..What have you been Called to do? What's WRITTEN in God's Word that you SHOULD be doing, but you are not?
Are you not Loving Others though we're commanded, encouraged, &instructed to do so? Is fear of Rejection or Hurt holding you back? Lay them both at the Foot of the Cross &Pick up the Courage to open your Heart & Love again. Realize that Love can& should be given. It can &should also be received. If it will take more than one prayer to Receive& Show it then KNOW THIS: You can believe in God& go to Therapy. One doesn't cancel out the other. God has provided us with his Word so that we may be DOERS. He has also equipped us with different gifts & talents so that we may build up &support each other as members of the Body of Christ. This means God has created those with the calling to Act&Serve as Therapists. So, Pray, Read his word,& Engage in the Healing that comes from working with a Trained professional. Beloved, begin the Journey of Healing so that you may be able to Love Others & Yourself again.
Are you holding a grudge& Refusing to Forgive someone? Refer back to seeking God& Therapy, let go of the grudge/Resentment & Be FREED!
Are you not being Hospitable or doing so with grumbling? Is there fear, a "?", or something else blocking you because of what's going on in the world? Then, Take a step back& consider: "traditional" approaches to being hospitable aren't practical, but the driving force/Call to show Kindness can still be honored without risking anyone's health. How? Drop off food or supplies at someone's front door/a shelter as part of a community effort/weekly give away. (At a time that you're free so it's a Blessing¬ a Burden.) Or, send an eCard/ text to someone who could use a check-in, encouraging word, or just reach out. THEN, be OPEN to the possibility of a "thank you" turning into a conversation where Open Ears& Hearts can provide Love& Support to someone else.
There's more on the "be[ing] doers of the Word& not Hearers only" list that we can do. So, let's Do It! Let's commit to no longer deceiving ourselves. Let's Seek God for help& Direction. Let's get "Busy" Obeying His Word & Pursuing our God-given Purpose Now.
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Exposed. Embarrassed. Humiliated. Three words used to describe our feelings when we find ourselves in less than comfortable or welcome situations. Situations where we sometimes go into 'survival' mode and try to "Save Face" -> "Fake" like we're OK and Avoid showing Concern or Embarrassment.
Depending on the time and place, a little or a LOT of our energy and time is devoted to Engaging in whatever activity or behavior is necessary to appear "Unbothered".
Why? Because...It hurts to be betrayed and feel disrespected. It's not easy to acknowledge when we've been wronged or when we're in the wrong. It's not easy to look at our Mistakes and admit that we are flawed. And, many times it feels like it may be IMPOSSIBLE to Change our Habits, Correct Selfish behavior alone, or FORGIVE. Thankfully, we do not have to continue to "Save Face". Instead, we can "Seek Grace" when we remember that: "With God all things are possible" (Matt 19:26) and "I can do ALL Things through Christ who Strengthens me." (Phil 4:13)
So, as October comes to an end and we face the last 2 months of 2020 let's try something New. Instead of trying to "Save Face", let's "Seek Grace".
Acceptance + Acknowledgment.
Consensus, if possible. If not, Compassion, and always Confession.
Will Seeking GRACE be easy or look pretty? Probably not, but it's worth it. Why? Well, because We all NEED God whether we've been saved for 70 years or 7 seconds. So, Seek God, whenever you've been wronged AND when YOU'RE the one doing wrong. Seek Reconciliation*, when possible. Accept responsibility for your actions. Acknowledge your faults. Or, Accept that your past has passed and Acknowledge that God STILL has a future and a HOPE for you to Live and THRIVE. (Jer 29:11) Seek Consensus, even if you think it may be impossible to come to an Agreement. If it is? Then, agree to disagree. Why? Because sometimes we can admit our past mistakes, but struggle to recognize the patterns that initially led to them. Sometimes two people end up on opposite sides of a line in the sand. So, for the sake of Peace we must agree to Love from afar and move forward. In both instances, we should show Compassion if we can and always start with Confession. Confession to God, Self, and others. Then, we should seek to Evolve and let God work in, through, and around us. It will take time, but it will be a process where our Energy, Time, and Willingness to gradually develop into the people we have been Created to be will have a GREATER impact. How? Eventually we will become Better people. Better Brothers, Sisters, friends, and Children of God. In time we will become more: aware of our Actions, Proactive rather than Reactive, and more apt to either admit fault or acknowledge when we've been wronged so that we can ALL Heal and help heal those around us.
So, again, as we face the last 2 months of 2020 let's stop trying to "Save Face", let's "Seek Grace". Let's Forgive, Evolve, Heal, and be Reconciled*.
*Reconciliation is a Beautiful and WONDERFUL thing. However, it should not mean risking your Health or Safety. Does this mean you shouldn't apologize or forgive someone because of COVID or fear of catching a flight or travelling to reconcile with them? No, you make a call, send a text, or write a letter. However, if you are attempting to, or did, leave a person/situation to save your life, do NOT risk your life trying to reconcile with your abuser/offender. Seek God and the support of your community/resources around you. Specific to DV situations, please reach out to the National Domestic Violence Hotline. For all Abuse situations, reach out to your local community resources and church communities. Most importantly, so that YOU may heal: Forgive your abuser/offender and remember you are NOT to blame for being abused. You are Loved. You are Worthy of being Loved. You can be Healed. You are Important. Stay Healthy and Safe, Beloved.)
