letheavenspeak · 2 years
I haven’t posted since I was in school 💀 but I recently started playing Switchcraft and there’s NOTHING written about my man Gilmore and I’m just gonna have to change that
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letheavenspeak · 6 years
It’s been a really long time BUT I have officially finished school for a good few years and I have a lot more time on my hands. I wanna start writing more starting with a Josh Sanderson fic because he's super underrated. 
As for A Royal Love Affair, I have really fallen off the Ghostbusters train, but if I get some requests to finish it, I’ll have no problem doing so.
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letheavenspeak · 7 years
Characters I write for
So my interests have changed a lot since I started posting on this account, so I thought I'd set a list of some of my favourite characters (and a couple irl ppl). If your fav isn't here, just let me know, but just know I will not write for Billy Hargrove. I despise him so there will be nothing written for him, or any of the kids (obviously).
Characters I love:
Steve Harrington
Jonathon Byers
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Peter Parker
Wade Wilson
Matt Murdock
Frank Castle
Jessica Jones
Sweet Pea
Poe Dameron
Jillian Holtzmann
People I love:
Joe Kerry
Harry Styles
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letheavenspeak · 7 years
Little Interventions
So I was on the transit and this idea just came up from nowhere and here we are. I hope you like it, I kinda do. 
Words: 3725
Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
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Dustin never really had anyone he could talk to about girls; well he had me, maybe. He felt more awkward when tried to ask me about the girl in the back that was a little shy. He felt as if he was imposing on me I think, and honestly, it made him very embarrassed. He didn't want me to know that he liked a girl or girls at all for that matter.
That's why he was so relieved when Steve began to give him advice about how to act with Max on the tracks and again in the car before the Snow Ball.
Luckily, I was never there when Steve was dispensing his "wisdom" because I totally would have smacked him upside the head. I shared a love-hate relationship with Harrington. He was a year older than me, but I had seen how his and Nancy's relationship fell apart as I was (and still am) a good friend of Nancy's, but I were also there through the whole Dart fiasco and saw how much Dustin looked up to him. He really matured in that time, and now I could say that I am friends with the man that came out of it.
Nowadays, in the chilly fall, almost one year to the anniversary of the mind flayer, everyone had gotten into their own normal again. Nine times out of ten Steve picked me and Dustin up after school to drive us home even though he didn't attend classes there, and some days he even stayed to help Dustin out with his homework. I told him how absurd it was; that I could always just help him myself, but Steve insisted that I had my own work to focus on and that he was happy to help. Jonathon and Nancy were together almost every minute; always holding hands at school, and giving the other a quick kiss goodbye when forced to separate between classes. The party invited Max and Jane to join the AV Club as full-time members, and Steve and I would wait outside in the parking lot, listening to whatever new music he was able to get on 8 track. On the car ride home everyone would speculate on whether or not Hopper and Joyce would ever get together as Jane and Mike would steal a glance at each other and Steve would talk about work at the police station with Hopper while he was finishing his training to become a real officer instead of an office hand answering the phone. He was even able to save up enough money to get a new(ish) car with more seats in the back for the ever-growing party. It was really nice to see how much Steve really cared for the kids.
It made me see him in a new light. Before, when he would hang out with those two imbeciles and dating Nancy, I saw a scummy guy who was just trying to get into my friend's pants and then as an asshole who hurt Nancy terribly. It honestly was a shock when Nance told me they were getting back together, but I supported her and her decision nonetheless.
Then I actually started to hang out with him after the fall of 1984 and saw how nice of a person Steve really was. When we sat in the car together, waiting for the brats to return, I really got to know Steve well. He told me all about his doubts and insecurities; how he felt as if he were a failure in his parent's eyes because he wasn't going to college and finding a real career, instead taking up two part times jobs before deciding that what he really wanted to help the people of his town the only way he could. He was almost completely detached from his father's seemingly endless cash supply too because he said it didn't feel right.
"It's not real. It's not earned." Is what he told me. That made me really look up to him.
I found myself thinking more and more about Steve daily. No matter what I did or where I went, he would pop into my head and make his home there for hours on end. I would see a sweater in a storefront that was his favourite colour or smells something similar to the cologne that he wore, but it just wasn't him. When this would happen I would enter an almost trance-like state, starring out into the distance, a million miles away from everyone else around me; entirely focused on thoughts of him.
"Y/N, earth to Y/N? Where are you, girl?" I finally hear Nance yell into my ear.
"God, are you trying to take away my hearing?" I say dramatically as I cradle the now damaged ear.
"How was space? Exciting?"
"Oh har har. You're hilarious Nance, truly."
"But seriously, what are you thinking about that has you so zoned out?" she asked, shifting closer to me on her bed. Today was supposed to be a catch-up day for the two of us. Nancy was usually studying or out with Jonathon, and I was constantly studying trying to get the best marks that I could, (or with Steve). I didn't even realize I was doing it again, and I certainly wasn't gonna tell Nancy about it, that would be waaayyyy to awkward.
"I don't know what you mean." I look away, my shoulders high, trying to cover my face from her inquisitive eyes.
"Oh don't give me that bullshit! Is it about a boy?" I flinch as the words leave her mouth and I know immediately my cover is blown.
"Oh, I knew it? Who's the lucky guy? Is it Mike from gym? Or Eric from English?"
This time I'm able to look her dead in the eye as I give her a firm no to which she sighs and throws herself over her bed, her arm draping over my lap.
"Well then who is it?"
"I don't know what to tell you, Nance, because there is no guy."
"I haven't smelt that much bullshit in a while, geez Y/N. Wait!" she exclaims, her body sitting up in the blink of an eye. "I know who it is."
"No, you don't Nance." I feel a trickle of sweat peak from behind my hair on the back of my neck.
"Are you sure about that N/N?"
"I don't appreciate your tone right now Wheeler."
"Are you sure that you're not daydreaming about a boy? Maybe even about a certain Steve Harrington!"
My body is what gives me away, stiffening at his name. Dammit.
"Oh no Y/N, don't even worry about it. I am 100% over Steve and happy with Jon. I think the time Steve has spent being single has helped him too. If you're really into him, then why not go for it?"
There's a moment of silence before the whole dam breaks open and I finally come to realize, that I really do like Steve.
"Are you sure? Because I don't wanna make you uncomfortable in any way, and that's only if he feels the same way, and I mean come on he doesn't. I'm just the nerdy older sister of Dustin that is incredibly lame. He wouldn't go for anyone like me I mean, yeah we like the same music, and Dustin obviously, but other than that we really don't talk about much. I guess we talked a little about school every now and then, and the future, but all that's just vague filler to avoid silence." My hands wave frantically as I ramble, not knowing what to do with them. Nancy decided to grip them and pull them to her chest ending my talking.
"Y/N if Steve doesn't see the wonderful, loving, beautiful person that you are, he truly is an idiot. I doubt that though, I always see you guys in his car after school ‘listening to music' and I've seen the way he looks at you. He never looked at me that way," there's no bitterness or disappointment when she speaks, "but I think it's similar to the way Jon looks at me."
"If I ever find a man that looks at me the way Jonathon looks at you, I'll never need to want."
"Y/N, just take a chance, trust me. Both me and Jon took a chance, and look at us now."
I simply smiled at her, mulling over her words over and over in my head.
