ototsukai · 7 days
just gonna hard launch my muichiro blog here for u all :) @chiroito
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ototsukai · 8 days
His smile rises, bearing his fangs as eyes look nearly hallow despite how Akaza is anything but. One hand waves, deliberate and emphasized. “Hey you! You’re the flashy slayer, right?” His smile sharpens to a grin that looks like it should pierce his skin despite the durability of a demon’s flesh. “Do you think I look flashy?”
tengen  turns  on  his  feet  quickly,  he  focuses  on  the  sounds  that  ring  throughout  the  air.  his  swords  are  immediately  being  pulled  from  his  back  now  resting  into  his  hands  with  a  tight  grip.  it's  not  unusual  for  demons  to  be  chatty  or  talk  but  he's  caught  a  bit  off  guard  with  the  question.  fuchsia  eyes  scan  the  demon  up  &  down  before  he  shakes  his  head.  “  no.  demons  will  never  be  or  look  flashy  to  me.  ”  the  sentence  practically  comes  out  like  a  growl.   not  giving  the  same  ‘  friendly  ’  energy  back. 
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ototsukai · 12 days
#OTOTSUKAI –   an   independent,   selective   &   private   roleplay   blog   for   TENGEN   UZUI   from   koyoharu   gotouge's   kimetsu   no   yaiba   /   demon   slayer.   headcanon   based   with   influences   from   the   anime   +  the   manga.   mature   content   will   be   featured   !   low   activity,   slow   replies   &   mutuals   only.   loved   by   nyla   (   20,   she/they   ). 
guidelines.   /   affiliated   with   mizukokyu.
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ototsukai · 12 days
just wanted to say that i love ryan :) and u all should too! @omonzuru
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ototsukai · 15 days
i forgot to say from here on out i will be writing tengen as trans … that is all. okay bye :)
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ototsukai · 21 days
i love how tengen ALWAYS mentions his wives. ‘ like oh and don't forget that my wives helped out too ’ he loves them so bad, your honor.
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ototsukai · 25 days
i don't know what i'd do if you weren't here. / hi
those  words  bring  a  smile  to  the  man's  face,  considering  how  their  relationship  started  off.  but  he  finds  himself  becoming  close  with  the  younger  one.  despite  it  all,  she  has  showed  tremendous  strength  &  has  proven  to  be  very  flashy  in  his  fuchsia  eyes.  he  can't  help  but  drop  a  hand  into  her  hair,  ruffling  it  gently.  then  removing  it  a  few  seconds  later.  “  well,  it's  a  good  thing  i'm  not  going  anywhere,  isn't  it  ?  so  you'll  never  have  to  worry  about  that.  ”  he  hopes  that  it  is  a  promise  he  can  keep,  after  having  a  brush  with  death  many  times,  it's  not  easy  to  say  things  like  that  but  he  does  anyway. 
tengen  had  never  found  himself  worthy  of  living,  given  his  past  &  what  he's  done  but  he's  working  on  forgiving  himself,  his  wives  make  sure  of  that.  he's  glad  he's  still  here,  he  has  things  to  live  for,  people  to  live  for.  he'll  continue  to  fight  &  be  there  for  his  family  &  live  for  not  only  himself  but  for  them  too.  “  you'll  always  have  a  home  with  me  and  the  girls.  ”  he  can't  forget  to  mention  his  wives,  they  had  been  a  big  help  to  @kaminarikokyu  too. 
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ototsukai · 25 days
the  hashira  is  known  to  talk  quite  a  lot,  he's  always  talking  or  boasting  about  something.  which  is  partially  why  he  got  along  so  well  with  kyojuro  but  as  he's  come  to  know  that  not  all  of  the  hashira's  are  talkers.  which  is  why  he's  used  to  having  conversations  with  himself,  mostly  him  initiating  the  conversation.  though,  he  has  come  to  like  just  being  in  their  company,  even  if  it’s not reciprocated on  their  end.  “  i  still  think  you  should  wear  some  jewelry,  iguro  !  you  are  already  flashy  but  why  not  be  even  more  flashy,  hm  ?  ”  there's  a  snap  coming  from  his  fingers  as  he  got  an  idea,  speaking  again  quickly.  “  we  could  even  get  kaburamaru  a  little  bedazzle  !  ”
@idagiri  /  starter  call.