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..Tired. If one word sums up 2020, this could possibly be it. Earthquakes, Weird Weather, Loss, COVID, civil unrest, injustice, pain, trauma, conspiracy theories, sad political and social truths, economic shifts, Isolation, Ignorance, Anger, Inconsistency, Fake News, False Truth, Fear, Death, Disconnection, Mental, Emotional, and Physical Fatigue.
Yea...Tired sums it up. And, thus far, 2020 is "One of those days" on repeat. It's understandable why so many have said that they're "over it". Or, "We can just throw 2020 away." Yet, we haven't. (Technically, we can't since it's only September). So, despite EVERYTHING that has -or hasn't - happened depending on our plans, this year isn't over. So, although you/we are Tired there is STILL work to do.
Some are working from home. Some are working tirelessly to teach children who may not understand what's happening. Some are running on fumes and preparing for November elections. Some are burning the light at both ends working on therapies and vaccines. Some are making ends meet with LESS than what the national average says they should. Some are still falling in Love. Some are still finding peace and joy in the Sunshine. Simply put, Some are Still trying.
And, honestly, so are you. Yes, We're all tired in one way or another, but we're Trying. We've been through Silent, Slow, Difficult, and Rushed periods and seasons. We've been through heartache and heart healing. We've been in the Forest and in the Desert. We've been in the Valley and on the Mountaintop. Even when we've felt like we've been going through these things alone, we've gone through them TOGETHER; whether we knew it or not. So, BE ENCOURAGED today knowing this: You are NOT alone + This, too, Shall Pass.
You may be TIRED, but KEEP ON Trying.
Keep trying to practice Self-care. Keep trying to Make time for your Family and Friends. Keep trying to Learn. Keep trying to Work (Or, find work). Keep trying to Teach the Next Generation. Keep trying to Feed those around you - with Physical and/or Spiritual Food. Keep Praising. Keep Praying. Keep TRUSTING God.
Why? Simple, Because we're called to & it's in our Spiritual DNA. It's part of God's plan for our lives.It's one of the MANY reasons we're still here, living,& seeking to Move Forward.
As you continue through this Day, Draw the Strength YOU Need from God's word. Be Tired, it's ok! But KEEP Trying. If you need Encouragement Remember that Galatians 6:9 says: "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up."
If you feel alone, like you're the ONLY one still trying, be Encouraged! Why? Because Hebrews 12 reminds us that we are NOT Alone. We're surrounded by a Cloud of witnesses. Moreover, it says: "Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted. " (Heb 12:3) If you feel like you've been running on empty, that you're Tired of: trying, waiting for change to come, running the race, 'fighting the Good fight', tired trying to muster the Strength to just Keep trying, remember Isaiah 40:31: "But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."
Listen, it's been a LONG year thus far. We've all felt tired. We've ALL felt like giving up, but Here We Are in September still Seeking & Finding God, his Strength, his Peace, and the Motivation and Comfort we need in his word to: Keep Trying. In Spite of everything that has happened so far, we're STILL finding reasons to: Smile, Live, & Try again tomorrow. So, Again, Be ENCOURAGED. Know that ONE DAY "Tired, but Trying" WILL turn into "Tired, but Finished", "Tired, but Hopeful", "Tired then, but Resting and Witnessing the FULFILLMENT of His Promises by Not Giving up now."
One last thing to note, IF you feel that you've reached the End of your "rope", of your "trying season", and you either feel like your running out of faith/ strength or you can't find a reason to make it to tomorrow know this: YOU ARE NOT ALONE! God LOVES you! God is STILL HERE for you! God is still LISTENING! No Man is an island & no Woman is a cave. You do NOT have to try to "make it through" by yourself. You Do NOT have to sit Alone, Abandoned, & in the Dark. Your END is not Here.
If you need someone to talk to REACH OUT, SPEAK UP. You are too Loved & your life is too important to give up now! Be Encouraged & PLEASE be Reassured that you have a God to speak to, Shoulders to cry on, and Ears willing to Listen to you that you CAN Connect to and with. You are Loved, Beloved. Do NOT Give Up. Keep Trying..
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.."Free at last, Free at last, Thank God almighty we are free at last."
"For whom the Son sets Free is Free indeed".
Two quotes often heard independently, rarely juxtaposed, from two different times and two different sources. Yet, they both speak to one thing, Freedom. Today, on Juneteenth, many have celebrated, contemplated, and observed what it means to be Free. Some, however, still wonder if everyone is truly Free. And, with all that we have seen in 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, and as far back as we can remember or read, many wonder if true Freedom will ever come because for many there is the feeling that we're only "Free-ish".
Why? Well, on one hand Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s words about being "Free at Last" from his "I Have A Dream Speech" often remembered from it's delivery during the March on Washington in 1963 echoes the hope, desire, and eventual realization of gaining more benefits of freedom for Black Americans. However, the shining light gained through the progress and triumph of the Civil Rights movement is often times dimmed as we witness the atrocities that so many Black Americans still endure. Beautiful children of God are ignored, overlooked, pandered to, used for laughs, ostracized for phenotypic differences, welcomed in churches, but rejected on street corners, beaten in broad daylight, and blamed for being... Black. Then, again, maybe the blame is only fear of seeing someone truly Free.
