Unmotivated as heck.
469 posts
29 🍱. FEMALE BLACK artist/writer. I like all kinds of stuff, can't stick to one, I try to do art when I feel like it, and I may get inspired to write here.
Last active 60 minutes ago
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olenoname · 1 month ago
Mugen: We hit potjack!
Fuu: That’s jackpot. 
Mugen: All I knows now is that we’re filthy bitch. 
Fuu: Filthy rich! 
Jin: I hope you’re doing that deliberately.
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olenoname · 1 month ago
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★ 【ムゲン】  
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olenoname · 1 month ago
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Mugen 🌻
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olenoname · 1 month ago
@mytanuki-kun @memeingcheetah27 @kurokrisps @short-honey-badger
So uh, weird dream I had during my nap today, mostly the last 10 minutes of it. It was a mixed anime thing going on, I mostly remember being with Law and half his crew after we bickered a little if rather or not I can come with them and went to what looked like a ghost town. We went in an old abandoned building, like an apartment or a school, and there was a TV with a VHS tape in it.
Don't remember what was on the tape, but the walls started to peel off and the environment started to change into something more bright and colorful and our clothes changed. I don't even know when my outfit turned into aikido robes, but I had a katana for some reason. Next thing I know, we got chased out of the building by a 6-foot tall kappa (don't fuck with those, even at normal size) and got separated.
For some odd reason, I ran into Fuu and Mugen and I immediately saw him as a threat. I unsheathed my katana pointed it in his direction for half a second before putting it back. I was just playing really. He smiled at me and decided to play along, he pulled his sword out and comes at me and stops with his sword just above my shoulder by a hair.
He pulled his sword back kind of seductively with the blade barely touching my cheek, turning me on a bit. He sees that I got the reaction that I wanted and he twirled it before returning it to it's sheath. I just stood there for a moment before I just said "fuck it, let's do it. I take him by his arm and we try to look for a room for two hot seconds before I notice that the streets look more lively and there were food stalls everywhere and I found Law at one of them.
"Shit, what am I doing?" I thought to myself and I just tell Mugen to be quiet before I casually leave him to join law to chow down on what I think was black bean noodles and beef kabobs before waking up.
😅 What's your weird dream?
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olenoname · 1 month ago
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olenoname · 2 months ago
Save a horse, ride a cowboy
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olenoname · 2 months ago
i wish tumblr let you like replies. sometimes i don't have anything to say and how else are my beloved mutuals going to know i saw what they said if i can't leave a little virtual heart sticker on their forehead
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olenoname · 2 months ago
Maybe headcanon with Hody Jones from onepiece with a human partner who hate other humans as many much as him does?
Non one writes for him, so am fine if you don't. I have issues with people add trust and relate to him. Although am in agreement that he took thing too far. But it's fiction so I'm not feeling two guilty for liking. He as well looks cuddly.
Oh boy!! Hody! Not sure how good this is gonna be, but I'll give it a go for you, Anon! Hope its alright!
Decided to start it off when you two first meet. Otherwise, it seemed a little too ooc without the context!
You're a human, you say? It's gonna take a lot from you for him not to just kill you straight away.
But, if you manage to get his attention in a positive way, then he might humour you.. at least for a while.
Hang on... you say that you hate humans, too? But.. aren't you a human yourself? Now he's confused. You will have to explain to him in detail about your trust issues and what caused them, or else he won't believe you.
He will still be sceptical and presume you are making up an elaborate story to save you from being killed. You will have to prove yourself in some way for him to believe you.
Once he believes you, he will take more of an interest in you and maybe even offer you protection as he sees how you could prove to be valuable to his cause in the future.
Over time he will start developing feelings for you.. the first he knows about this, is that he trusts you above anyone else. You! A mere human! Who'd have thought!
For a long time, he's not sure what to make of it, so he keeps it to himself. At first, he's not even sure what this strange feeling is.
It would take something pretty major for him to confess to you. Like him nearly losing you or you suddenly, without warning, beating the crap out of someone who disrespected you, him, or the cause.
...My head keeps throwing little nuggets of a scenario that might occur to cause this: you getting into a fight with either another human or one if his fishman followers and nearly getting killed, but at the last moment you manage to overpower your attacker and win the fight, but you're not completely unscathed. And it's at that moment, seeing you standing there victorious, covered in both your rival's and your own blood, that he realises that he does indeed love you. (I really should write that up as a one-shot or something at some point...)
