A place for me to write down my dreams. They're weird and vivid and I don't like to waste paper.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
My god.
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Calvin and Hobbes: The Force Awakens Brian Kesinger
Story artist at Walt Disney animation studios / Artist for Marvel Comics. Check out his etsy store for books and prints www.etsy.com/shop/BrianKesinger
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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Photographer Kilian Schönberger created Brothers Grimm Homeland
German photographer Kilian Schönberger recently presented his new project called “Brothers Grimm’s Homeland,” where he mixed photography with illustration. Big trees, dark homes and moody environment - these are the key elements that connected these photos with the legendary Brothers Grimm.
The Dark Forests of Europe never looked so good.
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I can't. So goo. XD
okay but a story about an asexual pirate who gets made fun of by the crew until he saves all of them from sirens
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imagine a middle-earth eurovision au
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Let’s go on an adventure.
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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The Vampire Diaries Livebloog Season 5 Episode 3
Okey-dokey, then! It's time for Episode 3. Woohoo~ What will happen this episode? How many persons of color will die? How many awesome lines will Silas pull out of his no doubt shapely ass? How long will it take for Elena to fall back in love with him, leaving Damon to be heartbroken again? All this and more will be revealed at some point eventually on... The Vampyre Journals!
...I have way too much time on my hands without school breathing down my neck.
I've got my bowl of miniwheats. Let's get this show on the road!
Previously on The Vampire Diaires: Stefan foreshadows shit about Elena and Stefan falling in love again. Poop.
Hungry Stefan is a Go!
Oh. Oh. That's a bar. Poor pretty Woman with Short Hair. You're going to die. Oh, no. You're white, so you get to live.
Stefan doesn't have his daylight ring. That's no good.
Elena, stop dreaming of him. What is this red string crap? Stop that, El-El.
Damon is a good guy. Well, when he's not killing people.
Katherine, you bamf!
OSHIT! Katherine is linked to him, too! YUSS! Let her get Stefan, like she always wanted. Let Elena and Damon do their thing~
"It doesn't sound crazy - it IS crazy." Damon, really? Really, Damon? I mean... after everything?!
Katherine: thank you for restating your feelings for those of us who haven't watched this show in awhile.
Silas~! And Nadia~! ...Silas restating the events at the end of the last episode. Silas, stahp.
Oh, Nadia is a hitwoman. Hmm... I do like that she's a thing, instead of randomly showing up in one sex scene.
Stefan in a cabin. Who is this woman? She seems familiar... And she knows things. :0
"Who are you?" asks both Stefan and I of this badass mystery woman.
Be careful, m'lady, you're a woman with skin a beautiful shade of brown. They may kill you unceremoniously in two seconds like they did Meghan. Meagan? Meghan.
Oshit... is that... is that the woman talking? OH YUP IT IS INTERESTING
...They're both travelers. Huh. Motivations for the win!
Wait. Oh. What could this be? Hmm... That witch, Quetsiya? Ketsiya? WHOA WHOA SHE DAH WITCH WHOA SPIOHFIOGIOSIOHOISBOBFUBGSOBOBSUOFO
Oh, and Silas wants to die. That's curious.
Ketseeya was on the other side, but came back (for Stefan :O). I see this as a precedent for BonBon coming back.
Catty Katherine is fun. I like her.
Ooh... Nadia and Greagor... and Matt with a silly accent. And those neck veins. Nice veins. WAIT. NADIA, STOP COMPLICATING THINGS BETWEEN MATT AND REBECCA, YOU WRETCH. MattActor actually kind of totally pulled off that voice change. Good going~
Ketseeeeeeeya is now Tessa. Approval Get!
Oh... that's how she got back. Crazyness. I love the way the writers are able to make things that happened in the past matter. That's an awkward sentence, but it's true, and it applies to the way that the events of the previous seasons don't just stop being a thing after the season finale. It persists.
OH WHAT THE TITS, ANOTHER FUCKING DOPPELGANGER?! REALLY?!! Well, I suppose Silas' explanation of why Stefan was his works: immortality goes against the laws of nature, nature lashes out, creates another version of you to make things right. ALSO FUCK THE RED STRING OF FATE. GAAAAAAAAH.
Hey, hey Stefan, Elena, how can you breathe right now with that red string tied firmly around your necks?
Tessa relates what I just realized. Mortal versions of the immortals, etc,. Then she makes another daylight ring for Stefanovich. I like her.