Still, the feeling that we are "Free-ish" could be attributed to feeling like a prisoner to sin. We constantly backslide, seek forgiveness, and then witness the pain, shame, and hurt that is caused by bias, ignorance, prejudice, racism, SIN time and time again. We struggle as we see the hate and lack of empathy and compassion that is held for a Brother or Sister by another brother or sister when we're all Supposed to be striving to Live and Love like Christ. We question the struggle when we realize you truly cannot "Love God who you have NOT seen , but HATE your brother who you have seen." And, maybe it's because we're not all seen as true Brothers and Sisters in Christ, fellow children adopted into God's family. Fellow Freedmen and Freed women. Why? Because if it's true that: "If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." (John 8:36) then HOW do we continually find ourselves here? How do we continually find ourselves: Marching in the streets and Mourning in sanctuaries? Smiling on Sunday morning and Singling out for "routine checks" (profiling) on Saturday night? Offering shoulders to Lean on Verbally, but Turning them as we look away once we Hear the Truth from those in Front of us?
Today on Juneteenth as this day comes to an end may we ALL commit ourselves to doing two things. For my dearly beloved Black Brothers and Sisters let's continue to be (and strive for being) Free, not "Free-ish". Let's freely speak even if we're afraid. (For we weren't given a Spirit of fear to begin with.) Let's freely Love and Accept Genuine Love. Let's freely Stand, or Kneel, so that we can finally All see the day where what we've seen and experienced can truly be a memory and "Free-ish" becomes a thing of the Past.
For my White Brothers and Sisters and those who feel the need to critique the struggles of Black people or question the validity of historical days such as Juneteenth for their Black Brothers and Sisters commit to P.A.U.S.E.
Ponder - your reason for questioning another's struggle. And, Pray- for Guidance. Accept - that just because we're different it doesn't mean we're unworthy of Love, being Listened to, or simply Living.
Unlearn - any bias, ignorance, prejudice, hate, and microaggressions you may have.
STOP and SURRENDER -to God, his Word, his Love, the true Redemption and Reconciliation that comes from being born again through his Son, Jesus Christ.
Evolve - from who you USED to be and what you USED to know and do so that you can TRULY treat your Black (Native American, Asian, Hispanic, etc) Brothers and Sisters as the Beautiful, Diverse, Intelligent Children of God that we Are! And,
Engage - those around you who have yet to see the Light and remove the log from their own eyes until they can see clearly too. (Of course, this means truly removing the logs from your own.)
Will the work be easy on either end whether you're Black or White? No, but it is worth it. We are burdened by the Sin of Racism and dark side of our humanity. Some have been bearing the weight for too long and others are just now seeing that the weight wasn't lifted in Jan 1863, in 1865, in 1963, in 2009. Instead, it was repackaged for some. As a nation, world, Body of Christ, we are Not OK. But may we not grow weary of doing good. May we commit to letting God lead us, dealing with our heart issues, and removing the systems, schools of thoughts, and barriers that have caused pain and setbacks.
As we commit to doing this work, may we: "Let Freedom Ring". For who? For our Brothers and Sisters. Black, Native American, Asian, Multiethnic (for we are all Human), immigrant, educated, and those deemed less 'socially refined' by unfair standards when they're just as Precious in God's sight as we are.
While we work let us pray.
For some: "Lord, Open my eyes to the hurt and pain of those around me. Open my ears so that I may hear you, clearly. Correct me and Forgive me of my wrongs. Use me to Help heal and Uplift the men and women who have been hurt by either my ignorance or by the intentional actions of others. Help me to do the work I was born to do, Lord, to truly be your Vessel."
For others: "Lord, Heal my heart. Open the eyes of those who see my skin and think I am less than when I know YOU SEE ME and I AM Loved. Open their ears so that they may hear. Lord, I am angry, I am tired. Please Give me the peace and Joy that Only comes from you. Change the hearts of those who persecute and ridicule us. Give me, all of us, the Strength to continue on."
Amen and Amen.
Let's commit to change. Why? Because.
We can do this. We shall Overcome
Happy Juneteenth.
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Busy doesn’t Always mean Better
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.. We have all heard the saying: “The Busier, the Better”. At some point in time, we have all said: “I’m so busy.” Or, “I’m too busy”. We have all filled our calendars and “free time” with work, hobbies, meetings, gatherings, obligations, productive pursuits, and pursuits to simply “occupy” our time and our minds. BUT… Is it always worth it? No.
Being busy doesn’t always mean you are DOING better. Being busy doesn’t always mean you are more valuable than someone who has free time. Or, that because you are not busy you are less productive or worthy. Of course, it is hard to imagine this in our world. A world where those who succeed don’t sleep. A world where, sometimes, the more overloaded your calendar is the better you look in the eyes of your peers, managers, and bosses. A world currently at a standstill. A world that has shown us that, depending on the task and purpose, “Busy doesn’t always mean Better”.
Instead, Busy sometimes means you’re moving too fast. So, in haste we make mistakes. Then, we are left to deal with the guilt, embarrassment, criticism, worry, and burden of a “do over”. Why? Because we are, or were, stretched too thin. Because our focus isn’t always on one task, but 20 tasks. It's a habit. A habit of "Busy", of rushing.
We rush from meeting to meeting, constantly Focused on the Future and Missing out on the Present. We Rush to Raise our kids, but forget the Blessing and Lessons that come from walking alongside them as they grow. We rush to work, but miss appreciating the sunrise during our drive. We rush to start working, but miss the chance to say “Thank you, God, for my job.” Or, ask our co-workers how they are. We work from home and Rush to Maximize how productive we can be - or are - without a commute. Yet, we miss the chance to Reconnect with God through his word and prayer. Or, with our family and friends. We Rush to find New and Better employment, but miss the chance to truly SEEK God and LISTEN to his voice so we are Led to the Right opportunity and workplace. Or, led to be Honest in our interviews letting potential employers know: “I am ready to work, but work - life balance is Priority.”
