shanceschances-blog · 6 years
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shanceschances-blog · 6 years
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Emperor Lotor
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shanceschances-blog · 6 years
🔹Masked (Altean!Lance Fic)
Altean Lance fic because I need more of him in my life lol (The first chapter is under the cut! I’ll continue it if enough people like it :D There’s also art for it which I’ll link here! The whole fic will take place after season 5 and it starts out right after Allura and Lotor go to that magical Altean world. This started out as a comic but I felt like writing it since I’ve missed writing stories :D I’ll still make art for it because Altean Lance is like my favorite thing in the entire world XD Hope you enjoy! <3)
🔹Chapter 1🔹
Keep reading
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shanceschances-blog · 6 years
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do you think that haggar’s shiro spy cam ever has bad connection and buffers at the most inconvenient of times?
yes, i am in fact implying that keith and lance are being pining and disgusting in front of shiro and haggar tunes in weekly  for that shit
also click on the pics for higher resolution, tumblr hates art
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shanceschances-blog · 6 years
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I just want Coran to be a happy man.
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shanceschances-blog · 6 years
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when was the last time i actually drew shance, let alone a decent gif?
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shanceschances-blog · 6 years
A tiny little one-shot of what I know think happened during the hallway scene between Shiro and Lance (in which they comfort each other).  
Everybody Has Their Bad Days
               "Just… take a breath, okay, Shiro?“ Lance was surprisingly not at a loss for words. He could clearly see the frown etched into the older man’s face, the ripe bags under his eyes. He refused to just stand there and remain silent while Shiro crumpled before him.
               "I,” Shiro began weakly. He seemed to be pondering something very deeply, dark eyes fixed on the ground before him. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. There are some days when I genuinely feel like I’m getting better. But lately, I feel distanced from myself, like… like I’m not me.” He looked up at Lance then, who had taken a seat next to him, listening intently. “You know?”
               Lance opened his mouth to speak, then shut it. No. He did not know what Shiro meant. He wished he could empathize with him, but these days Lance was connecting with himself more than ever. He’d unlocked a new class of weapon on his bayard, he’d risen higher on the training levels. He was excelling in ways he’d never believed he could.
               But Shiro. Shiro seemed out of it. Lance had seen him training just two nights ago and he was out of sync, dropping below his standard level of training.
               "Maybe all your time with the Galra is catching up to you,“ Lance offered, settling a heavy hand on Shiro’s shoulder. Shiro seemed to exhale in content, lean into the touch, but maybe Lance was imagining it. “You tend to bottle up your emotions, maybe you just need to… let it out.”
               "No, that’s not it,“ Shiro shook his head. He hung his head once more, dragging his hands through his hair, then stopped, looking intently at his Galra hand. It seemed to glow in this dimmer part of the hallway, soft hues bouncing off the metal surface and back into his sad eyes. “It’s them. It has to be.”
               "Who? The Galra?“ Lance raised a perfect eyebrow, then teased with a playful chuckle. "They’ve got us all feeling down, man.”
               Shiro didn’t budge. “I don’t really know how to explain it. I’m just not myself,” he continued. “I mean, come on. You saw me earlier. Why did I disagree with the princess’s intuition when, more often than not, it’s deadly accurate?”
               "Oh, Shiro, don’t beat yourself up about th—”
               "And why did I think it was okay to yell at you?“ he hissed through gritted teeth. A silence settled over the two, Lance’s hand still gripping Shiro’s shoulder. He shifted uncomfortably and hesitantly began to retract his hand, a pout on his lips. But then Shiro fingers reached out and tugged his hand back, smoothly slotting it between his own two hands.
               "I’m sorry,” Shiro whispered shakily. Lance could feel his vulnerability, even through the mere touch of their hands. “I’m so sorry… for yelling at you and brushing you off. I don’t know what got into me. I usually trust your instincts. Your feelings. I trust you. And… at the moment, that’s more than what I can say for myself.”
               A strange feeling swirled at the pit of Lance’s stomach. Shit. Shiro must be really out of it to be saying things like that.
               "You,“ Lance wanted to taste it on his own tongue. “You trust me?”
               Shiro tightened his grip on Lance’s hand, his larger ones encompassing Lance’s smaller and more delicate ones in a soothing manner. Lance suddenly wondered why it felt like the tables were turning, the area of focus was shifting, and Shiro was now comforting Lance instead of the other way around.
               "Of course I do,“ Shiro said softly. He raised his head, eyes boring into Lance’s with a burning intensity that sent chills down Lance’s spine, that had his lips parting as he looked at the older man in awe. Had Shiro’s eyes always been so… open? "I don’t say it much, but of course I trust you. I know you think you’re less than capable, but Voltron chose you for a reason, Lance. You’ve proven yourself time and time again. I wouldn’t want anybody else at my side right now.”
