frosmoth loves luffy
28 posts
I dunno what I’m doing here but I’m free!!!!->sometimes art.
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justafrosmoth · 3 days ago
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Ghost x Jeff the Killer cuz it’s been a while (these stock photos killin me bru)
Still trying to flesh out Ghost’s creepypasta story and her family n stuf,, joy!! JeffGhost post
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justafrosmoth · 3 days ago
in trying to find something to post ive been dragged back to pokepasta hell and theres apparently a tiny little army of you guys here too and i love that
(guys come back what should i draw)
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justafrosmoth · 4 days ago
can confirm im the lawyer who prosecutes the nonbelievers
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justafrosmoth · 5 days ago
hhhhhhey pokemon fandom
its me again
nothing special here just some sharpie sketches! no pencil base we die like men.
Kanto and Johto champions!
…They look a little different in memory, don’t you think?
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psst. bonus somtsv (snow on mount silver) red:
*below cut because idk. gore? even though not detailed whatsoever!! hes just here in the corner i guess
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justafrosmoth · 6 days ago
lore? theory? not sure what to call this tbh. a compilation of my thoughts on the story….
it’s.. going to be a lot to read. I know that before typing. I’m going to put it under a “read more” split in order to keep ridiculously long post away from people’s feeds.
With that said, buckle up guys, we’re headed to Johto’s Tin Tower.
This is, I think, a pretty good transcript of both the original story and the continuation posted (I believe) two years later. I’m going to assume both versions of the story are real and if it’s not canon then screw you I’m making this anyways.
If you’re not familiar with the story’s continuation whatsoever, I’m going to revisit parts of it anyways in my explanation but I’d advise you to read through it all the same.
If you have no idea what a Pokemon Lost Silver is, you might be a little lost yourself.
If you think this is about the creepy pokemon FNF mod, go learn the ancient scripts!!
Go read!!
Okay, now I can begin.
The update to the story gives us quite a bit of context we were missing with the original post:
-Our main character’s name is confirmed to be Gold.
-He and Celebi are trying to achieve something.
*Notably, something that will
“lead to breakthroughs in Pokémon research”
according to Professor Elm’s line within the game at Goldenrod city, and additionally, that goal is dangerous, as Gold’s mother tells him to be careful:
“If it’s what you must do, then I can’t stop you. Please be safe, GOLD.”
Gold and Celebi are then seen to climb the Tin Tower, prior to an alarming encounter with the resident at the top: Ho-oh.
Interestingly, the player isn’t allowed to switch out Celebi for Typhlosion during this battle, simply being told “No.” by the game itself, and upon further attempts:
“I can’t.”
As if we’re watching a predetermined outcome play out. Like it’s something that’s already happened.
Celebi is immediately oneshotted by Sacred Fire and the game denotes that Celebi was burned before the screen cuts to black and the player is returned to the beginning of the game. It plays the way the original story goes, with Gold acquiring Unown and returning to his ghostly appearance.
…with one exception.
His team.
Celebi’s name is “Away”.
The remaining five Unown spell out “Burnt”.
Considering the way the creature was missing half of its body in the ghostly world, this might be an indication of how it (and by extension, Gold) died.
They were incinerated.
So.. Pokémon Trainer Gold and the Time Travel Pokémon Celebi were killed by Ho-oh because of something they planned to do.
At least, considering the series of events, that’s what I’ve been led to believe.
But… why am I saying this?
ALRIGHT. Time for a break from story explanations. We’ve gotta go straight to Pokémon canon to cook up this theory.
Here are some fun facts about National Dex #250: Ho-oh.
It has visual resemblances to both a peacock and a phoenix.
It can raise the dead. (Canonically, it revives three Pokémon who died in a fire into Johto’s Legendary Beasts.)
It’s referred to as a guardian. (“Guardian of the Skies”)
And most interestingly, in the Generation II games, Ho-oh can learn the move “Nightmare” from TM50.
Ring any bells?
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Okay, cool. So what did Gold do to piss off the firebird?
This is where I get into my interpretation of the events that unfolded.
As of the original story and the acclimation of badges throughout, we can make the assumption that Gold is a well accomplished guy before death.
We’re really not given much information about him, other than the author’s note that
“He was a young trainer who, despite his efforts in collecting so many badges and attempts at becoming a Pokemon master, was still unable to avoid the inevitable fate of death, and his efforts were eventually forgotten by the next generation.”
Again, the theme of death is prevalent, alongside memory/legacy.
What if he wanted to catch Ho-oh for its resurrective power? Perhaps to keep his Pokémon alive forever. Perhaps to hand it over to the Professor. (I personally imagine the latter given the emphasis on the GOOD things his endeavor will bring.)
