together they're bittersweet.
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Maybe your soulmate is the one who forces your soul to grow the most? Or maybe it's the innocence of their soul that makes you become addicted.
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bittersweetff · 5 years ago
Hey guys,
 I know I left this story for dead. There really isn’t any excuse. I have trouble being consistent with anything really, but I am trying.
This story is revised, and I happy because it’s gonna touch on two different worlds as they clash with the other. If that makes sense.
Chapter One will be posted tonight right after I post the character list. 
I’ll be writing all weekend, please feel free to speak to me or ask me questions! I don’t have many friends, lol. 
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bittersweetff · 5 years ago
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bittersweetff · 5 years ago
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                  This story is about a girl. Not a regular one, but an emotionally unstable one. 
                   She was convinced she couldn’t be loved because of how ‘difficult’ she was due to her explosive anger and unstable mood swings.
                  Always having to fight for her Mother’s love alongside her siblings and always failing - no matter how hard she tried.
                 Her siblings began to have resentment towards her. Leaving her alone and abandoned. Feelings she knew all too well.
                Her relationships were unstable, always on and off until one of them finally decides to call it quits.
                How could anyone love me when my own Mother struggles to?
                Things were turning upside down in her world. All she wanted to do was escape Hell and live a happy life. While doing so, she finally finds out the hidden truth behind her dysfunctional family and slowly finding love in the midst of it all.
                                            Her name is Oliveira.
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              Him, however, he’s emotionally clocked out. Or what I like to call “emotionally numb.” Nothing to give but the coldness the world had introduced him to. 
              His background was a mystery to anybody and everybody in the outside world. The only person he needs by his side is his twin, Chase. They both grew up as orphans, eventually being adopted by separate families. 
             The found their way back to each other after they were old enough to take care of themselves. Only to be closer than ever.
                 Chase was the goofball, Xavier was jus’ stone cold.
                His only desires was to make his coins and stay out the way. 
                He wasn’t expecting to fall for a girl as hard as he did. He scolded himself for having such feelings. Almost finding every reason not to be attracted to this girl, he somehow fell anyway. Flaws ‘nd all. He stood on that.
                                             His name is Xavier.
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bittersweetff · 5 years ago
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bittersweetff · 5 years ago
there needs to be more awareness brought to BPD and the things we go through on a daily basis. This shit isn’t fun - nobody wants to have this illness nor are we bad people for having it either.
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bittersweetff · 5 years ago
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Zendaya for Lancôme Canada’s Live Your Strength
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bittersweetff · 5 years ago
crazy ass xae. my baby.
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bittersweetff · 5 years ago
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bittersweetff · 5 years ago
you gotta take baby steps to ya’ goals. don’t plan for the future. plan for tomorrow. 
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bittersweetff · 5 years ago
Letter to the Little Girl Lost.
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This story is about a girl.
A young child, a flower not yet turned wild
Sometimes motherless, always fatherless and abandoned on her island. Soon brought to a strange new land. Her mother returned to take her to this new home, some man who was unknown.
Time went on and the girl became unhappy, withdrawn. She was interrupted, disrupted, corrupted, disgusted. Who knew what she’d turn into? What can you do when you’re own mother, flesh and blood grooms you…
At the age of eight, sex shouldn’t be on any child’s brain. Yet it was for Farrah.
A battered and opened wound, torn to become an infection more aggressive than cancer, similar to HIV.
The little girl had an epiphany. Love doesn’t hurt, love doesn’t rape, love doesn’t make you bleed. It isn’t supposed to. How exactly do you break away? How can you feel free? What’s it like? To live without your demons rotting you to the core?
Here is the story of a little girl now a woman. A woman who is broken, with many flaws, but maybe now.. she can heal and learn to love. Love not another but herself, a child, no longer running wild.
This is just the beginning..of a story where a butterfly with torn and tattered wings learned to fly again.
This is a letter to self, to that little girl who’s life was shattered by those she was supposed to trust. That little girl is me.. I love you
With love,
Farrah B, better known as Zuri. 🦋
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bittersweetff · 5 years ago
after i study for this stock exchange thing i would have all time in the world to write. give me a few hours.
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bittersweetff · 5 years ago
it’s really inappropriate to jog around a graveyard.
the fact that your mind even goes there is beyond disturbing.
i’ve never really said how sorry i was.
they’re probably going to think we’re a couple.
i deserve to be happy. i am allowed to move on.
[name], you have to believe me.
look, i know it’s not really my place, but are you okay?
i can feel you judging my driving.
the main fucking problem here is that you don’t like me.
i think you know how to love better than any of us, that’s why you find it all so painful.
i love you, but i’m not sure that i like you all the time.
the only person i’d run through an airport for is you.
you don’t like answering questions, do you?
don’t make me an optimist, you will ruin my life.
you know, the worst thing is that i fucking love you.
i guess i’m just really fucking lonely.
i want someone to tell me how to live my life, because, so far, i think i’ve been getting it wrong.
i just really, really don’t want anyone to make a big deal out of this, okay?
we’re going to have sex, aren’t we?
don’t blame me for your bad choices.
i know i seem mental, but i’m fine.
you’re going to have to talk to me eventually.
i knew you wouldn’t give a shit.
will you stay with me tonight?
do you ever think about [her/him/them]?
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bittersweetff · 6 years ago
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bittersweetff · 6 years ago
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bittersweetff · 6 years ago
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bittersweetff · 6 years ago
lol! here is a lil’ somethin’ until I can bring myself to write a full chapter without going brain dead. this description is really made for the main female role of THIS story.. caia woods.. a lil background for ya’.
@seenoevil-ff; yoooo’. lemme know what you think. lmao.
Zulie Woods grew up in a household that worshiped toxicity and abuse from both parents since she could remember. Her mother simply ‘turned the cheek’ to the abuse Zulie endured mainly from her father - ‘a happy man is a happy home,’ was a saying her mother lived by. Somehow, that didn’t change the warmth she had for her deep down. Anger and torment consumed her heart whole, yet the little girl still trapped inside yearned the feeling to be loved. She couldn’t bring herself to accept the mistreatment from her only family. Denying any and all harsh allegations that were made against her mother, Zulie did the only thing she thought would make the world a better place with the dream to be rewarded with affection. She carries the secret of eliminating her father from the misery she knew as life.
 No remorse, no hesitation. Leading her into seeking comfort from the only thing that put her at ease; drugs, and she loved it.
She fled town shortly after people began to notice the disappearance of her father and was taken under the wing of her uncle whom she saw as a true father figure. He knew her past well and still loved her anyway. He groomed her for the last years as a teenager. Pushing her to be something better in this world of suffering, Zulie vowed to make a new and positive name for herself after she was accepted into UCLA. Although, her demons still haunt her from time to time. 
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bittersweetff · 6 years ago
Pushing thru’ my writer’s block. Proud to say that it’s coming along nicely.
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