Oakes & Oakes
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Inspired by the rediscovery of my grandfathers board game patent, Oakes & Oakes is an artisan concept project celebrating games from all cultural heritages. www.jadoakes.studio
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oakesandoakes · 2 years ago
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Shaping this piece of oak for a new Shove Ha’Penny set. Has been a bit of a challenge… 🫣👾 made me want to make a belly board. 🌊🏄🌊🏄‍♀️🌊🏄‍♂️ . . . . #shovehapenny #oakesandoakes #woodworking #craftwood #woodcraft #craftsperson #artiststudio #tabletopgames #shuffleboard #uniquegiftideas #londonmaker #madebyhand #madewithcare #bellyboard https://www.instagram.com/p/CoXq9fCoymz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oakesandoakes · 2 years ago
With similar scoring rules to snooker or pool, it is possible for a player to win a set on their first round. After playing all five discs, every disc landed within a bay scores a point and those discs can be replayed. The non scoring discs remain on the table. Tactical players will attempt to use or knock the remaining discs into bays, scoring points and returning discs to be replayed. But, if the player lands a disc in a bay which they have already scored three points in, the point will then be awarded to their opponent and this disc cannot be replayed. Oh and that brass line checker. Well it’s the VAR or Hawk Eye of the competitive Shove Ha’Penny world. Making an appearance if there is a dispute as to whether a disc is within a bay; not on the line! If the disc moves when the line checker passes by, then the score doesn’t count.
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oakesandoakes · 2 years ago
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Shove Ha’Penny No.46👉Swipe to see video and details 👇 With similar scoring rules to snooker or pool, it is possible for a player to win a set on their first round. After playing all five discs, every disc landed within a bay scores a point and those discs can be replayed. The non scoring discs remain on the table. Tactical players will attempt to use or knock the remaining discs into bays, scoring points and returning discs to be replayed. But, if the player lands a disc in a bay which they have already scored three points in, the point will then be awarded to their opponent and this disc cannot be replayed. Oh and that brass line checker. Well it’s the VAR or HawkEye of the competitive Shove Ha’Penny world. Making an appearance if there is a dispute as to whether a disc is within a bay; not on the line! If the disc moves when the line checker passes by, then the score doesn’t count. . . . #shovehapenny #oakesandoakes #shuffleboard #craftsperson #craftsmanship #woodworking #tabletopgame #traditionalgame #slowmade #artisanmade #artiststudio #familygames https://www.instagram.com/p/CoVmL5LoYSP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oakesandoakes · 2 years ago
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The game that started it all. Harry’s Game, a Red edition. Featuring two sets of dominoes, one with red pips the other with white. The aim of the game is simple yet it’s strategically challenging. (Here’s a brief explanation) Each player is assigned a colour. On the left bar two players can play. On the right three players can play. The colour selected acts as the player’s horizontal lane. The objective is to try and make each of assigned lanes to add up to exactly 28 pips. Each player picks up 7 dominoes. The playfield is designed in such a way to show where dominoes can be placed. Players take it in turns to place dominoes on the field whilst scoring points along the way (if a domino is placed next one of the same value). Score and pick up a domino. Once the playfield is full or no player can play, lanes are added up. If a player has managed to score 28 points on a lane, there are mega bonuses to be had. . . . . #harrysgame #oakesandoakes #dominoesgame #uniquegames #handmadegames #madeinbritain #madewithwood #woodworkcraft #boardgameaddict #strategygame #slowmade #handpainted #handcrafted #solidwood https://www.instagram.com/p/Cln3PYTMG6U/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oakesandoakes · 2 years ago
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A run through the fourth unique chess set. Featuring an ancient bog oak and cedar of Lebanon playfield. Lift the lid, the lower deck houses single compartments (made from purpleheart & English sycamore) for each of the early 1900 French Regencé expertly hand turned and carved pieces. The glass eyed knights are the jewel in the crown. . . . . . #chessset #antiquechess #handmade #slowmade #bogoak #cedaroflebanon #frenchregency #chesspieces #oakesandoakes #handmadebritain #collectorsitems #collect2022 #artisanmade #madebyhand #heirloom #woodworking #woodcraft #artisanwood https://www.instagram.com/p/CluXwbkKOYT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oakesandoakes · 2 years ago
