Portland Pedal Power
3K posts
Providing concierge delivery and active advertising by bicycle in Portland. We work with businesses to increase product accessibility & brand recognition! www.portlandpedalpower.com
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pdxpedpow · 6 years ago
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Loving the outdoors! Thanks @thebigfloat for hosting another awesome year! #humanaccessproject #pdxpedpow #willametteriver #tbf9 https://ift.tt/2jLw0Mh
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pdxpedpow · 6 years ago
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Tomorrow's the day! @thebigfloat, we're ready to get in the #willametteriver and play. #tbf9 #RiverLove #humanaccessproject #pdxpedpow https://ift.tt/2l7X6xx
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pdxpedpow · 6 years ago
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Summer's in full swing and @thebigfloat is already so close! Will we see you there? #RiverLove #tbf9 #pdxpedpow https://ift.tt/2JiuKdH
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pdxpedpow · 6 years ago
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Happy 4th of July! Today's a day that can have a lot of meanings and here at PPP we just want to come together with friends and family to enjoy great food. #pdxeats #4thofjuly #pdxpedpow https://ift.tt/2JtaCnV
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pdxpedpow · 6 years ago
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Today is the first day of July and a lot of us at PPP have committed to not using single-use plastics this month. What're you going to give up? #pdxpedpow #plasticfreejuly https://ift.tt/2FKDTcL
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pdxpedpow · 6 years ago
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Remember when we were in the #pdxpride parade in 2017? Super sad to miss being in the parade this weekend but we're there in spirit cheering everyone on for #pride! 🏳️‍🌈🌈❤️����💛💚💙💜 #pdxpedpow #stonewall50 #pdxpride2019 http://bit.ly/2KlSzCL
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pdxpedpow · 6 years ago
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How's that for positioning? Check out our friends at the #humanacessproject as they get ready ready for @thebigfloat for the ninth year! Did you know that the #willametteriver is http://bit.ly/2I3SFNk
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pdxpedpow · 6 years ago
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Less than a week until @digitalsummits gets here. Use code PP50 to save some money so that you can come join us there to learn about digital marketing! #DSPDX #pdx #oregonconventioncenter #pdxpedpow #marketing http://bit.ly/2BadGUH http://bit.ly/2Wt6ugX
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pdxpedpow · 6 years ago
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Summer is almost here! Are you ready for @thebigfloat this summer? The #HumanAccessProject wants to see you all out there! #pdxpedpow #pdxeats #ridertyler http://bit.ly/2YY3iqf
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pdxpedpow · 6 years ago
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What're you doing today? Head down to the Eola Hills Block Party. Join @elvwines as they partner with @bethelheightsvineyard, @cristomwine, @faillawinesoregon, @linguafrancawines and @walterscottwines for an Eola-Amity Block Party. $25 per person at each winery. Exquisite wines and wine-friendly bites offered at each location.” #memorialdayweekend #drinkoregonwine #eolaamityhills #pdxpedpow #lasource #pinotnoir #chardonnay #roseallday http://bit.ly/2X5k0DF
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pdxpedpow · 6 years ago
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Who's ready for Memorial Day Weekend? Only a couple days until the Eola Hills Block Party. Join @elvwines as they partner with @bethelheightsvineyard, @cristomwine, @faillawinesoregon, @linguafrancawines and @walterscottwines for an Eola-Amity Block Party. $25 per person at each winery. Exquisite wines and wine-friendly bites offered at each location.” #memorialdayweekend #drinkoregonwine #eolaamityhills #pdxpedpow #lasource #pinotnoir #chardonnay #roseallday http://bit.ly/30EK6zO
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pdxpedpow · 6 years ago
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Who's ready for Memorial Day Weekend? Only a week to go and plans need to be made! Think about the Eola Hills Block Party. Join @elvwines as they partner with @bethelheightsvineyard, @cristomwine, @faillawinesoregon, @linguafrancawines and @walterscottwines for an Eola-Amity Block Party. $25 per person at each winery. Exquisite wines and wine-friendly bites offered at each location.” #memorialdayweekend #drinkoregonwine #eolaamityhills #pdxpedpow #lasource #pinotnoir #chardonnay #roseallday http://bit.ly/2JuqYiw
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pdxpedpow · 6 years ago
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Have you been #biking to #work for @thestreettrust #bikemorechallenge this month? May is #nationalbikemonth and this person took their bike out to the coolest bike rack. Who knew someone would take the time to #crochet a cover for the bike rack? #bikeoregon #pdxpedpow http://bit.ly/2Q73wIw
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pdxpedpow · 6 years ago
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Who doesn't love a little pop of #color in the heart of Portland? So often the city can be drab and dull, but a little color goes a long way! #riderlevi just had to get this shot. #pdxpedpow #pemcoinsurance #defenderofyournorthwest http://bit.ly/2w4SI4J
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pdxpedpow · 6 years ago
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Looking for somewhere to take #Mom this weekend? Check out @elvwines and snag some of their #lasource #pinotnoir or some of the nearly out of their #rosé for your mom's #RoséAllDay. #MothersDay #weekend #pdxpedpow #drinkoregonwine #winecountry #eolaamityhills http://bit.ly/30ciBgH
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pdxpedpow · 6 years ago
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Big shoutout to @mmmtacospdx for knocking it out of the park! It was a busy week this week with #cincodemayo but they killed it. One of our fantastic vendors helping us bring the best to #pdx. #pdxeats #pdxpedpow http://bit.ly/2YkHrJm
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pdxpedpow · 6 years ago
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What does your mom want for #mothersday ? We suggest taking her #winetasting with our friends @elvwines for their Mother's Day Flight all weekend. Check them out in their tasting room in Dundee and #drinkoregonwine #pdxpedpow http://bit.ly/2VcmaQn
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