old-lightdasher · 6 years
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berdly has been found dead in hometown
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old-lightdasher · 6 years
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old-lightdasher · 6 years
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A little bit of Zelmus retro art! Quick sketch with a lot of love, of course. Oooh yes, by the way, I’m super happy and with hype, because Dark Samus will be as a playable character in Smash! Have a nice day! Tyky~
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old-lightdasher · 6 years
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nyoom boobie
I was given the idea by another picture I saw ¬¬
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old-lightdasher · 6 years
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Made a Fairy Bard for an upcoming D&D Game I’m joining, hope you like it, I spent quite a while on this ;0 Her name is Aemillia and she will bite your kneecaps if you call her short
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old-lightdasher · 6 years
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Some pictures of my D&D characters n’ stuff, also Ashley, Cadence and smol Pearl on a bouncy castle
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old-lightdasher · 6 years
Was it you or someone else who started up a slayer ask blog? I remember they had art that looked kinda like yours but that was a while ago
I’ve not started a Slayer ask blog, but I will probably draw more slayer at some point
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old-lightdasher · 6 years
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Just a quick casual Slayer <3 <3 <3
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old-lightdasher · 6 years
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Oh look more Slayer art, who would’ve thought?
I want to snuggle with this fokkin stabby gremlin HHHHHHHHHHHH
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old-lightdasher · 6 years
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I like Miranda, she was a cutie, not as much as I like Slayer or Vera though... Poor thing
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old-lightdasher · 6 years
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The sorta sequel to this
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old-lightdasher · 6 years
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wOOOMPFFFH!! That’s payback yo!
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old-lightdasher · 6 years
Apparently if you get the shopkeeper ending, you get to learn Slayer's real name midway
This is correct, however I avoid using it because amongst the community it’s considered a spoiler, hrm, strange eh?
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old-lightdasher · 6 years
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Don’t be down about the mockup! It was merely done to get discussion within the community so the devs can really see we want to bang the Slayer girl! Let them knowwww!
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old-lightdasher · 6 years
Hey I know this is out of the blue but how did you get the tunic that initiates the slayer ending??
Like this
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old-lightdasher · 6 years
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old-lightdasher · 6 years
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She can probably outdrink you ten times over
Also quick side note I do post NSFW content once in a blue moon, so keep an eye out on your tumblr if you avoid that sorta stuff
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