Maybe this is why he needed the help of another mythical Pokémon. Maybe he thought he could utilize Celebi’s time travel if something went wrong.
But instead, the two were punished for their attempts to control the balance between life and death.
And so they wander a hellscape devoid of much other than old, fragmented memories from time while they were alive.
“frosmoth what about the loss of limbs specifically? why’d that happen?”
Conscious decision by Angry Fire Birdy. Removing access to the ability to utilize a Poké Ball and also removing the capacity to travel? Ouchie.
“frosmoth why smoky ghost limbs?”
Death by fire. Celebi’s missing half is also smoky. Maybe Celebi uses psychic power to hold them together. I dunno. They’re ghosts anyways.
“frosmoth, you’re stupid. You forgot the Unowns.”
No, I didn’t. I personally feel like they’re more of a way to communicate the story to the player rather than be of much lore importance within the universe of the game. Also, I’m not entirely sure what to do with them. maybe they’re spying on Gold in the hellscape idk.
“frosmoth what were Gold’s motivations for this idea of his?”
Well, we don’t have much concrete evidence for this, but if we wanted to play off of themes in the story……?
(personal interpretation incoming!!)
Now, I know it’s probably easy to imagine him as a little kid who has no clue what he’s doing because hey it’s a Pokémon spinoff and the main characters are usually like 11.
The whole lingering theme about being remembered for something (or, well, being forgotten despite the effort)? to me, it just doesn’t read like the work of some prodigy kid.
The urgent tone of the various messages when the player attempts to leave or go off track during the segment in the Ilex forest conveys desperation. Notably:
“Not going back.”
“CELEBI is ready.”
“CELEBI wants to go now.”
“CELEBI wants to end this.”
Gold is determined and Celebi is as well, despite a possible apprehension regarding the task at hand.
They know what they’re getting into. Gold knows he’s trying to achieve the impossible.
But he has to do it anyways. Why? To be remembered, of course. Years of experience and accomplishment don’t mean much when you’re behind compared to the new generation, the up-and-coming geniuses who will surely be ten times better than you when they’re your age. What can you do to prove your worth?
^This is the kind of thinking that breeds impulsivity. You know, like doing something drastic to try and get attention.
I’ve always imagined Gold from Lost Silver to be a guy in university age range. Probably stemmed from the way the Professor’s line made me think of him being involved in Pokémon research the same way a student would go about research in their major. Anywho.
He works hard, and it pays off, but he doesn’t think so himself. He is a Sad Little Guy with huge self doubt problems. Somewhere along the line he gets the idea for his little… expedition while trying to think of a way he can prove himself. He recruits Celebi. The two partake in their trial by fire. Death Happens (TM) and Ho-oh says fuck you go to eternal timeout. Gold and Celebi sulk for eternity.
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justafrosmoth · 7 days ago
it had to be done
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justafrosmoth · 8 days ago
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pokemon lost silver doodle
will explain if anyone asks idk
hes my goober
made this a while ago (january) but im thinking about pokemon creepypastas again so i will leave this here for whoever wants it.
had to tone down the scary because i made this on animal jam. lmao.
i want to yap about him
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justafrosmoth · 23 days ago
i know we have furret and yungoos and other similar Little Guys :tm: but can someone PLEASEEEE MAKE A FAKEMON OF THIS LITTLE DUDE
What generation of Pokémon is this?
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justafrosmoth · 23 days ago
also reblogging so i remember to buy pin when i can,,,,,,,,,,,
falling to my knees in the supermarket fr
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sworn brothers – the limited edition pin of my ASL brothers pin series ❤️‍🔥💙💛
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justafrosmoth · 26 days ago
he' s a little dumb ... he needs to be restrung cuz' I made the mistake of adding his ears AFTER I tied him off + his wings need fixing but uhhhh , yah charizard !!!
made him for my gf :]
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DON' T MAKE FUN OF MY BOY HE' S A WORK IN PROGRESS !! he just needs some testosterone boosting /silly
he' s so silly and stupid looking I love him I might steal him from my gf a month later and then sneak him back under her pillow
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justafrosmoth · 26 days ago
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justafrosmoth · 1 month ago
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justafrosmoth · 1 month ago
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justafrosmoth · 1 month ago
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Daily Pokemon Favourites: Day 8 Ice! (with a little count the snom challenge ^^) next up: Fairy type!
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justafrosmoth · 1 month ago
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year of the snake! Here's progress shots and then the final pic. Still getting used to the new paint, I like a lot of it but miss the old versions more and more. Might revert back.
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justafrosmoth · 1 month ago
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this should have been me
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justafrosmoth · 1 month ago
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