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Amnesty International made this campaign to show Russia how many people around the world supports equality. Each signature is marked as a dot on the picture above, and the goal is to fill the entire map of Russia with these dots.
So go sign it here! You only need to give them your age, gender and location.
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To our children who have decided to live a gay lifestyle,
We believe this lifestyle is a choice, not predetermined by nature or God. You have chosen a lifestyle that is the opposite of what we believe and what you were taught. Our life’s experience has taught us it is wrong. Know that we...
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The best thing you can do at this point is just delete their number. You know they aren’t interested and the little things they do that you know mean one thing but your head tells your heart another are just going to drive you crazy. Instead of wasting your time, delete their number.
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Happy National Coming Out Day
Now get out there and be supportive of those who are struggling to come out!
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To all the gays.
Give your heart to the fullest. It is going to hurt and it will not be easy. But give it. Don't think of the consequences. Go into the world with an open mind and loving heart and be free. The worst thing you can do is not be honest with yourself. Hiding our feelings is what has kept the gay rights under the radar for so long in the first place. So be gay, be proud, and love as hard as you can. You'll never regret how you felt but you might always regret what you didn't do.
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i could imagine that your from USA or something like that, but i want to ask you all something. what should i do if i find out my boyfriend fucks other guys without i know it. because i will always love him....
Love is universal, beautiful. :) As for the question, when you consider that he is sleeping with people behind your back, you have to start questioning his moral and ethics above that. What else is he lying about, is he trustworthy, is this boy even worth your time? You have to remember to put yourself first. Now this could be different depending on the common ground for the relationship. Are y'all dating, is it an open relationship, what actual defines your relationship with this guy and have you talked to him about it? All in all, talking to him will be the best option. You may not like the result but it will help you deal with the situation a lot better than if you just let it keep happening. Communication is key. -William
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So there are several of you running this blog?
Yes sir! There is technically seven of us and we are working on getting it back into a regular rotation. Feel free to asks us any question you need!
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The summer I dated everyone:
Not to sound like a whore, but I got it out my system. Since January, I had been in a relationship with this guy and it just didn't end up working out. I was going to move home right after finals and have surgery and wouldn't see him for almost four months. I knew it would be hard and wouldn't be the same when I came back. I remember the conversation too. He said he needed to tell me something, time to run right? I told him that if it started with the letter "L", that it can't be true and to keep it to himself. I broke his heart but I knew it was best for both of us.
The morning after my last final I moved home with my parents where all hell broke loose. If y'all remember me telling y'all I was supposed to have jaw realignment surgery and mommy was gonna take care of me. Well that didn't happen. My sister ended up getting brain surgery the day the doctors told me that they didn't have the time anymore to do the surgery. I literally yelled "mother fucker" in the middle of the restaurant I was in with my parents. I have been waiting for this surgery for almost three years. To top it all off, I had just sold my apartment and the breeder I was talking to in order to purchase a corgi fell off the face of the planet. Literally, didn't hear from her for three months. All of this in the first week of moving home. I could tell it was going to be a horrible summer unless I changed it.
So I picked my ass up and signed up for a couple summer classes and decided to move on with me life. For the next few sections, I will chronologically order the dates I went on to pass the summer by to which I will rename them.
The Bar Tender: We had a lot of mutual friends. He worked at the resort in my neighborhood as the head bar tender and on the first "date" he hit my sweet spot, WHISKEY. He knew exactly what to make me to sweep me off my feet. He wore cute glasses, had a beard, and could sweet talk the toughest man. However, he hung out with an older crowd and it made it a little harder for us to hang out. That, and every time we hung out we always drank. He made me happy, that is for sure, but I could also see that becoming a poisonous relationship. We still talk a lot but we both understand that dating just isn't an option. I still consider him a really good friend. Then, Scorpio showed his ugly head.
The Scorpio: I have nothing against Scorpio's in general minus the fact that they have always been trouble for me. This one in particular. He emerged in my life last summer where his boyfriend (my old friend) cheated on him and I helped him through the break up. When my old friend (Capricorn) got wind of my being in the picture, I got blamed for everything and I went down a martyr when half the gay community saw me as the whore. Well turns out Capricorn and Scorpio started dating again for almost another year before Scorpio contracted HIV from Capricorn and they broke up, to which Scorpio came running back to me. Get this, I have always loved him, always did. So for a couple months we began talking and I, did my research and was keeping up with all of his doctors visits, thought that maybe we could be a magnetic couple. I'll tell you right now, this topic is entirely too serious and emotional for one post and I PROMISE I will make a separate and detailed post about HIV and it's effect on people. However, it didn't work out. Again, further details to come. Captain: He was a 26 year old navy officer who was only in town for a couple days and I was in a part of my life where I needed to take risks. So we went to the Kemah boardwalk and rode rollercoasters and acted like twelve year olds but with the maturity of forty year olds. I think we both knew it wouldn't become something but the commonalities between moral values and ethics between us was remarkable. I definitely see a life long friend. We talked for the longest night about growing up and college and so many things that average people couldn't grasp. It was marvelous and that date was one to remember.