After he confesses and you two become a thing, you will see a side of Hody that even he himself didn't know existed:
He is naturally a very protective guy, especially since you, as a human, are nowhere near as strong as him.
In private, he can be very affectionate, but not so much in public. Although he will keep you close with a hand on either your back or your shoulder, both to reassure you that he will keep you safe, and to let others know that you are his.
In private, he will always want you close. He's never been shown any love or kindness from anyone in all the years he's been alive, so naturally, once he's gotten used to having someone who actually cares for him, he will not want to let you go.
Perhaps surprisingly, he is, in fact, very good at giving hugs. He somehow instinctively knows how to hold you with just the right mix of tight and gentle.
Hugs, cuddles, snuggles, and any other sort of physical affection are his preferred love language.
He really loves it when you kiss him, but he is always apprehensive about returning kisses as he has been known to get a little carried away and start nibbling... which, with his sharp teeth, has caused minor bleeding on more than one occasion. It is then up to you to convince him that you really don't mind, but even then, he's still hesitant to kiss you again for a while; you are the one thing that he would never hurt.
He likes it when you play with his hair. It's one of those simple little things that mean the world to him. Knowing you're comfortable enough with him to just sit and run your fingers through or braid his hair is enough to make even his cold heart melt.
He is determined to teach you to protect yourself better against stronger opponents, even if you are already strong, and will often spar with you to help you improve.
Sparring with you will, on occasion, turn into you two playfully wrestling each other. If this is the case, Hody will nearly always let you win.
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olenoname · 2 months ago
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something something Irish twins
This one goes out to @a-killer-obsession
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olenoname · 2 months ago
Metal Bat and Garou with a waitress gf
Request: Can you do a hc with Metal Bat and Garou with an s/o who's a cute waitress at a cafe and include how they would react if they caught a customer harassing her? By @olenoname
A/N: Thanks for requesting! Sorry this took so long school and imposter syndrome has been kicking my ass lately
Fandom: One Punch Man
Genre: Headcanons
Pairing: Baddo/Reader, Garou/Reader
Warnings: harassment and brief mentions of violence
Pronouns: she/her
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Metal Bat/ Baddo:
He’s pretty shy whenever he sees you in uniform
Tries to come in any time he can, but him being an S class hero means that he can’t do it as often as he’d like
Sometimes takes Zenko to your workplace after one of her recitals
He gets kinda jealous when he realizes that other people get to see you in your uniform but wouldn't do anything about these feelings
Is otherwise pretty chill about you’re job, he gets it - you gotta pay the bills somehow
It takes him a moment to process that you're being harassed
When he does he’s by you in an instant and is menacingly standing behind the person harassing you
If the presence of an S-class doesn't intimidate them he would take them out back for a little ‘chat’
Cuddles up with you afterwards to make sure you’re ok
Also tries to cook dinner for you
His hand wraps around the harassers with an iron grip so tight you were surprised there wasn't a cracking sound. “Is there gonna be a problem here?” his voice was low and threatening, he sounded like he was seconds away from yelling profanities right there.
The man snapped his head around looking ready to retort but quickly stopped once he saw who was behind him.
“Ah- not at all!” he said sounding like a child being scolded
“You’ll be going then right?” though Baddo phrased it like a question it came out like a command. The man quickly scurried away.
Dine’s and Dashes at your workplace a few times before you have to ask him to stop
Teasing, Teasing and more Teasing
Sometimes asks if he can get some leftovers (how could you say no to him!?)
Occasionally may take up a part-time shift or two
Gets pretty jealous about other people seeing you in your uniform and makes it pretty well known
When he isn't doing hero hunter business he’s mostly hanging around your place of work
When he sees you being harassed he’s probably already punched the guy in the face
If you don’t want him to start a fight in the restaurant he’ll happily drag the guy outside
Pretty bad at comforting you but tries his best, he’ll take you out for a walk through the park and buy you some icecream
After he heard what the man had said he was behind him, looking almost like a predator looking down at its prey, “Oi, What’s goin’ on here?”
“Huh? Who the hell are you!?” the man turned around looked Garou in the eye only to realize his mistake and tried to look away.
By now some of the other staff had come over and taken you away from the scene, yet you were still close enough to see what happened next.
Garou tightly grabbing the man by the scruff of his neck and dragging him out of the restaurant and into the back alley.
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olenoname · 2 months ago
"How long are you going to pretend?"
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You realised it a little too late. You realised they didn't care. They never cared about you. Not once. Not really.
You were a burden to Lucifer.
You were a chore to Mammon.
You were a pest to Levi.
You were a tool to Satan.
