obeyme-swd · 5 years
Hello hello ! i Love your blog ! 💕I was thinking of a hc with the 7 brothers where Mc touched a book that change them in a 5 years old child who dont remember anything and the brothers take turn to watch them but the little child is a little troublemarker , have a nice dayy ✌🏼
Baby MC
Usually you were so calm, so patient with everyone. You never lost your temper nor disobeyed any rules given, so this was...unexpected to say the least.
At first Satan was furious with you for barging into his room and going through his books, but he couldn't stay mad at your cute little face. To sum it up, a project for RAD required you to "borrow" one of Satan's most treasured books, but that didn't go as smoothly as you thought it would. You tripped over a spellbook and you ended up going back to your 5 year old self.
Everyone was genuinely surprised at how the calm and obedient human could have been such a troublemaker. You're hyper, running through the halls, clinging to anyone you can see, jumping on the couches, etc. It's barely been half an hour since your turn and Lucifer can already feel a headache coming.
Despite how infuriating your behaviour was to the oldest brother, he knew you were still a human, now even more fragile in your child state. So he called an emergency family meeting and decided to split the week it took for the spell to go away between his brothers. Each of them would be your babysitter for a whole day. And nevertheless, they weren't too thrilled.
Lucifer decided to take the first day. He was the oldest and (he believed) the most responsible out of everyone. He tried his absolute best not to lose his cool in front of you and he almost managed...almost. You just H A D to jump onto his desk didn't you?
He immediately regretted being rough with you as he saw the fear in your eyes, deciding innstead to let you sit on his lap while he worked. You'd sometimes ask questions and he'd answer them after pressing a little kiss to the top of your head.
Mammon snatched you from Lucifer as soon as 24 hours had passed. If someone had to care for you in this state it should be him dammit not Lucifer! He realised halfway through the day that he had no idea what he was doing.
But whatever it was, it worked. You always clung to him, insisting to be carried by "Mamo" and he couldn't deny you. You had him wrapped around your finger already, but this was too much. His heart was about to burst from your cuteness. Somewhere deep deep inside he wondered if you two were to ever have a child, would they look this much like you?
Leviathan is the ideal babysitter a child could ask for. He made you olay video games with him until you got too tired to even stand up. Since your memories of being here were gone he was more than eager to teach you about the world of TSL again.
He ended up snuggling with you on his chest in his beanie chair, while you slept soundly. He'd sometimes sneak a look at your cute chubby face and think that you were the cutest human child he had ever seen. Not that he's admit it though. A normie is still a normie no matter their age.
Satan refused to touch you at first. You were so tiny, so fragile. What if he hurt you? After all you were being kinda bratty..His anxieties didn't last long when he felt you hug his side, saying how much you love him.
He would be the greatest story teller in the Devildom, maybe even the human world too. While he loved to read you stories, he didn't mind when you occasionally asked him to play pretend with him. His heart melted when you told him he'd be the best book writer ever.
Asmodeus could not keep his hands off you. You were just so cute! He played pretend with you all day and made you royalty. It totally wasn't just so he could dress you up in cute fancy clothes, totally...
He'd take you shopping and buy you all the bows and pretty things you'd want. He's just as hyper, if not even more than you were. He took lots of embarrassing selfies for later, to demonstrate how cute you could look. He knew children were brutally honest but he didn't expect you to scream at him that he was the prettiest boy you'd ever witnessed. His ego got a massive boost that day.
Beelzebub would be the most hesitant around you. He was a demon, a huge one nonetheless and he could easily hurt you. He'd be worried that you weren't eating enough constantly and would be feeding you at least a little snack whenever he ate. Which was most of the day.
Beel did push-ups with you sitting on his back, he lifted you up like a dumbell and made sure he didn't take his eyes off you for a second. He could not take the guilt that would come with losing you, or finding you hurt. So just be good and stay with him okay? He has food to bribe you with.
Belphegor really tried to act like he didn't care but he was worried sick. He tried to coax you into napping more than a few times. The youngest brother got extremely annoyed when he was asigned with watching you.
