orezby · 4 months
Sketchs, sketchs, sketchs everywhere...!
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You know i really like the idea of a character so clueless about how valuable things can be so they put anything they have, in the heat of the moment, just to get what they need. Of course, those actions have consequences...
GAHH I LIKE THIS (It’s a sketch i made a a few months ago...) anyway. When i made this i wad like "god daln it’s pretty hot!", now i watch this and i thought "damn, it’s scary. I’m sure i can do the same stupid shit"
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This dude is from the nintendo 3DS game called "The Style Mansion 3" and i literrally love him! I don’t know but just by his simple looks, he makes me think he doesn’t care about anything except paying his bills !
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Yeah it’s Ayano Aishi from Yandere Simulator at the right.
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This is supposed to be Senpai with a- ok no need to say. Taro Yamada from Yandere Simulator.
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I don’t like anything about this. It was just there because i wanted to test a tuto of 'how to draw juice lips'. Well i failed but i was proud.
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orezby · 4 months
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Yeah i love Amaryllis (and her duo with Snap Dragon)
I have a thing for people using an axe as a weapon in general so that must be why i’m so interest. An axe or anything else than a sword (there are exceptions of course)
I am so sorry for the bad writing, english is not my first language.
I see her so driven to be the first, succeeding in everything that she slowly lose interest with her friend. So she will have a fight and finally her senses will come back. She will come steonger than ever, now conscious about her friend and have now new principes. She also have a new definition of what’s a guardian.
"Guardian are meant to be always strong. Pain is nothing. Death is nothing. Gotta fight till the last breath." With an determined and crazy smile as she gave her enemy a deadly look. Chills!
I draw her first which is why her hair isn’t that... anyway. She is cute and terrifying aren’t she? •◇•
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orezby · 4 months
I like it
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"How to step out of the picture" a new Secret Knots comic! I hope you like it. As usual, this webcomic is made possible by the support of kind Patreon followers. Check out the different tiers (there's even a free one!) for extra content, sketches and more.
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orezby · 4 months
Rosemary gives me a whole different vibe from the show.
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After watching a review of one hour, i decide to play a game in my nintendo and i was suddenly inspire when i entered my room.
"What if...Rosemary was a freaking monster ?"
She really likes fighting. And when i mean a lot, it’s really like an obsession. So she basically never run away from a fight. From a weak or strong opponent. A challenger is a challenger.
She is physically strong and i think she prefers fighting with her fists than the sword her mother gave to her. I know it’s weird but just imagine : wouldn’t it be such a shock to see her not use the sword ? Lmao. Hahhahaha.
She likes fights and, compared to Sage, doesn’t care about her surroundings. I imagine her having her brain really smart in fight or survival situations, because she have experience. How ? Well, i see her in her young age going to the forest to find fresh meats, and encounters various dangers. So her senses are really sensible.
Except... it’s the only thing she focus on. Fights.
Everything else is not interesting for her. But she will learn throught the story that there is things interesting beside fights and blood. And instead of fighting for her own pleasure, she have a purpose behind it: the people she cherish.
She is kind of awkward with others but she hold a pretty normal face (face on the left). It’s when she fights that she turns in an absolute monster, using everythi’g on her hand and in her capacity to defeat the enemy. She does dirty tricks but she learns through the story that it’s not "how strong people" should behave. So she stops doing it.
I imagine everyone being "oh doesn’t a stupid commoner succeed in attending our prestigious academy?!" Then when they see her monster mode the be like"who is that monster ?!"
Oh and i also thought of her definition of a guardian. She will have the spirit that a guardian is "a strong person with the will to die for the people they swear to protect." I think she will have a opposition with Sage definition of a guardian. Anyway, drama gives better content that’s why.
Anyway anyway anyway.