No, "Busy" doesn’t always mean "Better". Why? Because.. Busy sometimes means we are occupying ALL of our time to Prevent a moment of Reflection where we must Admit our faults, seek God’s forgiveness, and receive His help. His help in being reconciled with those we have hurt. His help in Finally being able to Forgive those who have caused us pain. Busy sometimes means we are Burdened, unintentionally or unnecessarily, instead of "Casting our cares upon the Lord" (1 PT 5:7). Busy sometimes means we are trying to Control everything instead of Sharing the load. Busy sometimes means we lack Trust in others, in God, in ourselves. And, If God isn’t Leading us, being Busy will.
“Busy” will lead you to Burnout. “Busy” will lead you to Pride. “Busy” will lead you to Loneliness because you neglect God given relationships in exchange for Temporary worldly Accomplishment and “success”. “Busy” will lead you to the Verge of a Breakdown. “Busy” will lead you to rock bottom on top of the mountain and the moment where you FINALLY Surrender all to God. And, this is the only “good” thing about being “Busy”; when it FORCES you, me, US to reflect on what’s best. When it forces us to FINALLY See that God’s plan is Best, that God is our “Better”.
So today take a Step Back and Forward. Take a step Back from the lure, temptation, and trick of being “Busy”. Take a step Forward toward the Cross and see that God and his Plans are “Better”. Recognize that it is OK to be “busy”, to be productive. We were created to work. Yet, it is NOT OK to be overextended, burnt out, and Exhausted. It is also not OK to be so Stressed and Riddled with Anxiety that we neglect to Rest in God. We were created to rest. We are reminded that God is here to Renew us, Strengthen us, and Help us IF we wait upon him (Isa 40:29-31). So, give your worries, cares, and “Busy” schedule to God. Let him help you Prioritize so that you may Be Productive and Rest. So that you may Find the Balance between Faith and Works without Risking Working yourself into the Frenzy that “Busy” will inevitably bring..
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..Don’t Rush to Bloom..
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..This morning, like every other morning, I opened the blinds to let in a little natural light. And, today that is NOT Much. We're under a Severe Thunderstorm watch (and a Lake Wind Advisory = wind between 20 - 35 mph) and, now, a Tornado warning. Basically, the view is less than ideal. Looking out of the window, I realized that if my mood reflected the weather I would be less than chipper, feeling a little down, and completely Unmotivated to work or do much of anything. And, with Staying at Home still being observed there's really nothing to do anyway. Then, out of the corner of my eye I noticed something was different and surprisingly beautiful. The little magnolia tree in the back had new blooms today, of ALL days.
Now, yesterday, a day that started with partly cloudy skies that transitioned to the right amount of sun shining for almost 13 hours and a decent 10 mph wind the blooms weren't really "there". There was something, but not much to look at other than the leaves. (And, the two flowers that had bloomed earlier, but had browned quickly). Still, with all the sun, warm air, and what seemed like near perfect weather the rest didn't bloom. So, what's the point?
Well, with every seemingly appropriate thing going on outside yesterday, the transition from winter to Spring, time change, and the full return to life of the natural world, it wasn't the Right time for the flowers to bloom. With everything going on today, the sky seems to match what a LOT of people may be feeling (i.e. bleakness, worry about the pandemic, bills, school, delayed events and graduations, and a general pause of being able to Live Life). Today, like many days for some, there is not much hope or joy to be felt in the midst of a still season and the threat of a Storm. And, Isn't that how things may have seemed for a while now for many of us? We feel like we're almost there, like we SHOULD be at the next stage in life, like we got "Stuck", like we're running out of time, and so we're rushing to play "catch up" then BOOM something ELSE happens and we slowly and sadly accept that it still isn't the right time.
So, what should we do? Well, first, Let's take a step back. What seems like the perfect day, time, or season based on what's happening for someone else or what's going on around us, may not be the BEST time or season for US as individuals. Putting a pause or another delay on your plans is hard. Sitting at home is hard. Feeling stuck because of storms and situations that are out of our control, or even result from past mistakes that we've repented for, is HARD. BUT God.
God knows what we're going through. God knows what he's doing. God knows what he's preparing us for. God knows when it will be the RIGHT time for us to BLOOM. Just like the Blooms this morning bloomed today, just before a storm, God knows how and when to set us up to enter into a New Season. God knows how to Equip us, Heal us, and Guide us to our next Spiritual, Emotional, Mental, and sometimes Physical place. So...
Let. Him. Lead. Pray and Listen to his voice. Let's not rush to bloom too fast. As hard as it is, let's slow down and Lean on the Lord. When the time is right, we'll Bloom, we'll Excel, we'll see Promises Fulfilled. Even if there's a storm around. The pandemic has caused a lot of us to literally Drop Everything - especially travel plans and social gatherings. However, it's Set us up for having More time. More time for family calls and dinners. More time to Rest. More time to Study and Read. More time to Reflect on Who we are, Where we're going, and what Changes we should make. More time to Heal. More time to Weep if we are in the habit of Socializing and working our pain "away", which basically means we Ignore it until we're forced to deal with it head on. More time to Talk and definitely more time to Listen.
So, take your time! Don't Rush to bloom too soon. Honestly, you may not be ready to withstand new tests, storms, challenges, or FULLY Appreciate and Steward the Blessing God has for you just yet. So, Trust God's timing. Get your Healing. Get Centered. Get in your Time with God. Why? Because he's STILL working and moving and Preparing you to Bloom at the Right time. How do I know? His word says so: "For everything there is a Season, and a Time for EVERY activity under heaven." (Ecc 3:1)..
