into the night
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obsidianc · 2 years ago
@sercndipityx​ CAT
               IT WASN’T UNCOMMON to find Julien loitering around the compound on occasion, but since the murders he had started to spend much more time there. His city was clearly under attack and while his men had a clear plan of how to keep a keen eye on the streets, Julien made sure he was available to Aesir at any given second. After all, Julien knew just how quickly the tide could turn in London and a fight could be on their hands at any second. 
He was making his way back to the room Aesir had made up for him when a particular scent caught his attention, causing him to turn into the courtyard just in time to bump into Cat. “Ah my beautiful Kitty Cat,” Julien smirked, remembering how she had warned him not to call her that. “Have you come to purr on my lap again?” he teased, knowing a cheeky smile settled confidently upon his cheeks.
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obsidianc · 2 years ago
@ncturnallyyours​ EVELYN
               JULIEN WAS HARDLY ever one to let his emotions get the better of him, he had finessed the art of having very little interest in anyone but himself. But to hear of the death of one of his oldest friends, well... They were all simply being made a mockery of. He burst through the doors of his own building complex with a desperate hunger for a fight or a drink - or both, he didn’t care in which order. “Can anybody tell me how the fuck one of the oldest vampires in this god damn city has been left for dead?” Julien’s voice boomed across the courtyard. He knew his men were there, in the shadows, shaking in their boots too scared to approach their boss and admit how they had failed him. “On our very own fucking streets?!” the vampire exploded as he stood in the middle of the courtyard, waiting for the first brave soul that dared to approach him. He marched towards the door to his own quarters, swinging the doors open before turning on his heel. “Anyone dares to follow me or even breathe in my direction, I will break your fucking neck.” Julien spoke through gritted teeth before harshly slamming the door shut, knowing his complex would fall eerily silent for fear of pissing him off.
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obsidianc · 2 years ago
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“So cute that you think you have a choice” Catalina teased her before lightly poking Zoya’s nose. It’s not like the coven would ignore if you really couldn’t fulfill a mission but they all took an oath. But she understood the girl, of course she did. She had been that age wanting things to just be phone, she watched her beloved Ivan also look for his fun and too heavy all the time just wasn’t it. “I mean I was working. You know, tried to find some missions that were in warmer climates. I went to Malta, Brazil, and Italy but also stayed in Russia to help train” the Latina shared as she laid out the ingredients “My favorite was Italy, because it was the kind of mission that allowed me a fling if I wanted one and oh was she a fun one. She taught me il dolce far niente, which means the sweetness of doing nothing”
               “AND WHEN IS your life being turned into a ‘finding yourself’ novel?” Zoya grinned in excitement as she pulled herself up onto the counter. “I know you were working but, you got to travel the world and have this sexy fling.” she exaggerated a wink to Cat. “Ugh, il dolce far niente.” Zoya poorly attempted the Italian with her clunky Russian accent, and sighed in content. “Next time we don’t have a supernatural crisis on our doorstep, we should go on assignments together. Grig would totally let us do that, right? Ivan and Sasha can hold down the fort here with Alex, and we’d be this like... Sexy cute blonde and brunette double team. Kicking ass and taking names.”
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obsidianc · 2 years ago
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It wasn’t really like him to just follow someone to a different country and yet, here he was. But Zoya wasn’t just anyone, she was the only person who knew what he was. And, as they grew closer, that became a freeing feeling for Cal. One he didn’t really want to lose. So, yes, here he was, following Zoya back to London where she lived with members of her coven. People who didn’t know him and most likely didn’t know he was invited to stay in their house with them while he figured out what exactly he wanted to do here. 
He walked down the stairs, hand coming to lightly scratch the back of his head as he re-examined the house. He was half-expecting something you’d see from a movie for a witch den but this place was pretty normal aside from the very large training room just off of the living area. “Ahhhh, thank god,” he said to the blonde when he entered the kitchen, making a beeline straight for the coffee. “We should go out,” he said as he turned around, mug in hand, and leaned back against the counter, “You have to show me the sights after all.” He looked around the kitchen and realized just how quiet it was in the house. “Where is everyone?” he asked her now, “I thought it would be my big debut this morning.”
               “I AM VERY glad you said that, because we both know how bad my cooking is and how that offer was filled with fake confidence.” Zoya confessed with laughter as she peered over her coffee cup. She had quickly adapted to the mindset of fake it ‘til you make it, but it had taken time for confidence in her abilities to grow. “Of course, the sights.” living in London, it was easy to forget how much of a tourist trap the city could be. “Are you wanting off the beaten track sights or are we going full tourist mode?” she wiggled her eyebrows at Cal with a soft chuckle. 
