otherkindata-blog · 7 years
A metapath is a individual aware of their Psychic nature & consciously interacts with Quantum reality. A Metatype is a type of Metapath. The attributes of a persons energy system determines their Metatype. An example of a Metatype would be the Detektor. These individual can detect energy constructs, fields and currents giving keen navigating and clairvoyant abilities. In the vibrational shift of earth(lings) more people have been born connected and will now be the new norm. Metapath's have similarities to other groups such as Otherkin and Starseeds but are a distinct group. Metapaths: 1. Consider themselves as Humans (atleast in this dimension) albeit 'new age' Humans (born fully psychic, connected, aware). 2. Some belivie they have Psychic awareness and/or Psylinks with specific planes and/or exoplanets and possibly its sentient inhabitants. 3. They belivie their state has a quantum physics basis as opposed to (though not exclusive) a sheer spiritual or psychological basis. 4. Some will utilize cosmic forces and quantum wave mechanics AKA archetypes they have a affinity or Psylink with. These can have a semblance with the concept of deities, totems, and spells. Other types are: Astrals: Can easily astrally/quantum project/travel. Orates: Unique vocal ability capable of a range of effects. Empaths: Can sense and effect the emotional states and signature of others. Compath: A potent presence and willpower that can rally and empower others. Charmstuns: Strong persuasion and influencing ability. Saiyens: Grounded individuals capable of extreme states of durability and physical strength. Though all Metapath are capable of any Psychic ability Metatype's have a natural affinity of a particular ability.
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otherkindata-blog · 10 years
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~*Within *~ *~ throughout ~*
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otherkindata-blog · 10 years
Sighted: Otherkin on the show 'glee'.
Though many don’t watch it a therian/otherkin made an appearance on the glee season finale.So, kin in mainstream media.
They were a punch line, the character Rachel said they had “werewolf heritage” when noticing their wolf tail when they seemed more like a wolf therian though they could been werewolfkin are something similar.
Though they also were defended, another character said "she shouldn't have disrespected your otherkin indentity.
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otherkindata-blog · 10 years
Why is non-animate kin questioned so much? Has no one heard of animism, the belief that everything has a soul?
Nearly every past indigenous people practiced it and it is still widespread today. If you were a wolf in a past life, what do you think the wolf was?
It was the rocks it ran over, the grass it slept on, the trees it strode through. Soul or spirit starts like an ocean and is individualized through reincarnation.
Science already tells you this, all energy is one and energy only changes.
In feudal Japan you could of been a whole area, a cottage, the teapot inside, the walls, the rugs. Then a cricket in Australia. Then a wolf in America. Then a monkey in Africa and then born human in Europe. Anything is possible because anything is possible.
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otherkindata-blog · 10 years
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otherkindata-blog · 10 years
Electric person
Is there any Kin who could be considered an electric person? You feel surges of electricity within you? Electronics and lights go haywire around you or you're sensitive to them? You get static shocked easily? You 'feel' thunderstorms? You effect things like a magnet would? If so please share you're Kin type. I wish to see if there is any commonalities.
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otherkindata-blog · 10 years
Instincts = Therian = Nature = Instincts
Reconnecting with my instincts is reconnecting with my Therian/Otherkin nature. Reintegrating. It's scary sometimes but I remind myself I'm not a purely instinctual creature so I can embrace it more. I'm also a intuitive, emotional, mental, perceptive, physical, dynamic being. Whole.
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otherkindata-blog · 10 years
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A hello & thanks to kin of otherkin data, now 170 kin and counting. Taking a winter hibernation break, see you in spring.
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otherkindata-blog · 10 years
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otherkindata-blog · 10 years
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otherkindata-blog · 10 years
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otherkindata-blog · 10 years
Additional kintype umbrella
Primordialkin are kin who are prehistoric creatures such as dinosaurs but other things such as the sabertooth tiger or mastodon.
They may have a strong affinity for that era of time and can be rather instinctual kin. They may not relate to this time at all and can be outcast in that sense.