               This time, Lance was at a loss for words. Did he really mean that? Surely, he couldn’t. Keith was a far better right hand man than Lance ever was. Certainly Shiro preferred Keith in times like these.
               Shiro seemed to take notice of Lance’s wavering gaze, his underlying doubt. “I mean it, Lance,” he repeated firmly. He removed one of his hands from the shell he’d formed over Lance’s, rested it upon the younger man’s shoulder, and clutched onto the hand still in his lap. Lance instinctively weaved their fingers together, shuffled closer. Shiro welcomed it with a tiny quirk of the lips and tentatively swiped his thumb over Lance’s knuckles.
               They sat like that for a few long seconds, fingers intertwined, Shiro’s warmth seeping through Lance’s very core. He couldn’t fathom what had overcome them both, why they were suddenly having this heart-to-heart and why it felt so damn right. But he gave up trying to figure it out and instead lunged into Shiro, arms winding around his neck and pulling him close.
               Shiro’s body tensed up for a moment and he sat there, rigid as a rod, until he felt Lance exhale contentedly against him. There were fingers gripping the back of Shiro’s head, a hot breath brushing against his ear; it was like an anchor. He melted against Lance, gave in to the urge to gather him in his arms, and pressed into him. Their cheeks grazed against one another when Shiro nuzzled closer, a gesture that had Lance’s breath hitching. He could feel the delicate stroke of Lance’s eyelashes as the younger man fluttered his eyes open and began to speak.
               "I don’t know what’s going on with you, Shiro,“ he admitted quietly. "But I know you wouldn’t intentionally do anything that would put us or the mission in danger.” He nuzzled himself closer to Shiro. “Everybody has their bad days.”
               And although Shiro knew deep down that something larger was playing a role in all this, he allowed himself to relax in the confines of Lance’s embrace, even if it was just for a few moments.
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shanceschances-blog · 6 years
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Lance: call me a furry because I’m attracted to that
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shanceschances-blog · 6 years
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This could be the end of everything
So why don’t we go
Somewhere only we know
My shance entry for a dead zine, so here y’all go! :^D Needed some more shance up in this blog and Keane is still my go-to band for emo Shance feelings
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shanceschances-blog · 6 years
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shanceschances-blog · 6 years
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If you didn’t read this in Slav’s voice you’re lying.
Credits to Laco.ite on instagram
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shanceschances-blog · 6 years
For the fic prompts, how about post battle shance + the quote “I thought I lost you”?
( @soyouthinkyoucanshance I wasn’t sure if you meant post battle Shance in that they get together after said battle? So I kind of interpreted it that way…. But here, have a snippet that actually turned into a LONG drabble!!
The loud clash of metal on metal wasn’t enough to muffle the set of gasps that crackled through Black’s comm as Shiro slammed his galra fist onto his Lion’s console. The following warning growl that echoed around him was enough for the paladin to uncurl his fingers and stroke the dash in brief apology.
As if sensing his distress, Black quieted, accepting her paladin’s actions grudgingly. Shiro couldn’t blame her irritation, but at the moment he had other things on his mind besides his uncharacteristic outburst and the others’ reaction to it.  
Like the fact that they’d lost sight of Lance in battle.
The blue paladin had followed orders beautifully, going as far as destroying a good fourth of the attacking fleet on his own before they’d formed Voltron. However, after the destruction of the main ship, they’d all been separated from the backlash of the explosion. It didn’t help that after the rest finally regrouped,  they’d all been trying to contact him frantically for the past 10 minutes, only to encounter unending static. Even now- with the battle over and all of them huddled together on the castle’s platform- neither Allura nor the other Lions could seem to feel Blue’s presence. It was as if she and her pilot had vanished- and didn’t that just set Shiro on edge. After living through so many horrors himself, he couldn’t help re-living them with the image of the blue-eyed pilot in his place.
If only he’d kept a better eye on Lance!
“Shiro, buddy…?”
Shit, he shouldn’t have sent him to snipe without backup! Now he’d never get to–
Jerking his head up at Pidge’s alarmed voice, he had just enough time to see Blue’s battered and unresponsive form floating down towards them while being guided by Red and Yellow. Hunk’s voice filled the comm line, calling out to Lance. The answering static had Shiro’s heart racing and blindly releasing Black’s seat harness. He could barely hear Pidge saying something about Blue’s systems being down before he was out of his Lion’s hatch, activating his visor and floating down towards the Lion that now lay motionless, surrounded by her sisters. “Pidge,” he heard himself call out in his stern leader voice that betrayed none of his inner panic. “Help me find a way to open Blue’s emergency hatch. Hunk, Keith- keep an eye out just in case it’s a trap.” 