(I like the song-)
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orezby · 5 months
a list of 100+ buildings to put in your fantasy town
adventurer's guild
art gallery
book store
botanical garden
coffee shop
council chamber
court house
crypt for the noble family
farmer's market
fighting pit
fortune teller
general store
guard post
haunted house
hedge maze
house for sale
mail courier
manor house
mayor's house
music shop
paper maker
pawn shop
pet shop
potion shop
quest board
restricted zone
sewer entrance
sheriff's office
spice merchant
sports stadium
street market
tax collector
tea house
textile shop
thieves guild
thrift store
tinker's workshop
town crier post
town square
toy store
trinket shop
water mill
wind mill
wishing well
wizard tower
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orezby · 5 months
For the people reading this post, it’s a sign.... that you really fall on the lowest part of tumblr... or you like High Guardian Spice haha.
I know nobody gonna see this so i just do it for myself ! (i’m pressuring myself)
I finished Rosemary’s sketch. I got school too. And since i like both of them, i have to balance both of them.
'Remember not to push yourself too hard !' Bro remember you say that last time ? Nothing comes up from staying on your comfort zone scrolling forever and admiring everyone. We have a goal, dreams to chase and good habits are the base to reach them. Let’s do it step by step again ok?
Sleep / Study / Drawing / Eating / Physical exercices / Taking care of family, friends and others people.
It’s hard but well...
Pain of regret <<<<< Pain of doing it
Pain is really the only thing to make someone feels alive.
Anyway. Coming back to Rosemary’s sketch...
She was the first character i wanted to put on but i wasn’t sure about her backstory and her redesign... so it was hard. But well, i can always change it another time when i’m more inspired.
Even if it’s not perfect, i can still improve myself next time !
Ok i stop annoying you,
bye !
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orezby · 5 months
Me instead of doing my homeworks :
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Parsley from High Guardian Spice ! (if it’s not obvious haha...sorry)
I think i had a little hard time to come up with a nice backstory. Hard but not impossible.
First of all, i’m so proud of her muscle and her chubby form! Anyway.
As i lay on my bed to sleep, i had a sudden urge to write down my idea.
"Parsley is so nice and she is always cheering me up !"
Parsley, coming from a big family as her the elder, always held the role of the "big sister" for everyone. She got used to it. No matter how she felt, she needed to keep her smile to cheer up everyone. She was the one that stays calm during the most stressful situation. You can ALWAYS count on her to help you out! :)
But... something inside her continue to grow bigger each day. Confuse abou this unknown feeling, she hides as much as she could. But as we all know, the more you try to hide it, the more it became visible. And one day...
"How tiresome..." she signs in annoyance as her smile drops. Her eyes, always shining were as cold as ice.
Her friend standing next to her flinchs at the view. What was that? The friend looked Parsley’s face from the side as she stared at the enemy causing trouble in front of them.
In Parsley’s mind, it was a mess:
'The enemy came in such a bad mood. Why everything kept getting like this ? Does helping’s not enough ? It’s pissing me off.'
Parsley was angry for the first time in a long time. Her heart was like fire inside her chest. She wanted to get it off.
Her hand gripped tightly her weapon as she glared as she glared at the enemy.
" [Friend], go call the others. I’m going to spare you some time."
Friends flinched at the order. Then turn around to run away from her, doing as they were told.
Parsley stood alone, and the enemy finally realize her existence. She smiles in a sadistic way as veins were visible on her forehead.
"You. You are going to be a nice punching ball."
I’m not good at english so my writing is pretty bad, but i hope you get how i see Parsley.
...no ?
Ok so let me break it down for you.
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orezby · 5 months
I feel like I should make it clear that this is from a facebook post not written by me, it shouldn't matter, its still wrong. The site needs to be gone.
Today I stumbled upon a website called Rapey.co. This website is one of (many) forum websites which focuses on REAL people normalizing pedophilia, rape, incest and even murder. They share VERY disturbing stories about children (sometimes even their own) and the fantasies or plans they wish to carry out which involve the rape and murder of women and children. Some of these are accounts asking for advice as to how to rape, how to murder, how to seduce children. If you take a look at my friends Facebook post ( https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1471682506554480&id=100011382334335 ) or at the horrific website itself (trigger warning) there are many disturbing screenshots and posts to read from. You can see it is not hidden, it is in plain sight. This is not found on the dark or deep web.. it is accessible through ANY BROWSER. Imagine being so confident and comfortable with such evil and horrific crimes that you are able to open up an entire website about it? This is because even THEY know nothing is going to be done about it, so there is no need to hide it.