“Well I thought I could ease you into things a little...” Zoya began as she moved to join him beside the coffee pot, trailing her hand along the counter. “They can all be pretty intense in their own way, and you’re new so they like to make sure they’ve peed enough on their own territory, you know?” she quirked her head to the side a little, unsure if her little analogy made any sense. “Besides they’re either training or at some meeting about the bodies they’ve been finding. Don’t worry, you’ll meet everyone, I promise.”
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obsidianc · 2 years ago
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“You know you don’t have to protect me anymore” Lorelei reassured Kendra, hoping that would stop her from keeping her away from this. Lorelei wanted to figure out if this was her mother but she couldn’t tell Kendra that because then she would keep her away for sure. “Why does Aesir get to handle everything?” She knew why, that was a stupid question and she was just being difficult. Still, she wished she was a free agent sometimes, able to do exactly what she wanted without worry of reprimand “I am in class, in fact. I got a couple of tickets for the opera house. I earned a spot to preform, piano this time not cello”  Lorelei hoped that this would ease Kendra, and distract her from the the things she was trying to keep Lorelei from “So you can come, dress up and even come with Aesir, like a date or something” 
               KENDRA INHALED THROUGH her teeth as she leant back in her chair. “Unfortunately I will always do my best to protect you, you’re my family. It’s what family do.” she explained simply with a gentle shrug of her shoulders. Whether or not she protected her sister wasn’t up for debate, it was innate - without thought or hesitation. She rose her eyebrow at Lorelei’s next question, although her expression remained soft. “Because Aesir is quite possibly the oldest person we both know, I’d say that his lifetimes of experience kind of trumps yours when it comes to handling emergencies.” saying that out loud was still a weird concept to Kendra, one that she often shook off. The fact that her boyfriend was a hundred times older than her and immortal... They would be red flags to anyone else. “You’re in the opera?” she couldn’t help but smile proudly as she leant forwards in her seat. “See, this is why it’s important to focus on college and not the latest supernatural crisis. College will get you places, like the opera.” Kendra grinned, glad to see that her logic was finally coming into fruition. “That would be nice. Although what with everything going on, I don’t know if he’ll be a little busy. Otherwise, I can ask Alex. Have a cute girls night.”
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obsidianc · 2 years ago
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He was well aware Kendra didn’t favor the compound. His people hadn’t always been the most respectful of the witch’s position in this city, despite the risks she took to bring him home following his abduction. However, while seemingly random deaths were one thing, the murder of one of the oldest vampires in London very much raised the alarm in their clan. And because of that, despite what they might want, he recommended both she and his only remaining progeny stay at the compound for their safety. 
“Yes?” he answered, tone already softer than it had been with any others as he caught her scent before she even knocked on the door. Despite being one of precisely two people who could intrude on him without announcement, the fact that Kendra still knocked before entering could’ve brought something of a smile to lips. If not for current events. “One witch, one werewolf,” he stood as she drew closer to him, “And Aldrich’s body has been found, drained of blood,” he crossed his arms, “Irony aside, that fact makes this worse than we thought.”
               HER STOMACH SUNK as Aesir listed off the people they had lost, and for a moment she allowed herself to be selfish and feel guilty for not doing enough to protect the witches of London. It was natural, in a situation such as this, to wonder if more could have been done to protect those who had apparently been in danger. “So... Are you thinking this was planned? A targeted attack?” Kendra frowned. “Against who? The entire city?” she squeezed her eyes shut in frustration, a hand coming to rub her forehead. She and Aesir had already been through one personal attack, and that had been awful in itself.
She relaxed slightly as she paused in front of Aesir, her eyes searching his expression. Kendra knew it was his responsibility to fix whatever had been broken, but she couldn’t help but wonder what their lives would be like without the added pressure of keeping the supernatural city in balance. “Is there anything I can do?” she spoke softer, a gentle frown settling upon her features. “I can stay, if you want company.”
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obsidianc · 2 years ago
It’s not like Lorelei didn’t know what her sister wanted her to focus on. From the start, Kendra has only wanted Lorelei to have as much of a normal life as she could, after the life her mother gave her. So the only thing Lorelei needed to worry about was school, and yet… and yet here she was was searching for clues, and looking for trouble and for the things she hasn’t lost. “The semester just started, It isn’t like I am over loaded with work so… it’s not harm me looking into what’s been happening” Lorelei was also worried that it was something her mother was involved in and she wanted to find out. 
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               LORELEI HAD NEVER been one to keep to herself, if there was something to solve or research, she was on it in an instance. Kendra loved that about her sister, and yet also loathed it because it almost meant she could get into trouble. And knowing Lorelei, that would quickly become a lot of trouble. “You can look into it,” Kendra began, because she knew there was no use in telling her sister she couldn’t do something. If anything, that would make her do it even more. “You can’t get involved.” she was quick to remind Lorelei. “If this is something big, then Aesir will handle it. I know you want to help, but we can’t fight this until we know what’s going on. And until we know what’s going on, you need to stay in class.”