You were just a body to Asmo.
You were a sibling substitute to Beel.
You were an act of vengeance to Belphie.
That's what YOU were. What YOU are. And what YOU always would be. YOU were just a randomly chosen human.
You were salvaged only the blood running through you. You were salvaged by your first ancestor, a stranger. You were redeemed only by a distant link to their family. You were brought back to life to fill in the void she left behind.
You saved anyone and everyone. You saved them when they didn't even ask. You cut your fingers on their jagged edges trying to piece back their broken pieces. And you asked for nothing in return.
You loved with all you had. You gave it your all. Only to have noone catch you during your fall. You remember your eyes darting from one shocked face to the other.
A glimpse of warmth. The smallest urge to help. That's all you would have needed. Just to know someone, anyone, cared. But there was nothing.
And now in the middle of the large and lively ballroom in the castle, you were suddenly alone. They danced around you in circles, without a care in the world.
They hadn't felt this happy in millenia, they insisted. Their laughter faded into your silent cries of rage. You couldn't take it anymore. Grabbing hold of the jewel crown Diavolo had placed on your head, you pulled it off and threw it to the ground.
It shattered into a thousand pieces. Much like whatever was left of your heart.
The music still played. But everyone around you stopped. Everyone has a threshold of pain. And they had long crossed yours.
"MC what's wrong?!"
"MC did that crown fall? Are you hurt?"
"MC, step away from the broken glass okay, you don't want glass in your feet!"
"Hold on, MC, here take my hand, this side is safe."
"No, MC. This way is shorter. Come on now."
"Shut up. Shut up. ALL OF YOU SHUT UP!" Your voice boomed with power and rage, their mouths forced themselves shut. They were lucky you never realised how much power you have on them.
"How much longer are you going to do this? How much longer can you possibly PRETEND?"
You made up your mind even before they could answer. This ends tonight. From tomorrow, you'll speak their language.
You're no longer Lilith's descendant. You are MC. You're as ruthless as you are forgiving. You can be as cruel as you are kind. They used your heart against you - it was time for you to reciprocate.
To be continued....
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olenoname · 2 months ago
Bestie, noooo!
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Noooo my Crocodile fic isn't on the dash 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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olenoname · 2 months ago
Peppermint Tea Masterlist
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So, this had gotten a little out of hand to have it all on my main list. So I've made this one for the main story and anything else I might do in this universe. Thank you for enjoying!
Peppermint Tea Peppermint Tea 2 Peppermint Tea 3
Peppermint Tea 4 Peppermint Tea 5 Peppermint Tea 6
Peppermint Tea 7 Peppermint Tea 8 Peppermint Tea 9
Peppermint Tea 10 Peppermint Tea 11 Peppermint Tea 12
Peppermint Tea 13 Peppermint Tea 14 Peppermint Tea 15
Peppermint Tea 16 - Lavender 1 Peppermint Tea 17 - Lavender 2
Peppermint Tea 18 Peppermint Tea 19
Peppermint Tea 20 - Lavender 3 Peppermint Tea 21 - Lavender 4
Peppermint Tea 22 - Lavender 5 Peppermint Tea 23 - Lavender 6
Peppermint Tea 24 Peppermint Tea 25
Peppermint Tea 26 - Lavender 7 Peppermint Tea 27 - Lavender 8
Peppermint Tea 28 - Lavender 9 Peppermint Tea 29 - Chamomile
Peppermint Tea 30 - All Blends Peppermint Tea 31 - All Blends 2
Peppermint Tea 32 - All Blends 3 Peppermint Tea 33 - All Blends 4
Peppermint Tea 34 - All Blends 5 Peppermint Tea 35 - All Blends 6
Peppermint Tea 36 - Hibiscus 1 Peppermint Tea 37 - Hibiscus 2
Peppermint Tea - Epilogue
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olenoname · 2 months ago
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bro’s locked in to watch ep 1000 of sora warrior of the sea
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olenoname · 2 months ago
They remind of clowns from Wire.
Rory sketchdump
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At 13-14 years old, Rory started to suffer from severe chronic headaches, panic attacks and auditory hallucinations. Whenever it happens, it's a rare occasion when he doesn't only accept contact - he deeply needs it.
+ Adult Rory
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olenoname · 2 months ago
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Beware artists! This is a common type of scam, NEVER give your paypal email to these scumbags, they will send you phishing mails trying to claim a payment they have never sent.
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olenoname · 3 months ago
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and i think that’s what a father is — a blade that never stops cutting.
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