pcrkerluck · 1 month
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okay i typed out the memes in my ask and queued them. the plan for today is to start playthroughs of the insom games for the sake of screen grabs. at some point i'll put a starter call up, i s2g. i've also been trying really hard to decide on a self promo image. we'll get there. in the mean time, i'm around. see y'all soon.
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pcrkerluck · 1 month
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of all the things that he could thank May Parker for, a second story wasn't something he considered on the list. at least, not until recently. since fifteen, he's been an expert of stealth. sneaking in and out of just about every window throughout the home. even now, at 26, memories of plotting which to 'vacate the premises' through stuck in his mind. they'd been one of many sources of sentimental smiles while huddled over his small griddle.
he didn't have to do it that way. not anymore.
no more flying from the roof, or soaring out of the bathroom. these last few months, he's committed to less stylish fare. now he could just tiptoe. dodge the creaks in their worn stairs on the way down. after all, his greatest challenge now comes in the form of leaving his live in girlfriend asleep. consistently.
most mornings were simple. ever the early bird, his habits were hard to break. even if 'work' was only as far as the garage, coffee's guaranteed to touch his lips by sunrise. at least on weekdays. schedules were a new luxury of this home life they've carved out. something he cherishes nearly as much as the birthday girl upstairs.
her soft, sleepy singing voice still rang in his ears: thinking of his 'birthday eve' a few nights ago spread that grin nearly to his ears. a sickeningly sweet ( potentially terrifying ) combination of lovestruck and awestricken. while the space wasn't new, it was newly their's. something, again, to say thank you for as the well worn airfryer dinged for the third(?) time. finally ready, he mirrors those familiar dips in the steps right back up. there isn't much that Peter Parker held this much confidence over but ... the smell would wake her up, it always does. wheatcakes stacked three high, dollps of whipped cream and a small side of crispy ( not burnt, shut up) hashbrowns. her favorite had to be worked in somewhere, even if they're deconstructed.
god, she's perfect. somehow she always is. even if he can barely make out an eye crusty or two.
he's whispering, for her peace's sake. " surpriseee ... happy birthday, my love. "
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Call her SPOILED if you want, but MJ had gotten used to the sensation of waking up next to Peter every morning. The warm familiarity of being wrapped tenderly in his arms, knowing she was held tight against the safety of his strong chest before she even opened her eyes. Coaxed into the land of the living by the tickle of his breath on her neck, the smell of his soap mixing with the oils on his skin filling her nostrils. How they'd LINGER in that moment between dreaming and waking everyday for what felt like hours, trading lazy kisses and murmuring sweet nothings before their brains fully began to function.
It was about as close to HEAVEN as the former (current? did podcasting COUNT?) reporter had ever gotten. So finding herself alone, her boyfriend's side of the mattress cold as ice, on her BIRTHDAY? Would've been enough to not just sour her mood but TORPEDO the day entirely... if not for the blurry sight of him, standing at the foot of their bed proudly holding a tray FULL of food.
"Baby ... what's all THIS?" MJ cooed, slowly sitting up as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.
º ✧ 。actually doing some WRITING for @pcrkerluck !
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pcrkerluck · 1 month
headcanon prompts with questions based on plants   &   what they represent in flower language .  happy roleplaying !!  ♡
abatina :   is there anything in life your muse has changed their mind about over time   (   due to becoming more educated on the topic ,   certain experiences  ,   etc .   ) ,    or that they   would   change their mind about under certain circumstances ?  
acanthus :   is your muse deceptive ,   or willing to lie or deceive to achieve certain means ?   why or why not ?   
aloe :   how does your muse handle grief ?
amaryllis :   what is something or someone that your muse takes pride in ?   how do they express that pride ?   
anemone :   how does your muse view the world ;   as a cruel   &   unforgiving place ,   a land full of wonders ,   or something in - between ?  where does that world view come from   (   what experiences ,   life lessons ,   etc .   ) ?  
angelica :   where does your muse draw inspiration in life ?   what motivates them ?
apple blossom :   how does your muse go about expressing or not expressing their sexuality ?  
bachelor’s button :   does your muse actively seek romantic companionship ,   or cherish the liberties of being single ? 
basil :   does your muse have a love - hate relationship with anyone or anything ?
bay tree :   does your muse seek glory   &   accolades ,   or do they favour a simpler ,   more personal life ?  
begonia :   how cautious is your muse ?   are they prone to noticing red flags ,   or paranoid to the point of untrusting most everyone ?   why or why not ?  
belladonna :   how does your muse respond to silence ?   do they take comfort in soundlessness ,   or seek to fill the void with noise ?   
bluebell :   does your muse learn from their past ,   or are they prone to repeating the same mistakes ?  
carnation :   what is your muse’s relationship with their gender ?   how do they express or not express this relationship ?  
chamomile :   what is your muse likely to take away from a painful experience ?   are they one to be haunted by adversity ,   or to use what they’ve gone through to become stronger ?  
chrysanthemum :   how does your muse express romantic love ?  how do they feel about love as a concept ?  
daffodil :   is your muse one to be loyal in relationships ,   or are they likely to quickly move from one bond to another ?
daisy :   did your muse ever feel as though their innocence had been lost ?   what moment in their life could be described as the end of their innocence ?  
edelweiss :   what was the bravest moment in your muse’s life ?  are they known to be courageous from then on ?  
fern :   does your muse believe in magic or cosmic forces ,   or are they more likely to think their life is ultimately a matter of their own control ?  