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obsidianc · 2 years ago
               BOTH THE WITCH and the incubus had arrived late in London the night before, which luckily meant Zoya had time to prepare Cal before he met any of her friends. Ivan would be sceptical, Cat would be overzealous, and Sasha would be friendly yet analytical. For anyone who didn’t know them, they were a... Colourful bunch. And selfishly, very selfishly, Zoya just wanted to stay in the little bubble she had found in Cal. The one where he would play music with his band, and she would watch from afar with a smile only meant for him, and then they would laugh and drink until the early hours. 
But then reality hit, very abruptly, meaning it was finally time for Zoya to introduce her friend to her side of the world. She had left Cal to sleep a little longer while she nervously pottered around the kitchen. Luckily the house was empty, so she at least knew he would have the morning to himself. “Hey,” Zoya greeted him softly as she noticed him in the corner of her eye, only glancing up to offer him a warm smile. “There’s coffee in the pot.” she pointed over to the coffee pot before returning to her slice of toast. “You hungry? I can make you something, or we could grab breakfast somewhere?” Zoya offered, unsure of how soon she would have to explain who her unexpected guest was.
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obsidianc · 2 years ago
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Was London just his home now? Their safe house was really just their house now. But it only made sense. After what happened to her, Alex wanted to stay with Kendra and Sasha wanted to stay with Alex and Ivan is going to stay with his brother unless needed elsewhere. Grigori took it upon himself to return to Russia, Cat went back to work, making it easier for the brother’s to stay here. From upstairs, his sense perked up when he heard someone enter but no voice followed. He crept down the stairs, heightening his sight so that he didn’t have to turn on any lights. He reached down and pulled the knife he kept tucked in his boot and then turned into the kitchen, limbs dropping and a scoff escaping his lips. “You bitch,” he said, immediately walking forward and pulling the blonde into a hug, “When the hell did you get so sneaky?”
               ZOYA SQUEALED QUIETLY as he wrapped her in a hug, not realising until now just how much she had missed him. “Ah - I simply learnt from the best.” she was keen to remind Ivan, the two of them had spent many hours upon hours training together. She knew for certain she wouldn’t be who she was today without his help or guidance. Zoya pulled back, her hands moving from his shoulders to cup his face. “Let me get a look at you-” she reached high onto her tiptoes to place an exaggerated kiss upon Ivan’s forehead. “You have grown.” she teased as she brought her hands back to rest upon his shoulders. “Ya skuchal po tebe.” Zoya’s voice was softer, her smile gentle as she realised there was no one else to intrude on their reunion. 
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obsidianc · 2 years ago
Catalina smiled at Zoya “You know things are never that simple girl, we were called and it’s not because they missed us and are inviting us for brunch” She moved straight to the bridge to see what it was stocked with “But I don’t see why we can’t do some cooking, you know, for old time’s sake” Cat began to take out items to throw something together for them. “Come on Zo, you wanted to cook I can put you to work. I know you missed my cooking”
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               “WE WERE CALLED but that doesn’t mean we always have to answer.” Zoya grumbled, although she didn’t make eye contact with Cat because she knew that wasn’t true. The witch had agreed to follow Grigori’s mentorship and join the coven, which meant when called upon, it was a necessity to answer. “See! For old time’s sake.” Zoya grinned, pleased that she had managed to distract Cat from the drama of the city. “Besides, you must tell me of your time in Russia. You have a whole years worth of stories to tell me.” she reminded Cat with an eager smile, just anything to distract them from what was really happening.
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obsidianc · 2 years ago
               THE COMPOUND WASN’T exactly Kendra’s favourite place to be, but living there again could only mean one thing... She needed 24/7 protection whilst Aesir conducted his business. She didn’t mind nor did she ever complain, after all she had willingly agreed to date the most important man in the city. Kendra knew exactly what that meant she was signed up for, and she knew exactly what her duty was - to provide Aesir with stability in at least one area of his life.
She knocked lightly upon the door to his office, although she doubted she needed to because he would’ve recognised her scent long before. Kendra had left him alone for the most part, but the evenings belonged to them, despite the number of vampires crawling the compound. “Please tell me you haven’t found anyone else dead.” she approached Aesir with a worried expression as she wrapped her arms tighter around her torso.
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obsidianc · 2 years ago
               The news of the sudden string of deaths across the city hadn’t fallen on deaf ears, but Zoya had just wished she could’ve had just one normal day with her friends before everything descended in chaos. “C’mon Cat,” the witch moaned as she fiddled with pots and pans in the kitchen. “Can’t we just shut all the doors and windows and pretend like my first day back isn’t a disaster? Can’t we go back to you doing all the cooking and me pretending like I’m following what’s going on?” Zoya pleaded.  
