otomego2-blog · 8 years
Otome go! is moving!
As you may notice, the new address of this blog is otomego2.tumblr.com .
The new address of my blog is the same (see above).
If you had enjoyed this blog in the past, please follow the new one!
Thank you that you have been with me all this time. And see you soon!
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otomego2-blog · 8 years
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Yay! Hello, bros and sis! I had come. At the start and continuing of school year I was very busy with acclimatising and such, but now it’s summer gonna to come and so am I \(///.U.///)/
I even had started to play some old, that I haven’t finished in the past. And I really am moved with them.
So, officially, I HAD COME!!!  *applauses, drums*
I have loaded a lots of new games on my pc, so wait for it!
I’m gonna hit an otome world!
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otomego2-blog · 9 years
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Hello!  and sorry for waiting! >_< I’ve discovered recently an interesting world of games BESIDES otome, so I think, this blog is going to become wider with themes. SO there will be other games, except otome. I hope you won’t mind, dears. See you soon!
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otomego2-blog · 9 years
Played Games: Chapter 7
61. Signed X (Simple and nice)
62. Our Personal Space (Not bad. About love in space.)
63. Nameless ( I. CAN’T. END. IT. It’s so boring sometimes... =_=)
64. Lucky Rabbit Reflex (Game really rocks! For a lovers of difficulties it’s ideal.)
65. A 2 ~A duo~ (Quite good and well-done game from amateurs. It’s hapiness, that free.)
66. Nicole Otome (Have a bit of intriguing plot, and a bit of romantic.)
67. Storm Lover Kai! (Commercial and neverending. There are at least 50 hours of playin’)
68. Usotsuki Genius (Don’t trust Applocale. That’s all I have to say about this game.)
68. Doki Doki Highschool Love Time (OH, I have laughed from it. It’s pity it’s that short.)
69. The Blind Griffin (It’s perfect. Overwhelming plot, live characters and some spice of 20′s. Otome ♥♥♥)
70. Charlatans (I love it. it has many good themes to think in it, and is quite philosophical. I’d want to play more of alike games.)
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otomego2-blog · 9 years
Played games: Chapter 6
It was not all! I forgot that games that I have played more than 2 years ago. There they will be.
51. Red Shift/Tokoyo No Hoshizora (Wow I liked it. but it was long ago< when I was young an’ naive... Ahem. Read ahead.)
52. Ristorante Amore (Unpedictable! Interesting! Lively! Yaoi routes! Nice technique! Charm! It’s all is there. I like it!)
53. Princess Nightmare (If you are wanting for a novel in 2 tomes with picture, that’s it. It had vampires, but sadly I just couldn’t bear it longlineeeesss anymore. Yeah, I said longliness on purpose to make it sound soooooooooo long.)
54. Aloners (It’s unusual posapocaliptic story. Yet, a lot of choices. it’s hard to understand sometimes.)
55. Other Age Second Encounter (Funny madness in one cup with fantazy. Enjoy!)
56. Cherry Tree High Comedy Club (Not bad, but the screen is sooo little!!!)
57. Dusk (ahahahahahahah. parody on a Twillight. FUNNY>>>>>>>>>)
58. My Black Cat (Sad and touching story. Don’t miss, if you like drama.)
59. Zayzay (What it was? Crazy art fiction craft.)
60. Academagia: The Making of Mages (It has so many parameters!!! So many words!!! And so little pictures, that I just can’t stand it! But you may have find it good.)
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otomego2-blog · 9 years
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Now I’m playing the legendary “Amnesia”! But I still don’t now is it “Amnesia: Memories”, the game that I play, the first in the line.
The game, despite my very low hopes, is quite interesting. It has an intriguing plot and beautiful boys!
I’ll tell you more, when I end it! ;)
P.S. But I haven’t finished “Nameless”, so “Amnesia” will be a second after it.
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otomego2-blog · 9 years
Sorry everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!
