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Current Battle: ECO BooN V.S. 山茶花 Zombeez
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nug-chuohku · 14 days ago
Don’t Venti at Me! - EB VS SZ Drama Track
Part 2
~ No use Crying ~
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【 Chuohku Cafe 】
Barista: Oh, we are about to close…!
Yano: We’re just grabbing something quick. Hurry up, old man.
Kensaku: Huh? We shouldn’t bother…
The two ECO BooN members strolled into the empty cafe. Yano looking irritated having tolerated a bunch of dad jokes the entire journey there, however Kensaku who was heartily laughing along had a worried expression upon hearing Yano dismiss the woman’s statement. Thankfully, the barista took a second to debate it and then shrugged.
Barista: If it’s just a few orders, I don’t mind!
Happily, Kensaku apologized and thanked the woman before the two began to converse through Ken’s order. As she finished writing on a to-go cup and completed the transaction, the barista suddenly squinted at Kensaku, then glanced over to Yano.
Barista: Say… Are you two participating in the upcoming Division Rap Battle?
Kensaku: Yeah? How did you know?
Barista: Men aren’t usually customers here. Chuohku laws and all that.
Kensaku: Right! Right… I guess that makes sense. 
The woman laughs at Kensaku’s nervous reaction, moving around behind the counter to fix up his drink.
Barista: Plus, you two don’t look like the stage types. In fact, I don’t think I’ve seen you two before… What division are you representing?
Kensaku: Ah… We’re from Toyama City. A little ironic that a couple of countryside guys are competing in a rap tournament, huh?
Barista: No, not at all! I came from Asashi actually!
Kensaku: No kidding? How unlucky that you got us idiots representing your home division…
Yano: Hey, don’t put me down too!
Kensaku: What? We lucked out making it this far!
Again, the barista laughs with Kensaku, setting down the cup of freshly brewed coffee.
Barista: I didn’t even know that they made a division over there. But if that means you’re representing lesser known divisions, I… I wish your team luck!
Both Kensaku and Yano stared in surprise at her words of encouragement, a little uncertain about how to react. But very quickly, Kensaku let out a big smile and Yano seemed to blush and turn his face away. Together in their own ways, they gave their thanks to the woman and walked back outside.
Kensaku: That was surprisingly sweet!
Yano: Y…Yeah.
Kensaku: And you know what? I don’t think I feel like drinking coffee anymore.
Yano: Yeah… W-Wait what?! We came all this way for that and you suddenly-
Kensaku: Well yeah! I wanted to get it because I was nervous about tomorrow.
Yano freezes at Kensaku’s admission. Looking up at him, he watched Kensaku hold his drink, a strangely somber look on his face.
Kensaku: I really did mean it when I said we got lucky making it this far. Nobody really knows about our team or the little fights we’ve gone through. But when people learn about us and discover they love us for who we are and what we fight for…
Kensaku looks over at the silent Yano and smiles.
Kensaku: …It feels nice. To know we have people like her who support us.
Yano: …
Kensaku: Sorry, was that too sweet? Maybe I should have gotten my coffee black.
The artist could only blanch at the unexpected pun.
Yano: Why can’t you be serious for one second?! That was the most human you’ve been and then you’re just-
Kensaku: Come on! It was good, right?
Yano: Augh! Wh…Hey, isn’t that?
The Toyama men suddenly come face to face with their opposing Suginami team. Each person began to express their irritation seeing each other, letting their comments acknowledge their presence.
Maki: It’s ECO BooN… Or at least most of them.
Shuu: Yano! Are you stalking me? That’s not very nice!
Yano: Ugh… The Zombeez are here.
Kensaku: Yano-kun, don’t be rude.
Yano: What? That little prick interrupted an important meeting I was having!
Shuu: That was a meeting? Why would you have a meeting with Ramuda Amemura? And in an alleyway? You weirdo!
Kensaku: Ramuda…?
Suddenly, it felt like Shuu had started to pry at something Yano was not ready to confront. Especially with how Kensaku tested the name on his tongue, familiarity resounding in his tone, it made Yano somewhat panic.
Yano: W-Well what were you doing out so late? Are you digging into someone else’s business like usual?
At that comment, Maki appeared tense and looked over at his partner with distrust.
Maki: Is that true?
