Overview of deployed XS classic (XSC) applications - HANA_XSC_Applications
- HANA_XSC_Applications
- Overview of deployed XS classic (XSC) applications
- SAP Note 1969700
- Revisions:              all
- 2020/08/18:  1.0 (initial version)
  XSC application name
  'sap.hana.ide'  --> Specific XSC application sap.hana.ide
  'public%'       --> All XSC applications starting with 'public'
  '%'             --> No restriction related to XSC application name
  Delivery unit
  'HANA_ADMIN'    --> Specific delivery unit HANA_ADMIN
  'HDC%'          --> All delivery units starting with 'HDC'
  '%'             --> No restriction related to delivery unit
  Vendor name
  'sap.com'       --> Specific vendor sap.com
  'mycompany%'    --> All vendors with names starting with 'mycompany'
  '%'             --> No restriction related to vendor name
- APPLICATION_NAME: XSC application name
- DELIVERY_UNIT:    Delivery unit name
- VENDOR:           Vendor name
- VERSION:          XSC application version
- VERSION_SP:       XSC application support package
- VERSION_PATCH:    XSC application patch level
|sap.hana.xs.selfService.user              |HANA_XS_BASE           |sap.com|2      |5         |0            |
|sap.hana.xs.translationTool               |HANA_XS_BASE           |sap.com|2      |5         |0            |
|sap.hana.xs.ui                            |HANA_XS_BASE           |sap.com|2      |5         |0            |
|sap.hana.xs.wdisp.admin                   |HANA_XS_BASE           |sap.com|2      |5         |0            |
|sap.ui5.1                                 |SAPUI5_1               |sap.com|1      |28        |53           |
|sap.watt                                  |SAP_WATT               |sap.com|1      |11        |0            |
( SELECT                  /* Modification section */
    '%' VENDOR
) BI,
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ECC to S/4HANA migration/Conversion step by step - SAPREADINESS CHECK
ECC to S/4HANA migration/Conversion step by step - SAPREADINESS CHECK
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  SAPREADINESS CHECK Note 2913617 – SAP Readiness Check 2.0 1 PREPARATION De-implement notes - If you have SAP Note 2310438 implemented in your system, de-implement note 2310438 first.     You should have 6-8 weeks of transaction history (tcode ST03) in the production system or the system in which you want to execute the application analysis. Otherwise, SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA can return inaccurate or incomplete results. 2 READINESS CHECK FRAMEWORK Using tCode SNOTE apply Note 2758146 – SAP Readiness Check 2.0 & Next Generation SAP Business Scenario Recommendations 3 ENABLE SIMPLIFICATION ITEM RELEVANCE CHECK & COMPATIBILITY SCOPE ANALYSIS Apply Note 2399707 – Simplification Item Check 4 ENABLE EFFORT DRIVERS OF SIMPLIFICATION ITEMS Apply Note 2903677 – SAP Readiness Check: Effort Drivers of Simplification Items Check 5 (OPTIONAL) ENABLE CONSISTENCY CHECK Apply Note 2502552 – S4TC – SAP S/4HANA Conversion & Upgrade new Simplification Item Checks 6 ENABLE S/4HANA SIZING ANALYSIS Read SAP Note 1872170 – ABAP on HANA sizing report (S/4HANA, Suite on HANA…) – cannot be implemented in SNOTE !     Apply SAP Note 3104284 – HANA memory Sizing report – Advanced correction 15 7 ENABLE DATA VOLUME MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS Read Note 2721530 – FAQ for collecting DVM data during S/4HANA Readiness Check     FIRST: Follow Note 1159758 – Data Volume Management: Central Preparation Note     SECOND: Apply Note 2612179 using SNOTE     THIRD: tCode SA38, RTCCTOOL – check other DVM notes required on the system 8 ENABLE FINANCIAL DATA QUALITY ANALYSIS Apply Note 2972792 – Financial Data Quality: Trigger Data Collection Reports to Check Your Financial Data Quality and to Enable the Financial Data Quality Check in SAP Readiness Check 9 ENABLE CUSTOMER VENDOR INTEGRATION ANALYSYS Apply using SNOTE SAP Note 3010669 – Enhancements to SAP Readiness Check Dashboard for Business Partner/CVI 10 ENABLE INTEGRATION ANALYSIS Follow SAP Note 3061414 – Enabling extended integration impact analysis for SAP Readiness Check     Update ad-on ST-A/PI to 01U* SP03+     Implement SAP Note 3035012 – ATC check for ALE objects for SAP S/4HANA simplification     Implement SAP Note 3057501 and SAP Note 2781766 in central ABAP test cockpit system (not ERP) 11 ENABLE BUSINESS PROCESS DISCOVERY ANALYSIS Apply Note 2745851 – Business Process Improvement Content for SAP Readiness Check 2.0 and Next Generation SAP Business Scenario Recommendations Content. 12 (OPTIONAL) ENABLE INNOVATION POTENTIAL DASHBOARD RESULTS Apply Note 2827612 Enable Innovation Potential check in SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA 13 ENABLE CUSTOM CODE ANALYSIS Apply Note 2185390 – Custom Code Analyzer (includes manual steps) 14 (OPTIONAL) IMPROVE PERFORMANCE OF JOB SAPRSEUC Apply note Note 2667023 – Runtime of job EU_INIT or SAPRSEUB/SAPRSEUC 15 ENABLE CUSTOM CODE ANALYSIS VIA ABAP TEST COCKPIT Implement steps as shown in SAP Note 2781766 – Enabling ATC check result export for SAP Readiness Check 2.0 16 RUN BACKGROUND JOB IN DEV SYSTEM TO DOWNLOAD METADATA INFO In SE38 run background job SYCM_DOWNLOAD_REPOSITORY_INFO 17 MONITOR BACKGROUND JOB AND DOWNLOAD ZIP FILE SE38 run SYCM_DOWNLOAD_REPOSITORY_INFO again and click on button to Download Zip file… 18 TRANSPORT 13+ NOTES TO PRODUCTION In tCode SE01, release transport and using tCode STMS import into QAS and PROD systems in the landscape. 19 UPDATE SIMPLIFICATION ITEM CATALOG Using tCode SA38 program /SDF/RC_START_CHECK 20 RUN BACKGROUND JOB IN PROD SYSTEM In the productive client, tCode SE38 – RC_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATA 21 MONITOR BACKGROUND JOB AND DOWNLOAD ZIP FILE SE38 run RC_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATA again and click on button to Download Analysis Data as shown in previous step. 22 GENERATE READINESS CHECK RESULTS DASHBOARD URL - https://rc.cfapps.eu10.hana.ondemand.com
