I will find him. I will knock on his door. Iā€™ll say hi. You are the love of my life. Is it time yet? And maybe it will be and maybe it wonā€™t be but someday it will. Someday, someday, it will be.Ā 
I woke up in my Grinch PJs with makeup contacts bra and two layers of shirts and a feeling like there isnā€™t joy in the world for me.Ā 
I am about to have a productive day and try my very best to get everything done for tomorrow without staying up too late,
Iā€™m gonna try to make Angels fantastic.Ā 
Iā€™m gonna explore some options.
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