He wasn't allowed to nap without you and you were just being, well, exhausting. You were loud and running around and he couldn't take it. Belphie made you a special drink he used to make Beel when he couldn't sleep. And so you were knocked out cold in his arms, with him being so plesantly surprised by how quiet you could get innyour sleep.
When you woke up though, with Belphie curled up against you, you were an adult again. An adult who could remember every little thing each of them did for you. And you'd be eternally grateful to have so many wonderful boys keeping you safe and loved.
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obeyme-swd · 5 years
I saw your blogs header and
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I'd like you to have this
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obeyme-swd · 5 years
Hey! May I ask for the brothers' reaction when they switched bodies with MC? Thank you!! Also good luck ok your blog! :D
The demon brothers (feat. Bod swap)
Not happy at all, give his body back please
He's traumatised from the last rime something like this happened to him but wjth satan
He'll respect your wishes if you told him not to do certain stuff while in your body
But would also heavily control what you do in his
He thinks it's interesting to be a human for once, to have no magic
Would 100% get hurt in an insignificant way like a small cut while chopping veggies and now has bannes you from cookies duties
Now compares you to glass dolls
He'd be very embarrassed to even look in the mirror
He'd always wanted to feel you and he got his wish finally...kinda?
Would get "angry" with you if you did anything embarrassing in his body
Saw you in his body while looking in the mirror shirtless and he s c r ea m e d
He does ask you to have him try human activities
He used to slide down the stair railing (cuz he's Mammon) and when he did that in your body and it hurt he just stopped
Always remembered how easily breakable your body is from then on
Extremely angry at first
How is he supposed to get maximum score in his game if he can barely control this body!
Truly though he can barely function in your body
His tub is now uncomfortable, all the food he loves makes him sick
Needs to be looked after so he doesn't die in your body
Also has to sleep in your room since he's a human now
He steals your shirts and brings them to your room when you sleep, not to be creepy he's just lonely and loves you
He feels comforted when he sees your body react to the sight of him involuntarily
Surprisingly not that upset
Quite amused tbh
This guy would pull pranks on you and mess with others in your body
Until he got hurt that is
He realises that you aren't as strong as a demon and that holy shit pain is so much more unbearable for humans
Doesn't really care what you do to his body, he knows he can take it
Would hide the book that started that mess
He does treasure you more after learning about you in such an intimate way
E x c i t e d
He wants to try so much stuff now
Let him feel your body up, he needs to know how you look undressed
But would respect if you said no
You can't deny that he'd be curious on how love making would feel as a woman, especially a human but would never ever think about pressuring you, especially if you show any kind of discomfort towards more intimate actions
Loves to dress your body up in adorable clothes
When you come back to your body you have a whole new wardrobe, glass-like perfect skin and a manicure
He does expect you to keep up with his beauty routine, cant have a perfect face without skincare
R e l i e v e d
Finally he doesnt feel that blinding hunger
He can actually concentrate on stuff other than food
Will ask you as soon as he can what he is and isn't allowed to do in your body
Big puppy doesn't wanna upset you, it's your body after all
He'll have food ready for your new body all the time
He understands how hard it is so he tries his best
100% would be shocked to see humans and demons taste food differently
Doesn't care
Not like he'll do much anyway
Will be annoyed when your body begs him to move, his is accustomed to the lazy life
It's weird talking to you in his body
Even weirder when you nap together and he has to hold himself
Still kind of hates the idea of a weak magic-less body
But something in the back of his mind wants to do this for lilith too, to see how she lived her new life
Will ask for guidance in order to enjoy the experience
Hope I did well this time 💗
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obeyme-swd · 5 years
Shit, dude- Are you alright? Please take care of yourself. Don't push yourself to work on hcs. It's okay to take a mental break. I think having more expectations should be the least of your concerns right now. :( I hope you're okay.
