All the qualities constituting one that exists; the essence
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It is quite interesting to know that Rigveda which I call it as collection of praising poems unable to FIND a REAL translator.
Highly intellectual theme was given to us by a person that has attained YOGA = Samadhi = Nirvana with a challenge to match its own intelligence .
All available interpretations online via pdf books not relevant to what the Actual author of the Rigveda meant.
Another point to note down is that , to interpret it the interpreter needed to be a person who attained YOGA . There is no difference in what I watched here ? v=57merteLsBc and what is written here about creation . https ://en . Wikipedia#org/wiki/Nasadiya_Sukta It is the same .
Reason for this accuracy is that the person who attained YOGA state's INTENTION was to know the truth about creation and it was made available to him/her . v=57merteLsBc points / pointed 8 : 0 is interesting point to know as whether this it mounts / mounted meru flashes through / into / onto heaven ? Creator is the creator becomes the creator = human being . Rigveda is not a creation of one SINGLE individual . It belongs to group of communities that were passing their creation to their children . Community here I meant is a Family of mother , father , children plus their relations . A competition to learn , study , expand their intelligence . Here competition was for Intelligence not for the power or money hence they were succeeded .
Chatur-varya maya sih a gua-karma-vibhagasha taster kartaram api ma viddhyakartaram avyayam chatu-varyam-the four categories of occupations ; maya-by me ; s i h am-were created ; gu a-of quality ; karma-and activities ; vibhagasha ? - according to divisions ; tasya-of that ; kartaram-the creator ; api-although ; mam-me ; viddhi-know ; akartaram-non-doer ; avyayam-unchangeable Rig Veda 10.90.12 .
His mouth becomes the Brahmin ; his arms were made into the Warrior , his thighs the people , and from his feet the servants were born . The four categories were created according to qualities and activities . These were wrongly misinterpreted and used as CASTE systems in India for centuries . ! Example just read about https ://en . Wikipedia#org/wiki/Thigh and you will know how important it is for our body .
https ://en . Wikipedia#org/wiki/Scientist = Competencies Science (Astronomy , Biology , Botany , Computer science , Chemistry , Cosmology , Geography , Geology , Jurisprudence , Mathematics , Paleontology , Physics , Economics and others) .
How important these people to attain YOGA = Samadhi = Nirvana for the society's well being . The Rigveda was probably not written down until the Gupta period (4th to 6th centuries AD ) .
Https ://en . Wikipedia#org/wiki/Rigveda Reason for those SUN TEMPLES across the country as someone out there came to interpret the REAL meaning of Rigveda,which is invoking your own self . praising your own self . invoking KUNDALINI within you . It has Kamasuthra.
http://www.ancientvedas#com/chapter/9/book/112/ Rig Veda 9.112 is nothing but SEX . It has nothing to do with praising GOD but praising your own body , its response to sex energy . Soma is nothing but Blood . Indra is nothing but description of energy within . Catch situation is these poems are recited with DUAL meaning . one for the outside world , one for the inner world . One for the Brahman the Ultimate soul another for the individual soul . '''A drop of Soma flow for Indra . '' ' here is soma https://commonsWikimedia#org/wiki/File:Blood_Brain_Barriere.Jpg purification of blood is required for the healthy body at the same time it praises the plants which we see outside. Rig Veda meanings are One for IN one for OUT . It is Kundalini all the way. To understand it everyone has to reach to the highest level of intelligence..
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Vishu Hindu GOD . In reality Vishu was depicted as EARTH. Then interpreted as a person who attained the highest level of intelligence or consciousness for the world as a whole not for any specific community . The term was mentioned and explained in depth in Vedic literature (Rig Veda ) (4-138 ) Colour : - Blue = Describing Earth = Human Body is part of Earth . The conch : the sound this produces 'Om ' , represents the primeval sound of creation . The chakra , or discus : the energy which we can create out of body and can preserve and protect our universe .