Shuu: Huh? I-I mean… Kinda? But it’s not like you and Ryu-Ryu weren’t doing the same.
Maki: Hmph. You have a point there.
Looking back at the two men, Maki coldly looked between the two men, before settling on his eyes at the cup Kensaku was holding. Upon seeing it, he let out an irritated sigh.
Maki: We can settle our differences tomorrow at the competition. If you two will let us pass, we are getting ourselves some drinks.
Kensaku: If you’re looking for coffee, we gotta warn you two that the coffee shop back there just closed.
Shuu: What~?! Are you being serious, old man? Boo~!
For a moment, it looked like Kensaku was about to lightly scold Shuu for his comment only for Yano to step in unexpectedly and defend Kensaku on his own.
Yano: Hey, watch it pipsqueak. He’s just warning you two to be nice. Now get moving.
Maki: There’s no need to threaten us.
Yano: Oh yeah? What are you gonna do, you lanky freak?
Maki: Someone ought to teach you some manners.
Yano: Then fucking do it.
Maki: Excuse me?
Yano: Teach me some manners, four-eyes!
Kensaku: Yano, calm down-
Yano: No, this little pipsqueak keeps barging into my business and now tallass wants to threaten me?!
Kensaku looks disturbed at the anger Yano is expressing. Sure, Yano was very emotional in general, but something felt wrong. Yano wasn’t one to initiate a fight without good reason. And it felt like he was creating a mountain out of a molehill at the moment. A skyrocketing mountain at that.
Kensaku: Look, I can agree with Umemoto sensei that we need to settle this tomorrow. So Yano, let’s go. Now.
Clenching his jaw, Yano glared up at Maki through frustrated tears. Still, he allowed Kensaku to wrap an arm around his shoulder as the doctor attempted to push through the two of them. Surprisingly to the group, Maki didn’t budge. He in fact stood in their way.
Kensaku: Excuse us…?
Maki: No, you two are not excused.
Shuu: Sensei?
Maki: I need him to apologize. To the both of us.
That seemed to be the final nail in the coffin as Yano suddenly whips his microphone, tears flowing and teeth gritted in unadulterated frustration.
Yano: That’s it, I’m going to beat you senseless!
A flip of the switch and Yano’s microphone is activated in a flash. The glass tendrils of his speakers whip the group away in different directions as a heated electro-swing beat starts to play from them.
Go ballistic!
No more holding back, it’s a full-on bloody rampage attack
Toss out your ideas, fuck everything planned, just throw whatever you got in your hand
Go ballistic!
It’s over for your sorry ass, you shoulda thought twice before starting a spat
Cuz the last thing you’re gonna be asking for is some speck of pity from this Y-STARR!
As the two Sazanka Zombeez are blown back, they each gather their microphones in a huff.
Shuu: Look at what you’ve gotten us into, sensei!
Maki: Quit your griping, this brat needs to be taught a lesson.
One by one, Maki then Shuu’s microphones activate with each respective speaker materializing behind them. Then, Maki steps forward with his verse already beginning to flow.
Sniffle sniffle, yap yap wannabe gangsters, just dancing about like ticking disasters
The result is a snotty brat, a stupid brat, someone who’s bout to get put in a fucking cast
I fight every day just to spit these lyrics, just so don’t have to go around throwing out some hits
Shadows behind back me up for what lies ahead in the dark
Shuu: We’re really doing this huh? I’m so sorry, Yan-chan…
Hey, hey, almighty god! Help us put this big baby in his place, 
Save our poor little team from harm, so we can bash in his face
Ah, ah, such a pain! Sensei’s won’t stop yanking my chain
Yanking over here and yanking over there, it’s fine, you can rely on me again!
While Yano seems to stagger back from the blows, he doesn’t seem to be backing down in the slightest. Yet Kensaku can see that despite how easy going Shuu’s lyrics were, it appeared he was setting the stage for an even bigger attack.
Retribution against a sad wriggling worm,
Hardly even a worm, might as well call you a germ
Teach you self-care, keep up the work to get a full score
Only to fail you on purpose and flunk you out
Aw cut the bullshit!
Your buttons, let’s push it
Zombeez munching your brains!
Rip your ears off your head
Slurp your brains up like goo
Lick our plates clean
Maki and Shuu:
When we wash you both out!