Yeah i'm okay. It wasn't that bad this time. My mum has really bad anger issues so when we argue it usually ends up with a few bruises. Nothing to worry about though! 💗
Though I will get back into writing either tonight or tomorrow. It's like a safe space for me.
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obeyme-swd · 5 years
Trigger warning: abuse
I'm sorry you guy but idk if i'll be able to post for the next few days. I got into an argument with my mother that didn't physically end well for me so far. I'm sorry, I'll try my best
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obeyme-swd · 5 years
hello could you write something from the prompts 8 and 56 with satan please? hhh i really love him ahah anyways i really really like your writing thank you for providing such good work to the fandom🥺
Sorry but I have already closed prompt asks.
Everything regarding prompts that you see is old requests that I needed to get through.
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obeyme-swd · 5 years
#20 and #49 Satan or Lucifer with a dying f! MC? I'm a sucker for bad endings thank u if u noticed this
20. "How can you still look good when you're dying?"
49. "I'm currently flirting with death."
"Never go out in the Devildom at night! Especially alone." Lucifer always used to scold you for beinf adventurous. What was wrong with doing some exploring? You weren't a little girl anymore, you could fight off a demon for sure. A weak and dying one that is.
But nothing could have prepared you for what was to come.
Mammon was out gambling again and you honestly had no idea where any of the others were. Well, maybe except for Levi who was probably locked in his own room as usual. So what were you supposed to do? You really needed a new notebook to write your essays on. You knew the teacher would take no bullshit from a human. And most importantly, your boyfriend would kill you for being lazy.
Going to the shop was easy, no incidents, no stalkers, nothing weird. Hope was starting to shine its light in your soul. Maybe even a little pride. You did this all on your own so they better stop saying you're just a human. Pff, what was Lucifer even so worried about?
"Are you heading somewhere?"
An unknown voice called out to you, the approacher's eyes burning into your skull from behind. Damn it and you were so close to the house!
"Please leave me alone, I'm running late"
"Hey now, a few minutes won't hurt you I'm sure. It's quite rare to meet a celebrity like you around here, especially all alone.." The demon put their hand on your shoulder, uncomfortably close to your neck. The most horrid and gruesome thoughts filled your head. But it was time to act.
"What are you doing, aren't you going to even look at me?"
"I'm currently flirting with death.''
Before your attacker could finish you spun around and threw the notebook at them and started sprinting towards the House of Lamentation. But the sharp nails of the demon digging a deep wound into your neck went unnoticed. Until you burst through the main doors.
That's when you saw it, blood rushing out of your neck, your breathing being worringly shallow. How much blood you lost was impossible to tell. Something deep inside you knew this was it. You were dying.
"Lucifer help me!" You screamed at the tops of your lungs before you collapsed on your knees. You didn't have a voice anymore, you felt like you were choking.
Immediately, your lover was at your side, carrying you through the house towards his room. He was tearing up. Lucifer didn't know how to feel. He wanted to say "I warned you, let this be your punishment for disobeying". Maybe he would have said it if your body wasn't growing colder by the second.
He gently laid you down on his bed trying to patch up the wound, but he realised it was for nothing.
As your vision faded into darkness and your hand went stiff in his, the last thing you saw was Lucifer, on his knees, crying. And the llast thing you will ever hear would be:
"How can you still look so good when you're dying? I will honour your beauty and your heart, my love. Rest well."
And you smiled.
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obeyme-swd · 5 years
Hello! I'm loving your writing ❤ Could I please have a drabble with 10, 25, and 50 for Mammoney? Angsty w a happy ending? Much love, looking forward to going through the rest of your blog 😊
10. "Why are you so fucking stubborn?"
25. "Stop shutting me out!"
50. "Why would you think I'd be ashamed to be with you?"
Your relationship with Mammon was going great. At least you has thought so before he started avoiding you, yet again.
The first time it happened was before he confessed. So obviously you thought nothing of it at first. Maybe he was planing to propose now, who knows?
The truth is Mammon heard some demons at school saying how much better you could do than him, that he could never deserve such a human,etc. And that tore his self esteem down.