I am ashamed to live in a society where things like this can so easily be posted and encouraged on the internet and the amount of people who witness it and do nothing about it. We live in a society that is trying to justify and normalize rape and pedophilia, and this is UNACCEPTABLE.
The children talked about by adults in these forums are at great danger. One man said he is trying to seduce his own daughter, and if that doesn't work he'd force himself on to her. Although it's extremely disturbing and triggering to read, IT NEEDS TO COME TO LIGHT, SO IT CAN COME TO AN END. (This was copy and pasted from a friends server, next announcement I'm linking the petition to get rid of it)
http://chng.it/NyNDdBQsjV please sign. This website is literally fucking disgusting
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You all better fucking reblog this shit, my inbox should be full of reblogs
@nac-nic @comic-nerd-dc @baeilish @odd-blue @psychovigilantewrites
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orezby · 5 months
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Sage from High Guardian Spice (it’s my new obsession)
Here you can compare how much i changed her design.
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Well i just didn’t change her outfit like that, but i wanted it to match the personnality i have come up with.
Most reviews and critics i saw lways came with the same idea : Sage is the worst character or at least the least liked one.
Well, i thought it was sad since she was one of the main protagonist. And she reminds me a lot at the character i really wanted to be as a child (in terms of powers and outfit). Not just her but also many of the characters in HGS... That must be why i like the show haha.
I thought while eating dinner with my family "what if Sage was just trying to show a confident facade but in reality she is just constantly freaking out about anything that’s happening ?” then the idea was born.
What if...Sage was really fond about Fashion ?
Noo don’t let leave stay pls :(
What i mean by that is..
She feels awful and disfusted by herself inside. Because her family wished to have a boy because for some reasons (i’m still trying why haha...sorry). So at first she dressed pretty and used make up to show her parents that they didn’t make the wrong choice. As the times goes by, she continues even though in her mind, it’s not to please her parents anymore, it’s to feel better. Because she is craving for people’s compliments, even though she doesn’t feel happy doing so. What she truly wants is to be herself. What she truly wants is to feel because she wants to. In others terms : freedom.
Ahh that girl is messy in the head. But i really like that kind of story in movies ! Why ? Cuz i’m a bit messy in the head too.
Ah i also have ideas for her interactions with Rosemary. And maybe her character development. Hihihi i want to share all of it here, i feel really excited. Many ideas but just two hands and one head. Plus i’m stupid and really not good in consistency. Or at least i try to be.
Idk if i was clear about Sage’s personality. In my head it’s totally clear but i know how bad i am at explication. Even so, i think she really gives of the vibe of this song :
If i like this artist ? Yes. If i am a real fan of this artist ? No.
I just listen to different genres and- anyway i’m out of context.
Byee. (Nobody gonna read all that T_T)
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orezby · 5 months
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I like High Guardian Spice, even though i just know it through a lot of review on yotube. They were mostlh negative about the show. I can’t disagree with them, nor can i totally agree with it. I just like the showin and i really think it can be fixed.
Anyway, here’s Aster. Apparently Rosemary’s crush.
Idk the personality of Aster, but i think he would be a really manipulative man hiding his vicious personality through a nice and sweet smile.
”Oh my, are you okay ?" Type of guy while thinking ”that random person can be useful”. A real hypocrite dude. Then it would be interesting to see him confronting Rosemary (i have a different perspective of how rosemary is)
He helps others for his own benefits. I totally don’t see him as a warrior fighting on the battlefield like Rosemary. More like he will be the type of guy who prefers controlling the flow behind it, like the political ans complicated stuffs. You see ? Like the MC in the Trash of The Count’s Family (i like the manwha and novel, i recommend it!)
Well, i think his definition of guardian is someone fighting with the best of his capabilities. What he is capable of? Talking, debating, Socialize with others and being handsome. I precise it since in the show, the role of a guardian is not clear (at least in the reviews they kept saying that)
I like the idea of Aster trying to control everything in the school, because his family owns the family, he feels like he MUST be the one in control.
