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i found a weird book irl not an arg
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ob-oki · 4 months ago
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squid game rember [] is me. () is the original author
start top left, right page: " orphanages have been overn for years, there should be a crisis by now. why not? where are all those extra kids going? wheres all the homeless families and single Moms? I found multiple articles and interviews on the black web [isn't it dark web] of scienists and engineers and Doctors and heres what they have to say... F.Y.I (there all dead now because they said something)"
"Theres tunnels all over the world that connect. we are starting to find some now but no one really puts it together yet why there are there. one of the original families is the Rothschilds (richest family in the world) they had a ball in the 1980 something and the way they dressed is interesting.., animal heads, baby body part centerpeaces. the invitation list was interesting. anyone in any power of position was there. including the 11of the other families. the li family is nowhere to be found and there is no record of them anywhere. (I'm sure they were there though.) the animal heads are interesting because of a very popular Korean T.V show where they take desperate poor people and make them play a gametill death"
-end quote
whell idk why it ended with Squidgame but sure
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ob-oki · 4 months ago
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new day new post continuing where we left off last time this post will have one page the next the other so let's continue
top page left start: "why? money= power. why do they do it? power, something so wanted and so easy to achieve but only if you don't want it"
"so how do they have the power to put everyone in a simulation? Manipulate the balance of good/evil [tally hall reference lol] with the help of Baphomet.
"let's start with evil-"
"Everyone knows souls are pricey and powerful. when give up their soul or force someone else to give their soul to a god it gives them power. Baphomet"
"promises fame and fortune and everything worldly. The 13 original families started the Illuminati. they used it to control the world we live in and us."
"the Illuminati gives their souls to Bathomet in order to keep their power. how do they get away with this?"
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ob-oki · 4 months ago
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okay so this is the first page of the main book that is still attached, and the last post for today. There is not much more to add here so let's start
[for op interjections in the middle of the text I'm gonna use square brakets]
top of page title "First step: break out of the matrix, how?"
"- accept the truth"
"truth: we are born into the matrix. raised into it. most people stay in it forever. some people aren't real."
next title "KEEP AN OPEN MIND!!!
main paragraph "How does the matrix get its power? souls how does it work against the power of the universe? -> it manipulates the balance of good/evil. [tally hall reference lol] It flipped it upside down, keeping the balance, that's how it can keep holding on to you if you let it. the matrix gets its power from baphomet. baphomet stands with one hand up to god and one down to the Devil. now I'm gonna keep it worldly to start... there were 13 original colonies, each ran by by a certain family. they all came together and found a way to keep us all in line and clueless. to keep doing their work and cycle their money"
end quote
I'll post more tomorrow but I'll end it here I'm thinking of making an Instagram account where I read out what it says so yall don't have to read it all or something like that once again I don't know what any of the symbols are if anyone could tell it would help a lot I want to record and understand everything this book has in it
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ob-oki · 4 months ago
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okay so here we get to the real start of the book for some context the page that has the large text I actually found separate from the rest of the book ripped out, so there may be some pages missing, luckily most of the book is here so onwards we go, also any spelling mistakes were because that's how it was written or I just missed it
first page big text "Jesus is the truth & the light"
first page title "THIS IS HOW THE WORLD ENDS AGAIN..."
first page main " every 12,000 15,00 years the earth magnetic pole become parallel. because of this the earth stays still on its axis for 3 days. half the world burns and the other half freezes. however, the tide and the moon keeps going. therefore the tide willnse and the winds will blow and the ocean well basically be moved. were the land is water and where water is land everything flips, the tectonic plates go crazy tsunamis, volcanos, eruptions, earthquakes, and landslides all of humanity is whipped away and is reset. however through and none remembers? how dose religion play into it? w fodr the eotlf icu (iluminauti pop-culture hatix)? how dose ah win? look at the big picture"
end quote
Yeah I don't know what the last bit says it's a bit too faded but I wrote as much as I could I'll post the other page in the next post to keep these from getting too long
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ob-oki · 4 months ago
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okay so I'm going to post this in multiple parts for today bc why not I'm also going to type out what is written on the pages so its more understandable ill add more context in the second post
first page "read my warnings before looking through"
big text on first page "WARNING" and "jesus loves even you'
at the bottom "if you didn't ask me to read it... DONT KEEP GOING"
at top "when you unfold these pages theres no going back"
in big " i rebuke you setan in the name of jesus! get behind me"
and i don't know what most of the symbols on the page mean if someone could explain that would help alot
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ob-oki · 4 months ago
like i said i found this. feels straight out of gravity falls lmao
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ob-oki · 4 months ago
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so i found this book on the ground I'm calling it the trelonomicon as i post pictures of it you will understand why
I didn't know what to do when i found it so why not document it
i did read it abit and its definitely something so i wanted to post this but not on my main so i made this account.
its full of conspiracy theory's and things like that it dose delve into some serous topics so this is a warning and like i said i found this so no disrespect to the original author it seams they were going through tough times when they made this
and no this isn't a arg or anything like that i just wanted to document this im going to post 1 or 2 pages a day bc why not
btw the crystals are mine i just like collecting them and thought it looked cool with them also none of the writings in the book represent my beliefs this is something i found on a patch of grass outside
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