peachystarling · 2 years
New post: how the matsunos farts smell
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peachystarling · 2 years
Thanks for the submission, very cool!
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peachystarling · 3 years
what is homo
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peachystarling · 3 years
Todomatsu simply doesn't look right in masc clothes
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peachystarling · 3 years
could you sing me a song, karamatsu? i would love to hear you voice <3
I would love to, my Karamatsu angel. ahem imoni to oreeee.... IMONI........OREEEEEE..... IMO—
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peachystarling · 3 years
[ part 1 ] could i get a matchup please? i'm nonbinary (they/them) and pan, 4'11", 26, curvy with short brown hair and blue/green eyes! i really enjoy drawing, listening to music, playing video games, and playing around with my dog. i'm a really big fan of walking in nature/exploring, especially during winter and fall. i think a chill day for me would be getting up and having a good breakfast, going for a walk and shooting the shit or goofing around around town, maybe go to a park, then go home-
[ part 2 ] - go home to eat a yummy dinner while watching a movie or something. i'm pretty excitable and i like trying new things at least once, though i can definitely be a bit hesitant sometimes if it's too different. most of the time i'd describe myself as easygoing; i like cracking jokes and making fun despite hurdles with moods and anxiety! i think i'm a pretty good listener, too, so i'm always there for someone who needs to talk about something heavy. thank you for your time!! 🥺
(SO SORRY this took awhile to answer, I actually wrote a whole answer out and tried to post it but then in the process of posting Tumblr just kinda yoted it into the void:( here it is now though, hope you enjoy!)
I match you up with Choromatsu! I think you two have enough in common to connect with each other on (such as liking calmer/more indoorsy activities at times) but also enough different to be able to widen his comfort zone a little bit and get him to try new things. You seem like a pretty reliable and kind person who almost anyone could get along with, and I think Choro would really appreciate the fact you would push him to reach his full potential as a person while additionally comforting and supporting him along the way as he tries to be the adult he thinks he should be. He loves how well you can get him to relax when he gets anxious and how good of a listener you are, and he always tries to return the favor for when you get anxious as well.
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peachystarling · 3 years
I guess you could say he got….. cockblocked~ (badum tsss) (x)
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peachystarling · 3 years
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peachystarling · 3 years
which brother would look best in this
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Undoubtedly Karamatsu, have you seen how slutty that man dresses????? The whore jumps out and it makes him glow
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peachystarling · 3 years
tsundere totty
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peachystarling · 3 years
For the drawing request thing maybe a quick doodle of how each brother would react to being proposed to by their s/o?
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quick doodle? girl not from me I work slow as hell
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peachystarling · 3 years
Saw clips of Ichimatsu specifically on my dashboard all the time back in 2016 and it annoyed me beyond belief cause all I cared about was H*talia, wanted to get into a new anime in quarantine and I remembered this show for some reason, watched Melancholy of Osomatsu and saw Jyushimatsu zooming down the fucking river doing the siren sounds and I was like "ah, so this one's a himbo" and I was hooked from then on
im curious what sold this show for you guys? for me it was that "hi mr. flag" "obama??!!?!" clip that got me watching it
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peachystarling · 3 years
how would the boys react to seeing the grubhub commercial? 💞 luv ur blog
Osomatsu - Genuinely had never heard of the app before and now may consider it for the next meal he'd like to order in had he the money for it, doesn't really have a strong reaction to it otherwise
Karamatsu - Confused at first, watches it closely, feels an inexplicable, unpleasant feeling in his chest that makes his face crinkle up. This ad has made the king of painful feel cringe for the first time.
Choromatsu - His eyebrows draw together in mild disgust, mutes the volume on the device and looks away from the godawfulness taking place on the screen in front of him until it ends
Ichimatsu - Doesn't have a visible reaction aside from a noticeably more menacing aura radiating off him for the duration of the ad
Jyushimatsu - Likes it and thinks it's a great ad unironically, always smiles and laughs when it pops up somewhere for him
Todomatsu - Tired of seeing it all the fucking time everywhere he goes online, always presses the "I don't like this ad:(" button and it still never leaves him alone, gets unreasonably angry every time he sees it (as I do)
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peachystarling · 3 years
So glad yall liked the Jyushi credit card scammer chat I made even though it looks like shit!!!!
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peachystarling · 3 years
i love it when ichi and jyushi are drawn without the little eye highlight. like “oh so these two are the ones that are fucked”
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peachystarling · 3 years
For drawing requests if possible could you draw Suuji with one of them comforting the other when they're sad? Thanks!
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jyushi mined at night
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peachystarling · 3 years
do you think maybe you could do a scenario where the sextuplets are supposed to go on a date with their s/o but they cancel last minute bc they’re sick?? :0 like what would the boys do to help their s/o feel better (if anything hevshsbf)
I actually have written about how the Matsus would take care of their sick S/O, which you can read here! I think it's safe to say each one of them would be disappointed cause they love going on dates with you, but mostly concerned about your condition and making sure you're alright.
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