A tremendous blast barrels towards Yano, who is braced for the impact of their lyrics behind his defensive ability. However, before the attack connects to his glass shield, Kensaku unexpectedly steps in between, taking the brunt of the attack in a pained grunt.
Yano: Wh… What the hell are you doing?!
Staggering to his feet, the scientist grits his teeth before letting a lopsided grin shine towards Yano.
Kensaku: I'm backing you up? What does it look like?
Yano: Kensaku…
Looking at the two Sazanka Zombeez, Kensaku points his microphone towards them, announcing his own declaration.
Kensaku: I'm not sure what problems you three are having, but I can't stand around watching you two bully my partner!
Maki seems to twitch at the implication, irritated at the accusation.
Kensaku: I admit, this is mostly our fault. But sometimes you just gotta step in and clean up your friends' messes. No matter how big or small they might be.
Clicking on his microphone, Kensaku lets his mic and speaker materialize onto the street. A mellow beat chimes around the men as Kensaku gets to work on revitalizing his teammate for a final attack.
Check the answer, don’t blame your heart
Stay together, don’t fall apart
Don’t sell yourself short
Yes, you started this fight
But I’m here to lift you up
Because you’re my friend no matter the end,
Unaffected, Maki scoffs coldly at the dark haired man.
Maki: Was that supposed to hurt us? That was hardly anything.
Shuu: I was gonna say, I don’t think that affected us at all!
Kensaku: That’s because it wasn’t meant for you.
Looking at Yano, it appeared that Kensaku had seemingly boosted his energy levels up. The over energized artist grinned ear to ear at Kensaku, 
Yano: Thanks for the support, old man. Even with that shitty pun.
Kensaku: You ready to take them down?
Yano: You betcha!
Together, they unexpectedly begin to charge up. Their lyrics piling on each other becoming more and more vicious with each verse spat out.
Yano and Kensaku:
You ain't seen anything like this, hey!
Zombeez won’t last, we’ll absorb your brittle bones,
From your rot to our seeds, 
Even your blood will become our feed
That’s right!
You set to win?
Of course!
Yano and Kensaku:
Then let's beat them!
Wash us out?
Don’t make us laugh
Yano and Kensaku:
No storm can rain on Toyama's pride!
All at once, the charged attack hits the two Zombeez, the both of them struggling to stay standing as they take the brunt of the attack.
Shuu: Gh… They’re totally different when they’re attacking together.
Maki: Fascinating.
Yano: Huff… Huff… Bring it! We aren’t done until one of us collapses!
Maki: I’m more than happy to deliver-!
Shuu: We’re done here for today.
Yano, Kensaku: Huh?!
Kensaku: Done…?
Yano: The fuck we are! Don’t run away, coward!
Even Maki looks like he wants to argue, but looking down at the detective, the professor deflates and concedes with his teammate. Shuu continues.
Shuu: It’s pointless to fight now. We can settle our differences tomorrow, on the battlefield.
Yano: No, no, no. You aren’t going to flee-
Kensaku: Yano!
Kensaku, grips his shoulder and pulls him back. With a sigh, he concedes to the private detectives’s words.
Kensaku: He’s right, Yano-kun. We better save our energy for the real fight tomorrow.
The artist looks up at Kensaku, searching his eyes but finds no ounce of fight left. Shrugging him off, Yano finally walks past the Suginami team with a huff. Kensaku follows after him, muttering apologies to the two opponents before disappearing.
Shuu: Wow… That was intense! What was that all for, sensei?
As Shuu and Maki’s microphones powered down, the detective looks up at Maki who’s expression looks complicated.
Maki: I admit, my temper got the best of me. But it was for surveillance, detective.
Brushing his coat off, Maki avoids eye contact as he continues.
Maki: I wanted to know how our rivals worked together. That and… To be honest, I needed to get some frustration off my chest.
Shuu: …Ryuko?
The taller man only nods in acknowledgment.
Shuu: You guys will be okay. I promise you, we’ll win this battle and get to the next stage!
Met with silence, Shuu puffs his cheeks up in frustration before tugging the giant albino man down to his level.
Shuu: Hey, we are going to win! Got it?!
Maki stares at the detective in bewilderment, before he is shaken by the smaller man violently.
Shuu: Say it!
Maki: W-We will win…?
Shuu: Good! Now, let’s get you some tea! No coffee, we need to relax!
