p-uppy-p-lush · 3 days
Hello, I am Mohammad from Gaza. The war took my parents and siblings, and I can't bear the thought of losing my three children as well. Can you share my story and donate to help me keep my family safe? 🙏
Hello Mohammad, I'm so sorry that you have experienced so much loss. And I wish for safety for you and your children. For everyone reading this, this fundraiser has been vetted and is on the Vetted Gaza Evacuation Fundraiser List at number 196. I have donated €5 and I urge everyone who sees this to donate or at least reblog.
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p-uppy-p-lush · 7 days
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p-uppy-p-lush · 8 days
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I have to do everything myself, don't I 😒😒
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p-uppy-p-lush · 8 days
While we continue to donate to personal evacuation funds, I think it is crucial to keep in mind that these individuals as well as millions more in Gaza are currently actively in need of basic necessities like food, water, shelter, and medical care. Keeping this in mind, and recognising that there is no way to know when the border crossing with Egypt will reopen, I think our attention should also be on raising funds for organisations currently on the ground who will have the widest impact on the lives of Palestinians who are still enduring the genocide in Gaza.
Below are some verified donation links of organisations that are currently providing assistance for the people in Gaza directly:
Food, water, and shelter
Taawon has launched a campaign to provide support in Gaza through food parcels, shopping vouchers, fresh produce, water bottles and shelter tents.
Watermelon Relief is a project initiated and implemented by a group of activists in Gaza, who work to provide aid to displaced families in Gaza through meals, support and activities.
World Food Programme (WFP) managed to provide assistance to more than 1 million people in Gaza in May by delivering food in shelters, makeshift camps and shops.
Life for Gaza is an initiative through which the Municipality of Gaza aims to provide basic necessities for the people of Gaza such as water projects, waste collection and the reconstruction of roads.
Arab Group for the Protection of Nature (APN) is working to plant farmlands in Gaza through their "Revive Gaza Farmlands" project, through which they had already started planting vegetables, fruits and leafy greens in Gaza.
Purchasing eSIMs is one of the only remaining ways to keep Gazans connected with the outside world, to get their stories out or even enable them to call for help after Israeli strikes.
The Sameer Project is a donation based aid initiative that provides tents, cash aid, diapers and formula for displaced families in Gaza.
Care For Gaza is an organisation that works to provide essential aid such as food packages and cash to deliver to displaced families in Gaza.
Palestine Children's Relief Fund, through their "Gaza Relief and Recovery" campaign, plan to provide essential medical supplies and treatments, as well as food and clean water.
Mutual Aid for the People of Gaza is a fundraiser managed by Mona in Gaza, who personally purchases and distributes basic supplies including food parcels to families in Gaza.
Help Gaza Children is another grassroots effort operating on the ground in Gaza to support families with food, water and clothing.
Medical care
Medical Aid for Palestine (MAP) provides medical supplies and supports healthcare services in Gaza.
Gaza Wound Care is a medical team in a tent in Nuseirat, providing care to children and supporting pregnant women.
Children Not Numbers is an NGO dedicated to providing medical care for the children in Gaza including delivery of medical aid and medical evacuation for children.
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p-uppy-p-lush · 9 days
verified by nabulsi @nabulsi @90-ghost
Hello, my name is Hamza Al-Absi, a 32-year-old from Gaza.
I am a husband and a father of three children. Well, there were three, but I lost my eldest son, Osama, two years ago to leukemia (blood cancer). He deserved treatment for a year and a half, took his chemotherapy, fought the disease, and had a recovery period, but the disease returned, he had a strong relapse, and passed away. I couldn’t treat him again due to the blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip, which even affected patients with urgent, serious conditions. They refused to treat him, and he died in the hands of his mother and beside his younger brother, Saif. My son could have been treated, but when his turn came to get the treatment, it was too late.
I cannot express the pain of losing an eldest son, and my wife still cries for him every day. It’s a continuous pain that never leaves us.
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Since the beginning of the war, we have heard news of children being killed and seriously injured by the insane and savage bombing with rockets and shells, which has not stopped since the war began until today. But thank God, my wife and I and our dear children, “Saif, 3 years old,” and “Rita, one year old,” are still alive.
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We were forced to evacuate our home at the beginning of the war against our will due to the intense bombing that our area was subjected to and the orders to evacuate the area and head to southern Gaza. Our house was bombed with war shells, leading to its destruction.
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Our journey of displacement began, moving several times from one area to another, until we ended up in a tent in the “Tel al-Sultan” area in the city of “Rafah.” You can imagine how difficult life is in a tent. Everything is done with great difficulty; we are forced to use primitive methods to carry out daily tasks. Every day we light a fire to prepare food, and we struggle to provide water for drinking or bathing. Going to the bathroom is a suffering in itself for adults before children, in the absence of toilets suitable for human use.
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The situation worsens with the arrival of summer and the rise in temperatures; the tent literally turns into a “sauna” during the day, especially since my little daughter Rita has started walking on the sand and suffers from pollution diseases, influenza, and other serious diseases that lead to hepatitis.
