The hell? Fright Night’s decent. The original, not the remake.
A defining question, to start off. What’s your favorite vampire-based fiction?
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Ask some questions. I might answer them.
Right about this. Makes me curious to see your opinions on other things. Right back at you.
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Of course you do, I’m right, man. Nice to know you’re not an idiot though. Kudos.
You sure have a lot of opinions on this town. Which is good. And I definitely agree with you.
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Death roots, blood rain, fucked up termites. This town sure has a bad rep but, at the end of the day, most of us are still alive and we’ve got shit to do. Chin up or sit down and keep your mouth shut. This is Ashkent, not Oz, lower your expectations.
Whoa. Uh, sorry about the rant there.
Happy to have some company. Too many people settle for being either obnoxiously optimistic or depressingly pessimistic. The latter seems prevalent in this town.
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Most Creekers usually have their heads shoved up their own asses. Happy to be part of the minority.
Nice to find sensible humans people on here.
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The fuck are you even talking about? Human salad? Sounds mad inappropriate, man. Problem resolved itself anyway. Also, who the hell are you?
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Yes, indeed, the human salad is the most unappetising of all the green, leafy side-dishes. I recommend a very large carving knife and a bigger appetite to take care of your little… gardening problem.
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[pm] Charming? Fuck me, that’s a first. Yeah, you know how to get a hold of me.
[pm] How charming. I hate kiss-asses. I’ll let you know if I ever need you, then.
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[pm] Jacki Tokarski. You mentioned something about being a Valkyrie, right? Gotta dig it, man. Always wanted to meet one. Swear I’ve got rage to feed a family of four.
[pm] Depends who’s asking. 
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Sarah Manning in 3.05 Scarred by Many Past Frustrations
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thornsandwander replied to your post:Nana Tokarski always talked about how great a...
…Do you still have it?
Well, yeah, it ain’t dead yet. Why?
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When Jacki had said that The Quarter wasn’t a bad place to go, she had meant that it was good for making money. The company was awful, the alcohol was questionable, and the atmosphere was downright skeevy. The hustler felt right at home as she entered the bar. She pulled back her hood and slid her hands underneath her long, brunette hair to flip it upwards and release it from underneath her jacket.
Estela had caught her attention. The way the other woman flirted with her had caused her great amusement. It had never been the type of interaction she understood, but always one she was willing to partake in as it usually got her what she wanted. It was only a matter of time before she found out just what she wanted from this mystery woman. Jacki slid a hand into her jacket pocket in order to make sure that her container of Litmus was still in tact. If all went as planned, she would be able to use it on Estela so that she would be able to make some sort of assessment as to what she was working with.
A man hollered her name at her and she promptly responded by flipping him off with a genuine smile making an appearance on her face. Vulgarity, it was the way Jacki showed affection. She shook her head slightly as a few of the regulars began to recognize her. Perhaps some sort of costume wouldn’t be uncalled for. Being picked out of a crowd wasn’t exactly something she enjoyed.
Jacki descended deeper into the bar and, soon, her gaze fell upon someone who certainly looked out of place. Long, flowing hair, and big, bright eyes. This was definitely Estela and Jacki was already sizing her up. A bit prim looking at first glance but something told her that there was more than met the eye as she observed how Estela held herself.
“You’re not gonna learn anything just by starin’.”
Swiftly, she moved to sit next to Estela at the bar, and eyed the beer that sat in front of her stool. “Aw, for me? Well, damn. Sweet of you, I’d say.” She spoke with a hint of a smirk plastered on face. Eyes that were circled in jet black eye liner acted as a war paint of sorts. Jacki Tokarski was not here to socialize, this was strictly business and now was the time that she would begin sizing Estela up.
It wasn’t anything personal, of course, this was simply how the hustler worked. There wasn’t room in her life to make friends, that was too complicated. She wanted money and she wanted to live comfortably. Aside from her family and Claire, all people had ever done was weigh her down. Concrete boots simply weren’t her style.
“Did I keep you waiting long, sweetie?” A term of endearment in order to gauge how Estela would respond. Was she the affectionate type that enjoyed pet names or the kind that avoided them? In Jacki’s opinion, this was the first part about finding marks.