That school year’ve started like a snowfall on my head. Now I’m studying at academy, so I DON’T have a free time at all! I’ve not even checking my tumblr for a 3 weeks! So there will be a VERY VERY little amount of posts, gumenasai!
sheluvsbassy, sorry please, that I didn’t respond to you! I’ve waited for your response, and finally school routine blew me from my feet, so I completely forgot about existing of Tumblr at all!
I love u guys, and I am hoping you will not break up with my blog! :3
Love, piece! ♥
And sorry for my awful English! ^-^’‘
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otomego2-blog · 9 years
Working on a guide
Now I’m working on a visual novel guide for people, who don’t know what to play next. There will be a list of visual novels and otomes, so don’t miss!
I think it will be ready to the end of September.
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otomego2-blog · 9 years
Yay! I got’ya, Beck!
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After few days of unsuccessful tryings, I finally managed to get Beck’s Best end in Lucky Rabbit Reflex!!! His path is very, VERY difficult, but it’s worth it - who doesn’t want to achieve a heart of macho? ♥ I’m just a fan of Muse scene! Thanks all people at Sixthree forums and Lemmasoft forums! Huge hug!
Ahh, I got it, I got it! I’m DANCING!!!!! Tralalalala~ Where is my champagne? Let’s celebrate!!!!!
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otomego2-blog · 9 years
Beck: pain in ass guy
Now I’m actively playing “Lucky Rabbit Reflex” from Studio63 Beck’s route. HOW CAN I COMPLETE TEACHING PATH??! I tried several times without any result - I just can’t achieve Beck’s full heart bar!!! It’s annoying!
Somebody achieved Beck’s good ending through teaching path? Please, tell me, how to fill all his heart bar(I have stats like at official walkthrough)!
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otomego2-blog · 9 years
Tolerance to the mass!
Today, playing Ristorante Amour the game, I completely understand that otome games with yuri and yaoi routes(like Seduce me, etc.) taught me to be more tolerant to sexual minorities. Also visual novels gave me a piece of mind in other questions of tolerance.
All we are people, and we are what we are. We do what we do, and we love who we love. It’s not a shame. It’s a free choice of every human.
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otomego2-blog · 9 years
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The one otome that I’ve played on my mobile, is “Nifleheim+” from NTT. Solmare group. I tried to clear JJ. path, but their money-orienting policy kick me from my feet. Still, it’s a good otome.
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otomego2-blog · 9 years
Played Games: Chapter 5
41. Sword Daughter (Interesting fantasy novel with very various endings. Each your choice will determine your fate... And it also have romantic line. Aww~)
42. The Elevator (Game from Cyanide Tea. Novel with quite amusing plot. It’s like you are reading a good thriller book.)
43. Seduce Me (I liked this otome from new studio “Seraphim Entertainment” - it has voice acting, though; it has good story, but love line is almost alike with each boy and it’s sad. Despite that, yuri routes are super)
44. Roommates (Simulator from Winter Wolves. Has stat-rising system and funny events, but doesn’t have wide range of choices)
45. Boy (Amateur novel for NanoReno 2015. I liked it. Gosh, it has global themes taken in it. Also it’s short. Worth playing for each feminist.)
46. Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You. (Adorable simulator otome from Cheritz. Read review here!)
47. Loren Amazon Princess (RPG visual novel with elements of otome from Winter Wolves. Has strong battle system and levels of difficulty. There are elves, dwarves, amazons, cruel enemies - all that we like in fantasy worlds)
48. Matches & Matrimony: Pride and Prejudice Tale (It took me all in it and I’ve reached all endings in a few days. Based on Jane Austen’s novels, it has beautiful music and story. Choose wisely, rise your characteristics and maybe, you’ll be able to gain heart of mr. Darcy! ♥o♥)
49. Love and Order (And third in today’s list game from WW. One of their first games, this otome is quite taking. Law intrigues, your investigation and romance - it has it all. Yuri route is there too)
50. 1931: Scheherazade at the Library of Pergamum (Oh my! It has SUPER DIFFICULT stat-system. There are inspirations, abilities, obstacles and all this crap. But story is intriguing. Also there’re six(!) dateable boys and such bonus like diary. Still game has that atmosphere of 30′s, and it charms you immediately.)