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..It's April Fool's Day, the day for joy from: practical jokes, pranks, pointless errands, trickery, "lighthearted" teasing, and of course a convincing hoax or two. Yet, despite what the calendar says today is a day that many may not find "fun". The news is giving reports on pandemic numbers. Grocery and wholesale stores are continuing to report delays and unavailable items. And, state and local governments are giving updates on new or extended "stay-at-home" orders. Everywhere you look there is a strange balance of panic and normalcy, adjustment and frustration, and chaos in a "tug-of-war" with calm.
For some, it may be easy to be "fooled" in to thinking that social distancing is pointless. For some, it may be easy to be fooled in to thinking that the walls are Caving in around you. And, that there's only room for Anxiety and Depression in Isolation. For some, it may be Easy to be fooled in to thinking that Hoarding goods and looking out for self is best. For some, it may be easy to be fooled in to thinking that the way things are now will become a never ending "new normal". And, that there's no need to try to Accomplish anything planned for in 2020. Wherever you may or may not find yourself in relation to these things, or in Comparison to others, remember this: Be Wise.
Now is Not the time to become Distracted or Discouraged. Now is Not the time to become (or remain) Selfish and Self-absorbed. Now is Not the time to Give Up or Give In. Whatever you may be feeling or dealing with Be. Wise. Be Wise in What you Do and in what you Don't Do. Be Wise in your Work, whether educational, personal, or professional. Be Wise in what you Say and what you Don't Say. Be Wise in what you FOCUS on. Be Wise in How you Spend your time. Do not be fooled in to forgetting that God. Is. In. Control. And, this too shall pass. (2 Cor 4:17-18)
Take some time today to step away from work, news updates, stock watching, unnecessary store preorders, dwelling on negative or dark thoughts, selfish social media posts, endless dating app swiping, and Pointless conversations that will only Lead to another Heartbreak. And, instead, FOCUS on God. Seek him in his Word. Seek his Guidance and Direction. Remember that you are Loved. Recognize the many Blessings that you've received. Ask for Healing for the sick and those who are grieving and hurting. Ask for protection for those who are the most Vulnerable and are not able to work from home or Self-isolate. Ask for those who are Lost and feel Distant from God to be Found and Reconciled to him. Most of all, Ask for Wisdom (James 1:5).
Listen. There is nothing wrong with Celebrating Life, having a Good laugh, Self-preservation, or even finding yourself caught up in what's going on around you for a Moment. However, when we begin to become Distracted by the many issues and vices that Plague human life and Fooled in to forgetting our Purpose and that God is ALWAYS in Control we step away from being Wise and start to Wander.
Now, Don't feel guilty if you've looked forward to April Fool's day in hopes of having a laugh to break up the Monotony and feelings of Disconnection created by Social Distancing. Don't feel like there's something Wrong with you if you caught the "panic buying" bug. Don't feel bad if you've taken Advantage of Opportunities to Advance in the midst of Domestic Stagnation. But.. Don't Forget about God.
Now is the Time to Be Wise and Invest in our Relationship with Him. Now is the time to Share your Story, for we shall Overcome by the Blood of the Lamb AND the Word of our Testimony (Rev 12:11). Now is the time to Call that Family member or Friend and give them a Word of Encouragement. Or, say 'Hello' and Let God Direct the Conversation. Now is the time to Pray. (1 Th 5:17) Now is the time to Be Intentional about what you do and what you focus on. Now is the time to Be Wise. You can do it! And, remember it may be April Fool's Day, "the day for Joy from jokes and jests", but TRUE Joy comes from God (Ps 16:11)..
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..Listen... Can I be honest? Actually, Can WE Be honest? This past Year, Season or Decade, may have been great, but there were times when many of us felt like it was an ongoing cycle of Loss. A loss of Friends, Loved ones, a Relationship (platonic or Romantic), a Job, a Chance to reinvent yourself, an Opportunity that 'slipped' through your fingers, peace about your next step, or maybe even a loss of understanding your Purpose in Life. BUT Listen.
God Can, God WILL, and GOD is About to RESTORE it ALL!
It may be hard to Imagine, but it should NOT be Impossible to believe. Why? Because His word reminds us that for all the Struggle, Setbacks, Sadness, Stagnation, and Suffering experienced, He ALWAYS Restores His Beloved Children (1 Pt 5:10).
As 2019 comes to an end, as another decade comes to a close, and as 2020 begins be Encouraged and Know that Restoration is on the Way! For EVERY thing, person, chance, battle, and SEASON where You feel you LOST your Peace, Love, Joy, Safety, Security, Confidence in Who you are, WHOSE you are, and WHAT or Who you are CALLED to be KNOW THIS: God will, and HAS already, RESTORED YOU!
End this year, this Decade, with more Confidence and Faith applied to your "Let Go and Let God" mindset. End 2019 and Begin 2020 with an "I will Let Go and Let God. I will Keep Praying, Start Praising, Speak Life, and Declare that "I am RESTORED" approach.
Let your Fear Go. Let your Hurt Go. Let the Last Tear fall from your Eye. Let your Past stay in the Past. RELEASE your Frustration. REJECT the feelings and mindset that Despair, Doubt, and Stagnation are your Destiny. RECEIVE your Peace. RECOGNIZE that God hears your Prayers and STILL has a Plan for your Life! READ and Re-Read His Word! RECOGNIZE that you ARE an Overcomer. REMEMBER that You are Not Alone. You are NOT the Sum of your Losses. You are Loved. You are Cared for by God. You will, you are, and you can Be RESTORED!
