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Our Tarot is a new, beautiful, and innovative card deck based on centuries of tradition and intuition. Each of the 78 cards represents a history-changing woman. Our-Tarot.com
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our-tarot · 8 years ago
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So it's finally happened... before spring semester starts, I'm going to do as many Tarot readings for clients as I can! 3-card readings are $6, 10-card readings are $20. So far it's been really interesting and fun doing this for y'all! I'm surprised by the stuff my intuition and connection to spirit are bringing up. I didn't really know what to expect! I'm definitely feeling the historical references; #OurTarot has reframed the cards for me. (Link to shop in bio). #tarot #tarotcommunity #badasswomen #history #inspiring #guidance #creative #feminist #illustration #spirituality #spirit #tarotreadersofinstagram #artistsofinstagram #witch #witchesofinstagram #supportsmallbusiness #girlboss
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our-tarot · 8 years ago
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Have you pledged on @kickstarter to receive #OurTarot next year? The project is currently over 120% funded! Oh my goddess, am I overjoyed this week or what?! The more funding the project gets, that's all the more resources I can use to make Our Tarot deck, guidebook and packaging as #beautiful, #innovative, useful and #sacred as possible. I'm beyond excited that I'm going to get to put this deck in your hands. Link in bio! So much love 🙏❤️😍💖 #tarot #tarotcommunity #badasswomen #history #inspiring #guidance #creative #feminist #illustration #collage #spirituality #spirit #tarotreadersofinstagram #support #indieart #artistsofinstagram #witch #witchesofinstagram #femaleentrepeneur #girlboss
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our-tarot · 8 years ago
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Abigail Williams is #TheDevil. In late 17th-century colonial Massachusetts, a great tragedy occurred over the course of a year and few months in #Salem Town, Salem Village, Ipswitch, and Andover. Accusations of #witchcraft--criminal behavior at the time--flew between residents of these New England homes, often reflecting already-disputed property lines and existing family rivalries. People were charged with practicing witchcraft, arrested, and tried. In the end, twenty people were executed. Five died in prison. This particular episode of accusations and subsequent trials (known as the Salem Witch Trials) began with two girls. Betty Parris was only 9 years old, and her cousin Abigail Williams was 11. They began to have exhibit strange behavior that greatly disturbed their guardians, and soon all the elders were in agreement that these fits were caused by witchcraft, or working with the devil. In a short while, other girls and young women in the area began to have similar fits of odd behavior. As they were questioned, they accused various adults that they knew of witchcraft--often people who were already widely disliked or at the bottom of the social hierarchy. No one really knows why this happened. Personally, I think that these young women were acting out in a culture that was deeply repressive. I think they were probably grappling with some really difficult feelings and thoughts, being young women in such a time and place. I don't think Abby Williams was evil. I think she, like Eve in the biblical Book of Genesis, was a victim of circumstances and patriarchal society. I think she got caught up in the visceral emotions she was releasing through her hurtful behavior and probably couldn't stop, and neither could the other girls and women who joined in her and Betty's finger-pointing. We don't know what she looked like. In fact, she disappears from historical record a few years later. Abby as The Devil represents a #Shadow side that all of us have. #tarot #tarotcommunity #badasswomen #history #guidance #creative #feminist #illustration #collage #spirituality #spirit #tarotreadersofinstagram #artistsofinstagram #witch
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our-tarot · 8 years ago
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I didn't know about Sister Rosetta Tharpe until I went on a search for the perfect woman to represent #TheSun in #OurTarot. Sister Rosetta Tharpe was a gospel singer and rock n' roll guitarist whose work, while not widely recognized as such, paved the way for rock n' rollers like Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard, and Elvis Presley. Born in 1915 to a mother who was a musician and a preacher in her Arkansas church, Tharpe was quickly noticed by her congregation for her exceptional musical abilities. She deftly and proudly played her guitar in an era when female guitarists were rare in the public eye. Sister Rosetta Tharpe is the Sun because of the boldness, warmth, energy and faith she communicated through her music. See more Our Tarot cards on kickstarter! (Link in bio) #tarot #tarotcommunity #badasswomen #history #inspiring #guidance #creative #feminist #illustration #collage #spirituality #spirit #tarotreadersofinstagram #support #indieart #artistsofinstagram #witch #witchesofinstagram #femaleentrepeneur #girlboss #blackgirlmagic
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our-tarot · 8 years ago
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Another sneak peek of #thedevil of #OurTarot ... I'm still keeping it a secret exactly who she is, but the imagery gives some clues. #shadowside #witch #tarot #magic #tarotreadersofinstagram #girlboss #feminist #artistsoninstagram #femaleentrepreneur #collage #darkness #duality #sneakpeek #spirit #spirituality
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our-tarot · 8 years ago
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Hildegard of Bingen is the #highpriestess of #OurTarot 🌈🔮 An abbess & nun in 12th century Germany, Hildegard was a Jane-of-all-trades. A #writer, composer, artist, #philosopher, natural scientist... Oh, and she would have incredible spiritual visionary experiences. From those visions, she would create beautiful, #mandala like works of #art. Check out more of Our Tarot thru the link in my bio! 💕🌈⭐️ #tarot #tarotcommunity #badasswomen #history #inspiring #guidance #creative #feminist #illustration #collage #spirituality #spirit #tarotreadersofinstagram #support #indieart #artistsofinstagram #witch #witchesofinstagram #femaleentrepeneur #girlboss #mysticism #thefutureisfemale #energy #gold #gothic #medieval #mystery