Maki: A-Are you sure that’s a good ide-
Shuu: Relax!!!
The End
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nug-chuohku · 17 days ago
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Happy Valentine's Day!
Wishing everyone a fun Valentine's day from the @toyama-division, @suginami-division, @obihiro-division, and soon to be division, Himeji!
I had to redraw this fuckass deviant art template with the leaders. So, early reveal on my most hated fan character! ...god he's got such a punchable face.
Reference image below cut:
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nug-chuohku · 18 days ago
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Was chatting with a friend about Arisu and I thought about how much she's gonna irritate Ryuko once it's out that she's his new baby sister.
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nug-chuohku · 1 month ago
Started this in... August? Only got around to finishing it this week haha... Animation is still not my strong point, but I'm taking the baby steps to learn. (^^;;; )
Based on this funny little dance video from a game I only know as "that game with a lot of controversy". ( ಠ_ಠ) but good OST ngl
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nug-chuohku · 2 months ago
If anyone wants me to say my opinion on a character with this bingo
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nug-chuohku · 2 months ago
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My own tier list of all the OCs people have so graciously offered me! Remember, this is my own personal ranking. No hard feelings, most of the low rankings is because I personally don't know the character too well. ヾ(_ _*)
If you want to make your own, try the Tiermaker link below!
@toyama-division @suginami-division @obihiro-division @saitama-division @shinagawa-division @kobedivision @kanazawa-division @edogawa-division @shizuokadivision @katsushika-division @niigata-division @naha-division @sapporo-division @oita-division @minato-division03 @akihabara-division03 @minato-division01 @akihabaradivision @sendaidivision @fukuokadivision1 @aoyama-division @uenodivision @arakawa-division @roppongi-division
Feel free to DM me or comment if you want to be added in! I'm always happy to add more OCs to the tier list, so long as they're a main team member and not a side character. :)
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nug-chuohku · 4 months ago
The OC’s in a Horror Movie 🔪
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Dies first: Karada Kessaku (Jet Set Trio), Kensaku Morimoto (ECO BooN), Maki Umemoto (山茶花 Zombeez), Shuu Edogawa (山茶花 Zombeez), Yoichi Shujo (Polar Knights), Joey Kurusu (Justice Shield), Yorii Sakuma (ENIGMA)
Is actually helpful to the group: Anika Kiyozaki (Pixel Syndicate), Shisuta Heisha (Sakura Clan), Kai Quinlan (Private Party), Mireya Quinlan (Private Party), Arisu Chihakisa (Chuohku Tertiary Team), Ayumu Hayami (Valor Guard), Yuuya Kanata (Miraitabi), Yuki Kuraokami (Polar Knights), Mai Yousei (OverDrive), Sayaka Miyuki (Femme Fatale), Miho Kobayashi (CodeX), Wataru Sasaki (Justice Shield), Criss Hiromi (Otaku Corps)
Finds a gun and uses it wisely: Shian Meizono (Pixel Syndicate), Ax (Desolate Paradise), Alexis Ward (Sounds of Silence), Mayumi Tanaka (Chuohku Tertiary Team), Yuriko Kuromiya (Wicked Requiem), Sakura Kito (Silent Tragedy), Akihisa Mashiro (Death Row Block), Saigo Fuyugami (Miraitabi), Teijo Masakazu (地獄Riderz), Eko Seishin (OverDrive), Lola Takahashi (Femme Fatale), Ren Nakashima (Lovesick), Kyler Aaron (Justice Shield), Aika Yumi (Oculus)
