deathfavor · 3 months
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@ofcrossroads said: “Ah… yo! Kazutora!” Chifuyu calls, smiling despite the weird awkward tension he carries. “I know this is gonna sound really sudden, but uh… you’re not still in love with Hanma, are you?”
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" Chifuyu! " Kazutora gives a wave as he grabs his drink and walks over, taking a sip. It's hot but he likes these days despite the fact ; when he can stop hiding his tattoo ( as much as could be hidden ) under high-collared shirts and that familiar bell in his ear. It's nice. Maybe he'll go to the beach this evening. That'd be nice. Maybe Chifuyu would want to come. He takes another sip and lifts an eyebrow in a clear go on gesture when the other man says he has a sudden question. That is on brand for him. Not that Kazutora minds; he doesn't. It's even funny sometimes. The awkward tension with Chifuyu seems like it might be heading in that direction. How wrong he was.
The question has him choking on the drink as he swallows wrong, doubling over while he half coughs his lungs out and half gasps for air. Not particularly effective. Not that his body cares. Tears burn his eyes as he struggles to breathe, clearing his throat as he recovers before he slowly straightens and blinks at Chifuyu.
" Fuck, you really weren't kidding about sudden, huh? " He rasps, wiping his eyes and taking another sip to help soothe the irritation in his throat. Hanma. The man wasn't even here and YET he was. He seemed to be a rather sore spot for Chifuyu lately too ever since that one day. Kazutora grabs the straw in his drink and idly stabs it into the ice while he works his lip between his teeth. Still in love. " I don't- think I have ever said I loved him at any point. " Kazutora frowns, brows drawn together in thought.
Had he been in love? He'd wanted Hanma's approval, yearned and clawed to be praised and cherished and valued. He relished in being at his side, had let the older teen close to him at a speed only Baji could best. He'd liked seeing the other sides that the reaper had which other people didn't get to see. Had valued it when the reaper was there when no one else was and did things for him and spend time with him. Liked that Hanma didn't give a shit, didn't judge him - with Hanma, Kazutora could freely be everything he was scared of anyone else seeing. He could be as messy and volatile as he wanted and Hanma would never flinch, he'd just let him do his thing or praise him. And he could be nice, could soothe his pain when he wanted to sob or-
That's the problem with Hanma. He makes Kazutora want to let everything out and not give a damn about the future even if just for one night. He makes him want to shred all his hard work and throw away all his own rules. He's adrenaline and danger, a dose of excitement right into the veins. He makes Kazutora miss things he shouldn't want and guilt always comes back because this should be ENOUGH. This life that is nicer than anything he deserves with a good job and a friend. And yet...
" I mean. If it's not love, can't be still right? " Kazutora stabs the ice in his drink again with a slightly tense laugh. He's terrible, isn't he? Gold eyes lift to look at Chifuyu, and takes a sip to buy himself a few more seconds. Because now there's thoughts in his head and he doesn't know what to do about them. If Hanma called right now - " Why? " He asks, and his stomach feels like its full of ice. He cants his head, trying desperately for something casual. " If this is your REALLY awkward way to find out if I'm dating anyone or something and you were just guessing Hanma, I'm not dating anyone. I just do the occasional hook-ups, you know? " He rambles because he doesn't know what else to do and immediately regrets the words because somehow that just makes this sound worse. Specifically when Hanma seemed to be the subject of the conversation. Fuck. Maybe he's just overthinking that. " Um. " He blanks, staring at Chifuyu. " I definitely wasn't expecting that sort of question. Did...he do something to bring this up? " All Kazutora knows is Chifuyu bringing up Hanma is bad so this is probably bad. " Or was that just...a badly phrased question? "
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starjynx · 3 months
@ofcrossroads do I see idol!Chifuyu talk? Hm? 👀 I've been mulling over an idol verse for Akkun with the Mizo Middle squad, pfft.
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galaxythixf · 14 days
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"Whazzat?" He feels like he's missing something. Is something happening?
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kyukicho · 5 months
@ofcrossroads replied to X:
Lowering to Mikuni’s side, Tsurugi only covers Mikuni’s mouth. Other hand takes Mikuni’s into his own, interlocking fingers. “I don’t expect you to say anything.” Too soon. Maybe for even Tsurugi’s own self as well. Even testing the waters seems to burn sometimes.