I have so much ideas about his interactions with Rosemary actually, but idk if i have the courage to draw them all... well anyway, that’s how i see Aster in HGS. I don’t think anyone will see this post, but anyway, once i got money, i’m gonna watch the show myself ! (poor asf)
I like song so i think the Aster i imagine fit the song... so
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orezby · 10 months
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US Helplines:
Depression Hotline: 1-630-482-9696
Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-8433
LifeLine: 1-800-273-8255
Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386
Sexuality Support: 1-800-246-7743
Eating Disorders Hotline: 1-847-831-3438
Rape and Sexual Assault: 1-800-656-4673
Grief Support: 1-650-321-5272
Runaway: 1-800-843-5200, 1-800-843-5678, 1-800-621-4000
Exhale: After Abortion Hotline/Pro-Voice: 1-866-4394253
Child Abuse: 1-800-422-4453
UK Helplines:
Samaritans (for any problem): 08457909090 e-mail [email protected]
Childline (for anyone under 18 with any problem): 08001111
Mind infoline (mental health information): 0300 123 3393 e-mail: [email protected]
Mind legal advice (for people who need mental-health related legal advice): 0300 466 6463 [email protected]
b-eat eating disorder support: 0845 634 14 14 (only open Mon-Fri 10.30am-8.30pm and Saturday 1pm-4.30pm) e-mail: [email protected]
b-eat youthline (for under 25’s with eating disorders): 08456347650 (open Mon-Fri 4.30pm - 8.30pm, Saturday 1pm-4.30pm)
Cruse Bereavement Care: 08444779400 e-mail: [email protected]
Frank (information and advice on drugs): 0800776600
Drinkline: 0800 9178282
Rape Crisis England & Wales: 0808 802 9999 1(open 2 - 2.30pm 7 - 9.30pm) e-mail [email protected]
Rape Crisis Scotland: 08088 01 03 02 every day, 6pm to midnight
India Self Harm Hotline: 00 08001006614
India Suicide Helpline: 022-27546669
Kids Help Phone (Canada): 1-800-668-6868
FREE 24/7 suicide hotlines:
Argentina: 54-0223-493-0430
Australia: 13-11-14
Austria: 01-713-3374
Barbados: 429-9999
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Greece: 1018
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Iceland: 44-0-8457-90-90-90
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Japan: 3-5286-9090
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Malaysia: 03-756-8144
(Singapore: 1-800-221-4444)
Mexico: 525-510-2550
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Nicaragua: 505-268-6171
Norway: 47-815-33-300
Philippines: 02-896-9191
Poland: 52-70-000
Portugal: 239-72-10-10
Russia: 8-20-222-82-10
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Ukraine: 0487-327715
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orezby · 10 months
read it could save you
I don’t know if this post has been made yet but I just want to warn everybody that if someone stops you in a parking lot and asks you if you’re interested in some perfume and hands you a paper to smell, PLEASE DON’T SMELL IT.
i repeat, DON’T SMELL IT.
Apparently the sample papers are being laced with a drug to knock you out. Please signal boost this. It can save someone’s life!
257K notes · View notes
orezby · 10 months
read it could save you
I don’t know if this post has been made yet but I just want to warn everybody that if someone stops you in a parking lot and asks you if you’re interested in some perfume and hands you a paper to smell, PLEASE DON’T SMELL IT.
i repeat, DON’T SMELL IT.
Apparently the sample papers are being laced with a drug to knock you out. Please signal boost this. It can save someone’s life!
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orezby · 10 months
could you write where darling wakes up and sees 1950s husband in the middle of his morning routine and finds out hes not as neat as they thought?
but instead of taking it badly they love him even more
Dear Anon,
Aww, that's heartwarming!
𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄! 𝟏𝟗𝟓𝟎'𝐬! 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 and not so perfect morning
PAIRING: 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟓𝟎’𝐬! 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 x reader (gender not specified/mentioned/implied) Tw. angsty, hurt and comfort. A/N: I decided to take into consideration this question when writing this fic. So it is longer and about our dearest 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟓𝟎’𝐬! 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝.
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You were awoken by the quiet and familiar sound of the bathroom door being open. It means only one thing: your dear husband was currently in the bathroom. Like every other day during this time around.