forget - me - not :   has your muse ever forgotten something that is or was important to them ?   are they afraid of forgetting things like that ?  
gardenia :   is your muse one to confess romantic feelings early on ,   or to conceal them for long periods of time ?  
gladiolus :   describe a moment from your muse’s life that they will never forget .
goldenrod :   does your muse believe in luck or fortune ?  why or why not ?   where do they believe these things come from ?  
heliotrope :   does your muse believe in soulmates ?
hibiscus :   how does your muse view the gentler ,   daintier things in life ?   as things worth preserving   &   caring for ,   or things only bound to wither   &   disappear ?  
holly :   how strong is your muse’s sense of intuition ?  are they aware of it ?   do they ever fear that it is only paranoia ?  
hollyhock :   how strong is your muse’s sense of ambition ?  what’s something they strive for in life ?  
hyacinth :   is your muse athletic ?   does it come naturally to them ,   or have they had to work for their physique and/or skill ?  
hydrangea :   how much does your muse value communication in their relationships with others ?  are they prone to being misunderstood ?
iris :   if your muse could convey one last message to someone they have lost or left behind ,   what would it be ?  
ivy :   what are your muse’s views on marriage ?   do they believe it is something strictly for love ,   or an institution rooted in business   &   social benefits ?   do they desire or have they desired to be married ?
lavender :   how easy is it to gain your muse’s trust ?  once their trust is broken ,   how might one go about mending it ?  
lilac :   what was your muse’s childhood like ?   how has their upbringing affected them as they’ve aged ? 
lily :   how does your muse view their mother ?  
lotus :   has your muse ever felt as though they’ve been reborn ?  have they ever desired the feeling of a fresh start ,   or a better understanding of themself and/or the world around them ?  
magnolia :   describe your muse’s relationship with nature   &   the natural world .  
marigold :   is your muse prone to jealousy ?  how might they handle envious feelings ?  
mint :   does your muse view themself as virtuous   &   moral ?  what do these words mean to them ?
nasturtium :   describe your muse’s relationship with their birthplace ,   or homeland .  
oak :   who would your muse consider the strongest person they know ?  
pansy :   does your muse often reflect on their own actions ?   do they ever think a lot about the past ,   and what they could have done differently ?
parsley :   describe a holiday your muse enjoys ,   and why they enjoy it .
peony :   what would a   ‘  happy life  ’   look like in your muse’s eyes ?
poppy :   what comforts your muse ?
rhododendron :   is your muse receptive to warnings   &   advice given by others ?
rose :   how much does your muse value other people ?   do they wish to have many friends ,   lovers ,   and/or associates ?   are they an easy person to love ?
sage :   what is your muse’s legacy ?   what do they want to be remembered for   &   what might they actually be remembered for ?  
salvia :   is your muse possessive over people or things that matter a lot to them ?  how do they express that possessiveness ,   or lack thereof ? 
snapdragon :   is your muse merciful ?  why or why not ?
southernwood :   how seriously does your muse take themself ?   do they prefer a solemn   &   intellectual atmosphere or do they delight in jokes   &   banter ?  
sunflower :   what brings your muse the most joy in life ?  
tulip :   how does your muse view people in general ?  
violet :   how does your muse respond to betrayal ?
willow :   how does your muse handle sadness   &   depression ?
zinnia :   how has the loss of fallen comrades and/or loved ones affected your muse ?   has it taught them anything or given them any new perspectives ?
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pcrkerluck · 2 months
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made a Miles version of the comic panel redraw so posting them together
again, here's the post that inspired me to draw this
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pcrkerluck · 2 months
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This includes Multimuses with Marvel characters! Personal blogs please do not share, this is for roleplay specific blog please and thank you!
Ideally please put muse names and sources (IE. Steve Rogers/616/headcanon) in the tags to help people find characters they want to interact with when looking through the reblogs! OCs welcome to reblog - just specify 'OC' in the tags, maybe something along the lines of 'shield agent', 'Guardian of the Galaxy', 'Mutant', etc. if you'd like to add additional info!
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pcrkerluck · 2 months
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Andrea Gibson, The Madness Vase
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pcrkerluck · 2 months
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Andrea Gibson, The Madness Vase
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pcrkerluck · 2 months
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we seem to be back on wire. come bug him while he's patrolling , please.
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pcrkerluck · 2 months
Headcanon meme - send me a symbol and I'll describe my muse's...
❣ - hands
❤ - voice
۵ - feet
❦ - lips
ø - eyes
ღ - nose
♮ - body type
♫ - singing voice
✮ - sleeping habits
✉ - texting habits
✿ - laugh
✍ - writing style
⌨ - time-wasting habits
❅ - keeping warm/keeping cool techniques
✎ - taste in music/literature
☤ - self care/first aid habits
✪ - favourite food/eating habits
☁ - ideal holiday
✄ - nervous habits
☂ - sadness
❈ - ideal birthday
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pcrkerluck · 2 months
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" you do what you think is best . . . it's all any of us can. even when it HURTS LIKE HELL. "
independent , headcanon based ' Peter Benjamin Parker ' . influenced by many sources ( movies , comics , cartoons ) although primarily insomniac games' ' MARVEL'S SPIDER-MAN ' series. crossover friendly , oc(s) welcome. established in 2016 - reawakened in 2024. loved for much longer by Limit. heavily affiliated w/ @redhead-reporter. 21+ only !!!
carrd (under construction)
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