The Chakra , or Discus : The energy which we can create out of body and can preserve and protect our universe . This is possible for the people who achieves YOGA = Samadhi highest level of consciousness. Energy from the body releases in the form of E=MC^2 this can be achieved by Kundalini Meditation. Black Holes are there inside the body in the form of Chakra's. Activation of these Black Hole is possible via Meditation. Newton's second law of motion is been applied as '' acceleration of an object depends directly upon the net force acting upon the object.(here object is Chakra with in the human body) As the force acting upon an object is increased, the acceleration of the object is increased...(Chakra acceleration inside the body increases) Force here is Sound in the form of OM or Music or relevant Frequency of each Chakra's. page 11 the picture--- same as shiva's rays are converging inside the body = closed system Page 12 gives how the energy escaping as Protoplanetary disk it is known as Hawking-Penrose theorem.. Three energy condition known in hindu scripts as ida, pingala, and sushumna.. Hawking-Penrose theorem talking about end of time which is not true rather it is expansion of the universe as new energy gets released every time three energy condition merges into one it is E=mc^2. I will have to agree with Stephen Hawking that classical General Relativity is not a complete theory. Reason I have already put down as it failed to consider sound. Penroseís Cosmic Censorship Conjecture hypothesis is not correct.. Page 16.. Einstein was right about Singularities that arise in the solutions of his equations are typically hidden within event horizons, and therefore cannot be seen from the rest of spacetime. In layman's terms, it is defined as "the point of no return", i.e., the point at which the gravitational pull becomes so great as to make escape impossible, even for light. An event horizon is most commonly associated with black holes. Bekenstein was right on his generalization about Second Law:the sum of this black hole entropy and the entropy of matter outside black holes would never decrease. According to classical theory nothing can get out of a black hole this is wrong. Black Hole only produces the cleanest energy for the Universe, which balances the solar system. I rather stick to Einstein's statement of ìGod does not play diceî Mr. Hawking .. pg 20
A protoplanetary disk is a rotating circumstellar disk of dense gas and dust surrounding a young newly formed star, a T Tauri star, or Herbig Ae/Be star. The protoplanetary disk may also be considered an accretion disk for the star itself, because gasses or other material may be falling from the inner edge of the disk onto the surface of the star. The lotus flower : We are born out of Dust & Gas in other words Dirt same like a lotus flower . The mace : is the representation of solstice , three dimension that we are directly linked to the Universe .
Unfortunately there is a GAP in Einstein's theory.. though E=MC^2 is valid, Newton's second law an acceleration implies a force, special relativity is valid only when no forces act. Newton's theory is apt for Black Holes... Our body contains these Black Holes 6 of them. This is known as Chakras.. Via Kundalini Meditation we will be able to see this and Open each one of them for our own benefit. This Chakras in the body is opened using Sound.. Einstein's theory missing the dimension of SOUND ... Sound comes before light... Light follows the Sound.. according to Kundalini (Black Holes inside the body opening)..
Four hands :- Four regions North,South,East,West..Human body as the Centre with four seasons https ://en . Wikipedia#org/wiki/Mace_(weapon ) . Look at three dimensional Mace picture here . The mace was developed during the Upper Paleolithic from the simple club , by adding sharp spikes of flint or obsidian . https ://en . Wikipedia#org/wiki/Upper_Paleolithic The Upper Paleolithic (or Upper Palaeolithic , Late Stone Age ) is the third and last subdivision of the Paleolithic or Old Stone Age . https ://en . Wikipedia#org/wiki/Stone_Age The Stone Age was a broad prehistoric period during which stone was widely used to make implements with an edge , a point , or a percussion surface . The period lasted roughly 3.4 million years , and ended between 6000 BC (or BCE ) and 2000 BC with the advent of metalworking . Here you can see the direct link with Sun above using the 3 dimension concept . Unfortunately Indian's could not convert this great idea about a scientific interpretation rather they kept on destroying this meaning with various methods and landed up converting into " Hindu " which is of non-native (Persian ) origin , a British invention to control the Indians and these people followed foolish manu laws .