“Ugh…” A soundless groan of misery left your mouth. Unluckily you didn't sleep well that night. Your sleep was shallow and you couldn't seem to find a comfortable position. Not to mention you woke up to every sound you could hear. And just when you were slipping into a blissful dreamland, your bathroom doors decided to prevent you from slipping further. For now, you snuggled closer to your fluffy pillow. Your thoughts began to roam freely but at some point focused on something that has been bothering you for a while. 
It was confusing. 
At the very beginning of your marriage, you found it surprising. Not many people were that determined to wake up early in the morning. After a few months, you reasoned that it was just part of his personality. Perhaps a perfectionist problem? Part of his routine he didn’t want to stray from? You didn’t know and you didn’t want to pray. Your logic was that if he wants to share it with you, he’ll do so. But after months turned into years, with you still being left in the dark, you began to feel…doubt. 
“Why does he do that?” You wondered more than once. You had no idea what was the reason why your sweetheart got up before you, shuffled around the bathroom, only to come back to bed right before your alarm clock rang, like nothing ever happened. “What does he do there? Should I ask him? Does he want me to ask him? Maybe I should wait for him to tell me himself?”
So many questions, so little answers…
You sighed heavily. It looks like you won’t be able to catch some zzz’s anymore. You were too awake, especially with your mind running miles an hour.
“What a pity…” You rolled over your back and groggily opened your eyes. You blinked a few times to adjust your eyesight. The familiar white ceiling of your cozy bedroom greeted you like an old friend. Streams of warm sunlight were shyly peaking in the room from behind the gaps of the closed curtains. Everything stood still. It was peaceful. You let yourself sink into the soft bed and strained your ears to hear your husband shuffling in the bathroom. You wanted to say you were content but… “What a pity he isn’t here with me…”
You let your eyes slide over to the other side of the bed. It tugged on your heart that it was cold and empty with a messily thrown blanket and a pillow with a dent the size of your husband's head is what has greeted you. It was a let down. You wished he was there to greet you with his brilliant smile that seemed to light up the room, whisper to you a ‘good morning, my darling’ that always caused your heart to skip a beat and let you kiss his soft lips that perfectly molded with yours. This is what you needed to start a good day. 
Involuntarily you did a big and satisfying stretch. Your body felt heavy and begged you to stay in. Just lay down…under those fluffy blankets. Let yourself relax and wait for your dearest husband to climb back beside you. Wake up to him and cherish those kisses you'll share…
“I’m spoiled fella, aren’t I?”
There was no point in dwelling about such matters this early in the morning.
With a heavy sigh, you bravely fought those demons of laziness and decided to get up. You decided to invest this energy in something productive instead. And there’s so much to do around the house! 
“Hold on a moment…isn’t my husband in the bathroom?” Your mind went blank before you eagerly jumped out of your bed. You wouldn’t miss a chance to spend more time with the love of your life. 
You shuffled towards your bathroom, barely containing your happiness. So high on positive emotions and not expecting anything unusual, you didn’t even hesitate to open the door. 
There was a beat of silence. Both of you froze for entirely different reasons. 
You stopped mid stride when entering the small space. Your jaw went slack when your eyes took a closer look at your husband. Your shoulder dropped and you took a deeper breath. His face was…bare. His glistening face seemed to be freshly washed since it was glowing in the warm light. He…he was mesmerizing. 
While you were too busy admiring the entirely new side of your husband you didn’t notice how 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟓𝟎’𝐬! 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧�� seemed to be feeling the exact opposite of you. His eyes widened till the white was showing around his irises and his stare didn’t dare to stray from you. His breathing quickened and his body began to fold, hoping to make himself smaller. 
This couldn’t be happening…it can’t be! How…why are you awake? Why are you here? You…fuck…you found him out!
“Swee — ”
“This can’t be happening…! You…no…how…?” You were cut off by your husband's quiet and wobbly muttering. Your eyebrows threw together and your body grew still. You were quick to note how your husband hid his face from you and was hunched over the sink. You heard just how heavy his breathing has become. Something was clearly wrong. 