Damon leaves Katherine in the car. This means she will either A) Escape, or B) Get her ass captured.
Jo, the bartender. Not to be a stereotypical asshole, but she looks like a lesbian. I only note this, because it means she may die very soon. That would be stupid.
Nadia is a vampire bounty hunter. What is this development? #stroking my chin out of curiosity
Damon has vervaine breathe.
Tessa: "Hovering actually slows the process." I like her. I like her quite a bit. She kind of rocks.
Tessa is very, very cool. I like her. She will likely die, and horribly.
Hmm... I suspect that she is the precedent for another cure being created.
I actually feel bad for her, though. I know that she's crazy and all, but, admittedly, think of what the many "true lovers" would do if they found out that they were, in fact, not their true love's true love?
"Have you not been listening to me? I have trust issues." lmao I still love this bitch. I think this show is about to dip into misery territory, though.
Oh, good. She knows she's crazy. And she likes it. Huh. Huuuuuuh. This is bad.
Katherine running in the woods. Elena - you know, it's extremely elegant that Elena and Katherine have different hairstyles. It makes sense, too, as there is no way Elena would allow her hairstyle to match up with Katherine.
"It's Ketsiya (or whatever). See why I want to change it?" Lampshade hanging is awesome~
Ohohohohohoho Tessa has been manipulating things. That red string has loosened slightly...
Salvatore Bros back together again!
Damon, stop fucking with her. She'll off you in like two seconds if you piss her off. She cray. She craycray.
Tessa is nifty. I do like her, even if she is frighteningly insane.
That horrified and vulnerable look on Katherine's face is priceless.
Silas, your lack of mental powers is a welcome change.
"I'm frying Silas' brain!" You go, Tessa Coco, you go!
Tessa: Relax. I just fried him a bit. He'll wake up. At some point. Now watch me lampshade hang just about everything from the last four season. ;D
What she experienced, not only having her true love betray her, but having it play out ad infinitum, is kinda' rough. OH GREAT NOW DAMON HAS TO DEAL WITH THE SUPER RED STRING OF FATE.
Tessa states that as long as Stefan is alive, Silas will not have his mental powers. Calling it now: Stefan will die later this season.
Damon overcoming his selfishness - this is good. Watching Elena run to Stefan as he lay battered on the floor - this is not good. Poor Damon.
Silas now has a really strong motivation. Him telling Katherine she made him want to vomit was nice. Katherine referring to herself as nothing more than a gag reflex for Silas had me doubled over with laughter. #Katherine is a gag reflex
Katherine's blood is now a cure. That's... huh. That could be very bad.
Geez. Now poor Matt is losing control over his body.
Damon. Poor Damon. Actually, poor *both* of the Salvatore Brothers. This one girl has caused so much mental and emotional anguish for them both. She's interesting, sure, but Elena is... hm. I'd like to see more of her outside of the Brothers Salvato-
Interesting episode. Only a few of our ever-growing cast was in it, but it worked quite well. Damon telling the universe to fuck off and stating that it didn't matter, because Elena was his life was very nice to see. Stefan having no memories was also nice, since it will be fun to see how his narrative arc plays out from here. We basically now have two new roles the actor of Stefan is playing: Silas and AmnesiacEric - er, I mean, AmnesiacStefan. This isn't The Southern Vampire Mysteries. Naaaaaah. No evil witch wiped his mind. Not at all.
I liked the episode. The theme of fate is getting to be a bit gagworthy. Ketsuya/Ketsiya/Ketseeya/Quetsuya/Quetsiya/Quetseeya/Ketmnightshamalamalamalamalamalamalan is an interesting character. I look forward to seeing her psychosis play out.
Finally, I am still curious as to where this season will go. This is definitely the turn of the mini-arc, so I imagine everything will change within three more episodes, though I'm betting on two. Episode 4, here I come! err... After I make ramen.
#vampire diaries#livebloog#yes I like to make mispellings as jokes#breakfast and vampires#vampers#I'm pre-empting this:#SILAAAAS#Katherine is a gag reflex
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The Vampire Diaries Livebloog Season 5 Episode 2
So, with the reveal that Silas is an international man of holy shit what the fuck did he just do, things have gone from bad to worse for our heroes. I'm sure episode 2 will only add to the kerfuckery, but we'll see. Bonnie. Oh, Bonnie. You've been screwed more than just about any character on this show. My feels for you.
