ouryungwave-blog · 7 years
To my "best friend"
You my brother , mentally. You family ❤. Enough said. Eat korma chicken and rice ❤😂 to remember me. Don't be sad if I'm gone , keep my visionary alive. Make me proud. I love you bro❤. You believe in me and I believe in you.
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ouryungwave-blog · 7 years
My brother. ❤✌ For life.
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Young WAV£Y Youth VI$IONARIES 🌊®❤
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ouryungwave-blog · 7 years
Aslamualaikum everybody. If you're reading this , I may or may not be here anymore. Whatever the case, just please read this. Thank you my beloved family for providing me with so much happiness and love. May Allah bless you all ❤❤❤. I want to say thank you and mashallah to my beautiful patents for raising, feeding me and providing me with so many things. I LOVE YOU so much Ama and Abu. Please try not to be sad if I'm not here. I have always loved you and I've always wanted to take care of you both. I respect your choices so much and have always looked up to you. You are my biggest and best inspirations Ama and Abu, I love you. May Allah bless you. I want to also say thank you mashallah to my two brothers, Ahid and Arif. I love you two so much and I really wish for you two to enjoy your lives and continue praying. I'm sorry if I may have hurt you at all , please forgive me. I can still remember everything from when Ahid was born and growing up with Arif and Ahid was incredible. May Allah bless you. To nannoo , I love you so much . I still remember going to your house at a very young age and you taking care of me. I'm so dearly sorry if I have hurt you in any way , please forgive me. I will always love you nannoo . Thank you for everything. May Allah bless you. To Sutokala, I love you so much Sutokala , I remember my childhood very well and everything we did together. I want to thank you so much for feeding me really tasty meals and for taking care of me often, you made my life full of joy and excitement. Thank you ❤. May Allah bless you. To Sutomama, I love you so much, I remember when I was younger and you used to take me to lots of different places and you taught me so many great things . I was very inspired by you. Thank you ❤. May Allah bless you. To Mezo Mama, I love you so much , I still remember all those places you used to take me too and all those things you did for me. You brought a smile to my face all the time. Thank you ❤. May Allah bless you. To kalamonee, I love you so much , I remember as a little boy I always wanted to be with you and you used to take care of me and teach me to do good deeds. Thank you for being there for me. Thank you ❤ May Allah bless you. To Boro Mama, I love you so much, I remember how you disciplined me very well and took me to Leicester and other places for me to increase my knowledge in Islam. You inspired me to increase my knowledge in Islam and made me even prouder to be a Muslim. Thank you ❤. May Allah bless you. To Saira, I love you very much. we were very close as small children and I still remember when we used to play with each other all day and stay at nannoo house overnight. I pray that you do well and InshaAllah you enjoy life. Thank you ❤. May Allah bless you. To Nadia, I love you very much and still remember when you were a little baby. You have grown up so much mashallah but I still love treating you like a baby. I pray that you do well and InshaAllah enjoy life. Thank you ❤. May Allah bless you. To Anisha, I love you very much and you're very sweet, intelligent and I can still remember you always loved pink things. Thank you ❤. May Allah bless you. To Tanjil, I love you very much, you are a lovely boy with a very kind and caring heart . I can remember you always wanting to play with everyone and being around everyone. I pray you do well and inshallah enjoy life. Thank you ❤. May Allah bless you. To Nabila, I love you very much , you are a very sweet and independent girl. Your presence made me smile and feel happy. I pray you do well and inshallah enjoy life. Thank you ❤. May Allah bless you. To Ifticar, I love you very much, I can remember playing with you a lot when you were very very young. You have a very kind and delightful personality. I pray you do well and inshallah enjoy life. Thank you ❤. May Allah bless you. To Khadija , I love you very much, I can remember when you were only about a few months old and I came over to your house and carried you. I pray you do well and inshallah enjoy life. Thank you ❤. May Allah bless you. To Nafis, I love you so much, it was very nice carrying you and even though I might not be here to see you grow up. I still love you with all my heart and I will pray that you grow up and have a great life InshaAllah. I pray you do well and inshallah enjoy life. Thank you ❤. May Allah bless you To mami, I love you so much and enjoyed my time being and playing in your house when I was younger.   I pray you do well and inshallah enjoy life. Thank you ❤. May Allah bless you To Mezo mami, I love you so much and thank you so much for the conversations we had, I really enjoyed talking with you. I pray you do well and inshallah enjoy life. Thank you ❤. May Allah bless you.
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ouryungwave-blog · 8 years
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Young WAV£Y Youth VI$IONARIES 🌊®❤
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