San Marcos: We met at a party last semester and talked all summer. I wasn't really sure where it would go or what it was to become but the thrill of talking to someone all summer was fulfilling. Well when I moved back to Austin, he was only 30 minutes away and for the two weeks it lasted, it was good. He was too oowey gooey and emotional than I could stand but dating is a process of elimination, right? Well after telling him I did not want to go to a Student Housing, Birthday party, with underage drinking students, he called me a fake, unwilling to meet his friends, and full of excuses. Sorry, but I didn't do well with that right off the bat and didn't talk to him. Plus, he was a serial texter and would send 5-9 pages texts. That's annoying. The plus side of this, if I had gone to the party, I wouldn't have met someone else.
At this point I have moved back to Austin and living in my beautiful apartment with the most amazing roommate and feeling like I am finally where I need to be in life. Obviously nothing is perfect but it is trying as best as it can. But the really good news? I met a boy who takes me breath away. I get nervous around him and butterflies in my stomach. It finally feels like I am not just giving someone a chance in hopes that I will fall in love. I am not, by no means, saying that I am in love but I feel like it could happen with this one. I am sure I am jinxing it at this point but it feels so good. So I will keep y'all updated.
PS. This is William with my new blog, click this link to follow me!
#gay#william#relationships#HIV#advice#new blog#follow#summer#21#alcohol#drinking#astrology#capricorn#scorpio#virgo#navy#captain#san marcos#college#distance#whiskey#cowboy#cheating#emotions#dating#love#heart break
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Ind(ian) Summer
Hey guys! It's been a while, hasn't it?
This summer went by fast for me, but not in the bad way where you blink and it's gone and you didn't get to enjoy it. It went fast because I was busy and having a great time! :)
Right after school ended last Spring, I went along with one of my best friends and one of her friends to Colorado to cheer her on in a triathlon near Boulder. It was rainy and cold but soooo fun because the three of us got along really well and had fun exploring the Boulder area after the triathlon. We had a long, interesting talk about religion at a Pei Wei, got trapped by salespeople in an organic soap store, blasted Call Me Maybe while stuck in traffic in Denver, got stuck at a never-changing red light, went on an expedition to find the one restaurant open at 11 PM, and as an extra perk, all of the people working at our hotel were SUPER attractive. ;)
I was lucky enough to get a paid internship at a local non-profit for two months. The place I worked at teaches art and theater to students of minority, and I got to help teach some of the classes as well as do design work for their website and promo material. It was a great experience and I made some amazing friends there who I continue to see and do collaborative art with.
The internship was five days a week for two months straight, but I did get to take a weekend trip to Utah with my family, where we visited the beautiful Bryce Canyon and the surrounding area. We did a lot of hiking and eating small-town pizza. :)
After my internship ended, I had about a month off before school started, so I got to spend a lot of time with friends and family. I went camping and cliff-jumping at a lake with friends, and had lots of late-night adventures around the city with them. I also saw Colbie Caillat and Gavin DeGraw live, which was amazing. They did a duet for Not Over You and I went crazy with how beautiful it was.
I'm back in school again, and that's about all I can remember at the moment! I hope you all had a great summer. I'm excited for the blog to active again! :)
P.S. I can't believe you met Tyler and Marina, Ricky! That's so sweet! I almost met Colbie Caillat because I was at the zoo before her concert and she was walking near us and me and my friend wanted to say hi to her but we chickened out :P
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My life, My Summer, My stories :]
I know what you are all thinking, “ wow they just came back and he already missed his day” Well I agree with that stament I just want you guys to take to account that I have been busy yet I feel like I should start from the beginning and explain to you everything. Well this week I’m telling you guys about this summer and everything that I’ve done, pretty much catching you up on my life since you last heard from me.
At the beginning of summer I was telling myself how I was going to have more time to Blog on tumblr make more youtube videos and hang out with friend really all I did at the beginning was sleep hang out with Milo, blog on tumblr (on my personal blog) and DIYs. Pretty much I was a lazy guy with one friend and a bunch of things he made himself from other things. Eventually I got bored and secided to get out and hang out with other people. So the usual late night runs to dennies for my favorite strawberry milkshake, the sneaking out of the house and who am I lieing to… Tons of drinking and parties… (don’t judge I’m young and an idiot) Summer was not as AWESOME as I told myself it was going to be yet it did have it’s great moments. I got to hang with my best friend veronica (northestern student, FUCKING MISSED HER) and Gina the two girls always make me feel happy and at home. I believe the sense for homemyness (is that even a word) come from my comfort around them. I can do/ say anything I can be my trueself around these girls. Well I can say with these two girls I had memorable nights.