Kept killing people in the name of RELIGION in reality Indian's has NO religion . They should follow what is there in the Sanatana-Dharma to avoid evil' in the society and work towards betterment of the country as a whole. Sanatana-Dharma was mentioned and explained in depth by Vedic literature (Rig Veda ) (4-138 ) Let us see the breakdown of this word. Sanatana = Beginningless , Anantha = Endless Dharma = sustainer/supporter http ://veda . Wikidot#com/sanatana-dharma ''Sanatan Dharma makes use of yoga as the means to attain moksha (God-realization ) .
Yoga has been poorly translated to mean " union " . It does mean " union ", but that is a poor definition because it encompasses so much more . Yoga is the union with Brahman (Absolute God ) . Yoga is also the means to achieving union with Brahman . Therefore , the word yoga is not merely a statement of union , but it encompasses the actual experience of liberation.
'Yoga = SAMADHI... not have any other a days it is been used for 'exercises' and people are making money in the name of these exercises..
Sanatan Dharma makes use of yoga as the means to attain moksha (God-realization). Yoga has been poorly translated to mean "union". It does mean "union", but that is a poor definition because it encompasses so much more. Yoga is the union with Brahman (Absolute God).
Yoga is also the means to achieving union with Brahman. Therefore, the word yoga is not merely a statement of union, but it encompasses the actual experience of liberation.
How ridicule it looks when you create a story of Blue Rama who NEVER existed on EARTH rather than it is a STORY of EARTH and based on Sanatana-Dharma of living . How to take care of your people , family , children , parents etc . Instead Indian's Paint a Man with Blue colour to worship and Killing other religious people to build an Imaginary Rama temple .
It is time for the coming generation remove stupid beliefs and concentrate on linking these stories to Universe, and learn topics like Science , Sanskrit , Astrology , Maths , etc to contribute towards human welfare for the Universe.
Bhagavad Gita's reasons for the division which is now based as Caste System in India is infact is for people who can achieve highest realisation of selected areas via YOGA.. It is not possible for a single human being to achieve the highest level in all those mentioned subjects above.. here division of specialisation area wise required.. One of the example is ... engineers, artisans and architects. He is believed to be the ..Principal Architect of the Universe .... this pillar here is constructed by the man of higher consciousness ..
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Time to challenge 'British' Scientists ..
Penrose is WRONG ... Einstein's theory was right.. In Einstein's theory, any object that has mass causes a warp in the structure of space and time around it. This warping produces the effect we experience as gravity. it is possible to be at two locations at the same time, each one should create its own distortions in space-time.. Indian Myth has many story relevant to this... Penrose should learn the difference between ''dust speck'' and 'living' human being...
Rutherford’s experiments had shown that the atoms making up solid matter consist almost entirely of empty space, as far as the distribution of mass is concerned. But if all the objects around us, and we ourselves, consist mostly of empty space, why can’t we walk through closed doors? In other words, what is it that gives matter its solid aspect?
Rutherford's intelligence is = Einstein's though he was not given credit or never made him famous like Einstein... In Tao of Physics mentioned about Rurtherford's discovery that 'we can walk through closed doors' in the form of ENERGY ...!! to achieve this many forms of levels are required.. level of purity of BODY with purity of thoughts.. this is possible for higher intelligence people..
In the solid state, the ions or molecules do not translate; that is, they move around within the rigid form that constrains them. These particles do, however, vibrate about their positions. In the liquid and solid states, the particles are free to translate. Any substance can be vaporized if the temperature is high enough. Hence, it appears that there are two factors--the nature of the substance and the temperature--that determine in what state it exists.
Above is the reason that Buddha/Jesus/Krisha can walk over the water.. they can be seen at two places at the same time.. Body transforms in to 'ENERGY' form is the reason.. and human being can decide which state to take that form.. but again this needed to looked at with the QUALITY of the human being, means whether Original is different from the secondary form.. whether both can perform the same task etc.. may have to read more on molecules to arrive at a decision...
Hawking radiation reduces the mass and energy of black holes and is therefore also known as black hole evaporation. Because of this, black holes that lose more mass than they gain through other means are expected to shrink and ultimately vanish.. this is what happens with enlightend ones. Using Nirvana in other word samadhi method they can reduce themselves to energy and walk over the water, pass through the wall..!!