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otomego2-blog · 9 years
“Dandelion: Wishes brought to you“ review
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Hello, my awesome reader~! :D It’s my first review, so be tolerant and don’t hit me with slippers (Hi, Lance! Be gentle for now, okay?~)
“Dandelion” was my second ‘large commercial game experience’ and I’m pleased that it was that game.
It’s a simulator with very light and pleasing atmosphere and in the same time, interesting story. Not saying that it has beautiful graphics and thought out characters. But there are also some cats in the boxes...
What is admirable in Dandelion - that is a nice mix of fantasy and meanwhile, casual. Sweet boys and everyday problems - what can be better?
It doesn’t have any action, but it doesn’t need it. But it has a mystery, romance, fantasy, daily fondness and inspiring idea, and it all makes the game, like it is - very good.
Main character is gentle and kind, but she has also skeletons in her wardrobe. She is like a typical main heroine of manga - nice, lovely, etc.
Boys are different by looks and temper, and what is the most cool that the route’s events are different, what is making the dating with each boy special. [There will be a special rewarding of boys from Otome Go! in the end of review - don’t miss!]
Story are quite interesting, and all boys, like a main character, have they dark past. Will they be able to fight they fears? Who knows ;).
The endings are unpredictable, and each boy has his own, unusual ending - that warms me a lot.
Technical side
Simulation of life isn’t boring because of special system of Heart-Meter, that unlocks new activities. New activities - more meetings with a beloved one.
About meetings - during them, you can raise your affection(or not) with making different actions to a boy. It’s stat-raising game, so be careful to gain enough points of affection and other needed stats. But I think you’ll be able to manage this!
Also there is such an interesting thing like stamps. You need to collect more than 30 to gain extra images in the end. Don’t forget to buy Vision Improvement medication(you’ll understand, if you play)!
There are a lot of bonuses, extra and all, that is seeking your gamer’s heart(except rewards, but they are in the Steam).
Worth playing?
Yes, I’d said in general, that game is 8/10.
But still, that game takes many time - 3 hours per each boy ‘good’ route. So be ready to jump into bottomless otome world! ~
That is all that can be said without spoilers about that game. If you have some ideas how to improve my review, feel welcome to write a comment! ^ ^
And now - Reward time!
Rewards from Otome Go!
CAUTION: Reading this reward list is not recommended for people, who doesn’t play this game, because may have spoilers. Thanks!
Ta-dam! It’s time to give a rewards for our boys and all meaningful characters of this wonderful game!
The most beautiful person - Jihae
The most nice person - Heejun
The most mysterious - Wizard
The most funny route - Jiwoo
The most ‘childish’ route - Jieun
The most dramatical route - Jieyon
The most romantic ending - Jisoo
The most unpredictable ending - Heejae
That is the end of my review of the otome game “Dandelion: Wishes brought to you”. Hope you enjoy it! See you soon! ~
And don’t forget, that a Great BATTLE is coming! Dandelion vs other Cheritz’s game will fight to be the 1st! Will you be able to predict the winner? We’ll see...
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otomego2-blog · 9 years
At 6th-7th of August I’m moving to village without ability to update my blog for 5 or more days. I’ll try to entertain you with help of automatic publication of posts, but if it won’t work, sorry :’D
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otomego2-blog · 9 years
Guys, help! In “Dandelion” CG gallery in Heejun section 5th CG on 1st page how to unlock? I’m burning to know what there is. Oh, and if you have a picture, give me link, because I’m lazy-crazy ass :D
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otomego2-blog · 9 years
I’m a maniac of starting playin’ the game and then started playin’ another and then, if the first isn’t excitable enough, I broke with it... Tell you the truth, I have completed among 20 games, yet still played more that 50.
I feel that I won’t have all time in the world to play all cool games it has, so, if I just don’t like a game, I leave it behind and started playin’ new... And that again and again... Am I “oh-I-didn’t-complete-that-game-nevermind” girl?
P.S. And also I don’t have a great English skill to express my emotions well, I afraid. =_=‘
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