As I got to hang with old close friends I also got to make new ones. I met this girl Beth all I’m really saying at the beginning I was all for it , she was super nice and fun but now after a month or so I don’t even want to see her face. (to bad I think my best friend is starting to like her EWWWW) Whatever that’s life and I’m not about to stand between my best friend and this girl. I got to meet the beautiful and one of my heroes Marina Diamandis a.k.a Marina & The Diamonds.
Her Concert was great and Electra heart is pretty much my life in a CD. I’m actually getting my tattoo with the tittle of one of her songs (can you guess which one?) Another person I met the same day I met Marina is the awesome Tyler Oakly.
Sadly I didn’t get to talk to him much since he was on the Prawl for some TACO BELL yet that tyler and that’s why we love him. Other events I attended are only a few since I decided to be a hermit. I didn’t get to attend pride this year and I was kind of bummed. I just didn’t find people to go with and going by myself would have been just depressing even though its practicly impossible to be depressed at pride. (who knows) Other than that I don’t have much else to say besides I got a new job at this super italian place in Oakland CA (if you’re from the area come find me) and other shitty things but lets not be completely negative and lets leave those out of this entry :D
Well I will get back into making videos and blogging so bare with me. Let me know what you guys think I’m always here even though I may not post on my blogs I’m still here.
Till next MONDAY (not Wednesday)
Quote of the summer= “I’m so constapated I just don’t give a shit” –Bo Burnham
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Currently at Peet's Coffee typing my entry !! (lunch break)
SORRY guys stuff came up I promise I will not get into this habit again!!
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We're BACK !!! ;D
after a 3 month break we are coming back starting tomorrow. This week we will share everything about our summer and life while we were away from the blog. It's great to be back.
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Dear anon, #2
Hmmm. I know you don't feel like you fit in with other gay people, but there ARE gay people out there like you. We come in just as much variety as anyone else.
I also don't think it's ever too late- I'm just starting to go to QSA this year. But I understand if you don't have time for that kind of thing.
If he doesn't want to talk, you should respect that, although you could always try again. Either way, I wouldn't wait for him- I'd look for other people.
Sorry some of the advice wasn't really applicable. I was thinking you were possibly in high school. In any case, I hope you find other people to talk to, and things work out!
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Dear anon,
(This anon asked us advice about whether he should try talking to his ex. In the interest of privacy, I'm not posting his whole message. -Ian)
It sounds like your ex does not want to talk any time soon. If he did, he probably would have reached out by now. Here are some options that I think you have:
Try reaching out to him one more time. You should tell him honestly that you still value the friendship and understanding that you had with him. You also might want to tell him what you told us: he's one of the few people who understands what you're going through in terms of your identity, and you could use his support. I think it's ok to ask him to just chat, but you should be open to the possibility that he doesn't want to talk. He might not want to deal with whatever feelings he has about your breakup, or he might simply just not feel the same friendship for you. I would try, but again, this might not work.
If you do try talking to him, and he responds in an angry or threatening way, just tell him that he no longer has the support you need, and stop talking to him for now. I don't mean to sound like your older brother, but be careful and be smart. I don't know this guy, but I wouldn't want you to get into a conflict.
Whether or not he responds, I would definitelylook for other connections to the gay community. I don't know what kind of town you live in, how old you are, or how big of a community is around you, but I would do some research. Google support groups and youth groups at local schools, universities, and churches that are geared for LGBTQ youth. Some common organizations are PFLAG, QSA, GSA, and The Center. I live in a medium-sized city, and we have quite a few places for gay youth under and over age 18 to meet other people in the community, including gay-friendly churches.
If you are far from any gay communities, or if there's an issue with your family preventing you from getting involved, I would say that you still have options. Perhaps people in youth groups and similar organizations near you will be willing to carpool to the next town over, or just drive you down the street to a meeting. There also may be other places that you can be around understanding, compassionate people, like church groups (only liberal ones obviously, and I would bail as soon as someone condemns homosexuality), sports clubs, or volunteering groups.
Basically, I think you should reach out to other people whether or not your boyfriend is there for you anymore. You said you would feel very isolated if any of your friends left, and that's understandable. But I'm here to tell you: there are other people who want to love and support you. As a junior in college, that's one of the biggest things I've learned- there are way more people than I could ever imagine who want to know me and support me (and of course, when done safely, you can always talk to people online like us, even though that's not quite the same).
I hope this helps, even if just a little. I'm not a professional counselor or anything, but that's what I think as a friend. Feel free to message us back, and other guys: feel free to jump in to give your thoughts.
Best wishes!
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Your regularly scheduled gays will return shortly.
Dear followers: Sorry about our hiatus here at Gay World. It's been a crazy summer, and the other guys and I have all been crazy busy.
But fear not! We'll be returning soon to tell you all about our summer adventures. Thanks for staying tuned!
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