Back at the Henderson Household. 3rd Person POV
Y/N had gone to Nancy's after school today so Steve only had to drive the youngest Henderson home, and when Dustin offered him some leftover KFC from the night before, it made Steve sad to realize he didn't have any other plans for a Friday night. He miraculously had the night off of work at both the grocery store and the police department, and with nothing else to do other than sit in an empty house, he accepted. The car ride home had been filled with Dustin chatting on about school and what new stuff was going on at the AV Club. New songs on the radio, movies that were about to be released, it was if the two hadn't seen each other in a while, even though they had seen each other every day that week.
As Steve stepped foot into the home, he realized how much he had missed your presence. You held yourself in a certain way that he had always respected you for. You had an aura about you that automatically calmed him; he sometimes thought it was because you had beaten Billy's ass at the Byers residence that one night and saved him from more of a beating, and later when you helped clean him up when everything was over. Neither of you talked, not a word was spoken, but the feeling of your hands working against his face soothed him to the point where he was falling asleep in your lap; but he just chalked it up to the exhaustion from the day.
Steve smiles as he remembers the moment fondly. He chuckles to himself; he would have never thought a second of the day would be nice to look back on, even enjoyable at most, but of course, he realized it was only because of you.
"What was that? Dustin asks, throwing a few chicken legs in the microwave.
"Oh, nothing. So tell me bud, all this talk of school today, but no signs of any new friends."
He knew Dustin was hiding something; the kid talks a lot, but not as much as he has today, and Steve wants to get right to the bottom of it.
"What do you mean?" Dustin chuckles nervously.
"Well, I do remember you telling me that you were trying to be friends with the shy girl in class. What was her name now? Alana?"
"Alyssa," Dustin quickly corrects, and judging by the smile on Steve's face, he knows he's fallen into a trap. Defeated, he takes the chicken out of the microwave and joins Steve at the dining room table, sitting across from him.
"What do you want to know?" Dustin asks before stuffing his face with chicken.
"Well, have you started talking to her more? Would you consider her a friend?"
"Well, I don't know; maybe? I mean she talks to me in between classes now, and she's sat with me a few times at lunch, but the party can be a little much, and I get that she doesn't wanna be around that."
"Well have you tried maybe sitting with her instead of her sitting with you? That may make her a little more comfortable?"
"What about the not caring though? Aren't I supposed to act like I don't care?"
"Yeah, so you just walk up to her on Monday and sit beside her at lunch and just start talking, about anything but the fact that you've joined her. If she asks why you're there, just tell her you wanted to sit with her," Steve finishes, shrugging his shoulders and biting into his food.
"But after that, how will I know that she likes me?" Dustin asks, mouth full of chicken.
Steve sighs, placing his food back down before sliding over to sit closer to the young teen.
"Girls sometimes can be very obvious when they like a boy. They'll flick their hair to make us notice how they did it, or when you tell a joke they'll laugh and touch your arm, or just touch your arm, they like to do that; and if they're really into you, they'll throw their head back when they laugh," Steve pauses to demonstrate making Dustin laugh in return. "Or, they'll just look at your eyes, then your lips, then your eyes again; it's their way of telling you that they want to kiss you."
"But what if my jokes aren't very funny?"
"The whole thing is that you're making an effort to make them laugh, and sometimes that's all you'll need. That, or they will genuinely find you funny, in which case that laugh will be real and even better sounding."
Dustin nods his head in contemplation, taking in all the new information.  
"Hey, I just realized, no one else is home. Where's your mother?"
"Oh she's going to bingo now on Friday instead of Monday, she says it's more fun."
"Mmh, and what time is your sister supposed to be home?" He tried to make it subtle, but the small smirk on the younger boy's face made sure Steve knew what Dustin knew.
Dustin looks up at the clock on the wall and smiles, "She should be home any minute, I think."
And just as he finishes the two hear a key enter the lock and the doorknob turn. "Is anyone home?" they hear you call.
1st Person POV
It's a moment before I hear an "in the kitchen". I hang up my coat and run my hands up and down to warm them up from the 10-minute bike ride from Nancy's. I walk into the kitchen to find Steve and Dustin sitting beside each other, chicken crumbs between the two.
"You're home pretty early, huh Henderson?"
"Oh shut the fuck up Harrington, at least I hung out with someone my own age today," I say sarcastically, knocking off the smug look on his face.
"You think you're funny huh? Well, your words hurt N/N."
"King Steve, hurt by what little old Y/N Henderson has to say? Have I made it that much under your skin?" I ask as I run my hands down Steve's shoulders, smiling.
"Oh fuck off, N/N."
I grab a piece of chicken and sit beside Steve, "So tell me Dusty, how was school today?"
Dustin groans at the nickname but proceeds to tell me all about the upcoming science project that he's super excited about, which only grows when Steve offers to help him out it. I look over to Steve and smile at him, letting my fingers graze his arm.
Dustin's still talking and I can't move my hand from Steve's arm, and eventually, he moves so that his hands sits on top of mine and runs his thumb over my skin, making me melt. We're still looking at each other, and my eyes quickly dart to his lips as he licks them. I'm able to turn my head back to my brother, cheeks slightly flushed, hoping neither saw the quick slip up. Neither one says anything, and Steve's ministrations continue until I look at the clock and realize the time.
"Well, as nice as this has been boys, I think it's time for my daily reading."
"Daily reading Y/N? You truly are the biggest nerd I know."
I let my hand slip out from underneath his, and slowly move towards his side as I rise, almost whispering, "Oh well at least I don't spend most of my time with 14-year-olds, Harington."
I chuckle as I head towards my room, not looking back.
3rd Person
It's only been a minute since you've left, but for Steve if feels like an eternity. The dopey smile you've left on him lingers long after your gone, and he's only brought back down to earth as Dustin clears his throat.
"So like that?"
"What are you talking about, kid?"
"I know if a girl likes me if she acts the way my sister does around you?"
"Dude, your sister does not- "
"Oh don't give me that Harrington, we both know you like her back. More than like, but that's beside the point. Why don't you just tell her how you feel?"
"Because it's too complicated Dustin- "
"How? How so? Tell me."
"Well, that's even if she liked me that way- "
"Which she does- "
"If things ended poorly, you'd be stuck in the middle- "
"Which wouldn't happen but go on."
"She's working so hard to get into a good college, which means she'd probably have to move- "
"So, people have made long distance work. Besides, I heard her talking with my mom recently about maybe staying in state for college."
"Yeah, she was saying she didn't wanna leave close to home."
"Steve, every reason why that you've given me has been complete shit. So why don't you just go walk into her room right now and tell her how you feel?"
"You think I should?"
Dustin gets up and begins to push Steve, trying to get him off his chair. "Yes, Steve. My sister adores you, I know, believe me. Just go and tell her how you feel."
"Ok- ok I will," Steve says, moving confidently out of the kitchen and towards the hallway. Dustin stays in his spot, watching Steve as he walks away. He notices that Steve pauses outside your shut door for a moment before walking back and sitting back down.
"I can't."
"For fuck's sake!" Dustin exclaims. If he couldn't get Steve to tell you how he felt, he would make him. He quietly marched to his room, leaving a confused Steve behind and began devising his plan. He snuck into his mother's room, quickly retrieving all the keys to the house. He quickly spotted the one for his room and stuck the ring into his pocket, letting his key hanging just outside. He moved his chest-of-drawers a few feet and waited a moment before he let out an ear piercing scream.
1st Person POV
An incredibly high pitched scream drags me away from my thoughts as I quickly jump out of bed and towards the sound. I find myself in Dustin's room, beside a worried looking Steve.
"What's wrong bud? Are you hurt?" I ask.
"I'm ok, but there's something behind my dresser."
I instinctively pull Dustin behind me as Steve moves slowly to see if he can spot it.
"What did you see?" Steve asks.