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Summary of the Gayatri Mantra Gayatri Mantra (the mother of the vedas), the foremost mantra in hinduism and hindu beliefs, inspires wisdom. Its meaning is that "May the Almighty God illuminate our intellect to lead us along the righteous path". The mantra is also a prayer to the "giver of light and life" - the sun (savitur).
Oh God! Thou art the Giver of Life, Remover of pain and sorrow, The Bestower of happiness, Oh! Creator of the Universe, May we receive thy supreme sin-destroying light, May Thou guide our intellect in the right direction.
Gayatri Mantra in Sanskrit gayatri mantra in sanskrit Goddess Gayatri Gayatri, the five-faced Goddess, is said to have domain over the five senses or pranas, and protects these five life-forces of those who chant the Gayatri Mantra.
In her role as the protector, Gayatri is referred to as Savitri. Word for Word Meaning of the Gayatri Mantra
Aum = Brahma ;
bhoor = embodiment of vital spiritual energy(pran) ;
bhuwah = destroyer of sufferings ;
swaha = embodiment of happiness ;
tat = that ;
savitur = bright like sun ;
varenyam = best choicest ;
bhargo = destroyer of sins ;
devasya = divine ;
these first nine words describe the glory of God
dheemahi = may imbibe ;
pertains to meditation
dhiyo = intellect ;
yo = who ;
naha = our ;
prachodayat = may inspire!
"dhiyo yo na prachodayat" is a prayer to God
Hence the Gayatri is unique in that it embodies the three concepts of stotra (singing the praise and glory of God), dhyaana (meditation) and praarthana (prayer).
The prayer form of the Gayatri be used to pray to Lord Shiva is called Rudra Gayatri.
Similarly, one may sing Ganesha Gayatri for Lord Ganesha, Hanuman Gayatri for Lord Hanuman, and Saraswati Gayatri for Goddess Saraswati.
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Dear Wengy and as many as Western authors, let us STICK to HARE not Rabbit (the change for convinence) since in the World of Animal Kingdom these are two different animals.. ''The double visions of the Hindus a rabbit in the moon, or the duck who is also a rabbit..'' Vedic period Upanayanam ceremony was performed between the ages of 5 and 24. Students were enrolled for learning under ONE teacher for ALL subjects. The dispute of 2 visioins of 'hindu's .. Let me split this TWO visions into FEW subjects. One subject is leading to another and so on. Here subject are between Universe & Animal Kingdom and if you bring these two together then it will lead to Biology, our own physical structure, then to how to attain Brahman (Supreme Cosmic Spirit ) the ultimate intellectual (knowing the truth about yourself) awareness. Students remain 19 years of education with ONE master how these topics were developed is really amazing and it is just a WOW moment of Learning and Knowing under Saptarishi teahers like Vyasa (Krishna), Vashista and Visvamitra all those 7 Sages, their lineage. How a curriculum can be developed during vedic periodwith every relevant skills available to human beings. Rig Veda according to me has to go back to Paleolithic age. not c. 1700–1100 BC or c. 1500 and 1200 BC. reason for this statement is Rig Veda do reflect Glacial period, its impact on humans and hymns and praising nature as gods then requesting their blessing to avoid poverty, killings etc (one vision of a hidden truth). These poems do speak about the climate change and necessary changes needed to be done to protect earth and its living beings.. this I call it as Orbital forcing which is about earth's axis and shape of the orbit.. these poems reveals about one of the shape that is human being, and what that SHAPE brings destructive effects on earth by their actions. ''Variations in the Earth's eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession comprise the three dominant cycles, collectively known as the Milankovitch Cycles for Milutin Milankovitch'' Rig Veda Hymns are praying for better life for humans, animals, etc etc as if they have gone through this tough time in their life in the process explaining about Milankovitch Cycles. please go through the picture representation here I looked at Writing Systems. Writing was Invented in he 4th millennium BC (4000~3000 BC) which started recording history ie beginning of the Bronze Age. The Indus script (also known as the Harappan script) time periods between 3500 and 1900 BCE. 1st millennium BCE. Brahmin Script abugida thrived in the Indian subcontinent Languages Middle Indo-Aryan (Prakrit) languages, Dravidian languages (Tamil et al.), Saka, Tocharian Time period 3rd century BCE to 5th century CE. The so-called Indus script is a symbol system used