I appreciate Bonnie's story this season thus far. Getting to see what she's going through is nice, as it makes her death even more impactful.
Katherine, run!
Oh. Oh that's right. Matt must have been mind controlled by that guy with Nadia, like what Klaus did with Alaric in season... 2, was it?
Poor Stefan. Even his happy visions are full of suffering.
Meghan is still dead. Of course.
Hmm... a cover up. Curious.
Elena is still rocking that red patch of hair. It looks good yet.
Damon goes to the quarry pretty much as soon as possible. Nice.
Liz is still a goddess.
Every male actor in this show is built like a brick shit house. Every. Single. One. Katherine referencing the moonstone from ages past. xD
Dr. Wes Maxfield is sexy. Oh my. Very. And a bit creepy. I dig this character. Also, he's deathly serious. I appreciate this in a man. The latter part, not so much the former.
Silas with Elena. No good. NO GOOD.
Silas, you biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch.
It must be weird for Katherine to have bodily functions again.
Jeremy, Matt, did you really think that you would be able to keep Katherine from running away? She ran for... five-hundred years, was it? She's like a professional at running.
Elena, why you do? Elena, don't let him take your phone, for fuck's sake.
Silas mind control is OP.
Aaaaaaaand Elena is gone. This douchenozzle being a dick to Damon. lololol
Caroline continues to be best bro.
This man, Jesse, that Elena is with... he is... he's wrapped up in all of these shenanigans someho- DAMON XD WAY TO GO
Doctor Hotness is going to be an important thing in this season. The hot teachers always are.
Katherine being angry about, well, everything is just priceless. I like how she's developing. Oh, and the fact that she may very well end up trusting someone for one will be cool to watch.
aaaaaaand back. Wait. Oh. He's dead. He's actually dead. Very interesting. Oh! And we're also getting into the mechanics of the Gilbert Ring. I like this. We now know why the many, many deaths of certain characters made it take longer for them to revive - ELENA WHAT THE EFF
Damon the forever BAMF.
Vervaine is still useful. Always. Great thing, that little herb.
The Vampire Diaries - where relationship troubles are caused by, exacerbated, and resolved through supernatural external forces.
Caroline and Jesse. I approve, potentially, but Jesse is probably not trustworthy... This is the Vampire Diaries, after all, any named characters that has any significant screentime is either integral to the plot or slated for death very, very soon.
Jesse is a pretty cool guy. And he seems to have grey-blue eyes. Nifty.
Bonnie, I think my feelstrings are connected directly to you. I hope they manage to revive you somehow. That'd be cool.
SILAAAAS you codswallop.
Jeremy the Hunter. Such a bamf.
Oh. Oh yeah. Jeremy is really strong, and Silas is not quite the same as a vampire. I had forgotten that little tidbit.
Things We Love About the Vampire Diaries 001: -You feel for the characters very quickly. This is what got me into the show in the first place. -The writers can take a character as unlikable as Katherine and give us a moment where we genuinely love her.
Elena, stop being a wretch. Stop being so mean to Damon. Staaaaahp. Compulsion's a bitch.
Oh, fuck my life. Stefan and Elena are going to get back together. =_= They'd rock as close friends. They really would be better as not a couple.
lol Caroline walking in on skewered Elena and tied up Damon.
Ohhhhh... So the Gilbert Ring induces amnesia. Very clever! OH! And this explains the whole warping of Alaric's mind. Very, very interesting!
The Gilbert Ring is such a great plot device.
Oh, Bonnie... ;___;
Silas. lol Oh, and the lack of vamper powers explains why he needs to use a knife and such to get blood - no fangs.
xD Gypsies->Travelers = PC. Cultural sensitivity is a good thing.
>.> Sexy hot Doc Hottie. Ohohohoho. Interesting. Very, very interesting.
"We're gonna' save Stefan, and, I'm still going to love you." - I'll bet against that, thank you.
Episode 2: Overall, not as good as episode 1, but still good. I'm interested to see where everything will go. I also think that we are reaching the middle of the first mini-arc, since those tend to last 4-7 episodes a season. I'm hooked.