When he hit the 3 day mark of avoiding you, you decided to take initiative. And so here was Mammon trying not to cry while you held him tightly, listening to his worries on your bed.
"Please leave me. I don't deserve you. You must be so ashamed.."
"Why would you think i'd be ashamed to be with you?"'
"I-i.. some people at school kept saying how I could never be enough and and.." His sniffles interrupted most of his sentences but you had heard enough.
"Stop shutting me out, Mammonie. I love you and that's not gonna change. You're more than enough for me and you make me so proud every single day, you know?"
But Mammon wasn't having it. He refused it when you tried to kiss him, saying he can't taint your pretty lips anymore.
"Why are you so fucking stubborn? Just shut up and kiss me! I'm not breaking up with you ever"
It will take Mammon a long time to accept he was a good boyfriend. Not only time but effort and comfort on your part. But everyone has to start sometime. And this was his waking point.
Just be patient, he wants the best for you.
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obeyme-swd · 5 years
I'm closing the prompt requests
Do your worst babes i'm ready to tackle on anything you throw at me
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obeyme-swd · 5 years
Could you do a romance Drabble with 24 for Satan?
24. "Please don't be scared of me"
You love Satan, you genuinely do, but you also can't stand to have someone yell at you. The strongest people always have the softest hearts, after all.
For most of your relationship, everything had been fine. No arguments, no anger thrown around, nothing. If anything, Satan had been the perfect lover.
Until now that is.
You didn't mean to, you honestly didn't mean to lose his book. But nevertheless you still did. So here you are, searching frantically around your room, while trying to stop the tears from falling. How could you face your lover now? He was going to be so angry, so so extremely angry. You had no idea what he would do, but he's the Avatar of Wrath he surely won't take it well.
Your D.D.D played a cute tune and your brain immediately registered who it was. Satan. You had a text from the one person you did not want to face right now. The contents of the text made you feel even worse.
"Hey do you still have the book I lent you? I'd love to read it again tonight"
Oh no. Oh this is bad. Very very bad.
A gentle knock on your door woke you up from the panic trance you were in.
"May I come in, please, darling" And with that you approached the door. But instead of opening it, you turned the lock.
"N-not now Satan I'm uhh changing. Yeah yeah I'm changing you can't come in!"
"You're lying"
"WHAT?! No I'm not,haha. I'm so honest I could be angel right about now you see?."
"Love tell me the truth. Is everything okay?"
"You see I kinda....lost the book, BUT I'M LOOKING FOR IT! Please don't get angry I'm trying I'll give it to you, please" Your words were rushed, full of obvious fear and it made your boyfriend's heart shatter.
But a reply never came. Satan left and you were starting to regret it all. How stupid could you be to think he would hurt you?!
You refused to come out of your room for thr evening, even for dinner, which worked in favour of Satan's plan. He was going to treat you for the next few days.
And treat you he did. After you opened the door and sobbed maniacally that you were sorry he spoilt you rotten the entire night and the next day too. Satan took you to an exclusive dinner, then gave you massage and read to you.
You hated yourself for ever thinking he would hurt you but Satan made sure to kiss all the guilt and regret away. He never wanted anything else but love in your heart, anyway.
You didn't even have to lift a finger for he would get everything for you.
His impeccable strategy worked. At the end of the first night he whispered to you.
"Please don't be scared of me"
"Never again, Satan. I'm so sorry"
And so, your relationship with hin grew stronger. Nothing, could now make you fear him.
Somewhere down the hall, Mammon had a stolen book, trying to see how much he could make off of it.
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obeyme-swd · 5 years
Hello! Can I please request a fluff oneshot for Lucifer with a fashionista F!MC who loves to wear his coat (the one he wears in his casual attire) whenever she can? In her eyes, it’s the comfiest and most stylish coat she’s ever seen. Thank you and congrats on the blog!!