during the 3rd millennium BCE in the Indus Valley Civilization, a Bronze Age civilisation (3300–1300 BCE; mature period 2600–1600 BCE) That means before the Bronze age it was 'SOUND RECORDING' Scripts were RECORDED from the memory to memory (Mnemonic) and passed it on to the students by the invented (teachers) then their lineage, generation after generation. it is interesting to learn about this technique as this method was used much before the writing. Dear Harvard Wengy this is the reason for SD people using The double visions of HARE in the moon along with a animal kingdom picuture of it so that it is easy to RECOLLECT the subject which student needed to remember LIFE LONG.. ''Early written symbols were based on pictographs (pictures which resemble what they signify) and ideograms (symbols which represent ideas)'' Why it is for Life Long and AFTER.. here is the answer.. ANIMAL KINGDOM 1) Hares and Rabbits are two different animals. Their difference lies in their HEARTS :) since Hares has larger heart than Rabbits. Advantages of Large heart is pumping blood and this increases their power to run faster. Speed of their travelling is recorded as fast as 45 mph. 2) Rabbits built homes, where as Hares build FORMS in the grass or ground which can BLOCK out the WIND.! 3) Hares can adapt to changing environment. Hares' coats change colour in Summer and Spring. Summer they can be dark brown and rudy in winter brown colour softened to grey or can transform into white. Rabbits cannot change their colour. It is also quoted in that 'hares usually have black markings in their fur somewhere'. Means over all 4 types of colour shades..! 4) Hares do not mate for life demonstrating an unselective approach & no attachment forming out of mating. 5) Related to Climate change Hares moves together around Spring Equinox. ''Hares are known to move together en masse, is around the Spring Equinox. Around this time, it's as if some signal has been given in the natural world and the hares go crazy!'' ASTRONOMY How do we get the seasons? The tilt of the Earth's AXIS is the most important reason why seasons occur. We have hot summers and cold winters because of the tilt of the Earth's axis. The tilt of the Earth means the Earth will lean towards the Sun (Summer) or lean away from the Sun (Winter) 6 months later. (google) An equinox is the moment in which the plane of Earth's equator passes through the center of the Sun, which occurs twice each year, around 20 March and 23 September. On an equinox, day and night are of approximately equal duration all over the planet. They are not exactly equal, however, due to the angular size of the sun and atmospheric refraction. Atmospheric refraction is the deviation of light or other electromagnetic wave from a straight line as it passes through the atmosphere due to the variation in air density as a function of height.[1] This refraction is due to the velocity of light through air decreasing (the index of refraction increases) with increased density. Atmospheric refraction near the ground produces mirages and can make distant objects appear to shimmer or ripple, elevated or lowered, stretched or shortened with no mirage involved. The term also applies to the refraction of sound. Atmospheric refraction is considered in measuring the position of both astronomical and terrestrial objects. Refraction, in acoustics, comparable to the refraction of electromagnetic radiation, is the bending of sound propagation trajectories (rays) in inhomogeneous elastic media (gases, liquids, and solids) in which the wave velocity is a function of spatial coordinates. Bending of acoustic rays in layered inhomogeneous media occurs towards a layer with a smaller sound velocity. This effect is responsible for guided propagation of sound waves over long distances in the ocean and in the atmosphere. On the equinoxes the Sun shines directly on the equator and the length of day and night is nearly equal – but not quite. metaphorical stance, the Equinoxes are a time of balance, between night and day, as well as masculine and feminine. The male and female hares boxing simply perpetuates this idea of balance at the Spring Equinox. The March equinox marks the moment the Sun crosses the celestial equator – the imaginary line in the sky above the Earth’s equator – from south to north and vice versa in September. In the Northern Hemisphere, the Vernal (Spring) Equinox marks the first day of astronomical spring. What is equinox phenomenon? An equinox is the moment in which the plane of Earth's equator passes through the center of the Sun, which occurs twice each year, around 20 March and 23 September. On an equinox, day