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The Vampire Diaries Livebloog
JEREMY KNOWS Bonnie, you bamf. Jeremy, you double bamf. Katherine has to shave. Sheesh. That must suck, what with her having not had to do that for... how long was it? OGOD SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHO HE IS YET OGOD SHE'S REALIZING SOMETHING IS OFF Katherine: The original bamf. Damon: The triple bamf. Meghan: Actually dead? Hmm... I dunno'... seems a bit easy. The VampBros and the Mystery of the Dead Roomie ALSO WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK VAMPIRE DIARIES WHY YOU KILL THE ASIAN GIRL IN TWO SECONDS? SRSLY?! I hope she comes back, that the writers may defy the lack of representation of asians in media. ALSO, WHY WAS BONNIE REPLACED WITH ANOTHER PoC, ONLY TO HAVE SAID OTHER PoC DIE, TOO? Nadia... oh dear... she's a plot hook, if ever I have seen one.
Oh, great. Witches from Eastern Europe. Meghan knew Papa Elena. Whaaaaaaa~? Jeremy, if you die *again*, my feels will explode. I will have no feels left. Damon feeling things. How sweet. :D Tyler: Caroline. I love you, but my actor wants to move on to other things for awhile like Jeremy's did last season. I'll probably be back later. Until then, I'll be on <i>The Originals</i> for awhile. Stefan, I like your visions. Poor guy. Don't go all ripper, please. We had enough of that last time. You developed so much as a character, ya'know?
Turn it off - like a light switch. Turn it off! Dream Elena can fuck right the fuck off. Just because the two of them had a relationship for a few years does not mean the red fucking string of fate needs to strangle them. Growth is a good thing, writers, and Damon and Elena make a good couple. They have for awhile now. I like that Bonnie is still in the show, even though she is dead. It's nice to see her still here. WHOA WHAT IS THIS BUSINESS? What did Silas just- OSHIT OMY HE HAS MASS MIND CONTROL THAT IS NO GOOD OH HE'S FUN This bodes ill for our heroe-BONNIE'S DAD, NOOOOOO FUCK SILAS FUUUUUCK Methinks Bonnie, as a ghost, will be integral in the stopping of Silas for good this season. Then again, we got to see Klaus for three seasons, so maybe not. I did enjoy that Klaus managed to grow without falling to villain decay, though. Overall: First episode was fun. The death count was almost exclusively persons of color. That was lame. Still, I hope that Meghan comes back, and isn't just going to be a one-off.
#vammer diaries#livebloog#meghan we hardly knew ye#BAMF#lack of representation of asians in media#Stop Killing Persons of Color Needlessly Please#SILAAAAS
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The Vampire Diaries Livebloog
So... I think I need to boil things down, or I'll never finish this episode.
Caroline, stop being a territorial person. Stop that. OSHIT THEIR ROOMMATE IS NOT AS NORMAL AS SHE FIRST APPEARED
CALLED IT "Do normal human Freshmany stuff." Like what? OH, DIS ROOMY IS CRAFTY Hehehehe She'll be fun. Jeremy expelled. No good, that. Good thing for him that Damon is around. Also, the two of them casually talking about how Jeremy killed him at one point was priceless. Oh, dear. Silas has met up with Damon again. Meghan running about, calling for help. AAAAAAAAAAAAAND DEAD
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The Vampire Diaries Livebloog
Caroline laying down the law was fun to watch. And the man flirting with her was fun, too.
Jeremy getting bullied. What the shit. Aaaaaand, he's kicking ass. Alaric's training persists. Oh, and who in their right High School mind picks on someone as built as JeremyActor? Katherine is still as delightful as ever. OH! She'll be useful as a replacement for Elena in Mystic Falls. "I have enemies. If any of them found out I was human... Do you have any idea what it's like to run in heels? I have blisters, Damon." lmfao
#vampire diarrhies#livebloog#fine-ass man#checking out Caroline#lol they love college wait until finals#running in heels is hard#gotta' keep yo' balance Kat Kat#DON'T FALL#Blisters
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The Vampire Diaries Livebloog
They very brilliantly introduced Silas' motivations and background to the viewer in a few seconds. I still enjoy the way the writers handle this show. Very elegant. Huh. So... Bonnie was replaced by new roomie number one. I doubt she'll last long. Or she'll be integral to the plot of this season.
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The Vampire Diaries Livebloog
Oh, Windows 8, you'll never be cool. Enraged Katherine. Heh. All mussed up hair and fury, and as harmless as a mewling kitten. Matt and Rebecca making out against a tree. I really like them together. Wait, Katherine stole the Gilbert ring? Clever girl. Oshit is that Edward Cull- Nope. That's Stefen/Silas. This'll be good. OH HE'S FUN
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