Fire Boy
13 posts
A blog dedicated to the LEGEND that is EXO. Aly. 20 something.
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oohparkaly-blog · 8 years ago
Ummm guilty
after getting immersed in this k-pop world i don’t even know what’s happening in the western music world?? what’s in the top charts?? who’re the huge artists??? who are people listening to???? what even is western music??????????? who knows
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oohparkaly-blog · 8 years ago
[TRANSLATION] EXO - 170117 Happy Lotto Box Bucket Lists
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1. Watch Champion League 2. Skydiving!
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1. Travel the world 2. Asia, Europe and South America and world concert tour
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1. Solo concert 2. To have the entire world know my music
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1. Resteraunt tour 2. Japanese spa holiday
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1. To grow a full moustache at least once… Of course, when I’m way~ older! 2. Though I don’t know when it will be possible, but I would like to be the best vocal.
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1. Travel the entire world alone 2. Scuba diving tour
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1. Travel to and patronise all the three star Michelin resteraunts in the world 2. Go to the moon
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1. Backpacking holiday 2. Release 10 solo albums
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1. I want to travel to every corner of Korea, and try the famous dishes from them all. 2. I just want to experience everything that I possibly can!
Credit: translation, dailyexo.tumblr.com.
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oohparkaly-blog · 8 years ago
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oohparkaly-blog · 8 years ago
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CHAPTER 1 It takes approximately 13 hours and 30 mins to get to Incheon from LA. Once in the plane, Ji Hyeon hurriedly searched for her seat number. She scanned left and right until she found it. Just her luck, she was having the window seat. Ji Hyeon felt relieved. Her misfortunes earlier were starting to make her think it was going to be a dreadful flight. But in case it will be, she could just always look out the window. Ji Hyeon rummaged for a clean top from her handcarry before carefully placing it in the over-head cabin. She made sure she had everything she needed for the flight; shirt, jacket and her pouch with her passport and essentials and made her way to the bathroom. Once in, she quickly changed her messed up shirt into the clean one. She checked herself out on the mirror. "Hmm. I still look decent, but a little touch up won't hurt. You know, just in case." Ji Hyeon said, only to realize she was talking to herself. Ahh, poor Ji Hyeon. She thought. She buffed her face with a small amount of powder, applied a bit of tint on her lips and fluffed her hair. Song Ji Hyeon is already pretty as she is. She didn't really have to try hard. As Ji Hyeon made her way back to her seat, she passed by a group of teenage Korean girls huddled in a corner. They couldn't be older than 18, based on their looks. She couldn't help but notice what they were doing. Some where scrolling-silly through their phones, some look like they were internally squealing, while some seemed like they were holding back their tears. "I heard they were taking this flight! Why aren't they here yet? It's past 5 already!" one of the girls exclaimed, frustrated. Just who are these girls waiting for? Ji Hyeon adjusted herself to her seat, finding the most comfortable position. Once she was satisfied, she leaned her head back, covered herself with her jacket and closed her eyes. She was just starting to get comfortable when she suddenly felt someone tapping her arm. It made her jump a bit. She looked to her right only to see a guy, fully covered with a face mask and cap already sitting beside her. She could tell he was Korean, with his wide eyes and other visible features. His cute ears even perked up by the sides of his head. Ji Hyeon was still in a daze, but she thought the guy loooked familiar. Oddly familiar. "Excuse me." the stranger finally spoke up, waving his hand in front of Ji Hyeon's face. It woke her up from her trance. "Oh, sorry. Can I help you with something?" Her seatmate's lips formed a thin line before parting to speak again. "Uh, nothing. I was just wondering if you were okay with your seat?" He replied. What the heck? Did he just straight up wake me just to change seats with me? Way to be up front. And hell no, he would have to fight me. She overreacted in her mind. God knows how much Song Ji Hyeon loves the window seat. "Uhm, I'm fine with it, thanks. Why? Did you want this seat?" Ji Hyeon tried to be nice. She's stuck with him for 13 and a half hours anyway. "Ah, no. That's not it." big ears said. She could tell he was smiling behind his face mask. Yes. Ji Hyeon decided to call him big ears until he's no stranger to her anymore. Well, name-wise, atleast. "I was just making sure you were comfortable. Sorry. It's a habit. I'm used to flying with my mem--friends. It's the first time I'm sitting