numberoneshuhuastan · 2 months
calories are energy.
before eating anything, ask yourself: do I need energy right now? if the answer is yes - eat
! you don't need calories while lying on the couch or before going to bed
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numberoneshuhuastan · 2 months
stopped r3stricting too low for me to handle, after a few days of trial and error i found the lowest amount of calories I can eat without b1nging
use bowls!!!!!!
when you get food to eat from the kitchen, LEAVE THE KITCHEN IMMEDIATELY. if you stay there, you will have easy access to food without being able to digest what you already ate.
log all the food you plan to eat a day in advance
only eat meals/snacks at specific times
make a window for when you can eat
stopped buying my major trigger food (i still buy some trigger foods, but not my main one, which was goldfish btw)
buy lots of low c4l, high volume + high protein foods
make sure that there is always lots of low c4l fruit on hand at all times bc they are super filling, delicious, + can tie you over between meals (strawberries r a great example)
in the early stages of going b1nge free, i still really wanted to b1nge at times but just ate fruit to stop the urge. i no longer have these thoughts anymore!! like i never really think of binging
i do think another factor that has helped me is posting my food logs on here. i feel like i would disappoint ppl if my food logs were just me b1nging, so in a way, they hold me accountable. it’s like “i cant binge knowing that ballet-sk1nny-r3xxie-needtolose10kg will see it”, but maybe that’s just me always feeling the pressure to be viewed as “perfect”
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numberoneshuhuastan · 2 months
“You’re more than just a number on the scale!”
Says the stick thin girl.
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numberoneshuhuastan · 2 months
Went on vacation and gained everything back!!!!!!! 😁😁😁😁 I hate myself
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numberoneshuhuastan · 2 months
how to have reasonable weight loss expectations
(fyi this only applies if you aren’t already skinny asf and actually have fat to burn off)
1 lb of fat = 3500
calculate your basal metabolic rate with an online calculator
that’s how many calories you burn sitting around doing nothing
for example mine is 1,806 , i’m pretty tall so mine is probably higher than most others
so if i want to lose a lb in 2 days
1806 x2 = 3612
3612 - 3500 = 112
112/2 = 56
you would have to net 56 calories for 2 days
now for me personally, even when i was on my ana grind, i would lose a lb every 3-4 days which is a bit more manageable
using the same math
3 days = ~640 net calories for three days straight.
4 days = 931 net calories four days straight.
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numberoneshuhuastan · 3 months
Never opening up to a friend about this again I’ve ruined things between us
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numberoneshuhuastan · 3 months
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I’d give my left kidney to look like this
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numberoneshuhuastan · 3 months
oat meal
water / gum
sweet potatoes
umeboshi plums
vegie soup
dark chocolate
green tea
most vegies
hot sauce
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numberoneshuhuastan · 3 months
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winter th1nsp0…
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numberoneshuhuastan · 3 months
The world wants you to be fat…
• Food is everywhere
• Going out means eating
• “Bodypositivity”
Ana is the only one who truly wants your best
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numberoneshuhuastan · 3 months
Pro @na secrets:
(pt. 2)
”Every day ur closer to ur goal”
1. Start drinking green tea (Ive been gate-keeping this one). It makes ur metabolism super fast, clears up ur skin and makes you more energic. It has some good vitamins, which also help you lose weight faster!
2. Start sprinting. When you run, instead of running the same speed the whole run, do this:
5minutes of walking, then 2minutes of sprinting (running as fast as you can). Repeat this over and over again.
Sprinting helps to lose fat, and makes you also a better & faster runner, so you can run more and more, which means in future you will burn cals more and more!
3. Eat porridge every evening. Even if you dont like it. When you eat porridge in the evening, it helps your bowel movement (aka metabolism stuff) and makes you p00p more. That means you lose weight more faster! Trust me on this one! Most recommended time to eat the porridge: 7pm for best results.
follow for more!
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numberoneshuhuastan · 3 months
anyone else tired of seeing the same like 15 posts on this side of tumbIr? i scroll and i'll see the same post reblogged 4 seperate times within a minute
even on the "for you" side like it just gets very repetitive and old it's kinda hard to just mindlessly scroll on this app
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numberoneshuhuastan · 3 months
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numberoneshuhuastan · 3 months
give me your best ana tips🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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numberoneshuhuastan · 3 months
Did my first weigh in and I almost lost 2 kg I’m so proud of myself
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numberoneshuhuastan · 3 months
“post-nut clarity” yada yada what abt post b1nge clarity
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numberoneshuhuastan · 3 months
Love The Devil Wears Prada sm it’s my fav movie atm!!
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