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Silenced. Tsurugi slowly comes into focus in front of him. He swallows, taking the time to breathe slowly. His other hand releasing its grip only to find the fabric of Tsurugi's shirt. A lifeline back into a state of calm.
Mikuni's eyes drop. He feels stupid. Like he just exposed scars never seen. Facade he had cultured so expertly falling apart in fractured pieces. Shoulders slump along with his torso. He can't move but he wants to disappear.
"Villain." Hollow voice whispers. But there's even less vitriol behind it than it possesses in volume.
Never had he imagined he wanted love more than at this moment. For it to be real and his. Something he could hold and see with disbelieving eyes and doubting hands. Something his analytical mind could wrap itself around.
"Damn you..."
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hellsbroadcaster · 5 months
Favorite Hazbin song? You can only pick one.
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ototsukai · 14 days
His smile rises, bearing his fangs as eyes look nearly hallow despite how Akaza is anything but. One hand waves, deliberate and emphasized. “Hey you! You’re the flashy slayer, right?” His smile sharpens to a grin that looks like it should pierce his skin despite the durability of a demon’s flesh. “Do you think I look flashy?”
tengen  turns  on  his  feet  quickly,  he  focuses  on  the  sounds  that  ring  throughout  the  air.  his  swords  are  immediately  being  pulled  from  his  back  now  resting  into  his  hands  with  a  tight  grip.  it's  not  unusual  for  demons  to  be  chatty  or  talk  but  he's  caught  a  bit  off  guard  with  the  question.  fuchsia  eyes  scan  the  demon  up  &  down  before  he  shakes  his  head.  “  no.  demons  will  never  be  or  look  flashy  to  me.  ”  the  sentence  practically  comes  out  like  a  growl.   not  giving  the  same  ‘  friendly  ’  energy  back. 
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diivineray · 3 months
get wrecked metatron he aint sleeping with you --
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spilledw1ne · 17 days
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@cauterisen, @ofcrossroads, @strcngered, @florietiae
Thank you all so, so much for the wishes! 🥺It made my day very warm.
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whirling-fangs · 2 months
“Icons only!” + Akaza, but the classic, “Why don’t you become a demon?”
Send “Icons only” and something for my muse to react to // accepting!!
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swordsxandxsakuras · 3 months
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I look odd in white...
The girl thought when she walks by the compound in her new elite robes. Her hair in a bun with another pink ribbon. She looked more mature as a Hashira, but she was still the same ill-tempered teenager when she entered the Demon Slayer Corp. Her crow squawks about her first meeting, so she steps into the Hashira's counsel room.
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@ofcrossroads (Kanae) 🌸 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓵
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getsusekaii · 4 months
Chifuyu’s pointing to himself. “Cute?” He asks, brow raised sharply. Does he even know this guy —?
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“who else would i be calling cute,” bachira muses playfully. his weight falls on the other as he gets a closer look at him, nodding as if to confirm even further. “mhm! yup! even your eyes are nice! i like that. what's your name?”
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deathfavor · 2 months
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@ofcrossroads said: ❛ hold still. this might sting a little. ❜ (Chifuyu to Kazutora)
random assortment of sentence starters
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Kazutora gives a low hum in acknowledgement, sparing a brief glance towards the disinfectant and bandages sitting on the counter before looking towards Chifuyu. " Don't worry, I won't move. " He promises. " Thanks for doing this for me. Kinda hard to deal with injuries around my backside by myself. "
Does the battered, scraped wounds hurt? Sure. But tonight is the calmest that Kazutora has felt in ages. It shows in his whole posture, from the relaxed shoulders to the slow, cat-like blinking of golden eyes, to more noise than words. The itch under his skin has been soothed, no longer driving him to wanting to claw out of his own skin like a prison cell. All that's left is something calm and nearly docile. ( Not quite, because docile never quite fits the tiger, but certainly relaxed. ) He lets silence hang in the air before he begins to speak.