far away from them. They're all the way infront." He cutely pointed his finger to the front part of the plane. Ji Hyeon didn't bother looking. She was too tired. She just wanted to sleep. She nodded politely and smiled. xxx Hmm, I wonder why we're not leaving yet? They didn't announce any flight delay. It's already half-past five. Ji Hyeon couldn't find the will to sleep after her mundane conversation with big ears. Not that she was thinking about it, but talking to someone kind of woke her up. She looked to her right only to see her boothmate staring blankly at the screen infront of his seat. He wasn't even watching anything. Ji Hyeon gathered he wasn't very friendly, or just didn't care at all. Ji Hyeon cleared her throat. "I'm Ji Hyeon. Song Ji Hyeon." she held out her hand to big ears but he seemed rather surprised. "Just thought I should introduce myself since we're sharing this booth for thirteen hours, y'know." Ji Hyeon shrugged. "I'm..Chan. Just Chan." he reached for Ji Hyeon's hand and shook it together with his. Ji Hyeon felt his was kind of thick, but soft. Almost delicate. She could tell by his eyes that he was smiling. His ears perked up again. Well at least now I could stop calling him big ears. "Well, Just Chan. Let's be good to each other shall we?" Ji Hyeon said with her beautiful smile, a smile no one even dared to look twice at. Chan just nodded and smiled, again. They both adjusted to their seats. We're still not leaving? Chae Young would be worried. "Hyung." both Ji Hyeon and Chan looked up to the person who spoke. A tall, lanky guy was already standing beside the isle seat. Guess he's another boothmate? And his friend? Ji Hyeon thought as she looked away. She was about to turn up the volume of her music player when the two started to talk. Oddly, Ji Hyeon suddenly wanted to eavesdrop in the conversation. She paused the music. "Ya, what took you so long? We were supposed to take off 30 minutes ago?" Chan spoke, he sounded a bit annoyed. Yeah right. Just where the hell have you been? "They thought we were taking the wrong flight so they had to double check. They thought we were taking business class. But it ended up we were really flying coach. I wanted to tag along." Stranger number 2 explained, but he finished with a small, childish laugh, which Ji Hyeon found cute. She smiled to herself. "You think it's funny." Chan tske'd. Right how can you laugh at a time like this? "This isn't too bad though. Look. Our legs are hella long but leg room's still fine." Ji Hyeon saw how the pair was stretching their legs which made her laugh. Chan and his friend looked at her, kind of confused. Fuck. They heard. Was it that loud? "Ahh." Chan finally smiled and spoke. His friend had been smiling all along. "This is Ji Hyeon." Ji Hyeon stretched out her arm to Chan's friend who had been looking at her intently for quite a while. Just like Chan, his face was covered with a mask and he was wearing a cap with an IZRO printed on it. He was also wearing round specs. "I'm Hun." he winked. Not sure if a player or a pervert. Ji Hyeon and Hun shook hands. You can stop shaking my hand now, thankyou very much. After what seemed like 10 seconds, Chan pulled their hands apart. Thankyou, Chan. "Right, now that we all know each other, let's get some rest, shall we?" Hun silently adjusted himself to his seat. Soon enough, the FA announced that the plane was about to take off, and was telling the passengers to fasten their seatbelts. "Finally." Ji Hyeon muttered under her breath as she fastened hers. The plane started to taxi. Ji Hyeon got her packet of gum from her pouch and chewed a few just to keep her ears from popping. She even offered it to the guys. Chan and Hun each got one. Chan. Hun. What's with the one-word names? Strange. Soon enough, the plane was slowly making its way up. Ji Hyeon held on for dear life as she heard and felt the plane shaking. If there was anything she hated about flying, it was the turbulence. She just can't get used to it. As if she was a newbie flyer, every single time. "It's okay." Ji Hyeon heard the guy beside her say. She felt his hand gently holding hers. She quickly took her hand away from his. Chan must've been surprised too, cos soon enough his eyes were all wide and apologetic. "I-I'm sorry.. I forgot-" "Guess it's another habit of yours?" Ji Hyeon cut him off, but with a reassuring smile. She noticed his other hand was placed on Hun's as well. The younger of the two had his eyes shut tight. "Yeah. As I've said, I'm used to flying with my freinds. Most of them got trouble with the turbulence too, just like this one." Chan pointed out to Hun who was now silently snoring. Hadn't she known, Ji Hyeon would've thought this guy was just a creep with weird habits. 6:15 PM The plane finally sailed the skies smoothly. Ji Hyeon looked out her window. She looked down to what she called her second home for 3 months, one last time. Bye, L.A. I will surely miss you. Ji Hyeon couldn't help but smile as she admired the city lights, only for it to be replaced by a mass of darkness as they went higher. "Pretty." Ji Hyeon heard Chan say beside her. She assumed he was also admiring the scenery, cos he let out a sigh that one heaves when he sees something beautiful. Little did Song Ji Hyeon know, Park Chanyeol was admiring the beautiful girl beside him.
