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Dustin Cavazos
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Dustin Cavazos and Slim Gravy (AD.d+) “Alright” 
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Grey Skies of Dallas - Dustin Cavazos (click for a free download)
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some pics from my last trip to chicago
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Octopus mug from madamePomm
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Navy8 Bonus False by sabeth718 on Flickr.
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@internetfamous ’s hat stays on this time. Fakie kickflip in Taichung. Photo by our boy @antclaravall #enjoitaiwan - via @enjoi
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The Federal Podcast #20 w. Mike Herrera
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Mike Herrera of MxPx and Tumbledown fame joined me for conversation on a variety of subjects: Christianity and the church, NDAA, Drone Attacks, 1984, Brave New World, Obama, Military Drills. etc…
Click the Pic or this link
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yuh! to you as well
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President John F. Kennedy’s own brother, Bobby, was one of the biggest skeptics of the conclusion that one lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, was responsible for the assasination of his brother.
At a panel discussion in Dallas this weekend, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his sister Rory spoke to...
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He also rented a room on Beckley a couple blocks from this location. 
The apartment building where Lee Harvey Oswald lived a few months before the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The Demolition of the historic property took place on Monday morning January 14, 2013.
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On the afternoon of November 22, 1963—around the time of President John F. Kennedy’s approaching motorcade through Dallas— Lee Harvey Oswald was seen on the sixth floor of his work building, holding a rifle. At 12:30 p.m., three shots were fired, with the second and third hitting President Kennedy. Texas Governor John B. Connally was also hit and wounded. President Kennedy died at Parkland Memorial Hospital shortly after the attack, at the age of 46. Oswald was spotted leaving the scene of the shooting and was later confronted some distance away by police officer J.D. Tippit, who Oswald then allegedly shot and killed. Oswald was later found and apprehended by the police at the Texas Theater, located the Dallas suburb of Oak Cliff. Over the next two days, he was arraigned, interrogated and placed in lineups. Oswald would never see a trial for his alleged crimes. On November 24, 1963, the 24-year-old Oswald, while being taken to the county jail, was shot and killed by Jack Ruby, a club owner with mob affiliations. Ruby stated that he acted out of outrage over Kennedy’s assassination. There have also been theories that Ruby’s actions might have been part of a larger web. Over the years, the question of conspiracies has continued to follow the Oswald case. The 1964 Warren Commission declared that no evidence of a conspiracy had been found. Yet an investigation initiated by the House of Representatives Assassination Committee in 1979 eventually found that another shooter could have been involved in the assassination. Debate and much speculation—including who Oswald met with during his final stay in New Orleans—continue to this day.
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This is Jefferson Boulevard in the Oak Cliff neighborhood of Dallas, Texas. There, you can see what seems to be a suburban movie theater called ‘Texas’. This theater was built in 1931 by Howard Hughes and at that time it was the largest suburban theater in Dallas. The Texas theater is not famous for that, though. On November 22, 1963 at about 1:30 pm. a very scared man called Lee Harvey Oswald, looking for a place to hide from the police, entered that theater without paying the ticket. He was uneware he was being followed by Johnny Brewer who knew about the shooting of the officer J.D. Tippit in the vicinity. He didn’t trust that man whose behaviour was so weird and erratic. He told Julia Postal, the cinema ticket seller, about the man that had just entered the theater, who, in turn called the police giving a brief description of the intruder. The description matched with the one who shoot officer Tippit, so in a few minutes a load of police vehicles arrived to the cinema to arrest Oswald. As a curiosity, at the moment of his arrest, Oswald was watching a movie called “War is hell”. The theater is still open and you can see it’s program in the following page: http://thetexastheatre.com/faqs/
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Lee Harvey Oswald arrested
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