The reality around 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟓𝟎’𝐬! 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 became more vivid. His senses heightened to the point he was sure he could feel his surroundings. He was sinking so deep into his headspace he began to get lost there. Everything was becoming too much. His head, his thoughts and his feelings were ripping him apart. And the reason behind it was very valid. Whatever he has built around his person, whatever worth he had in your eyes and the control were gone with the swing of those blasted doors! 
He was falling apart. 
You flinched back (but only because you didn’t expect it) when he started laughing hysterically. Your concern for your husband only grew tenfold when you saw his state worsening by every second. You wanted to help him however you didn’t understand what could be the cause of this. Was it…you?
It turns out you didn’t have more time to analyze the situation, because you had to rush over when you saw your husband crumbling to the floor. Before his body could hit the ground at full force, you caught him safely in your arms. He was hyperventilating and you feared that he would pass out from the lack of air. His body was shaking badly and muttering things under his nose like a madman. Just like you did many times before in different scenarios, you tucked his head into the crook of your neck, laid your chin on top of his head, brought him safely into your arms to hold him tightly. 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟓𝟎’𝐬! 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 closed his eyes, brought his knees close to his chest and circled his arms around them. He curled into a tight ball, slowly rocking back and forth in your arms. 
But your heart broke when you heard the first sobs escaping his lips. 
You really wished you would know what to say or do in that situation. You wished you were more educated on that matter so you could be useful. You wished you could fulfill your role as his lifetime partner to him. Unfortunately, for now you had to rely on your instinct with a promise to be better and aid your husband in the time of need.
Starting now.
“Let it out love…let it out…” You whispered against his ear and started caressing his head. Sweet nothings began to pour out of your mouth soon after. Half of his curls were freed from the curlers and you carefully carded your fingers through them in a soothing motion. 
“Y…you…u…fo…fou…nd…out…!” He wailed in your neck after a while of intense crying. His voice held nothing but despair, pain and heartbreak. Not to mention he could barely speak with how violent his sobs were. You blinked rapidly, scrambling to understand what he meant by that. 
“What have I found out, dearest husband?” You lowered your voice.
“You…you…w…will…leave…leave…me!” He choked out those words like he didn’t hear your question. 
Your eyes widened when you heard this statement. How could he think you’ll leave him? What’s the reasoning behind this logic? Are you failing as a partner? Apparently so because otherwise, your husband shouldn’t be saying, nor even thinking, about such dark thoughts. 
Some moments passed before you opened your mouth again. 
“For better and for worse…for better, for worse…for richer, for poorer…in sickness and in health…until death do us part.” You whispered those sacred vows, engraved in your mind till the end of your time. You squeezed him tighter so your bodies were melting against each other. Your husband's eyes widened when he heard them, especially when laced with so much love and adoration just like during your wedding. His chest was heaving up and down, violent hiccups jolting his body. His face was flushed, fat tears pouring from his eyes and snot steadily coming down his nose.
He was at his worst, ugly and disgusting. And you…you dared to say those words? Why…?
“Be it whether you’re at your best, at your worst, when we’re young and when we’ll grow old, whether you wear your makeup or not. I am here for you.” You swallowed thickly and fought against your own tears. Your husband needs you and you won’t fail him ever again.
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟓𝟎’𝐬! 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 processed your words before he let out another wail that echoed in the bathroom. You felt your husband latching onto your waist and clutching onto it tightly. He was afraid that if he won’t hold tight enough you’ll get up and leave him for good. He buried his face in your neck and continued to cry harder. He was reduced to a crying mess and shadow of the person he usually portrays himself as. 
“I will never cease to love you, the dearest love of my life.”
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All of the published posts on this account/blog belongs to @shooting-love-arrows. I do not consent to my works being: translated, stolen, published or reposted on this and other sites. Likes, reblogs, comments are highly appreaciated. Thank you.
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orezby · 11 months
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It was a boring Tuesday at the S&S Bike Shop. Business was kinda slow. Shinichiro didn't really have anything he needed to do. He was still waiting for a certain part for a bike he'd been working on. He already asked a buddy to get it for him. He heard the jingle of the front door and quickly turned to see who it was.