Primalkin can be a range of kin but all have strong ties to their baser natures. Strongly apparent & prominent instincts, a deep wild side. Though many express the darker realm of their instincts this does not equate to evil or ill intent. They trust their gut and are guided by their instincts which may get them into trouble in a society that frowns on such spontaneous and free behavior. These are the ‘wild child’, the feral folk. Sometimes when you look at them you wonder if there totally animal.
Regalkin can come to be by various means. Maybe they were royal in a past/other life,held/hold a alpha position or have ties to symbolical royal animals. Another example: On Starseeds/alienkin origin planet they may of held a position similar to royalty. These are the natural leaders, role models & public figures on earth.
Etheralkin are basically non physical kin. These are not just ghost but other spiritual beings, and entities and even some angels. These kin maybe be described as distant, elusive, spacey, transparent. They may have issues staying grounded or being ‘in their body’. Walking barefoot and physical activity or yoga may help. Some are mediums and clairvoyant having a easier time with such realms.
The astral has it’s own “wild life” so there may be kin that can be described as astralkin. There maybe some overlap with Etheralkin. They have a affinity for astral travel and may have spontaneous out of body experiences from an early age.
Domestikin are kin that are domesticated beings. Not just earthly cat and dogs it can be any animal capable of domestication. Camels, foxes, chickens, even some fish. Even otherworldly creatures can have a equivalent of domesticated like behavior.
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otherkindata-blog · 10 years
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otherkindata-blog · 10 years
Oh hi. Here to hate on kin? Then I'm pretty sure you have this little thing called hate within you. Yes, hate. You may know of it. It's currently animating you, like strings on a puppet which is why your here. You know, to spew said hate on people who aren't infringing on you at all. Coupled with your hard icy heart I'm guessing by the lack of compassion and empathy for another being holding different beliefs and views then you. Now. Hate works kind of like a virus, and your infected. It uses it's host to spread more widely. It explains why your not downing terrorist, murderers, the cronies who sent us into a great recession. No, your here. Using your precious time. To attack, degrade, and tear down someones identity. Their spiritual beliefs. Their feelings. Their view. Your better then that. You deserve more. We all do.
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otherkindata-blog · 10 years
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otherkindata-blog · 10 years
Kintype Quiz
Hello, Here is a accurate kintype indicator test, sharing your results will help improve it. Please share your results.
What is your kintype?
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otherkindata-blog · 10 years
My belief in Otherkin & why I identify with them.
Me being kin is tied to my spirituality/soul. A soul being individualized spirit or consciousness. For me spirit and consciousness basically being the same. You can think of the saying ‘soul having a human experience’ or ‘spirit experiencing itself’.
I identify with several kintypes which I will explain in depth in another post but I will focus on one right now.
I do identify as faekin. For me the world of fae is a reality, another realm or plane of existence “distant” by being a different vibrational state then our earthly realm. So me being Otherkin is tied to the theory of multi-dimensional reality.
I’m a multidimensional being (individualized spirit/consciousness) in a multidimensional reality. Being human enables us to experience our multi-dimensional selfs, here, now. Sometimes this is palpable and readily apparent hence otherkin.
DL Zeta explains it another way:
"Because time and other limitations don’t really exist, souls are able to incarnate simultaneously into numerous timeframes and dimensions. As we move further into the awakening process, we gain awareness of other aspects of our selves simultaneously existing throughout the universe. Some of these aspects are incarnated into physical reality in other timeframes - both past and future – and some aspects reside in other locations in the universe.
As we accept that our other aspects exist, we develop the potential for communication and sharing with these aspects. When our conscious self expands its identity to include these other aspects, it is able to begin communicating with them, sharing information, talents, skills and wisdom. “
So the reason I identify with faekin is because I’m simultaneously experiencing the earth realm, as a human being, and the fae realm as fae (parallel life) which is the reality of being a conscious being (soul) in a multi-dimensional reality.
The otherkin multi-dimensional theory or OMDT.
It should be noted if one doesn’t hold the belief of spirit/soul/reincarnation and other new age concepts one will not readily believe in this. Personally I do not believe science & spirit have to clash. What the mystics of the past have known & spoken is being (re)discovered by science such as the concept that all is one & that our perception in a sense creates our reality. Only words differ.
-Purrsian Nooage
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