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-- it's nothing Niklaus. Not worth your time of course.
Then what else is irritating you so much? 
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I trust you, and believe me when I say it is no problem, Elena.
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-- I suppose I can attempt a treaty with Niklaus, however it is no guarantee.
Yeah, I would. The sword is yours, or well it should be yours considering who it belonged to. I betrayed your trust once before, and I shouldn’t have done that; I won’t make that mistake again, especially since we’re friends now. Thank you though, for considering it.
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I know that you’re still mad at Klaus, and I’m not defending him or anything for what he did to you, but given the circumstances, I imagine he misses you.. 
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Rebekah Mikaelson: The Evil Queen (Snow White)
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Rebekah Mikaelson in The Originals
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I recommend you keep your mouth shut before I tear your lips from your horrid face.
Feel free to leave, then.
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Mommy and daddy sacrifice you so you can grow a couple pointy teeth and suddenly you think you’re all that. I’d have to care about something to actually get involved.
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why is it so hard for you to let me be happy?!
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-- You'd do that for me? .. No. I'll simply take it under consideration; but that does not guarantee that I will let Niklaus anywhere near the sword.
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I’ll keep it safe for you, of course… but Rebekah, we’re so close to the cure; and Klaus and I are actually working together on this. If you’d let us use the sword, I can promise you that I’ll get it back to you. I just — I need to get this cure. If I don’t get it then my family won’t ever be safe, I’ll never be safe. Regardless, I’ll keep it safe for you, but please.. just consider letting us use it.
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The sword -- it is said that it will be of use when searching for the cure. I need the sword to remain with you -- Niklaus mustn't know about this.
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Well then you’re welcome to come over, I bet it’s been a while since you had a nice girls night. I’ve heard of it, but why exactly is it important? 
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Correction; Rebekah.
Just mere curiosity, I tend to let it get the best of me every now and then.
Keep 'em comin' barkeep
What’s it to you blondie?
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Episode CODAs  ♪ 4x17 - Heartbeat | Kopecky Family Band
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That sounds -- great, actually.
I need to entrust you with something; it's extremely important, Elena. I'm sure you've heard of Alexander's sword?
You’re a lifesaver. If you’re interested there is ice cream in my freezer and I have Netflix, not a party but it’s the best I have tonight. Yeah, whatever it is, I’m up for it.
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Fantastic. Let's hope you keep your word on this.
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Trust me, it’s going to live up to even your expectations. I’ve been planning this prom since freshman year; if it’s anything less than amazing, I’ll let you pull my hair out.
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I am willingly offering you my help; there is no need for you to return the favor.. Well, actually; I could use help on a certain something.
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If you helped me with this, I’d be eternally grateful. I’d offer to help you, but well that would be a little pointless, considering you know a lot more than me.
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Honestly Caroline, if the prom isn't going to be as magnificent as I expected it to be, I will gladly pull out your hair for you.
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Finally, after weeks of prep and planning and wanting to pull my hair out, Prom is ready to go, and I couldn’t be more relieved to have the weight off my shoulders. Now I just need to shove my face in a couple books for finals week, and then buh-bye Mystic Falls High.
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So you're just a by stander? Honestly I expected nothing more from you.
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You were so cute back then.
Person of interest drew me in. The scent of death is stronger than ever around these parts, as well as the itch of a soon to be battle.
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Of course. Considering..
Need I ask as to why you've decided to come into town?
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It is pretty small and the forest is still intact. Almost reminds you of the human years.
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Well, we were bound to encounter each other in the insignificant town that is Mystic Falls.
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Yeah, well you know how it is after so many years. I was wondering how long it would be before I ran into you.
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