Hello there again!
I am in fact, not dead!! I had a big burnout that made me stop posting the last time but here I am again. If you’ve sent me a message or an ask I’m hoping to get through all of them before the end of the weekend so hold onto that thought, my pals!
Thanks for sticking around while I was gone ☺️
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"Wow, I never would have guessed! You don't look autistic at all!" *dramatic sigh*
To other autistic people, what’s the usual kind of responses you get when telling other people that you’re autistic?
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Therapeutic horseback riding??
My mother wants me to start horseback riding for therapeutic purposes. She says it's very calming and helpful for some autistic people, and while I've heard this before, I've only heard it from A$ and other not-so-trustworthy sources. My mother really does want the best for me; She opposes A$, ABA, and other harmful therapies. She's extremely supportive of me being my autistic self. - I was wondering if there were any sources from actually autistic people on horseback riding therapy. I'm open to trying it. I'm actually very excited about it. However, I don't want to get wrapped into a harmful therapy.
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this is the Bun of Spoons. reblog to share in her magics of abundant spoons.
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So excited to go see Tycho
[white nonbinary autistic adult happy flapping and swaying in elz one punch man sweatshirt. Elz is standing in front of a forest shower curtain.]
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@allistics who want to cure autism
It seems that most of the argument on curing autism and other disabilities is that people “don’t want anyone to suffer it”
But here’s the thing about autism. We’re born autistic. We don’t know anything else. And as long as I have access to my coping methods, I’m totally fine.
I’ve been autistic my entire life. I didn’t know it until a couple years ago, but I’ve been finding my own ways to deal with sensory issues since I was born. It’s not really a problem to me. I have soundproof earbuds to block out extra noise. I have a necklace full of perfume in case of a bad smell, stim toys in case I get anxious. I know ASL in case I have a nonverbal shutdown. I know how and where to seek out accommodations for myself if I need them. My autism-related problems are hardly problems at all. They’re just life for me.
So here are the reasons I suffer due to my autism:
when I get overwhelmed but can’t leave the room because people accuse me of being rude
when I can’t plug my ears if there’s a sound I can’t deal with because people accuse me of being rude
when I get ridiculed for stimming in public
when I get ridiculed for whatever my special interest is
when people force me to eat food I can’t eat
when people force me to use spoken English when I’ve gone nonverbal
when people talk down to me because I’m autistic
when people try to force me to do things that my brain can’t handle under the assumption that I can do it if I believe in myself
Notice what all those things have in common? They’re all problems caused by people who don’t try to understand that our brains are different.
We don’t suffer because of our autism. We suffer because of YOU.
So don’t give me that “nobody should have to suffer the burden of having autism” crap. If you actually cared about autistic people, you’d let us be different and try to understand the way our specialized brains work. You don’t care about us. You just don’t want to deal with us.
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I'd love to see some of your chew stims, I think you had a chew necklace, right? If you still make gifs -Neurodeervergent
Posted!! Thank you ^_^@neurodeervergent
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Chewing stims for @neurodeervergent!!! (*´꒳`*) - First gif - chewing with back teeth on stimtastic’s chewable braid pendant in ‘azure’ Second gif - chewing with back teeth on stimtastic’s chewable dulcimer pendant necklace in silver while stroking the silky cord it’s attached to Third gif - biting the silver dulcimer pendant with front teeth and licking the textured back of the necklace Fourth gif - chewing the ends on the azure braid pendant with front teeth
#gif#stim#stimming#actually autistic#autism#autistic#stimmy#chewy necklace#chewing#chewy#chew stim#stim post#particularlyatypicalstims
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For everyone who's sent in stim post suggestions!
Yes! I'm still doing them, don't worry. I don't plan on stopping until y'all have run out of stims for me to do! (^_−)−☆ That being said, I'm slightly behind on my ask box right now. I'm trying my best to practice some of your stim suggestions so I can make them! Please give me time if I haven't gotten around to yours! ^_^ I see them, and they will be up soon enough!!
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Oh my gosh, I can't think of any stim suggestions but I just wanted to say you're really cute omg???? All your stimmy gifs so far have been really #relatable and happy and cute, I'm glad you're doing this :D
Thank you! It means a lot(*´꒳`*)
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Thank you and your blog for existing ❤️
You’re welcome. I try my best☺️Thank you sm♥️
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How do I make friends?? I don't have any but there is a person at my college that is always alone. But sometimes we are alone together. I don't talk well but maybe I could try?? :/
I think talking to the person that’s alone would be a good idea. It’s alright if you seem a little awkward or anything, a lot of people feel that they’re bad at holding conversations. Start off slow.Also, internet friends are great for people who are bad at socialization. I have more internet friends than I do IRL friends. (1 irl friend, 4 internet friends)You can find someone who has the same interests as you and 9 times out of 10 you get a really good friendship out of it.People don’t bite, and if they do, then it’s not your fault; shrug it off. ;)You’ll do just fine.Good luck, friend
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i would like to apologise for the spam i just gave you, I just made my autistic side blog and your posts are just so Good
No need to apologize, friend ^_^
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Honestly when you are reading, turn that reading voice in your head into your favourite character and you will get twice as much done.
Helps if it is you special interest too
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For a Stim Post suggestion, maybe bouncing on your toes/bouncing up and down while flapping your arms or spinning your hands? I do that when I get mega excited or someone has the same special interest I do. OwO
I do the same thing!!It's posted for you :)!!Thank you so much ^_^*happy flaps*
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Jumping/bouncing and flapping for an anon!! (*´꒳`*) This made me so happy to do if you couldn't tell by the smile on my face!~
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Favorite stim: rocking with my head buried in my right shoulder. Idk why but my head always winds up there when I rock so,,,
Made and posted!I hope I did it right (*´-`)Thank you so much! ^__^
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