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This beautiful girl is Sandra and I am blessed to know a glimmer of her story. Through tragedy she was found and brought to Jonathan's House for Orphans, along with her baby brother, Sylvian. When they first came to the orphanage, they were incredibly malnourished, especially baby Sylvian. You can see here the wonderful progress this little guy has made! I love this picture because, well, just look at Sandra and Sylvian's beautiful, joyous smiles! This young girl has been through more than I can imagine in her young life. She is basically the mother to her baby brother and the way she selflessly cares for him just amazes me. A smile from Sandra is worth so much so I treasure and honor this beautiful picture. Anyway, I would be absolutely honored if you would join me in lifting up these two in prayer.
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So undeniably, inexpressibly, passionately in love with this man.
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This is so good haha.
bless fetus josh protect him at all costs
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My boyfriend got me an expensive necklace from a charity auction and helped throw me a surprise party for my birthday, in July. His birthday is coming up in November and I still don't have any great present ideas for him. Eek.
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I mean what if you knew that you are God’s poetry. You were created, because someone else was creative. See, long ago he picked up his eternal paint brush, dipped in his glory, placed you in his story and said, they will live for me
Jefferson bethke (via daniel-sidd-sanchez)
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Reblog if you have used dude as a non gender specific term.
My mom often corrects me and my sister when we call each other dude, which really shouldn’t matter, but she’s making a big deal out of it anyways. And as someone who often doesn’t conform to what the defined box of what a girl is, it kinda hurts to be shoved back into place by one of the people who is supposed to accept me. So she told me to construct a survey and here’s part of it. Reblog if you’ve used dude (or other things like bro or man)as a non gender specific term before.
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frustrations, truth in this chaotic world, peace and contentment
I am constantly finding myself feeling lonely, confused, and discouraged. I often feel like my life is a mess and while I know refuge can be found in my beautiful savior, this world is constantly telling me otherwise. Our materialistic world will tell you that you need all kinds of things to be happy. It honestly confuses me sometimes. I ask myself, ”Is this true? Would my life be better with this?”. There are so many things constantly being preached and advertised to us. You need to live healthy. You need exercise. You need this vitamin or this food. You need this electronic device or this app or this music or these clothes. You need to read this book. You need this program. The list goes on. My girl, Demi, proclaims on her skin care line, Devonne by Demi (which, I’ll add, I use and love) that skin care is a huge part of self care.
And while all of these many things advertised to us can often be very good things, we can get so easily entangled in all that the world tells us we should have or do. I know that self care begins with giving your burdens to Jesus. I am becoming more and more convinced that all, absolutely all, we need is to be spiritually filled by Jesus Christ.
Sometimes even trying to do this can be confusing, frustrating and exhausting. Do I go to this small group or the other one? Do I go to this retreat or another one or this Christian concert or this volunteer opportunity? This church or that church or this or that college ministry? This is how I am anyway, constantly. And I think I, as well as others who can relate, just need to slow down and be consistent and intentional about our relationship with Jesus. Don’t schedule it, don’t worry about a bible reading plan. Just spend time with him. I need to remind myself of this constantly. And then just do it.
I’m not saying I think it’s actually that easy. I’m just tired of my own over thinking and getting caught up in this crazy, chaotic world around me. I believe that all we need is Jesus because that is the example I see in the bible. John the Baptist lived in the wilderness, eating locust and honey and proclaiming the word of the Lord. The apostle Paul, man that guy, he said he learned how to be content in all circumstances, he boasted that he could do all things through Christ Jesus. If the apostle Paul can find complete joy and contentment in Christ, without modern medicine, modern technology, consistent income or housing, material goods, trips to the spa or shopping sprees, coffee or wine, then so can I.
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My boyfriend and I like to use Doctor who pickup lines because we are cool.
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And this cute one somebody took of the boyfriend & I ❤️
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Love this super fall picture with this super rad friend.
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Had a great time raising money for A21, a fantastic organization dedicated to abolishing slavery in the 21st century.
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I ADORE FALL 🍁 (and this guy.)
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Guys please be praying for Maddie and her dog.
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I’m really sorry for the gruesomeness. this is my dog, angel. she hasn’t been doing well, with skin related issues, for almost 2 years now. but it wasn’t until about 2 months ago that she started getting really bad, and in the past 2 months, she’s only gotten worse. I’ve spent hundreds of dollars at the vet where they seem to be just as clueless as I am, she’s on 2 medications (one antibiotic, one steroid), I give her medicated baths, I am trying my hardest to get her better, but nothing is working. a month ago I thought “it couldn’t get any worse than this,” but it has. her hair is falling off, she has wounds that won’t stop bleeding and they’re oozing with infection, she barely eats, she is depressed and not herself at all. she doesn’t get excited about anything anymore, all she does is sleep and I can see how uncomfortable she is. she shakes from anxiety, especially when I’m around. I’m 19 and these past two months have been my first two months living away from home. I brought angel with me to help with my anxiety but ironically, her being sick has made it so much worse. I feel so hopeless because nothing I’ve done has helped her, and I have no one to help me. my parents live hours away and she’s entirely my responsibility. there’s blood all over my sheets and my clothes and my arms constantly. everything feels so disgusting. even scalding hot showers don’t make me feel clean. and I just look at her and bawl because she has helped me and comforted me so much over the past ten years and I can’t do the same for her. we have an appointment with a dermatologist an hour away on Monday. hopefully they’ll have a solution. I nearly vomited while giving her a bath just now, combined with hyperventilating and crying so hard I thought I was going to pass out. now I’m sitting on the bathroom floor and she’s wrapped in her pink towel. I don’t know why this is happening. I feel so stupid and selfish saying this, but why me? why did she have to get bad now when I need her most
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