Aises' Commonplace Book 📚
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ourcommonplace1-blog · 5 years ago
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Let's talk! What have you been doing to stay sane while on forced quarantine? . Being cooped up is not easy. Our home is tiny and there's only so much you can do indoors. As tempting as it is to go complain about not being able to leave the house, I'm honestly just grateful. My partner and I, we recognize that we are fortunate enough to not need to leave the house on a daily basis to go to work. All we need are our laptops, phones and the internet. . But for leisure? I love my books, podcasts & Netflix of course but I need to go move my body. For my sanity and health (ironically), I go out at night to run for 30 mins. I know the risk but I'm not exactly the healthiest person. I'm way overweight. I know if I don't go out to run, I'll end up gaining more weight than I already have trouble losing and that is a whole other world of health issues that I would have to deal with even after this lockdown period. But I am taking precautions. And I’m figuring out what alternative workouts I can do in my tiny space. . How about you? How do you stay sane during these times? . 📚Book: How to Win Friends and Influence People 💁🏻‍♂️Author: Dale Carnegie . For more quotes on "Happiness", click 👉🏻 #OCBhappiness . What's a commonplace book? What's a commonplace book? Simply put, it's a notebook or journal where you collect quotes and ideas gathered from books or other resources that you might want to keep for personal use later. . #bookstagram #bookgram #commonplacebook #bookclubsofinstagram #readerlife #alwaysreading #tbrpile #bookquotes #bookquote #thoughtleaders #goals #selfdevelopment #improveyourself #nonfiction #growthmindset #nonfictionbookclub #booksofinstagram #bibliophile #dalecarnegie #howtowinfriends #happiness https://www.instagram.com/p/B97UK7CgFkw/?igshid=5qavx8ilr7my
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ourcommonplace1-blog · 5 years ago
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How is everyone doing?? . I haven't been posting for a while now. We were suppose to go on a vacation out of the country. But then we decided to cancel at the last minute. We decided not to risk it. The world is a scary place to live in right now. I hope everyone is doing what they can to stay safe. Not everyone is fortunate enough to be able to just stay at home ✨ . My heart goes out to all the healthcare professionals and frontliners who are risking their own health to serve our communities ✨ . What’s happening is beyond what anyone could have expected. But I hope we can all remain optimistic and hope for the best ✨ . 📚Book: The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People 💁🏻‍♂️Author: Stephen Covey . For more quotes on "Happiness", click 👉🏻 #OCBhappiness . What's a commonplace book? What's a commonplace book? Simply put, it's a notebook or journal where you collect quotes and ideas gathered from books or other resources that you might want to keep for personal use later. . #bookstagram #bookgram #commonplacebook #bookclubsofinstagram #readerlife #alwaysreading #tbrpile #bookquotes #bookquote #thoughtleaders #goals #selfdevelopment #improveyourself #nonfiction #growthmindset #nonfictionbookclub #booksofinstagram #bibliophile #stephencovey #7habitsofhighlysuccessfulpeople #happiness https://www.instagram.com/p/B92zHkFA11S/?igshid=ta3dz18so2r
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ourcommonplace1-blog · 5 years ago
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New book! ✨✨ . And how ridiculously apt for my life right now. Some really shitty things are going on in my life at the moment and some positivity is much needed ✨✨ . When I read @markmanson’s first book “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck” my brain was shookt. I reflected on it a lot and dived into questioning what shitty things I like to deal with in life vs the shitty things that I’m making myself deal with simply bec I thought I needed to. The clarity did me so much good. I know it’s already a really popular book but I cannot recommend it enough ✨✨ . I saw this second book everywhere last year but I restrained myself bec my TBR pile is a mile high lols. But the last few weeks has been horrendous and when I went to the bookstore, this book just called to me. So here we are. I’m bumping this up on my queue 📚✨ . What's a commonplace book? What's a commonplace book? Simply put, it's a notebook or journal where you collect quotes and ideas gathered from books or other resources that you might want to keep for personal use later. . #bookstagram #commonplacebook #alwaysreading #bookquotes #thoughtleaders #goals #selfdevelopment #improveyourself #nonfiction #growthmindset #bookclubsofinstagram #productivity #resilience #passion #perserverance https://www.instagram.com/p/B8rqCxJg0WY/?igshid=xc0wuyjhmije