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Source - https://blogs.sap.com/2020/06/22/s-4hana-conversion-t2-readiness-check-2.0-step-by-step/
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How to capture Deleted Records Using SLT
Context/Background: As we all know using SLT we replicate the records from source system, so as part of the replication, SLT basically perform three actions which are insert, update and delete. So lets consider we have a below scenario, where are replicating records from S4 system to HANA database. This seems to be normal and this is what SLT suppose to do.
But actual problems arrives when you have further downstream system which read data from your HANA database directly. Also, if there is non-sap system which is reading from HANA database, it is difficult to capture deleted records on target, so it goes out of sync if it is not a trigger based solution or stores the data to the flat files.
So have you ever wondered how you can sync that data or how you can make sure those systems will remain in sync to the source system.
Ok, we have a below scenario:
Source: S4 system
Central system: SLT
Target System: HANA DB
Downstream System: NON SAP application ( Stores data in flat files)
So you all will be wondering how we can capture the deleted records which has been replicated by SLT. So to answer this puzzle is we have built/developed the custom solution which can help you to capture the deleted records into another table in HANA db.
How to retrieve deleted records?
Lets consider a scenario you have a table ACDOCA which has been replicated to target, in our case is EHANA. Now we perform the action to capture those deleted records, ok before we move to our topic, just want to introduce another enhancement, lets say if we have a requirement to add a another field also to be replicated as part of deletion. So have you wonder how we can add a field to logging table.
Yes we will cover all that information in the article.:) ok, lets first read about how we can add extra field to logging table.
Just for example, lets say we want to add FISCYEAR field also to be replicated or added as part of the logging table. FISCYEAR field is not a part of the logging table.
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Logging Table Without FISCYEAR Field
Before you add new field make sure no records are available in logging table. Stop the SAP jobs, lock the users, work with your basis team for that.
Once assured there is 0 records in logging table. Stop the replication of table, in our example is ACDOCA.
Now go to se16 in table ( IUUC_LOGTB_FIELD) and maintain the below entries.
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Custom Logging Table
After executing this, add the table into start recording, do NOT start replication as it will wipe out the data on target and it will do the initial load. So with this new logging table will be customized and new filed is added.
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Logging Table With Custom Field
Hope you liked this piece of information, So lets stick back to our original topic of capturing the deleted records.
So to capture deleted records you need to create a custom include, which can be assigned to rule assignment and a custom table on SLT to capture deleted records. For this you have to work with your development team who can write a piece of code and creates a custom table.
Once developers has written a custom include you need to assign that to the ACDOCA table in rule assignment.
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LTRS: Rule Assignment
Custom table on SLT will keep holding those deleted records and will be passed to HANA db into another custom table. So on HANA DB create a custom table and synonym.
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Custom Table in HANA
Now activate the MTID to start the replication, Since we have Realtime replication, our deleted records will be replicated to another custom table and built a another logic to sync your third party application with deleted records.
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Captured Deleted Records From Source
 Conclusion: So after reading this blog you will know about 2 key things.
How to make the changes to logging table or how to customized the logging table, so required field can be replicated using SLT.
How to capture the deleted logs on source using SLT and save them into another custom table.
I hope you guys liked this article. Please let me know your feedback!! 
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Source - https://blogs.sap.com/2022/01/10/capture-deleted-records-using-slt/
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