I just want to say as a bisexual enby that all of you pansexual people you're all very valid and I love you!
personally I define my sexuality as "women, men and people who skip that checkbox" but feel more comfortable with bisexual but all of you pansexual people are great! Keep being you! /gen ❤💛💙
And you keep being you! 🤗😘 what a heart warming message ❤ much love sent your way
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happy pansexual and panromantic visibility day my loves !!!
you all are so valid and loved <33
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the best advice i have for any trans dudes out there who are feeling shitty/dysphoric about not being able to achieve believable masculinity is to just....look at guys.
close out of social media, close out of those "gender envy" photosets, purge the idealized 6'2 chiseled abs square jaw image of peak masculinity out of your mind and just look at real men in your daily life.
i will always be under 6 ft. but you know who else will also always be under 6 ft? the delivery guy who dropped off a package at my office today. he was the same height as me.
sometimes my voice can sound high pitched. but you know who also has a high pitched voice? the guy who stood in front of me at the sandwich shop.
my facial hair is patchy. but you know who also has patchy facial hair? like....so many men. especially men who only just started growing facial hair like me.
there are dudes everywhere, and there are plenty of dudes who have features like yours who won't immediately get clocked as "not cis".
when your scope begins and ends at the media you consume, or the images you see plastered on screens or on magazine covers, you're going to get a warped understanding of what's expected of you, and you're always going to fall short if you make that your only criteria for transitioning "properly".
transitioning is second puberty. and just like how cis teenage girls need to stop comparing themselves to photoshopped runway models and cis teenage boys need to stop comparing themselves to the covers of fitness magazines, you also need to stop comparing yourself to unrealistic standards in much the same way.
however you decide to define masculinity for yourself or however masculinity happens to look for you, there's a man out there who also fits that description.
you're transitioning fine.
(note: i'm writing this about trans men bc that's the only perspective i know. but if any trans women have any perspectives they'd like to share, i'd love to hear it)
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Exactly :)
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[Image ID: A screenshot of a text post that has been edited. the username has been covered by scribbles in the pan and bi pride flag colours. The edited post reads, "bi is attraction and pan is attraction. Bisexuals are good, pansexuals are good."]
bi is attraction and pan is attraction. Bisexuals are good, pansexuals are good
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I am always really happy when someone asks me to explain pansexuality. Why? Because it means they want to learn more and would prefer to hear it from someone who identifies as pansexual rather than gather information that may lead them further from the definition pansexuals have of their sexuality. The only way to get people more aware of pansexuality is by telling them what it is, keeping an open mind and - importantly - giving people the room to process and understand it all.
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It may still be to come.
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Worth a shot ;)
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May the 10 of Pentacles bless your account with more money than you can spend. 💵✨
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Gorgeous 🤩
Only one thing y’all can take from trans women. Notes.
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What wonderful news, I'm so proud of Elliot and I think this letter pinpoints some important global issues the LGBT+ community face. Hopefully his courage and shedding light on these matters will open some much needed conversation. Also there will likely be more coverage due to his acting career. I hope others will also support his joy.
Source of images: Elliot Page's Twitter
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9 Famous Faces On The Struggles and Beauty of Being Afro-Latino
Afro-Latinos face many challenges when it comes identity, particularly when people refuse to believe that being Black AND Latino aren’t mutually exclusive experiences.
The Latino identity denotes an ethnicity, which means that Latinos exist in every color and race imaginable – and explaining the difference between race and ethnicity can be quite a cumbersome task to take on on a daily basis. And yet, many Afro-Latinos are often forced to do so after being told they’re not “Latino enough” or being asked to choose between being Black and Latino.
Read more
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#acelove 😍
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Hey it’s ace week and you’re local ace has something to say! I’ve been out as ace for 3 years now and it’s still a big part of my identity that I’m proud of so here’s a lil something for those who need it!
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Haha mine is just a celebration of hibernation - 
“It won’t happen again, but my bed is too comfortable.”
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I think “Hey, fuck you, buddy. I spent the night learning to riverdance,” is going to be my go-to excuse for everything, now. –AW
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Very true. It is not the easiest path but it is the most rewarding so keep doing what you do. Go to sleep proud of what you have done and what you have created, it is the most satisfying snores you could get!
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If you’re someone who wants to make original stuff for people to see, DO IT!!! 
Your worth as an artist is not determined by the number of Tumblr notes you get. Followers are NOT a currency. Don’t worry about instant gratification, because you’re creating something only you can own for the rest of your life! It will take you longer to build up an audience around something that doesn’t have a pre-loaded fanbase. In fact it’ll probably take longer than you think, but you’ll have a much more satisfying artistic career.
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Absolutely love this explanation cartoon series, thank you so much for sharing <3 It helps to explain asexuality to people who aren’t asexual in an open informative manner. 
It has helped me learn a bit more about my brother’s situation, much appreciated 🙏🏽🤩💜
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Note: This isn’t an insult/sassy come back to people to asking valid questions/statements (well maybe a bit sassy lol), none of it’s meant to offend people that are calmly trying to educate themselves to lgbtq+. Questions are always welcome!
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Wages should increase just as inflation, give people an opportunity to create better circumstances for themselves.
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Low-wage workers are not who you think. #Fightfor15
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