It took only a few moments of following the green paladin’s instructions before he managed to pry open Blue’s hatch and he slipped inside. As he did, the emergency power flickered on feebly; enough for Shiro to make out Lance’s slumped form hanging awkwardly like a rag doll from Blue’s harness. 
“Lance!” he barely recognized the cracked, strangled tone of his own voice as he lunged into motion towards the other and quickly freed him. Sliding to his knees with the blue pilot, Shiro cradled him and looked for any injuries.“Come on McClain- stay with me!” grey eyes darted up to the cuban’s face, startled to see a sliver of blue staring back up at him from barely open eyes and a weak, lopsided smile that was caked in dry blood. “Am I in heaven…?” The croaked, almost playful tone of Lance’s voice had something in Shiro’s chest loosen. He barked out a laugh in relief.
 “Quiznak, Lance! I thought I lost you!”  
Without thought, Shiro leaned down, head tilted. The echoing thump as their helmets awkwardly slotted together was white noise in the background as his lips pressed gently against the blue paladin’s in a brief kiss. He tasted sharp metal, salt and Lance.
When he pulled away, the blue paladin’s expression was startled and his eyes were wide and locked onto Shiro’s in disbelief and a hint of hope. After a shaky inhale of breath–“Ok, I’m definitely dead.”
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shanceschances-blog · 6 years
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Little Red Shance - First Meeting
maybe ill actually stick to this au cause wolf shiro is hella cute
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shanceschances-blog · 6 years
Here for Pining Shiro not knowing what to do about his soft feelings for Lance.
-like he remembers Lance can knit and he sees Hunk and Pidge with some of Lance’s creations and they look so good and comfy and LANCE made them so everytime he’s around Lance, he pretends to be cold (in fact he is never cold) and Lance notices and is Concerned. Shiro feeling down because he doesn’t see Lance as often but he doesn’t know Lance keeps disappearing to make him a knitted cardigan. When Shiro walks into his room to find it sitting on his bed he cries and snuggles it to his face and it’s so soft. The look on Lance’s face when he wears it around the lounge is so worth being a little warmer.
- Lance doesn’t eat. Unless Hunk cooks. But even then, he doesn’t have much of an appetite and Shiro hyperfocuses on it? Like he’d been in a cryopod for days and when he came out for his first meal he gave half of it to the mice? And Shiro worries because Lance is putting on more muscle but he’s still slender and he doesn’t EAT and he doesn’t know how to bring it up until he overhears a conversation between Hunk and Pidge.
“Pidge, he wont listen-”
“Maybe if Shiro asked he’d do it-”
“What? Now way.”
“Shiro is Lance’s hero. He said it himself. I bet he’d do anything for him.”
Shiro rushed away silently, cheeks flushed red.
He didn’t know Lance thought so highly of him. Shiro didn’t think he did anything to deserve that….but if it were true…
Then maybe….
It starts tentatively and he doesn’t realize how little time he’s invested in Lance until Lance’s eyes widen in surprise as Shiro approaches him in the lounge. He lowers his gaze as if ready for a scolding and Shiro inwardly cringes. But he shakes it off.
He’s on a mission.
“Hey, Shiro. Anything I can do for you?”
Shiro smiles and brandishes a sandwich, courtesy of Hunk.
“Wanna split a sandwich?”
Lance gives a look like he’s grown a second head before a grin takes it’s place.
Shiro is immensely pleased when he finishes his half and even more pleased at the ease of conversation afterwards. So he keeps doing it.
Lance will be minding his own business when Shiro will show up with some kind of food. And Shiro doesn’t realize that constantly sharing his food instead of just getting Lance his own has a different kind of significance.
But Lance does. He can’t put his finger on it quite yet. But knows theres…. something. And he’s putting on a few more pounds. Granted he works it off in training but he’s less slender. And… is his butt getting bigger??? He doesn’t know why Shiro keeps feeding him and yeah maybe he forgets to eat sometimes but nowadays Shiro is always around the corner with something.
Lance smiles at the thought. Was this the other Paladin’s way of trying to spend time with him? If it was, he was doing a good job of looking out for Lance… but who was looking out for Shiro. Keith was with the Blades and tho they spoke often…still…
Well that wouldn’t do.
-Shiro was going to die. Apparently his efforts to spend time with Lance worked so well that Lamce decided to train with him more often. It was….