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ourcommonplace1-blog · 5 years ago
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🖤🖤#ResilienceWeek! 🖤🖤 . Resilience doesn't apply only to adversities. It also applies to our inner strength of conviction. We like to make plans and set goals, but we end up giving up too soon. I am def guilty of this. It's only the 2nd week of February. Have you kept up your 2020 New-Year-New-Decade-New-Me resolution? I'm honestly curious ✨✨ . Personally, I keep a bullet journal to keep track of my goals. I don't use it for regular to-dos (I have a todoist-goggle calendar system for that if you want to nerd out about it like I do 😂). It took me a while to figure out how I want to use my bullet journal. Eventually I found that I enjoyed it for daily habit tracking and goal setting. So I may fall off the wagon every now and again but at least I know I can always find my way back to my "ideals" 📝📝 as they say, done is better than perfect 💩 . How about you? How do you keep track of your resolutions & goals? 🤓🤓TAG a friend who needs reminding on their resolutions. It's for their own good 👯‍♀️✨ . 📚Book: Grit: The Power of Passion & Perseverance 💁🏻‍♀️Author: @angelalduckworth . For more quotes on "Resilience", click 👉🏻 #OCBresilience . What's a commonplace book? What's a commonplace book? Simply put, it's a notebook or journal where you collect quotes and ideas gathered from books or other resources that you might want to keep for personal use later. . #bookstagram #commonplacebook #alwaysreading #goalsetter #selfdevelopment #nonfiction #nonfictionbookclub #growthmindset #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #purpose #resilience #failureisnotfinal #adversity #dontgiveup #justkeepgoing #setbacks #getbackup #yougotthis #showupforyourself #progressoverperfection #justdoitanyway #growthroughit https://www.instagram.com/p/B8eGzBrAeQM/?igshid=11izk0mdi1hyo
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ourcommonplace1-blog · 5 years ago
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It's #ResilienceWeek 💪🏻 . This quote has really been the silver lining for me. It probably doesn't apply to all but for those that do, it makes you glad you tried even if you failed. Trying is miles better than not trying at all and regretting that you didn't give it a shot. You learn along the way, so the next time you try again you'll have a better chance at succeeding ✨✨✨ . What's something you failed at? And what did you do about it? 📝📖 . 📚Book: Rich Dad, Poor Dad 💁🏻‍♂️Author: Robert Kiyosaki @therealkiyosaki . For more quotes on "Resilience", click 👉🏻 #OCBresilience . What's a commonplace book? What's a commonplace book? Simply put, it's a notebook or journal where you collect quotes and ideas gathered from books or other resources that you might want to keep for personal use later. . #bookstagram #commonplacebook #bookclubsofinstagram #alwaysreading #thoughtleaders #nonfiction #nonfictionbookclub #booksofinstagram #robertkiyosaki #richdadpoordad #resilience #failureisnotfinal #advesitybuildscharacter #dontgiveup #justkeepgoing #setbacks #getbackup #yougotthis #progressoverperfection #justdoitanyway #growthroughit #fightorflight #thistooshallpass https://www.instagram.com/p/B8czbnUAWuu/?igshid=104wge1bm1sst
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ourcommonplace1-blog · 5 years ago
