Azhar The Land Walker, & his companions
30 posts
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azharthelandwalker-blog · 7 years ago
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During week 5, we undertook a class trip to the art Gallery. I did not remember it being as fascinating as I found it. There were so many pieces that sparked emotion within me. And the scale of various pieces just blew my mind; oil paintings that were taller than me. The amount of time that artists must have placed in these works is astonishing. That exact reason however, is why they are as famous as they are I assume. 
The various hidden meanings behind each painting or piece also further enhance just how long you can stand in front of one, and analyse it to its every detail. Because there are just that many details within them. My personal favourite pieces were Cleopatra, because I feel like it could still be in our current era, with rap/hip-hop culture. And secondly Lami, as apparently the female in the piece is half women half snake, and kills men by seducing them. 
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azharthelandwalker-blog · 7 years ago
A series of Haikus:
Do they understand
How mindless they seem, how lost
Humans in Auckland
Blue pill or red pill
A question by Morpheus 
To dream or to wake
Silent but noisey 
Surrounded but still lonely 
Crowded streets only 
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azharthelandwalker-blog · 7 years ago
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A work colleague of mine named Amy, puling a very neat A 
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azharthelandwalker-blog · 7 years ago
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Rachel from Spain holding a B
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azharthelandwalker-blog · 7 years ago
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Charlotte from Denmark holding a C
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azharthelandwalker-blog · 7 years ago
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D for David from Argentina, I must say, he and his girlfriend Mara were extremely photogenic. 
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azharthelandwalker-blog · 7 years ago
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Arash mixing some music, pulling an E
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azharthelandwalker-blog · 7 years ago
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Dhillan in the back seat, holding an F, looking like Rick Ross 
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azharthelandwalker-blog · 7 years ago
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Older sister Rabia, throwing up some gang signs, cause she a real G
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azharthelandwalker-blog · 7 years ago
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H done by me, while a friend of mine took the pic. Was not as easy as it looks. 
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azharthelandwalker-blog · 7 years ago
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Cheeky little selfie, because you kno, I am taking the photo
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azharthelandwalker-blog · 7 years ago
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A lovely girl named Jess from Australia. Her letter J was one of the cleanest done in my opinion. Very crisp. 
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azharthelandwalker-blog · 7 years ago
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My older sister pulling a K with her ring 
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azharthelandwalker-blog · 7 years ago
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Lucy posting up an L, this has to be one of my favourites, I love her expression so much. She’s so done with people and everything, but she was super nice. 
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azharthelandwalker-blog · 7 years ago
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Mara pulling an M, almost makes a heart. Her and her boyfriend were super cool 
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azharthelandwalker-blog · 7 years ago
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Anna from Germany making a N, she told me that she lived by a forest that was snow white in the winter, but scorching hot in the summer. Sounded amazing 
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azharthelandwalker-blog · 7 years ago
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O by Stephanie from Denmark, she ended up doing a few letters for me, didn’t want to be in any of the photos however. 
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