Warning: a few swear words (not many)
Every morning Lucifer had a set routine. Wake up at 6am, make his bed, get ready in the bathroom and get dressed. After that he was ready to deal with his brothers. His routine never changed. Weeeeell until today.
You, albeit not the smartest idea, still decided that "borrowing" your beloved's coat was a good idea. After all he wouldn't harm you for it. And it was just so warm and soft and blanket like. You couldn't help it, you wanted something to remind you of him while he was working.
You brought the coat to your room quietly, unaware of the utter chaos in the living room. You wanted to wait a little before revealing the surprise. Maybe you shouldn't have stolen it in the first place, your mind keeps nagging at you, but what's done is done. Lucifer was absolutely furious trying to decide which one of his idiotic brothers thought it was a good idea to not only break into his room while he was asleep, but to steal his precious coat as well. Someone was going to pay dearly for it.
Just as he was about to snap, you walked down the stairs, towards the kitchen, fully wraped inside your boyfriend's luxurious coat. Lucifer was a big man, bigger than any human you'd ever seen, so his clothes fit on you like an oversized human sweater on a kitten. You could barely make out your head as you walked and it reached all the way down to your calfs. This thing was practically eating you alive. But it was still enjoyable, and inhumanly smooth. Was the hell was this thing made out of?
You were browsing through the fridge, lost in thought, when a dark aura made its presence known behind you.
"Is that MY coat you are wearing?"
Even if the question was obviously rethorical, he said it with an unusual calmness. Fuck you really did it now, didnt't you?
"Turn around and face me"
"Uhm no thank you"
Despite your attempt to blow him off Lucifer put his hand on your shoulder and turned you around. What you saw wasn't what you expected at all. He looked a bit angry, which you expected, but he looked so flustered and unusually nervous.
So what else could you do but stare? Kiss him. And you did without thinking, making Lucifer let out a deep chuckle.
"Trying to make up for your sins, my love? I think it's a bit late for that"
Hearing that, you put your arms around him and buried your face is his shoulder.
"You're really lucky you look adorable or who knows what I might have done to you. Let's go, you need to be taught a little lesson"
His words sounded scary, but you knew that he was just making an excuse to have you all to himself like this.
Lucifer was prideful, after all he wasn't the Avatar of Pride for no reason, but even with that he couldn't help but be flustered with your courage to steal from him. He wouldn't admit it was on purpose but from then on his coat was "forgotten" in your room a lot. You looked better in it than he did anyway.
Sorry for taking so long ♡
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obeyme-swd · 5 years
hi! delivering this ask for a friend! (: I heard you like angst, so.. how would Lucifer (or all of the brothers, if you'd like!) act when MC says something like "What will you do when I die?" It might be angstier if the conversation takes place while they're already in a relationship
Everyone knew humans were mortal. It hadn't been a fact that bothered you too much before. But now, with the newly found love for a demon you can't help but wonder...
"What will you do when I die?"
He prided himself in being calm and able to answer anything but even he couldn't keep the shocked expression that found its way on his face and quickly morphed into one of hurt. Lucifer thought he heard you wrong at first and asked you to say it again. Unfortunately, he his hearing had been correct the first time.
He froze in his spot. He thought about it a few times but hearing you ask broke something in him.
Lucifer was painfully reminded that you could easily die anyday, even tomorrow. As much as he hated the idea he couldn't help it. He tried to prevent it. Even went to Diavolo ans almost begged for him to find some way, any way of making you immortal. But there was nothing. A human will be a human for the rest of its life. That meant he was going to lose you one day. And he won't ever get you back. And Lucifer knows he'll never find anyone quite like you.
He denies it. He won't lose you, he can't. You care about him, right? You love him too, right? So you can't leave him. It's illegal, it's impossible. YOU CAN'T.
He cried. As much as he wanted to keep the bad boy façade he couldn't do it. Not now. So Mammon ran into your arms, ready to be told it was just a joke. His heart hoped so bad for the slightest chance of you pushing him away. Call him a baby, make fun of him, anything. Just please don't say you're going to leave now or ever.