"I'm- I'm not sure maybe a mouse?"
I move closer to Steve, trying to get a look for myself, not paying attention to the smirking Dustin behind me.
"Or, maybe it was two idiots that won't get a grip and confess how they're feeling."
I turn around as quickly as I can to find Dustin slamming the door shut and the sound of a lock turning. I run towards the door, turning the knob as hard I can, trying to open the door.
"Dustin Henderson open this door right now!" Steve yells from behind me.
"Not until one of you tells the other how you really feel!" My brat of a sibling yells from the other side.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I ask, but I get no response. I decide to give up on the fight. Confused, and slightly embarrassed I sit down on the bed in the small room. ‘What is he talking about?' I ask myself.
I hear Steve sigh from across the room before he begins to yell. "Ok fine you asshole! Y/N I think the world of you! I think you're super smart and so kind and incredibly beautiful. Every day I can't help but think of how happy I am that you're in my life and for a while, I've felt this want to be more than friends with you. Some days I look at you and I have to hold myself back because there is nothing I want more in this world than to pull you close and finally kiss you. There, is that what you wanted?" He finishes turning to yell at the door once more.
It takes me a second before I can process everything that's just been said.
"Wait, Steve, you want me more than just a friend?" I ask, getting off the bed and moving closer to him.
"Yes, but I know you don't feel the same way so I'm just hoping your dipshit brother will open this fucking door."
"I thought you said you wanted nothing more in this world than to kiss me?"
"Yes, but right now I would really like to get out of here."
I decide to take a deep breath and walk right up to Steve so that our chests are almost touching, and steal myself as I raise my hand to touch Steve's cheek. I look at him in the eyes, and then quickly to his lips before speaking.
"Well, I can't get you out of here, but perhaps I could help with the latter?"
Steve looks down at me, eyes wide, hand hesitantly resting on my hips.
"Are you sure, Y/N?"
"Mmhm, so are you just gonna keep a girl waiting?"
"I mean if you insist."
And then finally what I've been craving for what seems like so long happens, and Steve's lips are finally on mine and the tension that has just been building and building is released. My hands grip the hair on the back of his neck and his embrace around me tightens, pulling me as close as he can to him.
It feels if time has stopped as if the world had stopped spinning to give us this one moment for each other, and suddenly I'm addicted to it.
"Okay, so I wanted to get you guys together, but could you stop making out in my room?"
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letheavenspeak · 7 years
It’s been a while. I’ve been in school since September and I really haven’t had time to write, and I’ll be graduating soon so I don’t know how active I’ll be, but I had a week off recently and wrote a lil’ something for Steve Harrington that I’ll be posting in a while. Let me know what you guys think, it’s been a while since I’ve written so any criticism is welcome!
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letheavenspeak · 7 years
Just want to say "Something Unspoken" is perfection imo. Your writing is fantastic and I was so happy to see a second part. Thanks for sharing it.
Omg I know I’m late on this one but thank u so much this means the world to me!
0 notes
letheavenspeak · 7 years
A Royal Love Affair
its been 9 months since I updated god I am so sorry. this is a long one so i hope that makes up for it
Jillian finally makes a move, how do you react to something like that?
Words: 3280
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Chapter Six: Revelations 
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Jillian’s actions take me so aback I find myself unable to move. Her lips continue to move against mine, and although my soul and heart tell me to do the same, my body is locked into place. Eventually Jillian realizes this and moves back, the fear evident in her wide eyes. Her mouth is agape and slightly moist from the kiss; her hands flailing around her as she tries to apologize, but I hear no words escape her lips. She’s unable to, there simply are no words. Like her, I find nothing to say and just find the strength to turn from her, back into her room, and out to door to the hallway.
I hear her voice, small and scared calling after me but I body moves of it’s own fruition. I have no idea where I am, or where I’m going, but no one stops me including any of the guards that line the halls at all times, nor does Patty, Jillian’s personal guard, nor does my own body.
I travel for what feels like an eternity, not taking notice of where I am or who’s around until my body finally stops in a lovely rose garden in the south yard. I look around to see if anyone else is around, but all too quickly giving up, not caring. I notice there’s a small stone bench by the small fountain in the center and sit upon it, the weight of my body suddenly hitting me a millions times over. The realization of what’s just happened hits me all too fast as well. At first, a smile wide enough to wide enough to rival the happiest newly-wed bride appears as what I’ve wanted for what seems forever has happened. She wants me as I want her! Oh god how could I be so lucky?! The most beautiful and intelligent woman I’ve ever met wants to kiss me. How impossibly wonderful is that? My happiness bubbles over, giggles quickly taking over myself. My head is thrown back and the giggles turn into full, bellowing laughing fits, though it doesn’t take much time for the next series of events after the kiss swim back up through my memory.
Oh god, I just left her there. She kissed me and I didn’t react in the slightest. Oh Christ not only did I not kiss her back; I couldn’t even say one word to her before I left so abruptly. She hates me, god she has to. How could she not; I acted so rudely, as if I didn’t enjoy the kiss.
Immediately a million thoughts enter my head: will she tell anyone of the kiss, will her guards realize what’s happened and kick me out, will my reputation be destroyed due to this night? And how will mother react? Oh god she wants me to marry Kevin, and though I do hold an affection for him it’s not as deep or as romantic as the one I carry for Jillian.
Will Jillian kick me out of her house for this? Will I forever be known as the whore who broke the Princess’ heart? It’s like a dam breaks as a million tears begin to break free. My body hunches over from the strength of my sobs and my hands wrap themselves around my shaking shoulders. I feel impossibly weak. Not only may I have lost a dear friend, but I may have lost everything. I continue sitting there, sobbing like a child until there is no more moisture in my body to be released and dry heaves escape my lips instead. My head is still reeling as I try to calm myself down but never succeed.
I’m interrupted after what seems like hours from a cough that comes from one of the entrances to the right of me. I wipe away any excess tears from my cheeks as I turn to see who has found me in such a dreadful state and soon realize that is the King himself. I quickly rise and slink into a deep bow before him.
“Your Majesty, my apologises, I didn’t realize you were here.” I try and hide my face from his view, looking down the entire time.
“It’s quite alright child. Please sit, tell me what ails you so.” His voice is deep and soothing, his presence should be nerve-wracking and have me even more distressed, yet somehow his gentle eyes help soothe me.
“I’m not sure what to say, Your Majesty, the matter is quite complicated.”
He pauses for a moment, “Well then why don’t you tell me in the simplest of terms then.”
By this point I’ve taken my seat on the bench once more and King Holtzmann has taken the seat next to me, watching carefully with sorrowful eyes. I take a deep breath before I can respond.
“There is a new…suitor who has announced their affection for me, but the match is incredibly unorthodox and I know my family, nor would anyone else, approve the match.”
He nods thoughtfully. “And what do you think of this suitor? Do you like them as well? Are their feelings returned?”
“They are returned with so much force; the earth would spin with such ferocity it would make us ill from the speed.”
“Then why not court them?”
“Because a match like this has never happened before, I know that if we were to walk in the marketplace, let alone the halls of your court, we would be snickered and scoffed at. Perhaps even banished and humiliated by those we love most.”
“Little one, there is much you come to realize as you get older. Many things may happen to you that you wish wouldn’t, like your hip becoming more sore and preventing you from riding, or the endless gray hairs that litter your head, but the one thing I can say for certain that makes up for all of it is the wisdom that is earned. Do not tell this to anyone, but before I met Her Majesty I knew a farm girl who was the daughter of one of my father’s servants when I was growing up. Despite my father’s wishes, we became close friends, and soon afterward I began to develop feelings for her, ones that would make my father implode if he had found out.
