parkour-and-coffee · 5 days
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parkour-and-coffee · 7 days
Bucky, during WW2: If I die, how much would you miss me?
Steve: it’s cute how you think death can get you out of this relationship
A few years later
Steve: *plummeting the Valkrie in the ocean* See you soon, Buck
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parkour-and-coffee · 7 days
Bucky: are you sure this guy even knows you're in love with him
Steve: I don't know, i've been dropping hints for a while but he never seems to catch on
Bucky: try to be more obvious about it
Steve: how?
Bucky: say something really straightforward like "i'm in love with you"
Steve: i'm in love with you
Bucky: yes exactly like that, if he doesn't get it he's an idiot
Steve: Buck i'm in love with you
Bucky: yes thats perfect but don't say Buck
Steve: no like i'm in love with you
Bucky: it was better the first time
Bucky: jeez don't yell at him
Steve: i- okay
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parkour-and-coffee · 7 days
Steve: Go big or go home.
Bucky, crying: Please for once in your life just go home. I'm begging you. Go home.
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parkour-and-coffee · 7 days
Clint, sticking his head out the vents: You did not
Bucky no-
Bucky: Steve, I want you to know I love you and have since the day I met you, I would do anything to make you happy
Steve: I think self care is hot. Like drinking regularly, eating actually nutritious meals three times a day, sleeping enough every night. That'd make me completely ecstatic
Bucky: I said within reason
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parkour-and-coffee · 7 days
steve: i learned some very valuable lessons from this.
bucky: i'm guessing they are all horrible distortions on the lessons you actually should’ve taken away.
steve: death isn’t real, and I’m basically God.
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parkour-and-coffee · 7 days
Clint: Dude, I've been chasing this target for 24 hours straight and my legs are falling off. Send help. Or pizza. Preferably pizza.
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parkour-and-coffee · 7 days
Bucky: Two bros! Steve: Chillin' in a hot tub! Bucky and Steve, in unison: Zero feet apart 'cause we're GAY AS FUCK!
Sam: I regret showing you Vine.
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parkour-and-coffee · 7 days
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These guys from the hawkeye freefall comics
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parkour-and-coffee · 7 days
Carol: Are any of you straight?
Steve: [Raises hand slowly]
Bucky: [Grabs Steve's hand, interlocks their fingers, and brings it back down]
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parkour-and-coffee · 7 days
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When Steve and I became elected prom kings
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parkour-and-coffee · 7 days
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parkour-and-coffee · 7 days
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remember when the official BBC Three twitter made a Stevebucky fan video?
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parkour-and-coffee · 8 days
Bucky: It's pretty cold outside.. wanna hold hands? We should stay close. Steve, blushing: Okay. Sam: It's fucking summer.
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parkour-and-coffee · 9 days
See ya'll in group therapy then @sapphirerogers @lynlee494 @writethewolvesaway @a-hyperfixating-fanatic
they used to make smackable technology. you used to be able to hit your tv when it didn't work good.
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parkour-and-coffee · 10 days
The original working title for the Captain America trilogy
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parkour-and-coffee · 10 days
besties sign the petition
What if we start a petition (aka protest/movement/pressure building) for Marvel to release the Stevebucky scene from CATWS?
We know that scene in the Quinjet had been filmed. Chris mentioned it. All we need to do is pressurise @marvelentertainment enough. They've got to listen at some point, if we keep insisting strongly enough and for long enough.
If released, it may not undo the atrocity that Endgame was, but it will provide much needed to these two characters and their dynamic after being reunited.
If it is still not released, we will still have made a statement - that we're still an active and thriving fandom and we can come together when needed for a good cause, to do the things one or two of us can't alone.
I know it looks hopeless, and I don't blame you for losing faith. But believe it or not, each of us Stevebuckies have the power to change that. All we need to do is come together, and stay together.
Think about how big we are as a fandom. All we need is unity and reach. I don't have the number of followers needed to get this post to enough people at once, but I can try regardless. Somebody has to start, and if it must be me, I'll do anything needed. It's going to be worth it.
I'll be making this post everyday, or at least as often as I can. I'll be tagging some of my Stucky shipper mutuals here, and I need everyone who sees this and agrees with me (whether you ship them romantically or just care enough about their friendship) to reblog this as many times as you can. Flood their social media.
This protest needs a special tag, so let's call it #ReleaseStuckyCWScene (don't forget this tag; we want those who just want fics or other posts to be able to filter this out if they don't want this)
Should you choose to join me, please make this post frequently and tag Marvel in every post. Do this on all platforms where you're active, regardless of how many people you know and how many followers you have. And please use tags where they're applicable.
Taking one day out of each year to jointly talk about Stucky is not enough. We need to be consistent. I need patience and perseverance from all of you.
I believe in every single one of you. Let's fucking do this. Starting right now.
@mainly-marvel @oneofstarkskids @jjmaybanksgun @slut-for-henry-cavill @stuckyfingers @amarriageoftrueminds @imposterogers @artwinx @capibuck @uninspired-platypuss
(reply here if you want to be on this taglist)
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155 notes · View notes