He won't leave your side for the rest of the exchange program. Mammon is suddently aware of every demon looking at you, ready to protect you in case anyone had any funny ideas. He wanted to go to the human world with you after you finished your year. It was safer for you, you wouldn't encounter death at every step. But even so, his heart is never the same. An wound that will never heal sits there now. And it will only get worse as you age.
He wasn't paying attention to you when you had said it. So naturally he replied "lol nice", too distracted by a video game to pay attention. You honestly should have expected that.
But the moment he processed your question he yelled at the tops of his lungs.
Levi was devastated. He tried to brush it off at first. "I don't care about a human normie" but when he saw the damage his words did Levi immediately apologised. The question made him think a lot, for a long time. What WAS he gonna do? He didn't have a life outside of his room! He didn't want one. He had you.
From then on he requested, albeit shyly, that you move in with him in his room. He couldn't stand to have you gone for more than 5 minutes. He even quit online classes in favour of going to R.A.D. But other that obsessing over you, he had no idea what to do with hinself. You were going to leave him soon. And he didn't know how to cope with the idea.
All the dramas in the Three Celestial Realms couldn't have prepared him for anything close to this. He felt angry.
But at who, Satan had no clue. At himself for falling in love with a human? At you for asking such a thing? Or maybe at the world for being unfair? He was hurting and had no idea that a simple question was going to ignite such feelings.
So he shuts himself in his room for a few days. A week almost. There HAS to be book about this. And he was going to find it. But even with relentless searching Satan couldn't find anything. He felt like he was going insane. What now?! He can't just watch you die slowly. Satan felt like he was going mad slowly.
When you enter his room one morning to bring him breakfast you find him, sobbing loudly on the floor. It was a scary sight, as he was so composed usually.
He couldn't do it. Satan couldn't find a "cure" for you. So now he has to live with the painful reality that one day you weren't going to be there anymore.
He dropped the bottle of nail polish when he heard it. At first Asmo tries to play it off as a joke, expecting a "haha don't worry i'm kidding" so he laughed nervously.
"Haha nice joke, my love. I didn't think you were in the mood for such cruel pranks~"
His brothers get extremely worried after a few days. Asmo hasn't been partying, or even that cheerful anymore. He did everything with you. From facemasks to massages to hot baths, that you could both enjoy.
The truth was that that questioned woke him up. Asmo knew he was going to lose you, he always knew that, but hearing his most treasured think that he'd be able to function without them was just not right. You are everything to Asmo and he'd be damned if he wasn't going to make you enjoy every second you have on this earth. Even if just seeing you became a painful reminder for him.
He won't ever tell his brothers nor you but he secretly tried spells on you, to make you live longer. You can't break his heart like that after all, can you?
As always, he was eating when you dropped the bomb. Beel choked on his food. It felt like you slashed his chest wide open. Losing someone was a sensitive topic for him. He had already lost so many people, he'd break if you were gone too.
Beel lost his appetite that day, he barely ate. Instead he held your hand every single moment. Sometimes a few tears would slip and you'd hug him closely, trying to comfort him. He loved you so so much, more than anyone else in this world, why would you leave him?
He requested the silliest things but you knew the root of it all. Fear. So you accepted when Beel asked if he could hold your hand while you shower. He promised to turn away but he didn't want to be apart from you.
Going to R.A.D was hard now. He'd spend hours without you and sometimes when you took a little too long to get ready and find him he panicked. What if someone had killed you? Beel became sensitive to every small change on you. Maybe a new mole, new wrinkle, anything, was enough to stir panic inside him.
He was scared, but most importantly scarred.
He tried to convince himself so hard he hated humans. So what if you die someday? You're just another human. He could find another, right?
Wrong. He couldn't. Belphie hated himself for caring this much. But imagining a life where he doesn't get your warn cuddles, or to see your sleepy morning face was just torture. How was he going to nap without his trusty loving pillow?