(Name) was bored to say the least. His brother wasn't home due to him needing to runs some errands. So (Name) came up to the brilliant idea of teasing his boyfriend. So he put on the tight shorts he knows his boyfriends loves seeing him in. Along with his boyfriends favorite shirt.
(Name) giggled and slipped on his shoes before making his way to his boyfriends shop. As he walked (Name) ignored everything around him. Just enjoying the weather and sunshine. This as perfect bike riding weather. Maybe when he brother is done with his errands they could go for a ride.
Upon noticing his boyfriend's shop (Name) quickly made his way towards the door. Before he could even touch the handle a hand shot out in front of (Name) opening the door. Startled (Name) followed the hand and was met with an old classmate of his. Both appeared startled at the reveal.
"(Name)-san?" (Name) smiled nodded and headed inside and thanked the male. "Yeah. Thank you. How have you been?" The classmate immediately replied. Neither noticing the annoyed Shinichiro behind the counter. As the two men chatted, Shinichiro was growing more and more annoyed.
As they approached the counter. Shinichiro heard the unknown male ask for (Name)'s number which upset him greatly. (Name) politely told him that he already had a boyfriend. When the man asked who (Name)'s boyfriend was, Shinichiro cleared his throat with an annoyed expression and a raised eyebrow.
(Name) smiled brightly and nodded towards the annoyed shop owner. The male froze and quietly apologized. Shinichiro quickly rung the male's items up and sent him on his way with a forced smile. After the male left Shinichiro turned to (Name) his face unamused. (Name) giggled quietly and kisses hs cheek.
"Shin I was bored so I decided to come and visit you!" Shinichiro's facial expression didn't chance. (Name)'s smile fell and he felt nervous. "Is everything okay?" Shinichiro look towards the door, then turned back towards (Name) and rose a brow. (Name) 'oh'd and began to explain how they were in the same English class back in High School.
Shinichiro listened carefully and locked the store door and turned the sign. (Name) hadn't even noticed too focused on the story he was telling his boyfriend. Shinichiro finally broke (Name) from the story when he pulled him towards the back of the shop with a jealous look on his face. (Name) confused just followed.
(Name) let out another breathy moan. His shirt (technically Shinichiro's) was thrown somewhere behind the duo. (Name) was caged on the counter arms wrapped around Shinichiro's shoulders. His legs wrapped around Shinichiro's waist to keep him still.
Shinichiro's hair was a mess. He had a hand gripping (Name)'s waist and another in (Name)'s messy let down hair. Shinichiro pulled away slowly admiring the hickies and bite marks he's left on (Name)'s neck. The possesive side of him practically purring at the sight.
(Name) looks up at him with swollen lips and half lidded eyes. He pulls Shinichiro back in for more kisses before moving to his neck. Hoping to leave his own marks. After leaving quite a few marks (Name) pulls back and smiles at the site. Shinichiro shivers at the cute smile on (Name)'s face.
Shinichiro kisses (Name) softly and leaves kisses down his neck. After he bites down rougher making (Name) squirm and moan louder. Thats when the back door is thrown open. Startling the two. When they turn to the door they see a very horrified Imaushi Wakasa. It takes a few moments for Wakasa to say anything.
"Oi! Get your fucking perverted hands off my baby brother!" Shinichiro doesn't move. Not until Wakasa literally rips him away from (Name). Upon seeing his half naked baby brother Wakasa quickly takes off his jacket and covers (Name). Then he whips his head towards Shinichiro with an expression that could kill.
(Name) avoided eye contact from the three staring men from his place on Shinichiro's lap. Shinichiro had a hand on (Name)'s hip and another holding a cigarette. Enjoying the hand thats playing with his hair. Knowing (Name) did that when under a lot of stress.
Wakasa is just glaring at the grinning Shinichiro. Takeomi and Benkei are trying to understand what they had jut been told. "So wait," Benkei rubbed his eyes. "You're telling us. You walked in on Shin kissing-," he was interupted when Wakasa practically growled. "Eating. He was EATING my baby brother." Benkei sighs and rubs his eyes again.