We continued in secret for many years as we grew from children to young adults, and not too long after her 16th birthday she fell ill and died soon afterward. To this day I regret not being able to hold her hand in public as we walked through the countryside, unashamed of who we were and how strong for our love was for another. Too many kisses were stolen in the dead of the night, or hidden behind closed doors. At the time it seemed so fun, so…  rebellious, but now I wish I had taken every moment I had with her to tell her how much I loved her and showered her with affection as I should have. I few years later I met my wife, and I have never been so in love as I am now. Yet, Mariana stays with me to this day. When I think of her I think about how much I love my family, my citizens, my country. I never take what I have for granted. Now, seeing you, I must say that I believe that you should follow your heart. Some people may disagree, some may try to pull you apart, but if your love for one another is strong enough, the trials you will face will only strengthen your bond.”
I nod solemnly, not understanding how accepting the king could be.
“That is why, my child, that if you should choose to become public with your love for this suitor, I will have nothing but support for the two of you, and make it clear to my subjects that you hold the King’s favour.”
I can only blink up at him, tears clouding my eyes.
“Why would you do such a wonderful thing for me? I am but low level royalty from another kingdom; a stranger to you none-the-less.”
“You make my daughter happier than you can understand. Your friendship has lifted her spirt tenfold, and this is the least I can do to thank you for being there for her when most people are not.”
I look up at the night sky, an audience of a million stars watching us, awaiting my answer
I pause for a moment.
“I may have to listen to your advice, Majesty.”
Shortly after our chat, the King shows me the quarters given to me for my stay, and surprises me with a hot bath waiting for me in the center of my room. After scrubbing myself clean from all of the filth from the day I lay my head back and just listen to my surroundings. There’s the gentle trickle of water as I move to make myself more comfortable, and the calming sound of the breeze that enters through the open windows of the room. Within the home someone plays what sounds like a lullaby on a piano. The music is the embodiment of innocence and love and warms me just as the water does.
I close my eyes as I finally make up my mind on what I’ll do when I see Jillian tomorrow.
The next day
I arrive to breakfast just as the sun rises and am accompanied by the King and his wife. His Majesty informs me that his daughter is currently feeling somewhat ill and apologizes that she could not attend the meal. I cannot help but feel responsible for the Princess’ state and I can barely finish one egg, my stomach too upset.
I rise after a few minutes of just playing with my food.
“If you will excuse me, your Highness, but I am feeling quite full, and would like to explore the rest of your lovely home.”
“Do as you like here, child,” he begins, “our home is your home. Jillian tells me that you love literature almost as much as she does. By all means you may go explore our library. Jillian’s collection may seem large, but it is nothing compared to my favourite room here.”
I nod my head gratefully and decide to take the book that Jillian had given me the night before and read on the balcony of the library.
The room is massive as he had said, but his words gave no indication of the grandeur of the space. Shelves soaring to the celling packed with book after book is a sight I have never before witnessed. The ladders reach all the way to the top, and slide across to gain easier access to the sections. Plush sofas litter the area with accompanying low rise tables all made of a deep mahogany that accent beautifully with the dark green upholstery. The windows are just as tall as the bookshelves, allowing as much sunlight in as possible. The rays of light create beautiful rainbows across the marble floors that change in shape and design as I move along the room.
The scent of old books hits me incredibly hard, reminding me of the time my father would take me to the library as a child, allowing me to pick any book that I so pleased, no matter how hard the difficulty. Warmth runs through my veins as I realize why this must be Jillian’s favourite room other than her own as well. I make my way up to the second floor on the spiraling wrought iron staircase that feels sturdy underneath my grip. On the second floor there’s many open doors leading to the long stretch of balcony that faces the east. Benches that look soft as can be fill the spaces between the doors as well as tall decorative plants that add a slight tropical feeling. I decide to sit by the window, the sun just in my peripheral to keep me company.
I read for hours, all the way through lunch, and by the time the grand clock at the back of the library strikes noon I realize I have yet to see Jillian all day, and decide that I should confront her about last night, and tell her how I truly feel about her. If I explain why I ran off so quickly and try to defend my actions, maybe she can forgive me and we can begin again.
The entire way to her room has my stomach in knots as I’m both excited and terrified to confess my true feelings to her. It dawns on me how vulnerable and scared Jillian must have been the night before and my heart breaks once more for her. As I approach I can see Patty is guarding her door, and I notice as her scowl deepens as she sees me approaching.
“I’m sorry, my lady, but the Princess has no desire to see you at the moment.”
Of course she doesn’t wanna see me, for all she knows I’ve gone to make a laughing stock out of her; she doesn’t know what I do.
“Please Patty, I know I hurt Jillian and I want to apologize to her for that and explain my side of things. I was scared and confused last night, and everything happened so quickly. I know I shouldn’t have run away from her, we should have talked about what we were feeling, and though I realize that now, I know it doesn’t change what I’ve done. And if the Princess doesn’t want to see me after that than I will accept what grave I have dug for myself, but right now I have to at least tell her that I feel the same for her and that I will do everything I can, spend every last breath I have trying to make it up to her. And that the feelings I have for burn and tug at my heart with such ferocity that it beats nothing but compassion and love for her: it runs through my veins setting my body aflame with such devotion for her being that there is none left even for myself. Let my soul become a slave to her, let me work like a dog in heat to even earn one fraction of the admiration she once had for me; it would be enough. I am not worthy of your Princess’ time or affection for that matter, and if you will not let me see her than please, I beg of you tell her this; I will spend the rest of my life regretting walking out of that room last night. I will spend every waking second not cherishing the feeling of her lips upon mine and will ask myself every day how I was so lucky as to be held so high by her Majesty in such a way, and how utterly sorry I am that I made her feel the way I can only imagine she felt as I walked away from her. From this day forth the anguish will stay with me knowing I have disappointed her, and I will spend every moment asking the Gods forgiveness for making such a wonderful creature doubt herself for even a moment.”
A pregnant pause follows my declaration, the expression on Patty’s face stays unmoving and as I move to leave, accepting my defeat, I notice the door behind the guard open ever so slightly and a voice follows that sounds sweeter than the most expensive berries in all the kingdom follow.
“Do not give yourself so much credit, I did not doubt myself what-so-ever, I did happen to doubt you though.”
“Jillian-” I start but am interrupted by Patty.
“You are not to speak to her!”
“No Patty it’s alright, let her in.”
I hear footsteps echo through the small creak as Patty moves to open the door so I may enter. As I move to step inside she places her hand on my shoulder and displays a small amount of strength as she speaks.
“Know that I will be here the entire time, and if I hear Jillian so much as whimper, I will be there in a moment and you will no longer.”
I nod solemnly and continue my way inside. I notice that the balcony doors are shut and covered by thick curtains that are woven with a thick wool. Jillian sits on her bed, her body still straight as board, her golden locks illuminated by the few candles lit surrounding her bed. The door closes behind me and the creaks the old hinges make echo across the otherwise silent room. The lull is not peaceful or calming as it should be, but guilt and anxiety swirl inside me instead.
“Did you mean it? What you said out there, was that all true?” Jillian asks after what feels like a lifetime.
My instinct is to rush to her and give her a hug. Her voice is so small and sounds so defeated.
“On my honour it is.”
She finally turns to me, and as I see the tears slowly moving down her red cheeks I cannot help but dash towards her and kneel by her side. My hands gently wipe away the tears that litter her face, and the smile that follows is as bright as the golden sun in my eyes.
