Confessions Of A Seasoned, Inexperienced Nurse
27 posts
Considering myself as “seasoned” in the Tele field after working it for five years, I’ve suddenly made a change. To the OR I go.
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nurserichbrit · 2 years ago
Look, this is for the patients that demand to have a coke when they’re on a diabetic diet. To help them get better and regulated again from their diabetes that sent them into DKA to end up in the hospital. It’s for the family members who are asking for a blanket while the nurse is running to get a crash cart and then writing a formal complaint because they didn’t get said blanket in a timely manner.
Respect is double sided. Nurse’s should respect their patients and care for them. That’s why you become a nurse right? Patients should respect their nurses. They are trying (95% of them at least). Most of the time we are understaffed and juggling 5-7 patients at one time. If you haven’t seen your nurse in a while, it’s probably a good thing. You’re one of the more stable patients. However, I know I felt like a complete asshole for neglecting to do a two hour round on those patients because I’ve had two patients that are a little more critical at the time.
On behalf of the good Nurse’s out there, we see you. We hear you. We know you’re in pain and we want to help fix it. We know you’re thirsty and we want to help you drink. we know you’re scared and we want to comfort you. Just cut us a little bit of slack. Because we are trying.
“It’s a hospital not a hotel.” is one of the shittiest fucking things I’ve ever seen commented under a patient complaining about their care. No, you’re right. It’s a hospital, not a hotel. You’re paying way more to be there and you’re likely having one of the scariest experiences of your life and you’re probably overwhelmed, in pain, unwell, having a mental crisis OR otherwise stressed. The least they can fucking do is treat you like a human being. They should you your basic human needs like water and food.
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nurserichbrit · 3 years ago
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nurserichbrit · 3 years ago
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nurserichbrit · 3 years ago
I just had to get this off my chest and in writing:
I’m a very blunt person. I’m very outspoken and I cuss… a lot. I love my job. But I stand up for myself. I don’t back down from rude doctors. I lay it out for my patients as plainly as I can. I’m a good nurse. I’ve caught things doctors haven’t. I’ve held people’s hands in their best and worst times. I’ve questioned orders and gotten answers.
I’m just not the definition of “sweet”.
I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’ll never be a candidate for Nurse Excellence or a Daisy Award recipient. I just don’t fit that mould.
But when I see newer nurses in my setting getting recognition for doing far less
It pisses me off
Thanks for coming to my TED talk
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nurserichbrit · 3 years ago
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nurserichbrit · 3 years ago
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This is a march for us. This is to advocate for ourselves. We don’t deserve to be in unsafe working conditions. We don’t deserve to be abused by patients, their families, our hospitals. We don’t deserve to be put down and told we are “just Nurses”. We deserve better pay. We deserve to be heard. We deserve to be respected. We risk our lives to save theirs and we went from heroes to heathens! It’s our time
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nurserichbrit · 4 years ago
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nurserichbrit · 4 years ago
This is a problem!!!!! Not to mention the lack of trust between the medical community and POC!! Hold your doctors accountable. Nurses do our best to advocate for our patients. I can’t tell you how many times I called a doctor concerned and they blow me off because they have a preconceived notion about patients as it is. My go to in the chart? “Notified MD of xyz and expressed concerns. MD gave no orders at this time. Will continue to monitor patient.” And then chart EVERYTHING that happened leading up to event and after doctor is notified. Hold. Them. Accountable!
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This is why fat shaming can have tragic consequences.
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nurserichbrit · 4 years ago
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#Repost from my insta
When you have a child, your whole world turns upside down. It’s true— it’s no longer just about you. You have this tiny human who you never knew you loved so much until you first lay eyes on them. Sure, I loved her as she grew in my belly. But I didn’t know how deeply that love was until I saw her face for the first time as it truly was (not just on ultrasound). Suddenly, my life had a new meaning. It’s taken me almost 28 years of life to change my mindset. To change myself from my family’s views to my own. I grew up in southeastern Louisiana. It’s the farthest thing from open minded. But I knew I wanted to raise my child in a world that was loving and accepting of all people. I want her to know she has the power to make a difference.
Working on a telemetry unit showed me life and death. I saw teenagers to people living at 101. All walks of life. However, I think I truly understood my presence in the little moments. When you feed a patient. When you bathe a patient. When you help brush their teeth or dentures. I find that meaning a little more now in the OR. I’ve held many hands and stroked many heads as they’ve drifted into an anesthesia induced sleep. Some have been calm. Most are scared and I am their only line to being hopeful.
I don’t post this for recognition. I do it so you understand that we can all change. We can all share a moment of love and of hope. And you don’t have to do it all alone.
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nurserichbrit · 4 years ago
Soooo Robotic surgeries...
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nurserichbrit · 4 years ago
idk i just think there’s something wrong with how positivity posts for fat women and girls will list ten thousands of ways we can still be hyperfeminine and dainty but acnowledge exactly one way fat women can be gnc, if at all. fat gnc & alt women are here and there are many of us. fat women deserve to know we have a choice other than performing the extremes of femininity in order to be treated as human.
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nurserichbrit · 4 years ago
*bob the builder voice* can we fix it? YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS WE CAN BITCH YAAAAAAS
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nurserichbrit · 4 years ago
Can we stop with the idea that Nurse’s were the mean girls in high school or the hoes? Like if you were that’s ok. You grow how you need to. Everyone changes.
But I WAS A LONER. I had like 2 friends in high school that I don’t even talk to any more. I was called fat and ugly. I thought when boys were nice to me it was just to mess with me and make a fool out of me.
Don’t get me wrong. I knew how to stand my ground and stand up for myself. I knew how to shut that shit down quick. But I was never MEAN.
I think I’m meaner now that I’ve been a nurse. I really don’t let people walk all over me and don’t give a damn what people think.
So what the hell?!?!
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nurserichbrit · 4 years ago
I have officially made it to a year in the OR! This is an incredible step. I still come in contact with cases I’m not comfortable with, but I’m able to do them with a lot more confidence. It’s true what they say, around a year in you just have something click. You just get it. Some doctors have warmed up to me. Others are still getting to know me. I have been circulating on my own for some time now in robotic cases and they’re honestly my favorite. I still love traumas and I’m like orthopedic cases more and more. I’ve made new connections to different cases.
I’m at a new home and it’s ok.
This has given me a new confidence to continue my education. I have an ADN as it is. I’ve started to get my BSN. I’ve enrolled and started courses at Western Governors University. It’s completely online. There isn’t a physical campus so they are able to keep tuition affordable and you pay once every six months. Within that time you’re expected to be a full time student. If you’re able to complete your classes before the semester is up, then you’re able to take additional classes at no extra cost. So you can finish the program as quickly as possible. They have so many resources and the experiences I have had with their faculty have been amazing. Everyone has been so helpful and endearing.
This past year has taught me that no matter what is going on, it’s never too late to start over. It’s never too late to make yourself happy and better your life. And you don’t have to do it alone.
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nurserichbrit · 4 years ago
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Who’s going to tell him?
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nurserichbrit · 4 years ago
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nurserichbrit · 4 years ago
Officially NINE months in!
Man, there is nothing quite like the operating room. It’s so different than floor nursing. I have seen so much in my short time here. From traumas to simple procedures, I am just in love. I made it on the Neuro Team, but since I work 12 hour shifts, I do it all. Ortho, ENT, Urology, GYN, Neuro, General surgeries, and even Robotic cases.
I think this is the change I needed.
But I really think my charge nurses and boss have a lot of confidence with me. They’re letting people shadow me and help out our newer nurses.
Idk why, I’m the biggest klutz.
But hey, if they are ok...
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