Takeomi looks conflicted. "So you walked into Shin 'eating' (Name). Then called us here for an emergency meeting." Wakasa's eyes didn't leave Shinichiro while nodding. "Yeah, because I distinctly remembered tell all three of you. That my brother was completely off limit. So do you care to tell me. Why you broke Bro Code Shinichiro."
Shinichiro opened his mouth to answer, but Wakasa beat him to it by asking an important question. "Wait when did all this even start?!" (Name) hid his face and mumbled. Wakasa looked confused and told him to speak up. "Since that time you left town," Shinichiro answered rubbing (Name)'s back. Wakasa threw his arms ups.
"THREE MONTHS! THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR THREE MONTHS!?" (Name) flinched at the raised voice. Wakasa's eyes softened and he took a deep breath. "You guys have been together for 3 months? How did this even happen?" (Name) then goes on to tell him about how (Name) went to a party with some friends. But his drink had been spiked.
Wakasa's face fell and he sowly sat down listening to (Name)'s every word. "I tried calling Omi and Benkei, but neither answered! But I was able to get ahold of Shin. I don't remember anything after the phone call though." Wakasa quicly turned to Shinichiro. Shinichiro put out his cigarette. He then explained how when he had arrived (Name) was passed out.
He then explained how he took care of (Name) after that. Of course the worst possible thing popped into Wakasa's head and he tried lunging at Shinichiro. Benkei caught him and told him ti let Shinichiro finish. Shinichiro then explained how he took (Name) to the closest hospital and they pumped his stomach.
"See Shinichiro was only doing what was best for (Name)." Wakasa was released and he quietly thanked Shinichiro and patted (Name)'s hand then he froze. Remembering something. "Wait. If you guys have been together for three months. Then the banging around from last month and moaning...we're you really rearranging your room?"
(Name) blushed and hid his face in Shinichiro's chest. Shinichiro replied with a smug grin. "Well I was rearranging something." This time it took Benkei and Takeomi to hold Wakasa back. (Name) smacked Shinichiro's chest and huffed. "Aniki I'm sorry. I didn't know how to tell you about us."
Wakasa glared at Shinichiro who only smiled brightly. "You were the one who said I'd be single forever if I kept going for girls." "That doesn't mean you go for my baby brother you perverted asshole!" Takeomi grunted and held the struggling male tighter. "Shin stop making it worse! If we lose our grip on him there's no tell what he'll do to you!"
Shinichiro shrugged. "If it's for (Name) I'll gladly get beaten up by him." Wakasa stopped struggling and huffed. After seeing his we done the two males released him although they hesitanted momentarily. Wakasa fixed Shinichiro under a heated glare. "Now I'm inly accepting because I know you'll treat him rightly. But for now on anything you do to him, I'll do to you."
Takeomi tried aruging stating if Shin could break bro code, why couldn't he? Wakasa and Shinichiro turned and glared at Takeomi. Shinichiro nodded and gave (Name) a quick peck. Wakasa without missing a beat tried giving Shinichiro a kiss. While the two male's were struggling and rolling on the floor Benkei pulled (Name) away from them and huffed.
Takeomi leaned towards (Name) with a wide grin. "So (Name) have you ever thought of a three way?" (Name) frowned and barely dodged his brother and boyfriend who quickly tackled the smirking male. Benkei shook his head at them and quickly lead (Name) away not wanting him to see what would probably happen next.
"How about we go get some ice cream (Name)?" (Name) confusingly nodded and followed the bigger male. Ignoring the yelling for him to come back and help him. As they were walkng away (Name) asked Benkei something. "Why is Aniki so mad? At least I'm with Shinichiro and not Takeomi." Benkei hadn't laughed as hard as he did in a while.
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orezby · 11 months
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Jax bullying Toby cuz he is a funny target.
Jax: You are pathetic.
Toby: I-I didn’t do anything !
Jax: And you are proud of that ?
Toby: *internal screaming*
P.S- feels like Toby isn’t a good name for my OC, i think i change it when i get more inspired. For now im procrastinating
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orezby · 11 months
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Have been thinking of Jax being younger than Pomni and i love this fact <3
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