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ototsukai · 25 days
and it is done! my kny multi @hirinkagero :)
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ototsukai · 26 days
hm … maybe i also need a kny multi because rawr there’s so many i wanna try writingggg
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ototsukai · 27 days
me thinking about how much tengen constantly compares himself and his strength to others and the fact that his inferiority complex probably got even worse after he retired. he doesn’t like to look at himself because when he does he’s disappointed. doesn’t like when other people look at him because he thinks that’s everyone else is thinking he’s a failure and weak.
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ototsukai · 27 days
no one else could have done what you did.
the  inferiority  complex  inside  him  suddenly  is  flaring  up,  he  knows  where  his  strength  lies.  now  often  he  thinks  of  what  it  would've  been  like  if  he  hadn't  done  the  mission,  what  if  someone  else  who  was  stronger  had  done  it.  would  they  have  suffered  with  the  injuries  he's  suffering  with  or  would  they  have  come  out  mostly  completely  unscathed  ?  the  white  haired  man  shakes  his  head.  “  no  …  ”  he  whispers  out  before  a  sad  smile  pulls  at  his  lips.  “  there  were  others  who  could've  done  what  i  did  …  but  better.  ”  despite  how  he  may  look  to  others,  he  may  look  strong  but  tengen  has  never  felt  like  it.  it's  not  good  that  he  compares  himself  to  others  but  how  could  he  really  not  with  the  position  he's  in  now.
it's  not  anyone  else's  fault  but  his  own  that  he  feels  this  way.  he  tries  to  hide  himself,  tries  to  mask  his  pain  for  others  sake  &  to  not  have  others  give  him  pity.  but  the  pain  is  now  being  so  visible,  he  doesn't  try  anymore.  “  i  appreciate  your  kind  words @lotusgrieved ,  just  having  trouble  believing  them  at  the  moment.  ”
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ototsukai · 27 days
❛ you did the best that you could. ❜
truthfully,  he's  angry.  disappointed.  he  feels  like  a  failure,  which  technically  he  is.  the  former  hashira  lets  out  a  long  exhale,  frustration  bubbling  up  slowly.  (  he  is  so  tired  of  hearing  that  stupid  phrase  ).  “  my  best  wasn't  good  enough  as  you  can  clearly  see.  ”  tone  getting  snappy  &  with  his  only  remaining  hand,  gesturing  down  to  his  eye,  the  scar  still  being  visible  through  the  eye  patch.  before  beginning  to  gesture  to  the  missing  hand.  “  if  i  was  at  my  best  …  this  wouldn't  have  happened.  ”  they're  disgusted  with  themselves,  sometimes  just  looking  at  himself  is  enough  to  make  him  want  to  cry. 
tengen  felt  useless  to  put  it  simply,  he  still  had  so  much  fight  left  in  him,  he  wanted  to  fight.  the  man  had  always  put  an  abundance  of  pressure  on  himself,  often  comparing  himself  to  his  fellow  comrades.  wishing  he  could  be  as  great  as  them  or  to  have  their  strength.  he  knows  it  could've  been  worse,  he  could  be  dead.  but  he's  still  here  &  now  he  doesn't  know  if  that's  any  better.  the white haired man looks away from @mizukokyu. “  i  do  not  blame  you  if  you  think  i'm  a  failure.  i  see  how  the  others  look  at  me  ...  they  think  i'm  a  failure.  i  can  see  it.  ” 
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ototsukai · 29 days
REASSURING, COMFORTING WORDS PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
you did the best that you could.
you tried your best. that's all anyone could ever ask.
take some deep breaths. it's okay.
everything will be all right.
i trust you.
i'm here to listen. talk to me.
i love the person you've become.
take it one step at a time.
no one else could have done what you did
i knew you had it in you.
you're more than that.
do you want to talk about what's bothering you?
i support you.
you have my full and undivided attention.
i love how hard you work.
i believed in you from the start.