(Ps 51:12, Ps 71:20-21, Jer 17:14, Jer 29:11)
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..Anger, it's an interesting emotion. So many times we are reminded as Christians to "Turn the Other Cheek" and follow the Golden Rule ("to do unto others as you would have them do unto you" Matt 7:12). Then, we are confronted with reality. The stress of Life, plans that don't work out, difficult people, the person who cut you off in traffic, the stranger who said one too many curse words, the family member who just can't seem to "get it together", the problem that won't go away, the setback, struggle, scandal, injustice that makes you want to lay down your Salvation and pick up the behaviors, patterns, and vocabulary of the World we live in for a second, minute, day. Sometimes anger makes you Forget who you are (a Child of God). Sometimes anger comes along with fear, guilt, regret, self-doubt, and lashing out.
Yet, in Ephesians 4:26-27 we are reminded of three things. First, it is ok to Be Angry. Second, we are reminded of something that is often dismissed, ignored, and sadly overlooked. We are remined to Not Sin. Third, we are reminded to "not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil."
But what does that mean? What does it truly mean to both experience and feel anger, but not sin? What does it mean to live in this Broken world with the problems that we see at home and abroad, with millions ignored and attention paid to nonsense and NOT let the sun go down on our anger? Or, give an opportunity to the enemy or the flesh to push us over the edge?
Well it may mean this..
First, we acknowledge that God is in control. Why? Because despite the anger and wrongdoings, God STILL Loves us, he STILL loves those around us, and His word assures us that "All things work together for good" (Rom 8:28). Second, as we recognize our anger we pray. In the midst of our anger, we take a Step back and Organize our thoughts and reset our Hearts so that our actions (or reactions) do not fall into the "Two wrongs" category. Third, it may mean that we begin to Use that Anger to Fuel us and Push us to Confront Sin and do Good, to Pray, to get to Work, and give a Helping hand to those in need; a Voice to the Vulnerable. And, finally, just as we first Acknowledge God because he is In Control, we Ask God to help us to make it through. We ask God for Clarity, Understanding, and Peace.
Yes, anger is an interesting emotion. "But God." No, literally, But God. God knew we would experience anger. He also knew that we would sometimes forget that after "Be Angry" we're told to "Do Not Sin". Still, he Loves us through our Anger, just as he loves us through our Sin. Through his word, He teaches us HOW to deal with our emotions. He teaches us HOW to be Angry (at Sin), but not to forget that we are now Saved and called to turn away from Sin. He teaches us HOW to be Human and Humane. He reminds us that He IS with Us through Every Stage of Life. He helps us when we are Vulnerable so that we may become Victorious.
So, may we Strive today -and every day- to Not Sin. When we are Angry or Frustrated, may we remember to Look to God for help and peace. Then, may we turn Anger into Passion met with Action to make this world a Better place. And, just in case we forget these things in our moments of Frustration or Rage, may we be reminded that there is "No Thing that can separate us from the Love of God" (Rom 8:38-39). (Even our own mistakes and wrongdoings.) May we remember to Confess our sins and take up our Crosses once more, continuing on the path of Righteousness..
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..As the Sun rises and a New day Begins, may Praises for the Lord Flow out of your Heart and from your Lips. Whether raised in Worship or busy completing a Task, may the work of your Hands bring God glory. May your Actions be a Reflection of Grace and Gratefulness for All that the Lord has done for you. When the Sun sets, may you Remember all of God's Blessings today, and every day, so his Praises and the Blessing of his name may Continually be in your Heart, on your Mind, and in your Mouth..
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..As this week ends and the Weekend begins, remember this: There is Nothing wrong with Pouring in to Empty Cups... except for the ones with Holes in them. Why? Because nothing Fills them. And, when it comes to pouring in to Anything -or anyone- you cannot Pour from an Empty Cup (from an Empty "you").
So, take care of yourself. And, learn to listen to the Spirit when God is telling you to Stop and Move, to Stop and Rest (Mark 6:31). There's only so much love, time, and resources you can give to an empty cup (person, place, relationship) that never fills up because there are holes and Voids that can only be repaired and filled by God (Jer 2:13). Also, remember some people may have "holes" that they sought out themselves. (i.e. constantly making trouble (Rom 16:17) or starting drama (Prov 6:16-19) yet always "trying to avoid" it). And, well... There's no anointing when you're trying to be Messy and Blessed. The only message you get from it is confusion..
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..While en route to heal Jairus' daughter, Jesus healed a woman who'd given all she had to be healed, but still found herself in the midst of suffering. She was overlooked, overspent (financially and likely emotionally), exhausted, and down to her last ounce of Faith. Yet, when she risked it all to Reach out and Touch the Savior's garments something Miraculous happened... She was made Well! She was finally made Whole!
When All the money, all the doctor's, all the things she'd tried before to be healed didn't come through for her, instead of giving up, she gave Life and her Healing ONE Last shot! She reached out for the One who was sent to Save, Heal, and Redeem the whole world - including her.
Ladies (and Gents) how much time has been spent seeking Self-help books, expensive "fixes", nights out, directionless interactions, tiring relationships, and empty words of validation in order to feel Whole? How many tears have been cried because of being let down and drained from the last person, place, thing that's been tried in order to finally "Feel good"? Maybe too many. Maybe not enough. Maybe enough to make you think, feel, or look like enough is enough. If so, just know.. It's going to be O.K.!