and night are of approximately equal duration all over the planet. What does it mean by Equinox? the time when the sun crosses the plane of the earth's equator, making night and day of approximately equal length all over the earth and occurring about March 21 (vernal equinox or spring equinox) and September 22 (autumnal equinox) What happens during the equinox? Far from being an arbitrary indicator of the changing seasons, March 20 (March 21 in some years) is significant for astronomical reasons. On March 20, 2017, at precisely 6:29 A.M. EDT, the Sun will cross directly over the Earth's equator. This moment is known as the vernal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. What is the cause for a solstice? During the December Solstice the Sun's rays shine on the Tropic of Capricorn. As the Earth moves around its orbit, it reaches two points during the year where the tilt of its axis causes it to be straight relative to the Sun. These days are known as equinoxes. What is the autumnal equinox? Equinoxes are opposite on either side of the equator, so the autumnal (fall) equinox in the Northern Hemisphere is the spring (vernal) equinox in the Southern Hemisphere and vice versa. Equinoxes and solstices happen twice a year. Equinoxes and solstices mark the start of astronomical seasons. What is the spring solstice? Northern Spring – Southern Fall. ... Equinoxes and solstices are opposite on either side of the equator, and the March equinox is also known as the "spring (vernal) equinox" in the Northern Hemisphere and as the "autumnal (fall) equinox" in the Southern Hemisphere. How do we get the seasons? The tilt of the Earth's AXIS is the most important reason why seasons occur. We have hot summers and cold winters because of the tilt of the Earth's axis. The tilt of the Earth means the Earth will lean towards the Sun (Summer) or lean away from the Sun (Winter) 6 months later. Equinoxes and solstices happen twice a year. Not Entirely Equal Day & Night The March equinox marks the moment the Sun crosses the celestial equator – the imaginary line in the sky above the Earth’s equator – from south to "To the common people in India the spots look like a hare, i.e. Chandras, the god of the moon, carries a hare (sasa), hence the moon is called Sasin or Sasanka, hare mark or spot." 75 "Max Müller also writes, "As a curious coincidence it may be mentioned that in Sanskrit the moon is called Sasanka, i.e. 'having the marks of a hare,' the black marks in the moon being taken for the likeness of the hare." Hares are quite different from rabbits, Anatomically speaking, hares possess a significantly larger heart than rabbits. In hares, the heart can weigh from 1 to 1.8% of their total body weight, whereas with rabbits, the heart only weighs about 0.3% of their total body weight. When you think about it, this larger heart gives hares a greater advantage when it comes to pumping blood, which of course increases their powers of running at such speed and endurance enviable in the animal kingdom. Hares have been clocked at travelling as fast as 45 mph. Another difference between hares is that unlike rabbits, they don't build their homes in burrows, but instead build forms, little nests in the grass or ground that help block out the wind. Independence is a strong quality of the hare. In summer and in spring, hares' coats change colour like many other animals, as a way of adapting to their changing environment. In the summer, they can be quite dark brown and ruddy, but in the winter, the brown gets softened with grey, and some in further northern climates actually transform into white. One distinction about hares that doesn't apply to rabbits is that hares usually have black markings in their fur somewhere. Hares generally live alone or with a mate, but hares do not mate for life. According to our moral standards, hares are as promiscuous as it gets because they will mate with whoever takes their fancy, and there is no attachment formed because of it. hares are known to move together en masse, is around the Spring Equinox. Around this time, it's as if some signal has been given in the natural world and the hares go crazy! Now let us look at the double vision of Hindus a rabbit in the moon
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Bird Eagle has a place in Hindu mythology
''the celestial carrier of Lord Vishnu and his consort Goddess Lakshmi, the Krishna Parunthu or Brahminy kite (Haliastur indus), also known as the Red-backed Sea-eagle. ''
This bird is a 'misunderstood' concept ... why Rig Veda mentioned 'garuda' and why it is a Vehicle of Vishnu... meaning of Vishnu is all pervasive..