you don't have to do this alone.
everything works out the way it should.
you can't control your own destiny.
we don't have a say in how these things go.
i know you did all that you could.
i really love having you around.
there was nothing you could have changed.
it was always going to happen.
you never gave up.
i believe in you.
don't turn your back on the people who care.
take some time to work through this.
you're better than that.
don't worry about it.
do you need some time alone?
if you need me, i'm right here.
i'll always be here for you.
everyone supports you in this.
there's no doubt in my mind you can do it.
you've worked so hard to get here.
you're worth fighting for.
everything will be fine. i promise.
it's not the end of the world.
i can see how hard you try.
i know you better than that.
it's okay to be afraid.
don't turn away from me. i'm here for you.
you're not alone.
you are surrounded by people who love you.
we all believe in you.
i'd rather stay here with you.
you are capable of incredible things.
you're stronger than you think.
i know you better than you think i do.
you're the best of us all.
what are you worrying for?
i couldn't do it. you could.
i saw what you did out there. that was incredible.
you are amazing.
you inspire me every day.
i've made that same mistake before.
i'm always going to be here for you.
no one could have expected you.
i don't know how to fix it. just know i'm here for you, whatever you need.
you're the answer to my prayers.
it's all right to cry.
take some deep breaths.
sit down for a while.
rest your head.
get some sleep.
drink this. it'll help you feel better.
you're my best friend.
i don't know what i'd do if you weren't here.
you're the best thing that's ever happened to me.
you make my days brighter.
you'll do better next time.
you make everything worth it.
we'll find a solution.
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ototsukai · 29 days
probably the only time i’ll put myself out like this but does anyone wanna plot or yap with me? if soooo i’ll give you my discord :)
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ototsukai · 29 days
“  the  girls  told  me  you  were  out  here  …  i'm  surprised  you  came  to  visit  the  god  of  festivities  !!  ”  the  older  man  says  with  his  usual  boastful  laugh,  rumbling  from  his  chest  with  his  arms  crossed  (  even  though  it's  more  so  like  one  arm  ).  his  wives  did  mention  that  the  zenitsu  looked  a  little  sad  coming  here  but  he's  never  been  good  at  this  kind  of  stuff,  often  using  his  humor  or  just  ignoring  what's  bothering  him.  so  he's  sure  he  won't  be  much  help  but  he  surely  will  try.  studying  the  younger's  face,  he  gets  serious. 
@kaminarikokyu  /  starter  call. 
“  they  also  told  me,  that  you  wanted  to  talk  to  me  but  we  don't  have  to  talk  about  what's  wrong  if  you'd  prefer  not  to.  ”  he  offers.  “  if  you  just  need  me  to  be  here  for  you,  then  i  can  do  that  too.  ”  a  hand  goes  to  rest  on  her  shoulder,  an  attempt  at  comforting.  tengen  knows  that  her  &  the  rest  of  her  friends  have  been  through  so  much  already.  he  wishes  they  didn't  have  to  go  through  so  much  pain,  so  much  weighing  on  them  &  their  minds. 
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ototsukai · 29 days
the  weather  is  warm,  a  nice  breeze  flowing  through  as  the  white  haired  sits  next  to  the  dark  haired  man.  his  fuchsia  eyes  admiring  the  other's  face,  studying  it,  noticing  the  glow  from  the  sun  bouncing  off  his  face.  he  had  always  known  that  he  was  beautiful,  probably  more  than  he'd  want  to  admit  but  something  about  him  today  was  different.  zoning  out,  his  eyes  once  again  tracing  every  feature  as  he  stared  with  a  small  smile  forming.
@mizukokyu  /  starter  call. 
a  finger  reached  out  to  touch  giyu's  face,  unaware  if  the  other  man  had  been  speaking  to  him  the  whole  time  or  not,  from  the  zoning  out.  the  finger  reached  his  face,  tracing  across  his  cheek.  “  you're  so  beautiful,  you  know  that  ?  ”  he  says  suddenly  &  in  a  whisper  like  tone.  “  you  always  are  but  today  …  something's  different.  i  can't  quite  put  my  finger  on  it.  ”
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