paperheartconundrum · 4 years
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I thought this was lost. Instead, it was in a box with the plans and materials for all the changes that I want to make to it. Sometimes, I’m so organized that I hide things from myself. 🙈 Since I have this little kit, maybe I will make a sculpture during this pandemic after all. 🤔😁 #sculpture #bandsawbox #art #sculpturekit #lostart #packedupandforgotten #artschool #ilovebandsawboxes #wip #basswood #geometricart #ilovetriangles #sculpturalfurniture (at Knoxville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEM80ZpjdEe/?igshid=1s5aclp7t5wuh
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paperheartconundrum · 5 years
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There are wild blackberries all over and I’m like where is Raphael Peale? He’d love these! 🙈😍 . . . #blackberries #peale #raphaelpeale #arthistory #stilllife #painting #art #foraging #wild #weedsareprettytoo #americanartist #favorite #almostripe (at Lookout Point Dam) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1FpLscgADa/?igshid=np9w4kox1bxn
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paperheartconundrum · 5 years
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Thank you to everyone who came to my show! I hope you enjoyed it! It wouldn’t have happened without all the love and support and @hollymaileykelly helping me cart all the stuff there!! The @utk_sculpture crew and @utksoa family are the best!!! And so glad @aleib_and_well was able to join us from Poland. 🙈🙈🙈 . . . #soloshow #sculpture #installation #art #knoxville #opening #family #firstfridayknoxville #gallery1010 #foundobject #show #exhibition #flowers (at Gallery 1010) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuhV_l3FzbR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4jg0ls818wlt
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paperheartconundrum · 5 years
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A few detail sneak peeks. 🤪🙃 I guess this thing is happening. See you tonight at 6pm! (at Gallery 1010) https://www.instagram.com/p/BudhC7xloSM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xrvhileufgmi
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paperheartconundrum · 5 years
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Bandsaw box work in progress shot — wish it could join my mini monumentals collection. 😎 #sculpture #wip #bandsawbox #firsttime #art #utk #triangles #woodworking #basswood (at University of Tennessee School of Art) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtmOUtzlgiw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=pmnes2tzbm59
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paperheartconundrum · 6 years
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Mini Maynard Project ✅ These kids are great! The big ones and the littles. @jillian.hirsch 🙌🏻🙈 (at Knoxville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqz6zPXlknB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wt6nipyxzamd
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paperheartconundrum · 6 years
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#luluthedestroyer loves her first hotel room. #sleepinsaturday https://www.instagram.com/p/BpuFgZxFfWW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1oae0ccvzpwvx
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paperheartconundrum · 6 years
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Life advice: when your friend gifts you mustard, use it. 👌🏻 #wordstoliveby (at Knoxville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/BozYfJGF731/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qkfz4m5bvmlp
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paperheartconundrum · 6 years
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DIY flashcards. #arthistory #study #utksoa (at University of Tennessee, Knoxville) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoxtTmXFEC7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xtzj0lljizp
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paperheartconundrum · 6 years
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PSA: Beans are an official and scientific way to measure things. #art #sculpture #planning #beans #utk #student #undergrad #intheworkshop #getitdone #itsallinthedetails #pattern #makestuff #makenoise #foundobject (at University of Tennessee, Knoxville) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoByuy4l4s9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=t28ri06qax7y
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paperheartconundrum · 6 years
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Final sculpture from last semester... and I’ve finally had an epiphany about where I want to go next. 🙏🏻 “Frayed” . . . . #frayed #comingapart #building #sculpture #fabric #inside #outside #protective #mixedmedia #art (at University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
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paperheartconundrum · 6 years
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Messy desk = lots of work done ... right? 🤦🏻‍♀️ Time for a cup of tea. #messydesk . . . . . #messywriter #research #arthistory #utk #art #japaneseart #genji #color #fashion #literature #painting #poetry #itsallinthedetails #student #undergrad (at Knoxville, Tennessee)
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paperheartconundrum · 6 years
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So long for now you big beautiful cathedral of science. #summerclass #finals #chemistry . . . #utk #stronghall #summer #hallofscience #STEAM #womenisscience #cathedral #religion #ilovescience #nerd (at University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
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paperheartconundrum · 6 years
The object of art is not to make salable pictures. It is to save yourself… Most people remain all of their lives in a stupor. The point of being an artist is that you may live.
On Fathers Day, the beautiful letter of advice on art and life Sherwood Anderson sent to his young son when he left home to be an artist. (via explore-blog)
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paperheartconundrum · 6 years
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When your art is more interesting on the floor than hanging up... 😂 . . . . #art #sculpture #mixedmedia #inpieces #sundayvibes #sunday #storage #blue #string #photo #frame #reusedmaterials #messy #tangle #threadoflife #yarn #picturethis #tiedtogetherwithstring #memory #brain #neurons #childhood #specimen (at Knoxville, Tennessee)
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paperheartconundrum · 6 years
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#momentomori (at University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
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paperheartconundrum · 6 years
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Last critique for the last sculpture of the semester happened on Wednesday... “Frayed” Can all my finals be making art? 😜🙏🏻 #studybreak #alliwannadoismakestuff . . . . . . #success #finally #poetry #simplicity #fabric #sculpture #art #foundobjects #home #interior #exterior #play #frayed #simplicity #needmorebricks #brick #recycledbricks #steel #poetryinspired #finals #finalsweek #study (at UTK Sculpture)
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