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It's #ResilienceWeek 💪🏻 Check yourself, how do you usually respond to a problem? 🤔🤔 . Personally, I usually go quiet and overthink the situation. Most of the times, I never share my problems and just try to work on it on my own. See, I built this strong façade so even the people closest to me can't see it. But inside it consumes me and it's debilitating and I grit my teeth in my sleep. It's not healthy, I recognized it slowly. . I'm working on expressing myself better & sharing my worries to another person. I'm still trying to overcome the feeling of judgement. Being a #strongindependentwoman, I never want anyone to think of me as weak. To the right people perhaps, I'd be willing to let down some walls. I'm learning. Either that or I'll always be on the verge of imploding. . We're talking about big potent problems, not minor inconveniences. How do you usually respond? Do you get angry? Do you shut people out? Do you get defensive? Do you shower your anger like stray bullets to unsuspecting people? . 📚Book: The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People 💁🏻‍♂️Author: Stephen Covey . For more quotes on "Resilience", click 👉🏻 #OCBresilience ✨✨✨ . What's a commonplace book? What's a commonplace book? Simply put, it's a notebook or journal where you collect quotes and ideas gathered from books or other resources that you might want to keep for personal use later. . #bookstagram #commonplacebook #bookquotes #thoughtleaders #selfdevelopment #nonfiction #growthmindset #booksofinstagram #nonfictionbookclub #stephencovey #7habits #highlysuccessfulpeople #resilience #adversity #advesitybuildscharacter #dontgiveup #justkeepgoing #setbacks #getbackup #yougotthis #progressoverperfection #growthroughit #fightorflight #thistooshallpass https://www.instagram.com/p/B8XtiLtAodr/?igshid=6f9bx24uikcm
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ourcommonplace1-blog · 5 years ago
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🙌🏻🙌🏻RESILIENCE WEEK 🙌🏻🙌🏻 . The past month has been really tough for me personally. So what better time to talk about #resilience and #adversity than now. This week, all posts will be related to resilience and getting back up when life knocks you down 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 . Having a weekly theme helps me build the vision I had for this bookstagram. We're doing #ResilienceWeek and building up content for #OCBresilience ✨woohoo . When I first though of starting this bookstagram, I envisioned it to function as a digital commonplace book. I don't mean to just post random book quotes. I wanted to be able to curate my favorite motivational book quotes and organize them by concept using hashtags. That's why each of the quotes I've posted has these hashtags 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 #OCBsuccess #OCBpeopleskills #OCBhabitbuilding . If not for anyone else, I did this to serve me. If I want to see my favorite quotes on "success", then I go to #OCBsuccess. If I want to see quotes my favorite on "people skills", then I go to #OCBpeopleskills. If I want to see my favorite quotes on "habit building", then I go to #OCBhabitbuilding. . But if it can serve & help others as well, that's awesome! 🙌🏻 . We reached 200 followers last week and I know that's a vvvv small win but I'm relishing it. Thank you to everyone! I am loving the support 💕keep em coming. Let's have more meaningful conversations. Slide into my DM. Comment. I'm having better conversations here in IG than I would normally have in real life. So I am thrivinggg! Again, thank you 💕💕 . #bookstagram #commonplacebook #bookclubsofinstagram #alwaysreading #selfdevelopment #improveyourself #nonfiction #growthmindset #nonfictionbookclub #failureisnotanoption #failureisnotfinal #advesitybuildscharacter #justkeepgoing #setbacks #getbackup #yougotthis #showupforyourself #progressoverperfection #justdoitanyway #growthroughit #fightorflight https://www.instagram.com/p/B8UVsHEgyJD/?igshid=10q064pi2up2u
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ourcommonplace1-blog · 5 years ago
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Happy Weekend ✨✨ . 📚Book: How to Win Friends & Influence People 💁🏻‍♂️Author: Dale Carnegie . For more quotes on "People Skills", click 👉🏻 #OCBpeopleskills . What's a commonplace book? What's a commonplace book? Put simply, it's a notebook or journal where you collect quotes and ideas gathered from books or other resources that you might want to keep for personal use later. . #quotes #books #bookstagram #commonplacebook #alwaysreading #tbrpile #bookquotes #thoughtleaders #goals #selfdevelopment #improveyourself #nonfiction #nonfictionbookclub #growthmindset #dalecarnegie #howtowinfriends #influencepeople #peopleskills https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Skc6PASlM/?igshid=jvw51vsoqw0c