“Jillian Holtzmann I fear that I may be so irrevocably yours for the rest of eternity, I have been since the moment our eyes locked, and that frightens me to death. That’s why I ran away yesterday. This is all so new and confusing but I know I should have stayed. Should I possess such an ability I would reverse time and make our first kiss so unforgettable that people would tell the tale just as they would the story of the beginning of the world and use it as an example of the purest and most magical moment that can happen on this earth. I’m sorry I’ve made you feel such sorrow, and please believe me when I say I have never felt this way about anyone else, and that I feel such guilt for making you feel this way.”
Her laugh rings out clear as bell at this. Her hand finds it’s way to my cheek as well, and the warmth and comfort of her palm is one I never want to be without again.
“For what, making me unconditionally happy? What a sorry thing to be upset over love.”
Another moment of silence, yet in this one there is a connection that is finally being made. No words are required to tell us how the other feels. There is no need for sorry or forgive me, that is already a given. All that needs to be said is expressed as we look into each others eyes.
I cannot help as my eyes shift down to her lips as she gives them a gentle bite, and as I look up once more I notice that Jillian’s eyes begin to flutter as she moves slowly towards me. This is our first true kiss. As our lips meet for the second time everything connects. Anything that I was missing is my life finally becomes clear in my mind; it was Jillian, she was a missing part of me.
The kiss is so pure, so moving, a few tears make their way down my face as well. Jillian joins me, kneeling on the floor beside me as we continue to kiss as if our very lives depended on it, and in that moment, they very well did.
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letheavenspeak · 7 years
Something Unspoken Part 2
You guys, Part 1 is my most popular post so I have to say than you so much for the feedback it means the world to me. I hope you guys like part 2 just as much, and let me know if I should make a third, and most likely final part!
Something Unspoken Part 2
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I have to wait a few days before I can see what Peter has planned for our date. The day after our little encounter we had to speak with the Nova Corps about another mission which takes about a week before we’re finished, and even after we take a few more to ourselves; our energy completely wiped from the consecutive fighting. I had to get involved at one point, fighting off a band of rouge officers that had been a larger group than expected meant Peter had to reluctantly hand me a gun in the middle of battle. I still remember the look on his face as he opened the secret door underneath the hull of the Milano as he came to fetch me.
“We need every person we can get out there. Can you do it?” I remember him asking.
Thankfully Tony had trained me to use firearms and Natasha in some hand to hand combat in case things went south, and although I wasn’t familiar with the blasters on the ship I swallowed my fear and joined my friends and was able to hold my own out in the field. At one point I noticed a gun pointed at Peter that he didn’t see and before the blast could even come close to him I jumped forward, taking the hit to my shoulder. The battle ended soon after that; Peter rage killing the last few remaining enemies while Drax easily carried me off to our ship. Peter was furious at me for what I had done. The rest of the team had joined us on the ship while Peter finished up outside, and as soon as he stormed into the medical room I had installed they had all cleared out. Rocket had let out a soft sigh and patted my head as he left, whispering a few words of encouragement that only I heard.
As I lie in my room now, my shoulder throbs slightly as I think of what Peter said to me.
“What the fuck Y/N? What in the world compelled you to do that?”
“What compelled me was trying to save your ungrateful ass, thank you very much!”
“I don’t need saving, Y/N, I need you to take care of yourself! I need you to do what’s best for you!”
“And what if keeping you alive is what’s best for me, huh?”
“You can get along fine without me and we both know it!”
I smile slightly as I remember how concerned Peter was for me. As frustrated as he can make me, remembering how worried he was always left a warm feeling in the bottom of my stomach.
“Peter you’re our captain! If we lost you who knows what we would do!”
“And you’re the only one who can fix us up! If- “
“Oh don’t, literally anyone can help you guys if you need!”
“But I don’t care about anyone else, I care about you!”
That line had shut us both up. Finally, Peter was starting to calm down as he realized that the shot had just barely grazed shoulder and the extent of my injury was a non-serious burn that had just left some blisters from the heat of the blast. I instructed Peter on how to dress the wound, the injury of course happening to my dominant arm. He worked in silence until he put the final bandage on the area, sitting down next to me and taking hold of my hand once he was done.
“I’m sorry Y/N, I’m just too used to loosing people I care about, I don’t need you being added to the list too.”
I knew that his anger only came from a heartfelt place, and the emotion that was pouring from his eyes were all I needed to forgive him.
“I know; the same goes for you to me too. Besides, I wouldn’t risk missing out on that stellar date you have planned. I’m much too excited.”
He chuckled at that, swiping his thumb over my hand gently as he did so. “You’re gonna have to wait a little longer now, I need you in top shape before we can go out.”
He had held me to that for half a week, not even allowing me to say anything about the date before the blisters had reduced in swelling and faded into faint scars. Today was the day of the date, and still I had no idea as to where Peter and I were going and what we were going to do. All Peter told me was to dress in semi-formal attire and to wear comfortable shoes, as well as to get a good night’s rest the night before. As much as I tried, it was hard to keep down the excitement which had chased away any form of rest for the majority of the night. If some sleep had fallen upon me at some point, it wouldn’t be too long before I woke up again to check to see if it was time to get ready. After about 6 hours of trying to get rest I decide that I might as well go get something to eat before getting ready.
It was still early so I expected the rest of the crew to be asleep, but I walk into the kitchen to see Rocket lazily sitting on the counter munching on some fruit.
“Mornin’ N/N. Whatcha doing up so soon?” he asks as I open up the fridge to grab some milk to make cereal for breakfast.
“I’m not sure, too excited for the day I guess.”
Rocket gives me a knowing smirk, “Oh yeah, today’s the day Quill’s takin’ you out right?”
A slight blush rises to my cheeks as I nod, sitting beside him as I begin to eat.
“You sure you wanna lower yourself to his level? I mean you’re a pretty girl, you could get someone sooo much better,” he says, his tone joking. I laugh, nodding my head once again.
“Say what you like about Peter, but he’s always genuine with people, and there’s this feeling in my gut that tells me when he says he cares about me, he’s not lying.”
“Well kid, if you’re happy, then I’m happy for you. But, if he does even one thing to make you unhappy or uncomfortable, then I’ll blast him to pieces for ya.”
“Believe me Rocket, if he does anything like that you won’t have the chance before I can get my hands on your shit.”
I talk with Rocket some more before I leave to take a shower and prepare for the date. Peter messages me on our communications pad to let me know to be ready to go around lunch which gives me the perfect amount of time to do my hair and makeup the way I like. I decide to wear a knee length white dress that flows softly from the waist with a pair of worn-in flats. Normally I’m dressed in baggy clothing that has sort of stain or hole from working, so the change in attire is welcome, and as I finish styling my hair in a high ponytail with some loose strands framing my face I can’t help but admire how good I look.
I find Peter in the communal room ready to go. I chuckle as I hear him softly gasp as he sees me step into the room. The rest of the team lets out exaggerated oohs and ahs soon after, followed by Rocket letting out a wolf whistle.
“Y/N, boy do you clean up good,” Rocket says, making me chuckle.
“I am Groot.”
“Thank you boys. Peter, you look lovely. Are you ready to go?” I ask, excited as can be. Peter lets out a few grumbled noises and nods his head, extending his arm out to lead the way. At some point Rocket had landed the ship on the planet of Peter’s choosing, and before I can get the chance to see where it is, Peter wraps his hands around my eyes from behind.
“Keep them closed, I want you to be surprised.”
“How am I supposed to know where I’m going then?” I ask, laughing.