No, spending your time, energy, love, and resources on things that further separate you from God and his Purpose for your life, or leave you with more issues and symptoms rather than healing and resolutions, is NOT alright. But take a moment to consider this, when you think you're down to your last, you still have something great to step out on - Your Faith.
The woman in Mark 5:34 had "been there, done that" when it came to her physical healing. Yet and still she fell back on Faith, stepped through the healthy, the curious, the friends, and the strangers in the crowd to get close to the one she KNEW could give her what she needed, Jesus.
I don't know what your rock bottom is and I may NEVER know your WHOLE story, but I know THIS... the same Savior who healed through someone's faith being met by action is the Same Savior who can Heal you! The same Savior who was surrounded by a crowd clamoring for him and his attention, but stopped - in the middle of going to restore someone else to Life- because of a touch from this one woman, will stop and Do the Same for you.
So, do you want it? If so, Be made Whole! Be made Well. Don't be confused. There are times when you need a doctor. There are times when you need that day of rest. There are times when you need Sound, Godly advice. There are times when you need to take medicine in order to be healed or help manage a physical or mental condition. But be Encouraged knowing this, You can STILL activate your Faith and Reach out to a Loving, Attentive Savior. God is Great, Good, and still in the miracle making business.
Maybe your miracle and restoration to healing won't look like this woman's. Maybe you'll still have a few "rough" days, ups and downs, and tears cried. However, know that when you Open your heart and hold on to your Faith in God you can rest assured that He is holding on to and carrying you. Rest assured knowing he Loves you enough to walk with you, Heal you, and move in your life in a mighty, healing way. Maybe he'll heal your mindset. Maybe he'll heal your heart. Maybe he'll heal your Body. No matter what needs repair or renewal KNOW THIS He will Always work (through his Word, the Blood of the Lamb, the Power of his Holy Spirit) in a way that Heals and Refreshes your soul!
So, take this minute, moment, hour, day, Month, Year to Step out on Faith and Reach out for the Father. Seek the Lord continually (Ps 105:4). Seek First, Last, Always the Kingdom of the Lord and His righteousness (Matt 6:33) and then Watch. Watch the Joy it brings. Watch the Healing you receive. Watch how he ADDS to you. Why? Because God never fails to fulfill a Promise and His word is always true.
The woman in Mark 5:34 was made well, Whole, because of a small action which required great strength and great faith despite what she'd been through and lost. The sitaution you're in now may not be ideal, but there's a God who promised to never leave you. And, right now, in This moment, He is waiting to give you the Love, Healing, Wholeness you need, seek, and deserve. He desires to add these things to you. Will you reach out, step out, call out in Faith to be touched, healed, and restored by Him?
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..May we seek to Flow in Love today, and every day. In the midst of a world that seems to focus on material possessions, selfishness, blind ambition, instant gratification, and getting to the "next" level without considering who may be hurt or hindered, let us remember to Do all things in Love.
May we recognize and remember the power of Love in our personal lives and how receiving proper, unconditional love from others and God helped us to Heal and grow. Thus, may we find the time to show Love to those around us without seeking to gain accolades or advance ourselves. Instead, may it be shown in order to help someone else because we know that Love is one of the greatest things to show and give when seeking to change ourselves, others, and the world us. (1 Cor 13:13)
May we Flow in Love in order to Live out the Word. May we seek to not only Love in word or talk, but in deed and Truth (1 John 3:18). In our interactions and conversations with others may we remember to listen without seeking to find a way to gain the "upper" hand. Instead, may we listen in order to know when to extend a hand of Love, mercy, Patience, Kindness, Grace, humility, acceptance, joy, encouragement, wisdom, unity, and Peace. For it is Love that displays and encompasses these things (1 Cor 13:4-7). Without Love, we cannot seek to truly be Doers of the Word and not hearers only (James 1:22). Without Love we are only wasting our breath, making noise, adding fluff and not providing substance to those most in need, including ourselves. (1 Corinthians 13:1)
Most importantly, today, while watching, participating in, or hoping for a Valentine to exchange gifts and words with, let us remember the greatest gift and display of Love the world has ever seen that was given for us, Christ (John 3:16). And, may we flow in Love knowing that whether single, dating, married, or widowed, we are loved by the Greatest Love giver of all, God - our Father..
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....May we seek to Flow in Love today, and every day. In the midst of a world that seems to focus on material possessions, selfishness, blind ambition, instant gratification, and getting to the "next" level without considering who may be hurt or hindered, let us remember to Do all things in Love.
May we recognize and remember the power of Love in our personal lives and how receiving proper, unconditional love from others and God helped us to Heal and grow. Thus, may we find the time to show Love to those around us without seeking to gain accolades or advance ourselves. Instead, may it be shown in order to help someone else because we know that Love is one of the greatest things to show and give when seeking to change ourselves, others, and the world us. (1 Cor 13:13)
May we Flow in Love in order to Live out the Word. May we seek to not only Love in word or talk, but in deed and Truth (1 John 3:18). In our interactions and conversations with others may we remember to listen without seeking to find a way to gain the "upper" hand. Instead, may we listen in order to know when to extend a hand of Love, mercy, Patience, Kindness, Grace, humility, acceptance, joy, encouragement, wisdom, unity, and Peace. For it is Love that displays and encompasses these things (1 Cor 13:4-7). Without Love, we cannot seek to truly be Doers of the Word and not hearers only (James 1:22). Without Love we are only wasting our breath, making noise, adding fluff and not providing substance to those most in need, including ourselves. (1 Corinthians 13:1)
Most importantly, today, while watching, participating in, or hoping for a Valentine to exchange gifts and words with, let us remember the greatest gift and display of Love the world has ever seen that was given for us, Christ (John 3:16). And, may we flow in Love knowing that whether single, dating, married, or widowed, we are loved by the Greatest Love giver of all, God - our Father..