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ourcommonplace1-blog · 5 years ago
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Whatever it is you want to achieve, just do it. Tag a friend who needs to see this ✨✨ . 📚Book: Rich Dad, Poor Dad 💁🏻‍♂️Author: @therealkiyosaki . For more quotes on "Success", click 👉🏻 #OCBsuccess . What's a commonplace book? What's a commonplace book? Put simply, it's a notebook or journal where you collect quotes and ideas gathered from books or other resources that you might want to keep for personal use later. . #quotes #books #bookstagram #commonplacebook #bookclubsofinstagram #readerlife #bookquotes #thoughtleaders #selfdevelopment #improveyourself #nonfiction #growthmindset #robertkiyosaki #richdadpoordad #success #takeactionnow #takeactiontoday #dohardthings #nowisthetime #smallsteps #transformyourlife https://www.instagram.com/p/B8L1pZvgJtY/?igshid=1wead12zvvgj4
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ourcommonplace1-blog · 5 years ago
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A favorite from “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff” ✨✨ . What's a commonplace book? What's a commonplace book? Put simply, it's a notebook or journal where you collect quotes and ideas gathered from books or other resources that you might want to keep for personal use later. . #quotes #bookstagram #commonplacebook #alwaysreading #bookquotes #thoughtleaders #goals #selfdevelopment #improveyourself #nonfiction #growthmindset #bookclubsofinstagram #productivity #getthingsdone #goalssetting #startnow #habitbuilding #dontsweatthesmallstuff #richardcarlson https://www.instagram.com/p/B8FtE7agVWx/?igshid=x4s9waki6ws
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ourcommonplace1-blog · 5 years ago
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Happy Sunday ✨✨ . 📚Book: Grit: The Power of Passion & Perseverance 💁🏻‍♀️Author: @angelalduckworth . For more quotes on "Resilience", click 👉🏻 #OCBresilience . What's a commonplace book? What's a commonplace book? Put simply, it's a notebook or journal where you collect quotes and ideas gathered from books or other resources that you might want to keep for personal use later. . #quotes #books #bookstagram #commonplacebook #alwaysreading #bookquotes #selfdevelopment #improveyourself #nonfiction #growthmindset #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #purpose #failure #failureisnotanoption #failureisnotfinal #adversity #advesitybuildscharacter #dontgiveup #justkeepgoing https://www.instagram.com/p/B8DAj8cAQYz/?igshid=1kfq4birl4c9e
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ourcommonplace1-blog · 5 years ago
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Have you ever noticed yourself talking over someone else? Challenge yourself this February to be a better listener. Learn to be a better friend, spouse, or co-worker with this simple exercise 👯‍♀️👯‍♂️✨ . 📚Book: The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People 💁🏻‍♂️Author: Stephen Covey . For more quotes on "People Skills", click 👉🏻 #OCBpeopleskills . What's a commonplace book? What's a commonplace book? Put simply, it's a notebook or journal where you collect quotes and ideas gathered from books or other resources that you might want to keep for personal use later. . #quotes #books #bookstagram #commonplacebook #alwaysreading #tbrpile #bookquotes #thoughtleaders #goals #selfdevelopment #improveyourself #nonfiction #growthmindset #stephencovey #7habits #highlysuccessfulpeople #communicationiskey #betterlistener #peopleskills https://www.instagram.com/p/B8AjcEmgsjp/?igshid=5ip8ich8fdb
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ourcommonplace1-blog · 5 years ago
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If you're looking for a sign, this is it. Take action now! 💪🏻 . 📚Book: Rich Dad, Poor Dad 💁🏻‍♂️Author: @therealkiyosaki . For more quotes on "Taking Action", click 👉🏻 #OCBtakeaction . What's a commonplace book? What's a commonplace book? Put simply, it's a notebook or journal where you collect quotes and ideas gathered from books or other resources that you might want to keep for personal use later. . #quotes #books #bookstagram #commonplacebook #bookclubsofinstagram #readerlife #bookquotes #thoughtleaders #selfdevelopment #improveyourself #nonfiction #growthmindset #robertkiyosaki #richdadpoordad #success #takeactionnow #takeactiontoday #dohardthings https://www.instagram.com/p/B7OM5qjlEGO/?igshid=hxn6lub3ki5n