He couldn't sleep for a while. Head clouded with thoughts of varying degrees, but most importantly with your fragile human body. He could kill you, right then and there. Anyone could and you wouldn't stand a chance. Seeing you so helpless against your own human fate was the straw that broke the camel's back.
To you it didn't seem like he gave the question a second thought. But he did. Belphie cried almodt every night after you fell asleep. He even refused to let you sleep anywhere else other than with him.
He was paranoid when you slept too soundly, too.
Hope you like this! 💗
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obeyme-swd · 5 years
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obeyme-swd · 5 years
Can I request mammon fluff like your spending to much time with Beel and mammon gets all jealous and mopey thanks 🙌
What did you expect? Mammon was the Avatar of Greed, it's only natural that he'd want you all to himself.
You loved him and made it clear from the very start. You chose him as your lover and nobody else and he knew that. But Mammon just couldn't help it. The doubts were filling his mind to the brim. How was he supposed to relax when you just blew him off for Beel?!
He didn't think much of it at first, but as it happened time and time again, all he could do was sit on his bed with tears flooding his eyes.
"Hey you wanna come shopping with me later? I gotta spend the modelling money somehow"
"Sorry, I promised Beel I'd go with him to Hell's kitchen."
And it wasn't the first nor the last time you had said something like that. It was always Beel this, Beel that. What was even so great about him? All he did the entire day was eat, while you had THE Mammon as your boyfriend.
But this was the straw that broke the camel's back. You sat across from him, which in itself was unusual. You always loved being next to Mammon, it was comforting. But apparently not tonight. No. Tonight you were spoon feeding beel. Something you used to do for Mammon exclusively when he was sad.
So what did the second born do? Obviously he couldn't stand there and watch. So he got up and dragged you towards his room. This was unacceptable, you should love HIM not Beel. You should feed HIM not Beel.
"Mammon let me go, what are you doing?" But he didn't reply. Instead, his eyes told you everything. He looked weak, hurt. You'd never seen him in such a state. Your first instinct was to comfort him. To take the pain away, make things better for him. So you did.
"My love, what's wrong?" You asked slowly as not to scare him away.
"You don't love me..You only love Beel and I mean I get it! I'm not as good as him at cooking and I'm clingy." Your poor love was crying at this point, holding you tightly and sobbing openly.
"Please, please don't leave me ____..."
You were shocked. You didn't think it hurt him so much. Beel has a slight fever so you took on the role of care-taker. It wasn't meant to look like this, to go this far and break his heart.
You kissed Mammon's forehead and sat with him on his bed, gently rocking until his crying stopped.
"I won't ever leave you, my dear. You're precious to me and after all, you're THE great Mammon. How could I ever betray someone like you?"
The rest of the evening was spent quietly, into each other's arms. You never returned to eat dinner but as long as you had your greedy boyfriend, nothing in this world except him mattered. He loved you and he will forever continue to do so. And you pove him back, more than you had ever loved before. But poor Beel needed a new care-taker asap. His current one needed a break.
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obeyme-swd · 5 years
Requests are closed for now!
Thank you all who sent an ask already and if you were planning to dont worry! I'll open the inbox soon enough!
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obeyme-swd · 5 years
As promised earlier, the Belphegor mini fic with prompt 17
17. "Why is it wrong for me to want you?"
Hatred is a strong emotion to feel. It can make you prone to prejudice or even violence. Everyone hates something, whether they openly admit it or not. And Belphegor hates humans.
It's said that 1 minute is all you need to change a person's opinion, to alter their belief. But sometimes that's not enough. It took one minute for Belphegor to start hating humans and 5000 years to forgive them.
You noticed his strong distaste of you the moment you met him, but it wasn't until much later that you learnt why he looks at you with disgust and anger. His brothers told you not to take it too personally, you're just another human. Just another human, huh? You didn't like that one bit.
"Why is it so wrong for me to want you?" Your frustrated screams seemed to wake him up. "I try my best to get closer to you, Belphegor! Just let me love you, please"
It was the first time he had seen you get so worked up. You were usually so calm and loving, such a good cuddle buddy too.