Finds a fun and goes crazy with it: Makina Setsukura (Pixel Syndicate), Zakari Hiroya (Private Party), Hisoka Tetsuma (Veiled Vanguard), Lyall Shiba (Valor Guard), Iwao Masuda (Polar Knights), Sumire Shinomiya (CodeX), Meari Miracle (Oculus)
Screams every second: Atlas Kazanari (Desolate Paradise), Yano Ietsuna (ECO BooN), Kyō Sakuma (Wild Shīnu), Keiko Yumi (Otaku Corps)
Completely Unfazed: Miku Shirazuki (R.I.P Märchen), Luis Kōkyū (Jet Set Trio), Ivelisse Martinez (Sounds of Silence), Asato Rikiya (ECO BooN), Seiji Tsukimoto (Valor Guard), Ishihara Daisuke (地獄Riderz), Ritsuko Okada (CodeX), Max Soukoku (Lovesick), Nikki Yoshie (Otaku Corps)
Beats up the enemies: Reiaki Suzubayashi (R.I.P Märchen), Aranai Norikoru (Sakura Clan), Kisouna Yuzairu (Sakura Clan), Riyeko Ietsuna (Chuohku Tertiary Team), Kanra Akemi (Wicked Requiem), Reika Aichi (Silent Tragedy), Rintaro Himura (Death Row Block), Asahi Tomoharu (Miraitabi), Ryuunosuke Sekiguchi (Wild Shīnu), Sen (地獄Riderz), Kureha Koizumi (Femme Fatale)
Has a death grip on someone’s hands because they’re too scared: Anaia Mitsuzume (Desolate Paradise), Ryuko Umemoto (山茶花 Zombeez), Daiki Kamiyama (Veiled Vanguard), Naoki Hamasaki (Wild Shīnu), Elliot Shimizu (ENIGMA)
Is the enemy: Tomi Chōten (Jet Set Trio), Kanon Hojo (Silent Tragedy), Touya Kisaragi (Death Row Block), Ruichi Shujo (Polar Knights), Yuno Kamora (OverDrive), Nadya Kuromiya (Oculus)
Second enemy that helps the group: Queen Card (R.I.P Märchen), Hoàng Diệu (Sounds of Silence), Jack Verrill (Veiled Vanguard), Kaoru Shinozaki (Wicked Requiem), Kaiji Sano (Lovesick), Mina Nakayama (ENIGMA)
@minato-division03 @akihabara-division03 @nagasaki-division @uenodivision @aoyama-division @arakawa-division @roppongi-division @toyama-division @suginami-division @nug-chuohku @obihiro-division @naradivision @edogawa-division @shizuokadivision @katsushika-division @niigata-division @fukuokanodivision @naha-division @sapporo-division @oita-division @saitama-division @shinagawa-division @kobedivision @kanazawa-division @minato-division01 @akihabara-division03 @setagaya-division
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nug-chuohku · 4 months ago
Happy Halloween!
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Asato Rikiya - Watermelon
Yano Ietsuna - Vampire THHK
Kensaku Morimoto - Dr Franken Stein
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Ryuko Umemoto - Minotaur Redux
Maki Umemoto - Jiangshi
Shuu Edogawa - Kawaii Girl
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nug-chuohku · 4 months ago
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Psspsspss I'm making a tier list thingy for Hypmic OCs. Like or comment to be included, I need something to do while I have claws. 💅
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nug-chuohku · 5 months ago
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I saw someone do this with hypmic characters and I needed to do it with my OCs to make :.|:;
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nug-chuohku · 5 months ago
Official Character Colors
Inspired by this and this post! I just had to be special. ( ऀืົཽ≀ ͔ ͕̮ ऀืົཽ✧॰)
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nug-chuohku · 7 months ago
Just noticed that I've neglected this, but I've gone and updated family information for Asato, Yano, Ryuko, and Maki. Links were added for family members who have posts/profiles made for them. Plus, some lore has been added to help clarify some posts.