" I tried that Muay Thai class being advertised around lately. My therapist said it might be good for me. " Kazutora doesn't often talk much about therapy or what happens there. Sometimes he says if it was good or bad but rarely brings up specifics. Other times its obvious from his mannerism alone, especially the rough sessions. But crammed into the small bathroom with Chifuyu trying to help patch a wound from a fall, he decides to. " Honestly, he was pushing it for a while for me to do something in the martial arts or something like that. He thought it'd be good for me and a healthy outlet. I was just scared to try. " Chifuyu was right, it did sting a bit. He's had far worse though and doesn't bat an eyelash at it. " Just. Given my history and all. " He shrugs and immediately stops when he remembers the order to hold still. His voice however perks up when he continues. " But it was actually really nice! And fun too. "
His gold eyes watch Chifuyu in the mirror, trying to gauge the other's reaction to his words. Like he's searching for approval or disapproval. He's not sure how well Chifuyu will take it. " Given my background and all, I was ahead of a lot of people other than the actual combinations. So I gotta do a lot of that. But the instructors were real chill and so were the people. It felt good. Lots of safety measures in place though things can still happen obviously. " If anything he seems rather proud of it though. " I was thinking I'd stick with it, at least for a while and see how it goes. It's Tuesdays and Thursdays so I'll probably go right after we close, or a few minutes early if that's okay? " He could do a lot of the closing tasks a bit earlier so Chifuyu didn't have to do any at the end.
" And there's a competition in a little over a month that I might enter if I do stick with it. They said I'd probably do really good. You should come. " Kazutora tears his eyes away from the mirror to turn his head to look at Chifuyu in the dim lighting. " I mean, if you're not busy when it's occurring. Or if it interests you. If it doesn't or it's too close to old memories I totally get that though." He rushes out in a quick attempt to offer Chifuyu ways out of the invitation so he doesn't feel he HAS to go just because Kazutora invited him. " Don't wanna bore you on a day off, you deserve that rest " He laughs sheepishly and glances towards the sink. " I just...thought it might be nice? "
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starjynx · 3 months
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@ofcrossroads' Todoroki still lives somewhere in the back of my mind. him & his dual cool ranch and nacho dorito socks. yes i'm calling you out on main because I still took this personally.
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galaxythixf · 3 months
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@ofcrossroads said: "You never talk about dating, Hakkai. Is there someone you like?" (Chifuyu)
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Dating? He has to think about it for a minute because he hasn't ever really been interested in anyone. Girls just made him too nervous to speak and the thought of getting close to one had never even crossed his mind once. It didn't occur to him that it was unusual but maybe it was? Whenever he thought of dating it was usually within the context of someone else or a movie, but never in regards to himself. "Not really," he shrugs it off, unable to give him a reasonable answer. The only girl he really spoke to was his sister, and he didn't see an issue with keeping it that way.
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Admiration was about all he had, and even then that was really only for men. Was there something wrong with him? "Wait, is that something you guys talk about a lot?" Taka didn't talk about it often, at least not to his knowledge and Yuzuha sparingly mentioned anything like that to him lest she risk being teased. Did he want to date people? He couldn't be sure. Suddenly, he feels a little beside himself. Should he be thinking about that?
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kyukicho · 2 months
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@ofcrossroads asked: “So should I start walking around with my shirt unbuttoned?” Mitsuya’s teasing, mostly.
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"Would you really do that? Like really really? How about unbuttoned just a little. Or maybe all the way off when we're at my house! Yea!"
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captivemuses · 7 days
💋 (Lance for Pidge)
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The first 5 Asks to send 💋 get a kiss 4/5
They both really should've known by now that teasing each other could either go horribly funny or go horribly wrong. Almost always there was never an in between. So on a rare time that Pidge had worn just a little bit of makeup for a big presentation at the base to get permission granted for a big research project she wanted to do, it had apparently drawn the notice of another former Paladin.
A dumbfounded look on Lance's face was not one she'd never seen before, but seeing it aimed at her looking a little bit different for one afternoon had gotten her instincts to tease her best friend kicking in immediately. A simple 'ooooh you wanna kiss me so bad' had ended with Lance having a look of protest on his face, but retaliating with the quickest of pecks on Pidge's lips before crossing his arms and retorting with "Yeah, and?". She had not been prepared for that possibility in any capacity.
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Thank god this was happening after her presentation and not before it. Going in with a face redder than one of the Lions would not have been a good look.
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