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oohparkaly-blog · 8 years ago
Into Your World (A Park Chanyeol Fan fiction)
Author's note: Hello everyone!!!! This is Aly! It's been a long long long time since I last wrote a fanfic, but after how many years, I'm back at it again! This would be my first EXO fanfic. I hope you enjoy reading! I'll try to update as often as I can. Please tell your friends about it too!!!! Also, this fanfic can also be read on wattpad. Just follow me, chelseawrites 😊😊😊 Thanks, everyone! See you through every page! 💕💕💕 xxx PROLOGUE One day in November,year 2016. 4:50 PM LA time. "All passengers bound to Incheon, please board the plane now." The voice from the InterComm made Ji Hyeon jump up from her seat. She looked at her watch and her eyes widened at the time. "Shit." she mumbled under her breath. 10 minutes before her plane leaves. There's still time right? Not wanting to be late, Ji Hyeon walked to the boarding gate in quick steps. She didn't want to run since she had hot coffee in hand. It's a good thing she's an expert in brisk walking. She quickened her pace a bit. "Ow!" Ji Hyeon gasped, her coffee spilled on her white shirt. And it hurt. A lot. It was fucking hot. "Hey! Watch it, will you?" But it was too late. The tall guy, whoever he was, was already running so fast towards the other direction. She didn't even get to clearly see the face of the culprit. With 6 minutes to spare, Ji Hyeon arrived at the gate. She gave the boarding officer her boarding pass and passport. Ji Hyeon noticed her eyeing the mess on her shirt. "Clumsy." she said with a snort, feeling as if she owed the officer an explanation. The polite officer just smiled at Ji Hyeon and handed her passess back . "Enjoy your flight, miss Song." Ji Hyeon mouthed a thankyou and bowed politely before entering the plane. Ji Hyeon was clueless about it, but it was the flight that was going to change her life, forever.
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oohparkaly-blog · 8 years ago
I know its a dumb Question but whats so funny about "chogiwa"? I'm from Austria and i dont know how to "catch" all those insiders:D
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Oh no lil anon. Oh no no no no. You don’t catch chogiwa. Chogiwa catches you (╹◡╹). 
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The dance moves are stupidly amazing I mean like. C’mon. If you’re telling me the first time you watched/ listened to Wolf and you didn’t think wtf,  you are lying to urself and I can’t trust you
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Plus in the beginning you hear all these badass howling and bass then when the beat drops, Chanyeol snatches yo weave with a CHOGIWA, making a meme and leaving us shook. ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
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oohparkaly-blog · 8 years ago
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when you want to be at the front but you’re too tall
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oohparkaly-blog · 8 years ago
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Chen // Seoul Music Awards ♡
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oohparkaly-blog · 8 years ago
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they’re so silly that my heart doing somersaults >◡< 💓
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oohparkaly-blog · 8 years ago
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Kim Jongin thinks he's funny omo (Kai for Esquire)
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oohparkaly-blog · 8 years ago
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Who needs biology when there’s love
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oohparkaly-blog · 8 years ago
baekhyun: do you want a protein shake bro?
chanyeol: nah bro
baekhyun: why bro
chanyeol: because you're the only one who gives me strength bro
baekhyun: bro
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oohparkaly-blog · 8 years ago
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“Me gorge? Oh stop it”
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