“Do you trust me?” Peter asks as he lets go and takes a hold of my hand, making sure that my eyes are still closed.
“I don’t know, that’s a loaded question Quill,” I tease. I hear him laugh beside me as we begin to depart. I can hear as the back entrance opens and a gust of wind blows the few pieces of hair I have down around my face. I feel Peter place something on my back and I jump slightly.
“Don’t worry, it’s just something that’ll help with the atmosphere here.”
There’s a few moments of silence and some walking before we stop and a feel a cool breeze wash over me.
“Are you ready?” I hear Peter ask from behind me.
“Peter I’ve been ready for longer than you realize.”
“Alright, open your eyes!”
As I do I’m hit with a warm light and am greeted by the sight of a bustling city below the tall cliff we currently stand on, and behind that more cliffs that seem to reach into the beautiful dark sky. The city almost glows with a warm orange colour that contrasts again the constant purple sky that is lit by a thousand large stars.
“Where are we Peter?” I asked, astonished by the view.
“It’s called Hala, a planet settled thousands of years ago by the Kree. Yondu used to take me here when I was younger for trading, and whenever we did I felt so sound. Being surrounded by the stars, it always was so beautiful. When I met you, I was reminded of this place. Being with you, it’s like being surrounded by all the stars again. The way your eyes sparkle when you talk of home, or how much you love something I’m taken back here.”
I can only help but stare up at Peter as he talks. His words are so kind, they make my cheeks flame up at the compliment.
“Are you trying to say I’m as beautiful as these stars or this view?” I ask, semi-joking.
“No, you’re much more beautiful, but this place is one of only a few that can even come close to being compared to your beauty.” He smiles down at me for a moment before looking back at the view in front of us.
There are no words that I can muster in reply; instead I gently tug on his shirt to get his attention. He looks back at me, a quizzical look on his face. Before he can say anything I take his face in my hands and bring his lips down to mine. My lips move against his gently, taking their time getting to know the shape and texture of his, and before I know it Peter’s arms are wrapped around me, bringing me as close to him as possible.
His lips are somewhat chapped but soft none the less and keep meeting mine for kiss after kiss. The moment is just too perfect; it seems as if time has stopped to allow us this one moment away from all the other crap we have to go through and for the first time I can see myself with Peter. Obviously he can have his moments, but at this second he’s so vulnerable and I’m able to glance at this unknown side of the infamous human.
My arms move to wrap around his neck as I pull myself up to reach his lips better. I never want this moment to end. The feeling of Peter’s hands moving softly against my back and of his soft hairs on the back of his neck, and how they prickle against my hands as I run them through his hair are engrained in my head and soon become one of my favourite memories.
The sort stubble on the top of his lip begins to tickle me, and I have to break away for air, giggling into his neck as we continue to embrace.
“That was…wow that was good.”
That only makes me giggle even more. “You��re telling me.”
“Have I mentioned yet how absolutely stunning you look right now?”
“No, but please by all means go ahead.” God, how does he make into such a giggly mess so easily?
“Well, and I don’t know if this was too obvious, but the second I saw you, you took my breath away in all honesty. I mean you’re beautiful all the time, but geez, right now you look more beautiful than ever.”
“You don’t look too bad yourself Star Lord. I didn’t think you could look so good.”
It was true. Peter had shaved, his side burns and mustache freshly cleaned up and trimmed, and he wore a tight fitting button up that perfectly showed off his hard earned muscles. He smiled at me gratefully as he leaned down once again to kiss me. The kiss seemed to last a life time yet ended much too quickly, and left me gasping for breath. A few moments of silence passed before he speaks again.
“Are you finally gonna admit to it now?” he asks after a moment.
“Admit to what?”
“This unspoken thing.”
“I don’t think you can call it unspoken any longer Peter,” I say as a I hid my face in his chest.
He chuckles, grabbing my face to make sure I can look him in the eyes.
“I knew I’d get you to admit it! It feels pretty good huh? Finally admitting how much you like me.”
“Hold on Star Boy I never said that!”
“You didn’t have to, your kiss said it all.”
I start laughing once again but it doesn’t last for long. Once again he brings me into another kiss that leaves me breathless. This one doesn’t last nearly long enough though, and I try to lean in for another, but Peter stops me.
“Can I ask you a serious question?” he asks, his voice suddenly a lot deeper. I nod my head as I step back to examine the entirety of his face as he speaks.
“Would you like to be my girlfriend?”
My heart almost pauses at the question.
“Yeah, yeah I’d love that,” I reply, my voice small and so quiet.
“Oh thank god,” he replies, going in for one of a million kisses that are soon to come.
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letheavenspeak · 7 years
Hoping request are still open? Prompt list #31, 13rw Clay Jensen. You're the best!
Hi of course! I just wanna clarify before I write anything, you’re talking about the prompt #31 “Are you trying to seduce me?”, right?
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letheavenspeak · 7 years
Are you going to finish that holtzman x reader princess fic
Hi! I have a few asks wondering the same thing so I figure I’ll address everyone in this response; I am continuing A Royal Love Affair, the next chapter will be the next thing to be published. I’m not saying get excited but,,,
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letheavenspeak · 7 years
Could I get a Ghostbusters (2016) ship please? I'm 5'4" with porcelain skin, blue eyes and long curly/wavy burgundy hair that reaches my lower back. I love books & music. I did cheer for 6 years because I loved the dancing so much. I'm a very compassionate person and I adore animals. I'm also a friendly person (but I get told I'm intimidating?) and I laugh a LOT (I also snort). I'm pansexual, Slytherin and INFJ (if that helps). I also have a 'my face' tag if you want to check that out. (:
Hey there Kimberley! Sorry it took so long, but I ship you with Erin! Especially after the Battle of New York she’s wound up pretty tight and sometimes the only way she can calm down is when you’re wrapped around her, whispering silly jokes into her ear and making her laugh like no one else which in turn makes you laugh. The rest of the team can’t help but love the way you help Erin, and your bubbly personality doesn’t hurt either,
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letheavenspeak · 7 years
Hey, could you ship me if you have time? My name is Emma. I love cats, hedgehogs, dogs, foxes, etc, and plan to have all afore mentioned animals at some point or other. I'm in a broad range of fandoms, but mostly I like Ghostbusters, Doctor Who, general Marvel, and Tolkien (Lord of the Rings, Hobbit). I want to be an artist or a teacher at a secondary school and I play the French horn. Thank you! (Love your blog, by the way. Your writing is lovely.)
Hi Emma! I know you requested this years ago but I ship you with Jillian! I think the initial reasons for your connection; you’re both very outgoing and are incredibly creative, but once you get to know each other you find that you compliment each other in ways you wouldn’t think of. Jillian has more of a mechanical mind, she does work high tech equipment all day, where as you see the simple way to things. Combined, you two are a force to be reckoned with.
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letheavenspeak · 7 years
Hello again!
So I know I’ve been gone for a while, but I had some tough shit going on so writers block hit me pretty hard but I’m back and trying once again. i can’t thank you enough for your patience and support, it means the world. I plan on updating A Royal Love Affair, as well as the requests that have been left unattended to in my inbox. If you requested one with anon turned off I’ll be sure to tag you in the post once it’s up, and if you’d like follow my Archive Of Our Own where I’ll be posting some exclusive stuff there.
Also an update on some of the things I’ll write for include Riverdale, 13 Reasons Why, Shadowhunters, and The 100. Favourite characters of mine include Archie Andrews, Reggie Mantle, Veronica Lodge, Clay Jensen, Zach Dempsey, literally everyone on Shadowhunters, Bellamy Blake, Clarke Griffin, and Raven Reyes.