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ourcommonplace1-blog · 5 years ago
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Have you spent time lately to evaluate what interests you? What inspires you? And what keeps you going? ✨ . Earlier this week, I reflected on my many interests in life and how they vary so much. From books to real estate to ballet to Harry Potter to indoor plants to anime to business & law. You get the picture, right? . It’s funny to me how those interests don’t necessarily go together. And I’d bet that that’s usually true for everyone. It’s this varied mixture that defines our individualism. And that’s just beautiful. . In order to thrive and to be great, identifying our interest is but the first step. Next comes deepening and perseverance. . 📚Book: Grit: The Power of Passion & Perseverance 💁🏻‍♀️Author: @angelalduckworth . For more quotes on "Passion", click 👉🏻 #OCBpassion . What's a commonplace book? What's a commonplace book? Put simply, it's a notebook or journal where you collect quotes and ideas gathered from books or other resources that you might want to keep for personal use later. . #quotes #books #bookstagram #commonplacebook #alwaysreading #tbrpile #bookquotes #thoughtleaders #goals #selfdevelopment #improveyourself #nonfiction #growthmindset #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #purpose https://www.instagram.com/p/B7G00LAF6Xo/?igshid=nre8czgtwlp0
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ourcommonplace1-blog · 5 years ago
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Welcome to my #bookstagram! I was the dummy who hauled her books to the roof deck to take photos 🙃📚 . “The proper work of the mind is the exercise of choice, refusal, yearning, repulsion, preparation, purpose, and assent. What then can pollute and clog the mind’s proper functioning? Nothing but its own corrupt decisions.” . #books #bookgram #commonplacebook #bookclubsofinstagram #readerlife #alwaysreading #tbrpile #thoughtleaders #goals #selfdevelopment #improveyourself #nonfiction #growthmindset #ryanholiday #dailystoic #stoicism #apageaday https://www.instagram.com/p/B7BWL2OFXvm/?igshid=vfgkmr3kbt36
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ourcommonplace1-blog · 5 years ago
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2020 is the year for getting rid of toxic people. Those in favor, say aye! 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♂️ . 📚Book: How to Win Friends & Influence People 💁🏻‍♂️Author: Dale Carnegie . For more quotes on "people skills", click 👉🏻 #OCBpeopleskills . What's a commonplace book? Put simply, it's a notebook or journal where you collect quotes and ideas gathered from books or other resources that you might want to keep for personal use later. . #quotes #books #commonplacebook #bookclubsofinstagram #readerlife #alwaysreading #tbrpile #thoughtleaders #goals #selfdevelopment #improveyourself #nonfiction #growthmindset #dalecarnegie #howtowinfriends #peopleskills #socialtip #friendship https://www.instagram.com/p/B60qXhSFA9d/?igshid=yvgpby69vm4p
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ourcommonplace1-blog · 5 years ago
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What's your north star? What keeps you on track of your goals? ✨ . 📚Book: Rich Dad, Poor Dad 💁🏻‍♂️Author: therealkiyosaki . For more quotes on "purpose", click 👉🏻 #OCBpurpose . What's a commonplace book? Put simply, it's a notebook or journal where you collect quotes and ideas gathered from books or other resources that you might want to keep for personal use later. . #quotes #books #bookstagram #bookgram #commonplacebook #bookclubsofinstagram #readerlife #alwaysreading #tbrpile #bookquotes #bookquote #thoughtleaders #goals #selfdevelopment #improveyourself #nonfiction #growthmindset #robertkiyosaki #richdadpoordad https://www.instagram.com/p/B6x71WblKP5/?igshid=rtijrf958gp
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