nuclear-americano · 25 days
hope that you are well
Please help us,May God bless you 🙏
I'm Etaf from Gaza Palestine
I am a mother of five smart children.
speaking to you with a heavy heart on behalf of my family who urgently need help.
The war has destroyed everything we own.
It destroyed everything my husband and I built for these children.
Now we don't have anything, We do not have the price of rent, food or education.
read and Share the link on my pageThe fixer
,My campaign has been verifiedBy Operation Olive Branch . 🌿
If you are able to donate, Do not hesitate to do so and rest assured that God will reward you because we are in dire need of that. And share the link on social media that would be kind of you. May Allah make you happy all your life dear Thank you. 🙏
I am not well off enough financially myself to donate, but I will always spread the word. I wish you the best and hope you can be safe.
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nuclear-americano · 28 days
when she says she doesn’t send nudes
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nuclear-americano · 1 month
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nuclear-americano · 1 month
Just realized that the reason I love making friends on tumblr is because it’s exactly how you make friends on the playground as a six year old. No, I don’t know their name but they love mermaids too and built this awesome sand castle. No, I don’t know their age but their imaginary cheetah is friends with mine. You like this show? You like this character?? You can sing the theme song really loud??? Here is a flower crown. Here is a juice box. You can share my time and I might never see you again but part of you stays in my soul forever. In my mind we’re still on the swing set and the sky is blue and nothing will ever be wrong again.
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nuclear-americano · 1 month
Is this your ship?
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nuclear-americano · 1 month
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Oka, I plan on following everyone on tumblr
literally everyone
Please reblog so I can make this happen
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nuclear-americano · 1 month
At the gate for my flight home from visiting friends and there's a woman here with a service Shiba Inu. No pics because he has a Do Not Disturb vest and taking pics of strangers is illegal but I need to stress how ON DUTY this animal is. Ears up. Eyes doing Lazer scans of everything. Examining everyone who passes within 10ft like a security guard. Ass planted on her feet. I have never seen a dog with such intense chivalric guardian energy before. He has tiny eyebrows and they are FURROWED with concentration.
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nuclear-americano · 1 month
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nuclear-americano · 1 month
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Hedwig art and doodles I never posted for some reason!!
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nuclear-americano · 1 month
House has definitely sent Wilson a dick pic or several but he sends them by email because they are both old men and the titles are things like ‘URGENT: please identify if lung cancer’ or ‘patient biopsy results - respond ASAP’ so that Wilson’s guilt complex makes him feel obligated to open each one just in case someone’s life is actually on the line
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nuclear-americano · 1 month
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nuclear-americano · 1 month
I haven't seen dancing pumpkin guy ONCE this year, are you guys okay?
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nuclear-americano · 1 month
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nuclear-americano · 1 month
house md fans are so easily entertained you just have to say cuddy wilson house threesome and they all come running
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nuclear-americano · 1 month
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nuclear-americano · 1 month
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nuclear-americano · 1 month
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Just some kids having fun
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