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..Whenever the opportunity is presented, may God be glorified in the conversations we have and our interactions with those around us.
May we speak Life to others, show Love and Compassion, and in doing so glorify Him (Prov 18:21). May we share the Joy inside of our Hearts with those around us. May we speak words of kindness. May we acknowledge our shortcomings, but remember that The Lord is our Strength (Ps 73:26). May we remember that our past does not have to cripple our present or hinder our futures (Ps 118:14). And, may we serve as a support system for those that we call friends, our family, and the people that we meet each day (Ep 4:1-2). May they be Encouraged to let go of the Past and embrace the Good and great works that the Lord contiually performs in their lives (Phil 1:6). May He be Glorified in the shift from timid in Life to Confident in Christ, hurt to Healed, Lost to Found, and Doubtful to Discerning.
Through our silent and spoken Prayers, Words of Wisdom and Encouragement, and Acts of striving to do and be better Personally and in our interactions with others may All of us be Unified in God. May we bring him Glory by truly Thriving in Life and seeking to seize the chance each day to bring him glory. Lord, Be Glorified. Brother, Sister be Encouraged..
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..The verb "Renew" has different definitions. It could mean to: "resume (an activity) after an interruption." , "re-establish (a relationship)", "repeat (an action or statement)", "give fresh life or strength to.", "replace (something that is broken or worn out).", or to "extend for a further period the validity of (a license, subscription, or contract)". With today being the First day of a New Month, New Year, and New Season in life, may your Heart be encouraged, your Mind be set, your Spirit be motivated, and your Actions be aligned with God's will for YOUR Life so that a simple verb with many definitions may be manifested into a new Theme for your Life in 2019!
Let today be the day that your Actions, your State of Mind, and your Intentions reflect a committment to change, improve, and Strive to do the work your called to do, to be the person you were created to be! Allow the Lord, in His Abundant Grace and Mercy, to move in your heart so that you may be equipped with the energy and passion to Resume the work that you were called to do, but stopped due to the interruptions of heartbreak, setbacks, discouragement, anxiety, panic, procrastination, or fatigue in 2018. (Or, in 2017 and before).
Today, may your eyes be opened to God's unconditional Love for you and seek to Re-establish your relationship Him. Be encouraged to pursue a renewed and reconciled relationship with him through Jesus Christ. Then, with his Help and Guidance, seek to reach out and re-establish those God-ordained relationships that he created in order to help you reach your full potential. (And, in order for you to Pray for and Support others that they might continue to grow into the Man or Woman that God created them to be.)
Today, take a deep breath and allow the Holy Spirit to fill you and create a clean heart in you (Ps 51:10). Open your heart, mind, body, and soul in order to surrender all your worries and cares to God. Then, after you've laid your burdens at his Feet may you find that you can stand taller.
Today, with Peace, Freedom, Restoration to the Joy of God's salvation and His upholding of a willing spirit within you (Ps 51:12) may you find that you shine brighter. May you Embrace the fact that He has given you Fresh Life and the Strength you need in order to: do the work, spread the Joy, share the Love, Show Kindness, Forgive and accept Forgiveness, Empower your community, and change your Environment for the Better!
With God's strength, and by the Power of the Holy Spirit working in you, may you seek to Extend your reach further and walk in the Love, Confidence, and Fruits of the Spirit that are found and given by God so that your Identity in Christ is validated not by others, but by Him. Let God replace the need to be validated by everyone and everything else that causes you to feel separated from him with his Love that you might be Repaired and Refreshed!
Then, may you operate accordingly. Allow every action, reaction, new business, new degree, new job, new relationship, and new day to be a result of the Overflowing of being Renewed not just in 2019, but for the Rest of your Life!
Today, no matter what you've done in the past, how far you felt from God or your purpose, where you found yourself last year, last week, last night, or even a few moments ago open up to God and be Transformed! Put an end to being conformed to this world and "by the Renewal of your mind" let God help you to Discern what HIS will is for Your Life (Rom 12:2)!
Today, Seek his Wisdom and Direction so that you might know "what is good and acceptable and perfect" for YOU; your calling, your talents, your future, the Plans that God has for you to fulfill. Seek to apply His wisdom and Direction in order to Live according to both HOW he desires for that which is perfect for You to be filled and according to the instruction of his Word for how we should Live as his Beloved children as single people, married couples, widowed persons, young, old, rich, poor, educated, uneducated, back-slider, or born again. (For we recognize that each of these life stages and stations have different instructions, experiences, boundaries, and guidance provided on how to Live, love, and express these things to others and impart wisdom.)
Then, for the rest of 2019, while you aspire to embody what it means to be renewed, start every day on "Repeat".
Why? So that you can Keep up and Keep going. Keep doing the work. Keep spreading joy. Keep loving. Keep living. Keep growing. Keep re-establishing. Keep extending. Keep seeking God's direction. Keep praying. Keep hoping. Keep turning ideas into plans, plans into actions, and actions into examples and reminders that God is Faithful!
You can do it! You can be renewed. You can make it. Today is day 1. There are 364 more days to turn "Renew" from just a Verb to the very theme of Life..
Merry New Year, Beloved..
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