Stacking the Deck || Estela and Jacki
A raucous den of the drunk and the arrogant, The Stacked Deck was easily one of the seedier places in town’s unexpectedly diverse underbelly. While not normally part of her usual social grounds, Jacki had mentioned it as being not a bad place to go. The usual crowd of people she found herself around during her night outings were packed together tightly with loud music and dim lighting. This place had freely flowing, albeit very cheap and unvaried, alcohol running into the glasses of its patronage. Her social spaces at least had that in common though she only drank in a certain amount of alcohol at any given time. Getting intoxicated was rarely, if ever, on her list of indulgences. Here around a bunch of blatant conmen, gamblers, and people who puffed themselves up with every drunken success that came from luck of the draw, it was even lower on her to do list.
The place had its charms despite the critical eyes with which she watched one man sloppily stumble over to take his turn at a pool table. As though to demonstrate exactly what she liked about the place, he wildly sent a ball flying across the table to knock the black eight ball into a corner pocket. His opponent, a smug looking woman, grinned broadly at his fuck-up in the same way a cat would eye a bird stumbling far too close for its own good. The people in this place had a habit of taking too many risks under liquor’s influence. A good many of them puffed themselves up, bragged loudly, placed bets too large for anyone with clear judgement to make. They took on challenges they had no chance of winning when they were prodded in just the right way. A look there, a pause here, a few words to guide in the right direction.
Whatever stumbling issues she had with people she happened to like about directly lying—she much preferred misdirection and leaving just enough open space for them to naturally fill in information for themselves—there were no such issues with strangers. The rest of the world was left wide open to manipulation as she saw fit. Manipulation was how she sized up potential opponents before nights spent fighting. Gathering information no one gave her the social interaction she craved but the slight upper hand when they maybe mentioned a physical weakness. They’d never known what was coming, only that they were captured and trapped like animals on display. They just hadn’t known what sort of display they were in for. Apart from it seeming cruel to clue them in to the very real possibility of death in the very near future, she couldn’t afford to have told them she would likely be the one killing them. So she hadn’t.
With a fluttering of eyelashes and falsely coaxing smile, she turned away from the drunken man with two beers in hand. As confused as he seemed about what had just happened, she heard him go back to boastfully addressing his buddies about his success. She moved back to her original place by the bar, setting her beers down in front of her. Apart from needing deception to get every advantage fighting, it’d been just as necessary to refine her skills being a clueless kid living on the streets before Alex found her. A bar like this had possibilities that clubs and other bars didn’t offer. People’s willingness to gamble made things easier. She wasn’t above taking advantage of it just to see if she could.
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[pm] Why the fuck does everyone think I have a bat? I ain’t a-
Vampire melon? The hell is this world coming to.
Right. Thanks for actually giving me useful advice. Sorry for being a dick, kinda thought I was gonna die. I’m sure you know how it is.
[pm] Someone this desperate for help might want to be less testy.
It’s a vampire melon. The best thing to do is find some high ground nearby so it can’t roll over to you and throw some knives wait probably not bludgeon the thing to pieces with something long and heavy. A bat might do it, if you’ve got one.
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You fuckin’ with me? Who the hell has a bat? I don’t play any damn baseball.
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I’m not being rude, I’m being frantic. Fruit is trying to eat me. This is not how life goes.
Try and be smart and not let it near any other fruit, unless you want more of those things after you.
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I’m not sure– are you going to continue to be rude? Or you could try hitting it with a bat, that will probably work.
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Oh, it isn’t? Could’ve fuckin’ fooled me. Yeah, captain, my captain. Come be my knight in shining whatever. I’m down by The Bend.
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Ma’am, you can’t stutter over the inte You sure didn’t, ma’am. It’s Maynard, Oblivious isn’t my last name. I have keen awareness, thank you. Did you want me to take care of your fruit or not?
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problematicexorcist replied to your post:Nana Tokarski always talked about how great a...
Fucking fruit’s attacking people now? Jesus fucking Christ.
Ain’t this town just fuckin’ great? Full of great people, great plant life. Damn, if we aren’t the best town in the nation. Please tell me you’re actually gonna make yourself useful.
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penelopefairfax replied to your post:Nana Tokarski always talked about how great a...
A plant with teeth that wants to eat you? [pm] It’s not growling is it? Stained red a bit?
[pm] That’s the one! Now, are you gonna keep asking questions or actually be helpful?
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Did I fuckin’ stutter, Captain Oblivious?
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You want me to come to where you are and kill fruit.
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