On top of all that, I lost my job at the beginning of the war and became unemployed due to the total power outage and the lack of internet connection most of the time. I face severe difficulty in providing for my family’s needs amid the crazy price hikes.
We have suffered enough and have been exposed to a lot of fear and panic in the past 7 months. The city of “Rafah” is now threatened with a ground invasion at any moment by the occupation, so I decided to travel and leave Gaza to save the lives of my wife and children.
Time is running out, and we need $15,000 to enable my wife and children to leave Gaza to Egypt via the Rafah land crossing as soon as possible, in addition to the costs of staying in Egypt for 6 months, estimated at ($6,000).
Asking for help is not easy at all, but we believe there is still good in this world. So, I hope you will help us save ourselves from killing and destruction and restore hope to our lives again. I have tasted the bitterness of loss once, and I do not want to taste it again.
We are grateful to everyone who will donate to us, and we appreciate your feelings and support for us.
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p-uppy-p-lush · 9 days
I am Hani Ibrahim from Gaza. I am married and have 6 children. We are suffering from the scourges of war. I had a supermarket and lost my job due to the genocide in Gaza. Now we are living the most difficult days of our lives. There is no work or food and we suffer from famine and scarcity of food and water. Your donation may save us and my children from surviving.
My phone number : +972599850835
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meshil.hane?mibextid=LQQJ4d
Donate or share
Verifed by nabulsi
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p-uppy-p-lush · 9 days
Stop for a while. do not cross . My name is Amna from Gaza. We lost everything, home, dreams, and everything that gives life. My children are living in bad conditions. I ask you to help me for the sake of my children, for the sake of humanity. Those who cannot donate can share the post and link
@occupationsurfer @northgazaupdates @nabulsi @elierlick @evelyn-art-05 @soon-palestine @fairuzfan @bibyebae @riding-with-the-wild-hunt
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p-uppy-p-lush · 10 days
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p-uppy-p-lush · 11 days
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p-uppy-p-lush · 23 days
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p-uppy-p-lush · 23 days
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p-uppy-p-lush · 23 days
Dr. Amal is a young Palestinian mother widowed by the IOF, who kidnapped and murdered her husband. They left her to care for her 2 young children alone, with another on the way, and she is in need of our urgent and unwavering support to raise $15,000 to help save herself and her little ones before time runs out.
Please, if you are able, spare what you can to get her there as fast as possible. She is depending on us, and there is no better place your $5, $10, $15, etc. could be going right now. She is currently at $2,416, with $12,384 left to go. We can’t afford to slack off.
I donated $20 yesterday, would anyone match me?
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p-uppy-p-lush · 23 days
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this year while we all celebrate pride month and celebrate ourselves as well as those who came before us and paved the way for us to do so, we must also think of those in gaza, queer or not, who live every day under a brutal occupation and don’t have that same privilege. happy pride, and may we see a free palestine in this lifetime.
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p-uppy-p-lush · 24 days
السلام عليكم كيف حالك أخي يعطيك العافية ممكن المساعدة في نشر الرايط https://www.gofundme.com/f/please-help-sujood-reunite-with-her-children-trapped-in-gaza?attribution_id=sl:4871a0cc-bade-4f0b-a3e0-ee9f77c70195&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer
Hey guys, I was able to speak with Sujoud here to verify the legitimacy of this fundraiser. It's completely legit. It's also heartbreaking. Sujoud here has been separated from her orphaned children in Ghazzah, whose father was killed by a zionist occupation air strike. They have spent no less than 6 months without either parent, while also having survived the air strike that killed their father. Please help these orphaned children reunite with their mother and brother in Egypt.
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p-uppy-p-lush · 24 days
مرحبا أخوي أنا من غزة وأهلي برفح وعملت حملة جديدة لو سمحت ممكن تنشر لي إياها لأنو ربي يشهد الوضع صعب كتيرر بعد إذنك يخور
Hey guys. I was able to speak with Abed here to verify this fundraiser. It's completely legit. BEFORE clicking on the link I must warn you there is an image of the dead father and husband of the children and wife this fundraiser is seeking to help evacuate.
Do not hesitate to donate.
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p-uppy-p-lush · 24 days
Hello, I'm Nader from northern Gaza. We are currently displaced, my family and I. I hope you can
help us spread our campaign
Hey guys, I was able to speak with Nader here to verify the legitimacy of this fundraiser. It's completely legit! They need 30k to evacuate Ghazzah into Egypt!
Do not hesitate to donate!
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p-uppy-p-lush · 24 days
السلام عليكم
أنا رانيا من قطاع غزة
الآن أنا وزوجي واولادي نازحين إلى الجنوب واتمنى منك مساعدتنا في نشر حملتنا، الوضع كارثي وصعب جدا اتمنى من الله ومنك ان تدعم حملتي وتنشرها هذا هو رابط حملتي
شكرا الك 🙏🏻
Hey guys, I was able to speak with Rania here to verify the legitimacy of the fundraiser. It's completely legit! Do not hesitate to donate!
Her husband suffers from a severe heart condition at the moment and needs immediate treatment!
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