Truth is, he had caught feelings for you a long while go. It felt like he was betraying himself though. All his morals, his hatred of humans, just gone. Belphie didn't like that, he wanted to avenge Lilith, to wipe out the humans for what they're inferior race caused. But then he got to know you and it hurt. It opened up old wounds from thousands of years ago.
"I don't like you, go away now" It paines him to say it but he couldn't betray his sister like that.
"You know what, no. You like me. I know you do. If you didn't you wouldn't let me nap with you every single time, you wouldn't worry so much about whether I slept or not" Your confidence was... unexpected to say the least. He didn't want to say it but he felt butterflies just hearing that come out of your mouth. Would he ever tell you that? Probably not.
But what he did do was pull you on top of him.
"Just shut up and sleep already"
You smiled slightly and whispered a soft "I knew it", causing him to chuckle. He wasn't going to let you go anytime soon. You were his human and you managed, in one minute, to make him love you the proper way.
One minute can change everything. It took Belphie one minute to hate humans and one minute to make one his forever.
And unbeknownst to you, he had the greatest dream that night. Belphie dreamt of a future. Of your future together.
He loved you, you annoying human.
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obeyme-swd · 5 years
Can you please do 17 for f!MC and Satan or Belfegor? (or both ^^) Good luck with your blog! It's always nice to see one more person interested in Obey me!
17. "Why is it wrong for me to want you?"
Humans were weak, mortal, easily damaged. A demon could easily take 5000 years of torture without so much of a drop of sweat. That was something you learnt in the first few minutes of arriving to the Devildom.
After meeting the brothers you came to question why Satan was the Avatar of Wrath. After all, he's been nothing but polite and welcoming. Surely he couldn't get that angry.
You wish you had never thought that.
Satan was a well-mannered collected man, he wouldn't snap so easily. But when he did he would be blinded by fury and destroy whatever caused him anger. Very few had the pleasure, or misfurtune depending on what he's angry with, of witnessing him in that state.
Unfortunately you were one of those people. Mammon sold a book of his, an ancient spell book to be exact. To make matters worse jt was the only one to exist. So when he revealed during dinner what caused his sudden income boost, Satan was less than thrilled to say the least. He threw his knife right towards Mammon's neck, while shaking with pure hatred and rage.
Mammon, being the second most powerful brother quickly pushed someone in his place. He's later come to regret this with his whole heart. He'd pushed you and the knife cut a clean wound across your left cheek.
What followed was a moment of pure deafening silence. The calm before the storm. The next second everything went downhill. Lucifer took Mammon and Satan to his room, to "teach them a lesson", while you had 4 other demons trying to take care of you.
Before being dragged away however, Satan reached out towards you, wanting to make sure you were okay, as okay as you could be at least. He never got a chance to tell you how sorry he was.
The following days were hell, which is ironic. Not only was Satan forbidden from coming near you, but he had the saddest look on his face during dinners. Your poor heart ached for him. All you wanted to do was to embrace him and tell him that no, you weren't mad.
And one day, you did. You finally had enough of this punishment and went to see him while he was on cooking duty.
"Please don't come any closer" He must have heard the kitchen door open.
"I just want to talk, that's all"
"There's nothing to talk about is there? I am the Avatar of Wrath for a reason. Consider this your warning" He never turned around from the pan, but his voice was quivering.
You gently hugged him from behind, making sure he was comfortable with everything.
"Why is it so wrong for me to want you?"
That finally got him to turn around. But continued to let you hug him.
"Are you INSANE? Can you not see that I hurt you?! Out of everyone there why did you have to be the one.."
Seeing the slight terror in your eyes, Satan lowered his voice. He didn't want to fuck up more than he already had.
"I love you and I know I wasn't your target" You finally muttered.
"Let me make it up to you please." His voice was soft, almost a whisper. And you can confirm that his lips were even softer.
(Belphegor coming in another later post as it's midnight and i'm fricking t i r e d. Hope you understand 💗)
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