Garuda a Vehicle which carry blood = the circulatory system and Vishnu here is our body..
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Teachers of Purana
To understand the reason for purana we will have to look at the kind of education prevalent in that society as well as the intelligence level of Vedic people .
https ://en . Wikipedia#org/wiki/Upanayana
Upanayana (Sanskrit : उपनयन ) literally means " the act of leading to or near " . It is an important and widely discussed samskara in ancient Sanskrit text . The rite of passage symbolizes the leading or drawing towards the self of a child , in a school , by a teacher . It is a ceremony in which a guru (teacher ) accepts and draws a child towards knowledge and initiates the second birth that is of the young mind and spirit .
Upanayana is the rite of passage through / of the start of formal education of writing , numbers , reading , Vedangas , arts and other skills . The Upanayana rite of passage was also important to the teacher , as the student would therefrom begin to live in the gurukul (school ) .
Yajnopavita ceremony announced that the child had entered into formal education . The education of a student was not limited to ritual and philosophical speculations found in the Vedas and the Upanishads . They extended to many arts and crafts , which had their own , similar rites of passages . Aitareya Brahmana , Agamas and Puranas literature of Hinduism describe these as Shilpa Sastras.
They extend to all practical aspects of culture , such as the sculptor , the potter , the perfumer , the wheelwright , the painter , the weaver , the architect , the dancer , and the musician . Ancient Indian texts to assert that the number of the arts is unlimited , but each deploys / deployed elements of 64 ''kala' 's (कला , techniques ) and 32 ''vidyas' ' (विद्या , fields of knowledge ) . The training of these began from childhood and included studies about dharma , culture , reading , writing , mathematics , geometry , colors , tools , as well as traditions (trade secrets ) .
The rites of passage through / of apprentice education varied from the respective guilds . To teach students they used to search for teachers who can literally bring the best out of their children .
One of the selection process mentioned in the stories is of mahabhratha’s drona
https ://en . Wikipedia#org/wiki/Drona
He was a master of advanced military arts , including the divine weapons or Astras . it is interesting to note this . Drona was not born in/of a womb , but from a vessel made of leaf , he was named 'Drona ' which means 'vessel made of leaf' .
This tell us how important environment and plants around us . This gives us a message to take care of our Universe . this message is supposed to pass on to children from the very young age . now think of an education of these children in the society for the future of the Universe . Like this every incident or story mentioned about him is linked to the importance of things which we as a humanbeing needed to follow .
Let us look at another teacher
https ://en . Wikipedia#org/wiki/Parashurama Parashurama means 'Rama with an axe ' .
Axe picture is like our shoulder in our body. Now this shows us how important shoulders are in our body , and this part of the body is linked to attainment of energy levels . A process needed to be followed as per the Veda . A god was named as Indra due to this reason . He plays important roles in the Mahabharata and Ramayana , serving as mentor to Bhishma , Drona and Karna . Explanation of importance of shoulders in our body. It is easy to make the children understand about body system using the stories.
Another teacher https ://en . Wikipedia#org/wiki/Vashistha Vashistha , as one of 9 Prajapatis , is credited as the chief author of Mandala 7 of the Rigveda . The seventh Mandala of the Rigveda ("book 7 " , " RV 7 " ) have 104 hymns . In the Rigveda Anukramani , all hymns to this book are attributed to Vashista . Hymn 32 is additionally credited to Sakti Vashista , and hymns 101-102 (to Parjanya ) are additionally credited to Kumara Agneya . It is one of the " family books " (mandalas 2-7 ) , the oldest core of the Rigveda .
Family is a lineage of many souls. Set of souls comes together to make a family. They play their part for the society and leaves earth .