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letheavenspeak · 7 years
Hi I was wondering if you knew what device was behind peter's ear? Was that in the first one, I haven't seen it in a long time so if it was I don't remember.
If you’re speaking of the device he had on in Vol 2 I’m pretty sure it was an earpiece that he uses to talk with the rest of the team, but I can’t remember if the others had one as well. I’m going to see it again tomorrow so I’ll be sure to watch and update ya!
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letheavenspeak · 7 years
Something Unspoken
Peter x Reader
Hey, I know it’s been a while but I recently saw Guardians Vol 2 and was inspired, so I hope you like it!
Edit: Also, would anyone like a sequel to this? Let me know if u do!
Words: 2,306
Something Unspoken
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Traveling with the Guardians is not an easy feat what-so-ever, but in all honesty, as much as I complain, I wouldn’t give it up for the world. Before I spent my time roaming through the galaxy with my new team, I was head nurse for Tony Stark, and when Peter and the rest of his team had met up with the Avengers, I volunteered to go back with them. They had no kind of medical expert on board, and I craved a new sort of adventure. Cap had tried to talk me out of it, said it was too dangerous, to which I told him how much of a stupid hang up that was, seeing as he was a super solider who had fought off aliens himself. He soon realized how silly his initial argument was.
Ever since I’ve stayed with the Guardians, helping patch them up after a long battle, or just being a person from another perspective to listen to their problems. Although Rocket seemed the most hesitant at first, he eventually became a trusted friend just as all the others had become, and I truly felt apart of their small family. I had even convinced Peter to teach me how to fly the Milano, just in case of emergencies of course.
Speaking of, I had grown incredibly fond of the leader of the group; he was kind and sensitive, and he often opened up about how he wondered about his home planet, and how it had evolved, but how he had no longing to go back, not since his mother was no longer there. I think that he likes having me here, having another human who grew up around the same time he did. He finally had someone who understood his references and jokes, and who could appreciate his sense of music; although it was a little outdated, it still was classic. I took it upon myself to show him some new music from different decades from the ones he had missed, and although he seemed hesitant at first I could I tell he was excited to get something new to listen to, as well as the rest of the team who had grown tired of the same two playlists that had repeated over and over again. I had initially kept with the smooth rock genre, introducing bands like Oasis and Radiohead. They were somewhat clichéd on Earth, but Peter grew to love them, and was amazed at the amount of music he actually liked. I guess he never thought he would enjoy any songs as much as the ones his mother introduced, but the slow smile that crept onto his face the first time he listened to Wonderwall said otherwise. 
I hear the familiar tune playing through the empty halls of the Milano now which had woken me from my sleep. I stay in my bed, too caught up in the warmth of my it and the coziness compared to the cool steel of the ship. I nod my head to the mellow beat, mouthing the words as I try to close my eyes and fall back asleep but as the song comes and goes it never happens. Eventually I decide to go see whose awake at the moment; the team had just had a pretty rough battle, and by the time I had finished double checking the nasty gash on Gamora’s arm the rest of the team had wandered off to bed. I turn to check the time to see it had only been a couple hours since I had fallen asleep, but the telltale sign that someone was up was unavoidable. So, I slip on my favourite sweater that I have by my bedside and brace myself as my feet make impact with the cool floor, sending a shock that definitely woke me up just in case the music hadn’t. 
My theory that most everyone was sleeping is confirmed as I walk through the mostly quiet ship, noticing that Rocket’s door at the far end of the sleeping quarters was closed, as well as Drax’s. I keep my footsteps quiet as I continue toward the cockpit where I see the outline of a broad back as it sways to the current song that plays just a little too loudly for the time. 
“Peter?” I ask, careful in case I startle him, and in the instance he may be armed. He jumps at the sound of my voice, and spins around to see it was just me, my concern evident on my face.
“Oh, Y/N, hey what are you doing up?”
Peter’s POV
Y/N stood there, looking so incredibly small, her arms hugging her body, trying to shield herself from the cool air of the ship.
“I was sleeping, but your music woke me up. Are you alright?” I could tell she was tired by her tone, though the sincerity seeped through it as it did through her large eyes. It felt as if I was being compelled to tell her the truth. 
“Yeah I’m fine, I just moved in my sleep and hurt the cut on my side and couldn’t fall asleep after, so I came up here and just decided to listen to some music.” As I tell her what’s happened she immediately comes up to pull up my sleeping shirt to check on my most recent injury. She looks at it for a moment, not saying anything. Her warm hands send a chill throughout my body that I try to hide from her. She doesn’t react to it and we both say nothing, and I try to ignore the fact that my face is suddenly a lot warmer than before.
“Well, thankfully you didn’t pull any stitches, but it is a little red. Did you put any of that ointment that I got from Knowhere that I gave you on it?”
“Ugh no, I couldn’t find it so I just took a couple of painkillers,” I admit. She lets out a little huff and walks off the main part of the pit and I try to suppress the laughter that bubbles within my chest as she walks away. I go to sit in the Captain’s seat as I hear a few clanging noises and an ‘aha’ as she finds what she was looking for. I roll up my shirt once again, allowing her access to the sore spot just to the right of my stomach.
“You are the worst with misplacing shit, and that’s saying a lot, we leave with Rocket for Christ’s sake.”
I laugh at her comment, but she keeps going on about how I should take better care of myself, but the words start ringing together as I watch the way her lips move with such certainty; it’s like art, and I could watch for hours. Everything about her is intoxicating, and although I’ve tried flirting with her in the past, she always waves it off as nothing. Most times it is nothing, but every now and then I get this feeling in the pit of my stomach that tells me to be serious for once in my life. The first time I got it was when she talked about life on earth, and how much she missed her friends and family that she’d left there. I understood the pain and longing, and even offered to take her back for a short visit but she declined.
“My home is here now, with you,” she had said, smiling at me. The words had melted my heart and turned my tongue into jelly.  We sat in an awkward silence as the weight of her words hit us both. The blush that had flushed her cheeks mad her look so adorable. 
“And with the rest of the team, of course,” she added, looking down at her nails. She quickly changed the subject not too long after that.
I was reminded of the moment as she finished wiping the cream over the sore wound, pressing her whole hand against it as she finished. Though she kept speaking, the words didn’t register in my mind as I noticed what she was wearing.
“Is that my sweater you’re wearing?” I asked, chuckling. She looks down, watching the fabric and playing with the zipper, trying to hide the blush that had just formed on her cheeks.
“Oh, yeah I guess. Sorry, did you want it back?” her voice is so small and quiet, I can barely hear it over the music.
“No you look better in it than I do anyway.”
Your POV
I can feel Peter’s gaze on me as I pull the sweater tighter against my skin, suddenly feeling incredibly self-conscious. 
“Are you cold? I could turn up the heat if you’d like,” he offers as he stands, finally breaking the silence.
“No, I’m fine thank you though. I think I’m just gonna try to go back to sleep.” I smile up at him to see he’s been watching me.
Suddenly Making Love Out of Nothing at All by Air Supply starts playing and Peter offers his hand.
“One dance first, for me.”
“Seriously Quill? You’re so corny.”
