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CJ - Christ Follower - Conservative - 28 All glory goes to God for what I do. 💕 Aspiring Animator/Storyteller I often look back at the source material of Disney films and find that the main characters had children that were occasionally given a spotlight or even their own books/comic series but hardly anyone knows about them. This is a blog for the Disney versions of those characters and other stuff I find enjoyment in.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
originaldisneydescendants · 1 month ago
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It's my 7 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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originaldisneydescendants · 4 months ago
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Please don’t pay for his music.
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originaldisneydescendants · 4 months ago
I just came on to check out some tags and got the most random and out of nowhere hate message. 🙃 I’m not angry, just a little confused and amused.
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originaldisneydescendants · 7 months ago
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originaldisneydescendants · 7 months ago
Please reblog!
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originaldisneydescendants · 9 months ago
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Season 2 of The Wingfeather Saga is coming SOON! Support the show by purchasing this awesome poster here, and check out the new Season 2 trailer!
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originaldisneydescendants · 3 years ago
As someone that has grown up surrounded by beaches and done surf life saving, I know how the sea works. Lots of people dont. Every summer multiple tourists die here because they don’t respect the sea, if you’re going to the coast, here’s a thing I saw on Facebook.
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originaldisneydescendants · 3 years ago
I remember I was in church for Easter a while ago and the pastor pointed out that the rending of the veil had another meaning, not just that the place only the high priest was allowed to go was now open for all. You know what mourners did in the Old Testament? Rended their clothing from top to bottom. The veil was ripped from top to bottom. So now not only do I recognize the veil being torn as the removal of a barrier between us and God--it was also a show of God mourning the death of His Son.
So powerful. Something I wish I had understood better when I was younger.
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originaldisneydescendants · 3 years ago
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originaldisneydescendants · 3 years ago
Normalize saying “I don’t know enough to have an opinion.”
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originaldisneydescendants · 3 years ago
Wow you are an awesome artist, keep glorifying God!!! I am really glad to see a Christian artist on here! You are awesome
I have no idea how long this has been in my messages but thank you so much and I'm sorry if I took very long to reply! 🥰😅
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originaldisneydescendants · 3 years ago
Hi, I just fell down the rabbit hole named Cassarian (yeah I know it's a bit too late) and I stumbled upon your blog (love it btw). Any advice as to where can I find more Cassarian content? I have gone through their relationship tag on ao3 and read all the fanfics I could find which in the end made me like this ship even more
Sorry, but you're asking the wrong gal. I've made a lot of Cassarian content but it was all based on watching the show itself. I don't really consume fanmade content apart from some pieces of fanart. Speaking of, I know there's a lot of fanart on Instagram and Pinterest so if you want to check that out there should be a tag for it.
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originaldisneydescendants · 3 years ago
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originaldisneydescendants · 3 years ago
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originaldisneydescendants · 4 years ago
some very important info re: paid accounts~
I am not a lawyer, but I can decently interpret legalese and, being as I also suffer from tl;dr syndrome and assume others may as well, I took one for the team and went through the updated TOS for the post+ accounts and highlighted (what I understand to be) the most pertinent information, which ultimately comes down to this:
You cannot monetize copyrighted works (aka charge and earn money from fanfic, fanworks, etc) and if you do decide to put your fanworks behind a paywall via Tumblr, when you are inevitably sued, Tumblr will not protect you and will not defend you and you alone, personally, will be responsible for whatever monetary damages said lawsuit results in.
If anyone is a lawyer and knows I've gotten any of this wrong, please do not hesitate to correct me/this post.
Screenshots taken from Tumblr's TOS (updated 7-21-21), Stripe's Account Agreement, and the post+ FAQs.
1. Your paid account will not be hosted by tumblr; it is routed through a 3rd party.
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2. By signing up for a paid account, you're entering into an agreement with Stripe, so in addition to Tumblr's TOS, you are also bound to Stripe's TOS.
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3. Stripe, like Tumblr, will not defend you or protect you against any lawsuits.
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4. Furthermore, you may end up owing Stripe money (indemnify = compensate)
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5. Tumblr's TOS specifically states that you can't put any content on your post+ account that violates any laws, including laws that protect intellectual property rights of others. This is super important, because Tumblr's post+ FAQ also states that you can post anything that you would regularly post on tumblr, which I'm sure many will take to mean that gifsets, fanworks, etc are fair game, since all of that stuff can be posted on tumblr now. However, the difference is, you're not making money from the fanworks you're posting or reblogging now. Once money enters the equation, the game changes.
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Tumblr is making it seem like any and all content goes for post+ accounts, knowing 90% of this site is fanworks. This is not true and you'll be opening yourself up for lawsuits if you charge for fanworks.
6. Tumblr further disclaims any and all liability in any legal issues.
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tl;dr: Please do not make a post+ account, bc you will be opening yourself to lawsuits and if that happens, Tumblr's response will be not our problem, you agreed to all the terms which said you couldn't do that, sorry not sorry. Please protect yourself.
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originaldisneydescendants · 4 years ago
So from what yall are saying…if I were an unbeliever I’d think that God is a God that wants people that believe in Him to suffer. A God that doesn’t always want to heal people even if they ask Him to. A God that doesn’t always want to bless His people financially even if they are seriously struggling and are poor.
Heck, why would they want to believe and serve a God like that!?
That is NOT who my God is. Nope. I know that my God is willing to heal all of any sickness and disease. I know that my God is willing to greatly bless His people. I know that my God is willing to give His people the desires of their hearts. My God is who I will tell unbelievers about.
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originaldisneydescendants · 4 years ago
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A huge thank you to @xannerz for all the help in figuring out their characteristics!
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