Distracting was maybe one word for it. Shiro found it difficult to breathe AND give instruction when he had to get close and adjust Lance’s stance. And Shiro’s aim apparently left much to be desired so having Lance behind him and guiding his hands was beginning to raise his blood pressure.
Not only that but when Lance did well he was beautiful to watch. So much so that Shiro found himself htting the ground often. Lance was amused at first but somewhat frsutrated with winning so easily after the third time.
He’s dusting himself off when he notices Lance glaring at him, arms crossed.
“Shiro if you want me to improve for real you cant just LET me win.”
“I’m not!”
“Then what gives?”
What does Shiro say? I get so distracted watching you move that the only thing that will snap me out of it is you knocking me on my ass? Rinse and repeat?
Yeah, no.
Something about Shiro’s lost expression breaks Lance’s aura of displeasure.
“Shiro… are you okay?”
And Shiro hates making him worry but he can’t help the pleasure growing inside him at being cared for. He lets Lance come closer until they’re a mere two feet apart.
“I’m more okay than usual.”
That leaves Lance perplexed.
“Oh? Why’s that?”
Shiro reaches out to cup his cheek and he hears Lance’s breath hitch.
“Because you’re here.”
“Oh,” Lance breathes, realizing that the something he felt from Shiro lately was one he could put a name to. And definitely one he returned in kind.
He stepped in close, not breaking eye contact with Shiro.
“Well you’re about to feel even more awesome.”
“Really? How do-mmph! Hm..”
Shiro’s eyes close as warm lips meet his.
And it feels a lot like coming home.
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shanceschances-blog · 6 years
Keith: we had a bonding moment, I CRADLED YOU IN MY ARMS!
Lance: actually Shiro did.
Keith: *looks over to Shiro*
Shiro: you bet my gay ass I held that beautiful man
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shanceschances-blog · 6 years
2nd Mini Fic
Summary: Magic and Princes AU. Servant Lance has been accused of using magic. Now he’s set to be executed in front of his lover
Lance glared at the head of the arena where King Zarkon stood, Prince Takashi, the adopted son of the king, next to him being held back. Even from where he was, he could still tell that the prince had been crying. The growl that crawls from his throat causes the knight behind him to shove him forward.
Lance glares as the knight in front of him pulls the chains collaring him. Lance follows, keeping his eyes on the prince. Once they reach the middle of arena, the knights force him to his knees.
“We are here today to witness the execution of Lance, someone who was a servant to my castle!” Zarkon’s voice echoes through the arena, the cheers of the crown almost drowning him out. “Lance has been witnessed not only using magic but also being close to the Prince even though he wasn’t his personal servant! It it believed he has been giving Prince Takashi love potions!”
Lance watched as Takashi tried to shake his head but the general holding him back grab his hair, forcing him to stay still. A snarl ripped itself from Lance as he tried to surge forward. The knights held him back, keeping him on his knees.
“Magic of any kind is punishable by death!”
Lance caught flashes of red, green, and yellow in the crowd and he began to laugh, everyone falling silent. He turned his head to Zarkon, eyes glowing blue.
“Hear me now, King who tainted this land! As long as there is life energy flowing this world, there will always be those who wield magic!” Lance felt something drip down his face which made his grin viciously. “And then there are those who are the manifestations of this energy.” He was completely drenched. “And when all five of the guardians finally reunite, you’re rein will be over!” His body was turning see through when he turned to Takashi, face turning loving. “Shiro, I’ll find you again, in this life or the next, I will find you.”
Takashi let out a sob, trying to break free. “You’re going to kill yourself! Stop!”
“I promised you in our last life, didn’t I? I’ll always come back.” Suddenly Lance’s body seemed to completely liquify and splashed all over the ground, soaking into the ground.
Takashi’s sobbing and Zarkon’s enraged roar could be heard throughout the arena.
“Find him! I want him dead!”
Fires consumed most of the knights and vines and roots wrapped the villagers. Zarkon looked around, growling before turning to Takashi only to find him gone. He catches sight of bright yellow eyes and he looks up.
Takashi and a large man were standing on the edge of the outer wall, Takashi glaring down at him.
Before Zarkon could even pull his out his sword, Takashi and the man jump down.
Takashi could hear his father’s enraged cry as he ran from the arena. He couldn’t bring himself to care.
Tears fell as he followed the yellow eyed man. Lance had done something so entirely stupid that it was possible he was dead.
‘I’ll find you,’ his mind echoed.
“I promise I’ll never stop looking.”
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shanceschances-blog · 6 years
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In our hearts. 💔 Commission Info!
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