peachywincest93 · 58 minutes
Sometimes I think I'm weird for shipping two incestuous brothers, but then I remember there's ppl who ship destiel and I start to feel better😁.
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peachywincest93 · 1 hour
spn headcanon
Ik we see Sam in the same clothes he died in at the end of season two but I have a headcanon that everyday Dean would wash Sam's body and change his clothes for him!! I think Dean's weird little necrophilia self should be talked abt more😂!
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peachywincest93 · 18 hours
Sam and Dean should have been covered in scars!! Ik the logistics of this wouldn't have worked for filming but just imagine. If anyone had good fanart of this plz tag😩👏🏾
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peachywincest93 · 1 day
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This is the type of jewelry Sam should have been wearing during season 1😩!! I'll never forgive the costume department for taking away Dean's little bracelets and the samulet and not giving Sam more jewelry.
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peachywincest93 · 2 days
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weecest summer*
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peachywincest93 · 2 days
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just made this meme, hope you fuckers like it
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peachywincest93 · 2 days
wincest thoughts
A few days ago I had posted a little smth that was an outsiders pov of the boys, and since then it's gotten a lot of love(thank u btw🥹). It has me thinking though why do us wincesties love an outsiders pov so much?Maybe and correct me if I'm wrong here but I think it has to do with the fact that we can relate to those random waitresses or other hunters? Ok so let me explain, ik that when I first started getting into wincest, and mind you I have shipped them from the 1st couple episodes, it was cause of those small touches and longing looks they gave each other. It was the same stuff that tips off others around them that smth about these brothers aren't normal. Yes we see alot more then those outsiders we see the world ending devotion they have for eachother, the self sacrifice, and long declarations of love. But in the the beginning we were once just like those outsiders we noticed that the way these two men look at eachother like all that matters in the world is eachother isnt smth platonic or brotherly at all. We then stayed for all the other crazy shit these two freaks be doing 😭.
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peachywincest93 · 3 days
A little headcanon of mine is that in Sam and Dean's conjoined heaven Dean looks how we see him canonically in the show but Sam is back to his 13-15 year old self. This way Sam can physically be Dean's little brother again because no matter how big he got and how much shit he went through mentally he was still that little boy in both his AND Dean's eyes.
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peachywincest93 · 3 days
I couldn't have said it any better myself👏🏽. I've never got destiel as a ship, sure their are some fun little cute moments between Dean and Cas, but let's be real with ourselves here NOTHING can ever compare to Sam and Dean's relationship. Whether you think its platonic or not. I also agree with alot of the stuff in the later seasons was definitely pander to Destiel shippers. I also don't like how Misha eggs them on. But that might just be a me thing🫤.
i am under the very firm belief that destiel was NEVER supposed to happen. everything that ever pandered to destiel was just because of the fans. it was to make the shippers happy, not because of what the characters were supposed to be. (and NO, cas telling dean he loves him doesnt make it canon. one sided i can agree, but its not canon. “dean wanted to say it back!” NO HE DIDNT?) but samdean was always ALWAYS supposed to be endgame. platonically or otherwise, this is THEIR show. (i dont really like people calling cas the third main character too. he wasnt created with the intention of being important. BUT i do like him as a character. i AM glad he stuck around, but people really over-inflate it all. thats all a conversation for a different day though). since the very beginning, sam and dean have been insane for each other. and that never changed. theyre SOULMATES for fucks sake. there is infinitely more evidence for wincest than any other ship in the show could ever conceive. people calling sam a third wheel to destiel is so fucking delusional imo. salmondean is always the duo and everyone else is secondary to them. they always leave anyone they do get involved with for each other. ship destiel if you want, its cute, but understand it is NOT real. your perceptions of characters do not affect the show.
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peachywincest93 · 4 days
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I know if I'm haunting you
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you must be haunting me
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peachywincest93 · 4 days
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I love possessive stalker!Dean. Not like just the "normal" level of we kinda get a sense of throughout the show. I mean like Dean has gone full Joe Goldberg😭. Ifykyk
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peachywincest93 · 4 days
Do yall know about the "showing up matters" trend on tiktok. That was Dean when he and Sam were younger. He always made sure to come to Sam's little rec soccer games and his dorky middle school plays no matter how big of a role he played🥹.
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peachywincest93 · 5 days
I'm drunk and thinking about teen sam getting drunk for the first time with dean and them both behaving so silly and smitten with each other, play fighting and rolling around on the floor, laughing without reason. then when the laughter dies down they just remain there on the floor staring at each other for a minute. lovesick idiots they don't even know that what they're feeling is "I want to kiss him". they're clueless. and they won't remember any of it the next morning, just the vague feeling of being dizzy and laughing until it hurt and wanting something unnameable
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peachywincest93 · 5 days
I genuinely don't understand how someone can sit through 15 seasons and 327 episodes and not come out shipping wincest🤨? I ain't saying you gotta think their clapping cheeks, but you have to admit there's smth a little weird going on there.
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peachywincest93 · 5 days
fake ass "what's dead should stay dead" man i saw you tenderly monologuing to your brother's corpse while the idea of bringing him back crossed your eyes
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peachywincest93 · 5 days
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Imagine Dean sitting on some old stained leather armchair in some hazy 90s basement, It smells of weed, liquor, and teenage horniness. There's some perky blonde from whatever new highschool their at sitting on his lap but he can't seem to remember her name(was it Heather?Stacy?) it doesn't matter anyways, not when his little brother with his droopy eyelids and impossibly pink puffy lips is high out of his mind dancing in the middle of the room to whatever random 90s grunge song is playing on the worn down stereo( he thinks it's Nirvana?)without a care in the world. He's seemingly unaware of all the eyes on him, but Dean isn't, he sees the way the other people in the basement are staring at his Sammy. Like he's some type of prize to can win. Let's just say Dean drags a stumbling Sam out of that party before the night has even really begun.
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peachywincest93 · 5 days
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I think when Sam is around 14 or 15 and is going through puberty he starts to experience major gender envy and large part of that has to do with Dean. He sees the girls Dean picks up from the bars. He sees their big bouncy curls and their low rise jeans that hug their hips just right, their flat toned stomachs, and their perfect cleavage hidden behind thin lacy tops and well he can't help but feel jealous. Maybe if he looked like that dean would notice him more, see him as smth other than his dorky little brother. So what if he starts buying jeans just a size too small and wearing them low on his hips, so what if he starts wearing mascara on his long doe like lashes and growing out his already long shaggy bangs, and so what if after months he finally musters up the courage to nic a pair of white lace panties from a small boutique in some no name time. It's not like Dean would notice anyways. Right?
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