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obsidianc · 2 years ago
               The house was quiet and still, and yet the walls seemed to offer a welcome familiarity Zoya hadn’t realised she had missed. It was the one place in the world she had only ever considered her home and she had spent the last several weeks wondering if it would still feel the same. She crept into the kitchen, knowing soon enough someone would notice the shift in the house of something strange. The Russian witch was back, with a new sense of who and what she was. “You know,” Zoya began the moment she heard footsteps approaching the kitchen, her back facing the door as she rummaged through the cutlery drawer. “I have been gone an entire year and we still only have one fork. Are you kidding me?” she turned around, her cheeks tugging at an eager smile.
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obsidianc · 3 years ago
@obsidianc​ Aesir to Estelle
“Terribly sorry for the wait, love,” he started as the vampire was let into his office. Yes, he was well aware this meeting was long overdue and it was owed to her because of her part in saving his life, but there were no promises made regarding when it would happen. “I’m sure you can imagine this was not a priority upon my return to London,” he gestured to a seat for her make herself comfortable, “I do commend you for your patience though.”
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“Don’t fret.” Estelle replied simply, not wanting Aesir to think she had grown impatient. Which she had done, but if she wanted to get her own way, sometimes she had to bend to the will of others. “We want you in the right state of mind for business, now don’t we?” following his gesture, Estelle moved to sit down opposite him but wasted no time in getting straight to the point. “We both know that Evelyn agreed to arrange a meeting upon receiving my very important information regarding your unfortunate whereabouts. And I know that you are by no means obliged to agree to my proposal, however I do think it’s in your best interest to at least consider it.” Estelle leaned backwards in her seat, not breaking eye contact with Aesir once. “I want a seat on the council. My girls and I have protected this city and our community for years, I know exactly who enters and who leaves, and why. If you want to keep your city safe from the likes of Lilith - and believe me, there’ll be others just like her - then I can do that.”
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obsidianc · 3 years ago
@obsidianc​ Aesir to Kendra
As he buttoned the cuffs of his sleeves, he looked over at the blonde. He had barely worried about the city since coming back and was eager to whisk Kendra away for the weekend but some business had to be done first. “I hope you don’t mind that we’ve had to delay our trip a day,” he commented in a tone reserved only for her, “Work here is never done.”
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Kendra watched his every move as he dressed, still entirely in awe that he was back to his rightful place, on his throne and by her side. She was still lying in his bed, a thin sheet draped across her body, the space next to her still slightly warm from his embrace. “Baby I’m okay to postpone the trip.” truthfully Kendra was more than eager to escape for a short while, but she understood the responsibilities of Aesir’s role in London. She clambered onto her knees, pulling his shirt from last night over her shoulders before her own hands tugged at his to pull him closer. “Your presence here is crucial, and I’m here to help with that, not hinder it.” she was quick to remind him, not wanting him to think that their relationship would ever get in the way of his duties. “And besides, I think it’s hot watching you be the big bad wolf making all the calls.” Kendra smiled as her hands played with the buttons on his shirt.
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obsidianc · 3 years ago
@obsidianc​ Evelyn to Julien
Since everything started going back to normal, Evelyn relished in the lessening of her responsibilities. Specifically, she took advantage of the fact that Julien was still in town. She knew that at some point he would have to leave again. Why not enjoy the time she had with him? “I’ve a question,” she rolled over in bed, propping herself up to look at him, “Do you miss the corsets or is modern lingerie an improvement?”
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Now that the Wicked Witch of the East had been vanquished, Julien’s presence amongst his men was required far less than before. All of his businesses seemed in order, and he didn’t have any meetings until the evening and so it only made sense to find himself in the company of one particular vampire. “The corsets were much more fun to tear off.” Julien murmured through peppered kisses against Evelyn’s lips. “I hope you have no meetings for the day as you’ll be cancelling all of them.”   
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obsidianc · 3 years ago
He couldn’t help but smirk a little as she eyed him. Maybe he should’ve taken the time to introduce himself to the coven rather than be petty over their leaders not even knowing who he was. “Christian,” he answered her casually, “I’m Evelyn’s second, I heard her rattle off everyone’s name once.” He held out his hand in greeting, “I come in peace, I promise.”
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“I didn’t realise Evelyn required a second.” Zoya mused as she pursed her lips with a gentle nod. From what she had gathered, Evelyn was pretty badass all on her own, resulting in her being someone that Zoya now looked up to. Perhaps even hoping that one day she could command a room as easily as the blonde vampire did. “You come in peace, huh? That is unusual for a vampire.” she joked lightly, her lips twitching into a smile. “Are you here to see how it all works?” he wouldn’t be the first vampire to come and ogle at her ability of being a blood mage.
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