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our-tarot · 8 years ago
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Hildegard of Bingen is #thehighpriestess of #OurTarot 🌈 A 12th century Benedictine nun and abbess in Germany, Hildegard was a Jane-of-all-trades. A writer, composer, philosopher, natural scientist, artist... Oh yeah, and she had incredible #mystic #visions from which she would create inspired, #mandala like works of art. Hildegard as the High Priestess reminds us to look with not just our physical eyes, but our third eyes, into the spiritual realm. Notice the patterns there. #tarot #tarotcommunity #badasswomen #history #inspiring #guidance #creative #feminist #illustration #collage #spirituality #spirit #tarotreadersofinstagram #support #indieart #artistsofinstagram #witch #witchesofinstagram #femaleentrepeneur #girlboss #energy #thefutureisfemale #christianmysticism #mysticism #visionaryart #visionary
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our-tarot · 8 years ago
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Putting together some examples of the rewards my @kickstarter backers are gonna get! This is the keepsake kit that comes with The Empress reward. Deck, guidebook, crystals selected by me just for you, special notes, crystal grid, suggested spreads for reading, and more. All in a handmade wooden box that you can keep forever. 💕🔮💌 #tarot #tarotcommunity #badasswomen #history #inspiring #guidance #creative #feminist #illustration #collage #spirituality #spirit #tarotreadersofinstagram #support #indieart #artistsofinstagram #witch #witchesofinstagram #femaleentrepeneur #girlboss #clearing #energy #crystals #palosanto #thefutureisfemale
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our-tarot · 8 years ago
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Putting together some more rewards to show my #kickstarter backers what goodies they're gonna get! This is an example of the #OurTarot keepsake kit that comes when backers pledge for The Empress reward. Handmade wooden box stuffed with special goodies, all selected by me, to make your #readings with Our Tarot extra special. Check the link in bio for more! 🔮💕🌙💌 #tarot #tarotcommunity #badasswomen #history #inspiring #guidance #creative #feminist #illustration #collage #spirituality #spirit #tarotreadersofinstagram #support #indieart #artistsofinstagram #witch #witchesofinstagram #femaleentrepeneur #girlboss #thefutureisfemale #womancrush #altar #crystalhealing #crystals #palosanto #clearing #energy
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our-tarot · 8 years ago
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I've been re-listening to the @missedinhistory episode about our Fool, our lovely Joan of Arc. She reminds me to listen to my guides and do my best to be aligned with my soul's purpose. No one else's will do. Check out more of Joan & the ladies of Our Tarot on kickstarter (link in bio) #tarot #tarotcommunity #badasswomen #history #inspiring #guidance #creative #feminist #illustration #collage #spirituality #spirit #tarotreadersofinstagram #support #indieart #artistsofinstagram #witch #witchesofinstagram #femaleentrepeneur #girlboss #womancrush #flashbackfriday #saintjoan #joanofarc
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our-tarot · 8 years ago
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Maria Tall Chief was the first prima ballerina for New York City Ballet Company in 1946, and the first Native American ever to achieve that distinction. A member of the Osage Nation, Tall Chief's passionate dancing helped shape American ballet. Her brilliant drive is why she is the spark of inspiration, the Ace of Wands, in #OurTarot (link in bio) #nativeamerican #mariatallchief #bossbabe #tarot #tarotcommunity #badasswomen #history #inspiring #guidance #creative #feminist #illustration #collage #spirituality #spirit #tarotreadersofinstagram #support #indieart #artistsofinstagram #witch #witchesofinstagram #femaleentrepeneur #girlboss #mystic #crystals
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our-tarot · 8 years ago
Our Tarot - A new, innovative Tarot deck representing 78 historically-significant women spanning across many eras, places, and cultures. - http://kck.st/2gfXKRF
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our-tarot · 8 years ago
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Hail to the queen! Josephine Baker is Queen of Wands in #OurTarot! In addition to being an erotic dancing superstar, she was also a spy for the French in WW2. #tarot #witchy #blackgirlmagic #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcommunity #witchesofinstagram #collage #indieart #indieartist #indieauthor #support #feminist #womanism #history #digitalcollage #darkart #femmefatale #queen #girlboss #effyourbeautystandards #lgbtq
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our-tarot · 8 years ago
Find the Our Tarot Kickstarter HERE - a deck of 78 cards featuring remarkable women!
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Little peek into my process. I’ve done some traditional cut-n-paste collage here, but now putting together different pieces to make our lovely Josephine Baker’s card. Check out some of the other Our Tarot art! Link in bio. #sneakpeek #josephinebaker #tarot #ourtarot #illustration #blackgirlmagic #feminist #indieartist #support
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our-tarot · 8 years ago
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Little peek into my process. I've done some traditional cut-n-paste collage here, but now putting together different pieces to make our lovely Josephine Baker's card. Check out some of the other Our Tarot art! Link in bio. #sneakpeek #josephinebaker #tarot #ourtarot #illustration #blackgirlmagic #feminist #indieartist #support
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our-tarot · 8 years ago
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“A ballerina takes steps given to her and makes them her own.” –Maria Tallchief, first Native American prima ballerina. See more at the kickstarter page for Our Tarot! http://kickstarter.com/projects/sarahshipman/our-tarot
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our-tarot · 8 years ago
Our Tarot - A new, innovative Tarot deck representing 78 historically-significant women spanning across many eras, places, and cultures. - http://kck.st/2gfXKRF
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