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nug-chuohku · 9 months ago
How the OC’s Beat The Heat at Home
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Taking a shower every four hours: Kisouna Yuzairu (Sakura Clan), Tomi Chōten (Jet Set Trio), Mireya Quinlan (Private Party), Maki Umemoto (山茶花 Zombeez), Kaiji Sano (Lovesick), Joey Kurusu (Justice Shield), Keiko Yumi (Otaku Corps), Fleuret Otoshiro (Blaid Maiden)
Puts a fan in every room: Anika Kiyozaki (Pixel Syndicate), Alexis Ward (Sounds of Silence), Yano Ietsuna (ECO BooN), Kureha Koizumi (Femme Fatale), Sakura Kito (Silent Tragedy), Akihisa Mashiro (Death Row Block), Seiji Tsukimoto (Valor Guard), Asahi Tomoharu (Miraitabi), Kunio Chōten (Strange Magic), Meari Miracle (Oculus), Criss Hiromi (Otaku Corps), Evelyn Rose (Liberty Guild)
Infinite uses of the air conditioning: Queen Card (R.I.P Märchen), Reiaki Suzubayashi (R.I.P Märchen), Aranai Norikoru (Sakura Clan), Kensaku Morimoto (ECO BooN), Miho Kobayashi (CodeX), Wataru Sasaki (Justice Shield), Yuriko Kuromiya (Wicked Requiem), Reika Aichi (Silent Tragedy), Lyall Shiba (Valor Guard), Saigo Fuyugami (Miraitabi), Aoba Yamamura (Strange Magic), Reiji Enjouji (Diabolik Love), Ayame Kurokawa (Diabolik Love), Yorii Sakuma (ENIGMA)
Lots of cold drinks: Miku Shirazuki (R.I.P Märchen), Zakari Hiroya (Private Party), Asato Rikiya (ECO BooN), Shuu Edogawa (山茶花 Zombeez), Sayaka Miyuki (Femme Fatale), Ren Nakashima (Lovesick), Kyler Aaron (Justice Shield), Kanra Akemi (Wicked Requiem), Ayumu Hayami (Valor Guard), Yuuya Kanata (Miraitabi), Natsume Kurome (Strange Magic), Ruka Shiina (Howling Moon), Kaede Iwasawa (Trickstar), Nikki Yoshie (Otaku Corps), Ace Douglas (Liberty Guild), Rashaad Young (Liberty Guild), Eldrid Iwasaki (Blade Maiden), Ted Bridges (Kuma no Ie)
Banning the use of clothes: Shian Meizono (Pixel Syndicate), Karada Kessaku (Jet Set Trio), Hoàng Diệu (Sounds of Silence), Ryuko Umemoto (山茶花 Zombeez), Hisoka Tetsuma (Veiled Vanguard), Lola Takahashi (Femme Fatale), Max Soukoku (Lovesick), Touya Kisaragi (Death Row Block), Eden Yamamura (Trickstar), Aika Yumi (Oculus)
Actually living in only the few cold hours of the day: Makina Setsukura (Pixel Syndicate), Kai Quinlan (Private Party), Daiki Kamiyama (Veiled Vanguard), Sumire Shinomiya (CodeX), Kaoru Shinozaki (Wicked Requiem), Kanon Hojo (Silent Tragedy), Kei Himeno (Diabolik Love), Hisui Meguno (Howling Moon), Nadya Kuromiya (Oculus), Mina Nakayama (ENIGMA), Kotan Anchikar (Kuma no Ie), Kokomi Morozov (Kuma no Ie)
Stands Still: Shisuta Heisha (Sakurai Clan), Luis Kōkyū (Jet Set Trio), Ivelisse Martinez (Sounds of Silence), Jack Verrill (Veiled Vanguard), Ritsuko Okada (CodeX), Rintaro Himura (Death Row Block), Aoi Yamamura (Howling Moon), Nellie Yukimura (Trickstar), Elliot Shimizu (ENIGMA), Azusa Furukawa (Blade Maiden)
@akihabara-division03 @uenodivision @aoyama-division @arakawa-division @roppongi-division @toyama-division @suginami-division @obihiro-division @saitama-division @shinagawa-division @kobedivision @kanazawa-division @edogawa-division @shizuokadivision @katsushika-division @niigata-division @naradivision @kumamoto-division @hamamatsu-divison @kofu-division @aomori-division @minato-division01 @akihabaradivision @setagaya-division @okinawa-division @taito-division @hakodate-division
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nug-chuohku · 10 months ago
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It grows-
Edited from this earlier version.
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nug-chuohku · 10 months ago
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Height comparison chart update! Just missing three, maybe even six more characters before I have to stop myself from making more. (´∀`;)
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nug-chuohku · 10 months ago
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Incomplete character correlation diagram! Until I finish the fourth team, which yeah, their color is gonna be gray, this is going to be a WIP. But with three fucking teams and a secondary Chuohku team, I gotta start posting now. (´∀`;)
I would expound on all the relationships, but I'm gonna hold that for when I finally debut my last team. If you're curious, do check out my old chart in the link HERE and HERE. Shows the detailed dynamics between my @toyama-division and @suginami-division teams, since they're direct rivals. :^)
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nug-chuohku · 11 months ago
Quick Update
All my blogs pinned posts have been updated. Decided I should start making it easy to find events since many character relationships have been making drastic changes. Honestly, debating on adding other OCs into character profiles? Let me know if you're open to that!
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