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Shove Ha’Penny No. 48. Solid oak board with a rosewood coin stopper. At the top the piece of purpleheart and bog oak notch slides across revealing the brass scoring pegs, coins and brass line checker. . . . . . #shovehapennyboard #shovehapenny #shuffleboard #oakesandoakes #handwoodworking #handmade #slowmade #traditionalgames #bogoak #rosewood #purpleheart #artisan #tabletopgames #woodenboards #coingame #pubgame #gamecollector #gamenight #luxurychristmasgifts #traditionaltoys #heirloomgift #christmasgifts https://www.instagram.com/p/Clw0x7zMW4_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oakesandoakes · 2 years ago
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some small shut the boxes being made up. bog oak, oak, walnut and sycamore. . . . #latenightstudio #handmade #woodworkingtable #stilllife #studiolife #slowmade #shutthebox #oakesandoakes #workshopheaven #artisanmaker https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl9piF5Le91/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oakesandoakes · 2 years ago
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Like the Game of Ur the origins of this game begins in Mesopotamia. During its 5000 years of existence it has crossed continents and influenced cultures. I grew up knowing it as Tawlet “Table” or Shesh Besh, from the Hebrew six “Shesh” and the Turkish five “Besh”. The Romans embraced the game from the East rapidly spreading it through its empire. They called it "Duodecum Scripta et Tabulae" or "Tables" for short. I wonder whether this was adopted from the Phoenicians or vice versa? Now, it’s most commonly known as Backgammon which is thought to have been derived from the Saxon, in 1645, “Baec” (Back) and “Gamen” (Game). Although the rules may vary slightly from culture to culture, the objective remains the same, each player aims to get all their stones safely home first, whilst attempting to stop their opponent from doing the same. Just like the Game of Ur. So here is some photographs taken during the making of the first Tawlet set, from the end of 2022. Designed with a purpleheart playfield the inlaid spikes are English sycamore (the light) and bog oak (the dark). Each of the spikes are finished with hand painted gold lines. The stones are vintage, expertly turned from bone. One set dyed red the other natural. With the playfield framed in walnut, solid brass hinges and a little brass knob make opening this table a satisfying experience. Embedded in the frame are 8 magnets that allow for firm closure. More photos of the finished table to follow. . . . . #backgammon #tawlet #sheshbesh #handmadebackgammon #oakesandoakes #boardgames #backgammonset #backgammonboard #backgammonlovers #collector #traditionalgames https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnpe7TCjDNj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oakesandoakes · 2 years ago
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A playful symbol of unity and infinity marks all of the boards i make. . . . . #oakesandoakes #chessboard #chessset #handmadeuk #chesslover #chesscollector #chesstime #chessboards #traditionalgames #backgammon #gameofur #shutthebox #shovehapenny #shuffleboard #shovehalfpenny #artisanmaker #slowmade #artiststudio https://www.instagram.com/p/CoAv2g-rtrN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oakesandoakes · 2 years ago
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These mid sized chess pieces from the Philippines are a joy to handle. Hand carved, circa 1950-1970, from Kamagong (darker) and Narra wood, red felted bases and come in their original box. One Kamagong pawn has been replaced. I think they really work well with this board, once set up it’s warming and inviting. The board measures 40 x 40cm. Made from solid oak and walnut. Kamagong is a fruit tree indigenous to the Philippines belonging to the ebony tree family. Like ebony has beautiful subtleties in grain and colour. Traditionally used to make martial arts weapons its is extremely dense and hard, sometimes referred to as “iron wood”, as it is nearly unbreakable. Narra wood is also a local timber, rich mellow yellow colouring, it is also known as red sandalwood. These pieces are slightly bigger to compensate for the higher density and weight of the Kamagong pieces. Since 1984 Narra and Kamagong are considered endangered tree species and protected by Philippine law, making these sets rare. . . . #chess #chessboard #philippines🇵🇭 #oakesandoakes #handmade #slowmade #rarecollection #tabletopgames #queensgambit #chessgambit #historyofchess #chessmusuem #uniquechess #chessnotcheckers #ancientgames #handmadegames #localartisan #artisanmade https://www.instagram.com/p/CoM3bg3oUJ5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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