I planted few tomato plants and was observed their growth . these plants grow and shown its strength in health when it shares . when you plant this alone it is not very energetic , but when you plant these plants together with other plants it shares its food and looks very happy and healthy . that is what is lineage is all about . !! ! it doesn't matter which plant you share your food with . but allowing other to grown under your guidance . This is what ancient teachers of India used to do .
Same Lineage existed as 4 DNA's 4 types of thoughts which brought out variety of books , purana's , upanishad's so much to read . Most of these books 'essence ' remains the same . Taste of sweet cannot be different for 4 DNA's ! ! Reason for why Spiritual story linked Rama to Vashistha .
Children cannot digest RigVeda's . how to teach them the importance of vedas ? How to create a Syllabus so that children will be interested to learn . Teachers created syllabus in the form of stories known as Puran's. These created syllabus stories only known as spiritual poems of Ramayana , Bhagavath Geetha etc .
Existence of intelligence level and competing with intelligence was very high in
https ://en . Wikipedia#org/wiki/Harappa
https ://en . Wikipedia#org/wiki/Mohenjo-daro
cultures .
Reason for the existence of highly managed water systems , those sciences still cannot be broken by any intelligence .
A person like Arjuna do not required advise from Krishna . as Arjuna is as equally attained those levels of Spiritual Knowledge to use those weapons of mass destruction. If he has not attained those levels then yes there is an reason for Krishna to advice . Those Weapons can be achieved only by attaining the kind of consciousness Krishna speaks about .
Reason behind choosing correct and right Teachers for children is important ..
Spiritual Poems Syllabus for Children of Vedic age. An adult is supposed to know like Bhishma . Bhishma is an equal to Krishna? ?
I cannot agree with Kabir's statement here I just say he is Ignorant
The Poet Kabir's Warning that the one that studies the Vedas " gets entangled and dies therein " (WENDY DONIGER ) .
Vedas can refer either to the four earliest collections of verses (the Rg-* , the Sama-* , the Yajur- , and the Atharva-Vedas ) , or to an aggregate of early Indian works , including the four Vedas , the Brahmanas* , as , and the Upanisads* . (WENDY DONIGER )
now you know the reason... this lineage of Veda's are still existing in India and around the globe waiting for a PROCESS to take them through..
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Lathika Upanishad:- Reason why Prayer heals
KBS Panorama : Believing Brain (Pascal's Wager)
In fact it is not Brain which helps..!! it is the Kudalini which helps. To know about how this works , we needed to know more about our own Earth, its magnetic field, how it corresponds to Sun etc..
Take a look at the following pictures
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Places like church that too highly populated prayers takes place, so much energy is created via sound wave.. those people who are in daily prayers might have already activated their energy centres in the body as given as first picture points and these energy circulates around the body.. Main energy is based at the base of the body.
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With the help of Sound Wave (in the form of prayers) based at the base (Sacrum) which functions just like Earth in our body will be swirling motion in the form of water inner core stirred by Chakra (Wheel in the form of Black Hole) rotation. This rotation generates a magnetic field.
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Slow moving currents in the Sacrum passes through invisible lines of force (Ida, Pingala and Sushumna Nadis of the subtle body) in the Sun’s magnetic field causing electrons a shake. Same like the following picture 7th position..
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Electrons move generates electric current inside the body which induces a magnetic field around the body. Given the forces like breath & sound mechanical energy of the flowing water / liquid interacts with its own magnetic force lines & continuously produce electromagnetic energy.
Breath functions like Wind, rotation of Chakra’s create thermal energy, body temperature will rise and formation of vaporisation takes place. This forms rainbow colours inside the body.
Uses of electromagnetic radiation
satellite transmissions
satellite transmissions
thermal imaging
short range communications
optical fibres
television remote controls
security systems
Visible light
security marking
fluorescent lamps
detecting forged bank notes
disinfecting water
observing the internal structure of objects
airport security scanners
medical X-rays
Gamma rays
sterilising food and medical equipment
detection of cancer and its treatment
Now what are the diseases which was cured, which can be cured using these rays healing centre in Kerala can tell you ...
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