“The corniest actually, but you know you love it.”I smile, contemplating my warm bed compared to the heat of Peter’s embrace and decide on the latter. I place my hand in his and he immediately twirls me and locks me into position. His left hand placed lightly over my side, the other holding mine a little too tightly. I place my other hand on his shoulder and feel the abundance of muscle there. There’s barely any space between us, so close I can feel his chest constrict and relax as his breathing increases in just the slightest. We move slowly to the music, just a simple sway with the occasion spin but it’s calming and I let all my previous worries fly out the window. I lay my head down on his chest, relaxing even further; my breaths have become long and deep as I try and remember everything I can about this moment. The simple melody, the way the floor still chills my bare feet as we move, the pressure of Peter’s hand which has now shifted to the small of my back, and Peter’s fragrance which is a mix of his musky cologne, oil, and sweat are permanently fixed into my head.
“I know when to pull you closer
And I know when to let you loose
And I know the night is fading
And I know the time's gonna fly
And I'm never gonna tell you everything I've gotta tell you
But I know I've gotta give it a try” 
Peter sings along softly, making me chuckle. He’s almost whispering the lyrics, his mouth right beside my ear making me shiver. 
“So, how do you do it Quill? Magic?” I ask after a moment.
“What do you mean?”
“Woo girls the way you do; it seems to come as naturally as breathing to you.”
“Well, it does, when I have the right girl in front of me.”
I laugh at that; he was just too smooth for his own good.
“I’m serious Y/N, there’s something that takes over me when I’m with you. A feeling that just tells me that this,” he motions to the two of us, “is right.”
I scoff at the thought. Peter frowns.
“Why is that so difficult to believe?”
“Because Peter we both know that you’ll get tired of me and move on to the next unlucky lady and we’ll still have to work together.”
“Oh come on- “
“Gamora.” It’s all I have to say. We both know how hung up he was on her, and how long it took for him to get over her.
“Gamora is- “
“Someone you still deeply care for, I know, but I don’t wanna be some rebound for you and get tossed aside once the next one comes along.”
“Y/N, whatever I’m feeling, I’ve felt for a while, and I know that you feel it too. It’s been this unspoken thing for ages, even Drax asked me about it.”
“There is no unspoken thing Peter,” I say as I let go of his hand, the song ending. The next song is another slow one, but I pay no attention to it, wanting to leave the scene and retreat into my room.
“Why is it so hard for you to admit that you like me as much as I like you?” I hear Peter call out as I start to make my way back to my room.
“Because, Peter, I can’t loose you! I’ve lost too many people because of our jobs and I can’t have my heart broken again and again! Loosing you, the team, it’d be too much for me. It’d break my heart for good.” I start by yelling at him, but by the end my voice grows quiet, tears threatening to break through.
“Oh Y/N, I could never do that to you. You mean too much to me. I know my past with women isn’t the greatest, but I swear to you that you’re different. You are so important to me, much too much to just let you walk away right now. I’m not asking for much, just let me take you out on one date, and if you don’t like it then I swear we won’t ever have to talk about us this way again.”
I think about the proposition for a moment. 
“You swear?”
“On my mother.”
The sentiment takes me aback; his mother is the most important person in his life, and whenever he talks about her it’s not lightly.
“Well, Star Lord, where do you plan on taking me?” I ask after a moment of silence, making him smile.
“The only place worthy of your beauty, the stars.”
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letheavenspeak · 8 years
so my english professor told us this story last year about how he met his wife and it’s completely possible that he made it up just to entertain us but he says it happened and the story is this
he’s a a cruise with his parents to australia where he’s gonna spend a year or so for some reason. can’t remember why but it was job related. his mom is worried that if he spends too long away from her without her constant advice (my mom is also like this lol) he’s going to do something impulsive and ridiculous. 
so, he decides to prank her by pretending to get married to a woman he just met. because he’s obviously so impulsive and ridiculous. so he’s talking to people and stuff and he asks this woman if she’s cool with pretending to marry him to prank his parents. and she says yes. then he goes and talks to the captain and crewmembers and he’s like “i have this ridiculously funny prank where i’m going to pretend to marry this lovely woman to freak out my mom.” and they, of course, reply hell yeah. so like since the first mate has the power to marry people, i guess, he agrees to the fake wedding. 
so at lunch he’s like “mom, dad, this is alyssa. i met her last night and we’re in love and also getting married.” and his mom freaks out and that could be that. but no.
if they’re gonna do this they’re gonna go big or go home.
so, he changes his facebook status to “married to alyssa” and invites all his friends to his wedding in the middle of the ocean. (and they believe him and congratulate him and he’s concerned that his friends think he would really marry a random woman he met like six hours ago) 
now his mom is getting really nervous b/c alyssa (the fake bride) got her friends she was on the cruise to be her bridesmaids. they got the first mate to “marry” then at dinner in front of people. the mom is horrified. 
anyway the next day he goes “just kidding!” and it’s hilarious. but then he has to contact all his friends who were calling him on the phone and stuff to congratulate him to tell them it was an elaborate joke and they all think he’s an asshole and he and alyssa part ways but keep in touch b/c they… actually get along pretty well. 
anyway like a year later they meet up again in boston (i think? big city that wasnt new york) and talk and end up dating for like a year and then end up engaged for real. and now he invites his friends to his real wedding and all their RSVPs essentially say “i’ll show up, but if this is another fake one i’ll fucking murder you” and the mom just flat out didnt believe him for a month because she’s not falling for that again.
and now they’ve been married happily for like three years and they’re expecting their second child who has probably been born by now 
and the overall point of this post is: imagine your otp
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letheavenspeak · 8 years
Oh look, more prompts.
Hey guys, send me a few of these with Seb or any of his characters! I’ll work on them over the next few days. c:
1. “I don’t want to stop loving you.”
2.”Shut up and kiss me.”
3. “Please stop being so stubborn and just let me kiss you.”
4. “A blind person could see that you’re in love with me.”
5. “We were just pretending to be lovers, but I’m not pretending anymore.. I need to know if you feel the same way.”
6. “If you cant sleep… we could have sex?”
7. “I said you couldn’t fall in love with me, but I didn’t say I couldn’t fall in love with you.”
8. “I’m so stupid to make the mistake of falling in love with my best friend.”
9. “Promise me you’ll stay.”
10. “I promised myself I wouldn’t let you complete me.”
11. “My life is my own to ruin.”
12. “No emotions. No relationship. Just sex.”
13. “You have no right to fall in love with me.”
14. “You did not just wake me up at 2am just because you’re in the mood… We aren’t even dating.”
15. “Do you ever shut the fuck up?”
16. “I didn’t want it to end, I just thought you’d be better off without me..”
17. “I’ve tried to move on, but no one is you.”
18. “If this is the last time I see you, know that I love you more than anything.”
19. “You hide it in jokes and sarcasm, but I can see how broken you are.”
20. “Just do one last thing: Kiss me.”
21. “Nothing has ever scared me more than being with you.”
22. “Please.. don’t leave.”
23. “I should be the only one making you happy.”
24. “We were never just friends.”
25. “Stop avoiding me!”
26. “That’s all I was to you? A one-night stand?”
27. “Is that my sweater?”
28. “Don’t worry, I’ve got you.”
29. “Please, just one more time, and then I’ll leave you alone forever, if you want.”
30. “Then come over here and make me.”
31. “Are you trying to seduce me?”
32. “I miss you every second of every day.”
33. “I don’t wanna be your secret anymore.”
34. “I’d rather fight with you than make love to anyone else.”
35. “I’m trying to forget you the best I can, but damn it, we belong together.”
36. “You don’t hate me, quit lying to yourself.”
37. “You say I got us into this, but you didn’t stop it from happening, either.”
38. “I always overthink, just let me do something thoughtless for once in my life.”
39. “After everything… I’d still choose you.”
40. “You’re blushing.”
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