Notes Passed at Aperture
179 posts
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Cave Johnson, what is your middle name?
im not the person i once was, let me be freed from the sins of my past
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Sweet GLaDOS, you are a beacon in the sky, or should I say, earth. Yet your science is other-worldy. I dream of your beautiful science each night, swaddled by the promise of fascination whenever I think of you. I hope that you know how marvelous and beautiful you are, you are my sun- that not even the richest and most baffling of paradoxes could snuff. I am so grateful to have known that you exist, you are the pinnacle of perfection, you see. Love, an eternal admirer.
GLaDOS: Are we still sending these? Really?
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Dear Mr. Johnson, How do you explain Aperutre's incredibly high number of proposals to the government, but the incredibly low number of permissions granted?
No one appreciates good science!
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So Chell, What do you think about Cave and Caroline?
Well, Cave sounds like a completely lunatic and I'm glad I wasn't around for his testing. Sounds like the only thing worse than GLaDOS testing. And Caroline... I don't really know. All she ever did was agree with him. Think for yourself, jeez...
Cave and Caroline: -offended-
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Caroline....we know Mr. Johnson has a rather...(I don't even know how to describe him) "I'M CAVE JOHNSON" personality up front... Is there anything just kinda sweet he's done for you recently that most of us wouldn't expect from him?
Mr. Johnson really isn't much for romance, but it's the little gestures that really mean something. I like to keep a flower in a vase on my desk, brightens up the place a bit. Sometimes I'll come in to work to see he's replaced a wilting, few-days-old one with a fresh one. Things like that. It's rare, but when it happens... He can be difficult to be in a relation ship with sometimes, but it's worth it.
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How did the idea for the mantis men come about?
Cave: Why the hell not?
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Hey Caroline- What would you name a future kid?
((As if we needed any more ways to point out how depressing her life is. She can't answer, because she's sitting in a corner, looking very sad. Nice.))
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Dear Fact Core, what is the square root of French Toast?
Fact: The square root of French toast is powdered sugar.
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What happened to Rattmann?
GLaDOS: He was a pest that needed to be exterminated.
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Dear anybody who wants to answer: I'm like Caroline and my friend is like Cave, similar looks, likes, personalities, dislikes.... heck, I think i even might know what Cave's middle name is. I won't tell anyone though, I can keep a secret. What do you think this means?
Caroline: It means you're a lucky woman. Protect him from himself. Do better than I did...
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I'd like to wish you all a happy holiday season from all of us in Equestria!
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Cave Johnson, I thought your middle name was "Has-a-Long"? You told everyone that a while back.
Caroline: I don't understand why you keep feeding his ego like this.
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Dear Fact Core, I've noticed that there aren't very many questions specifically for you. That must suck, doesn't it?
Fact: The Fact Core is the most intelligent of cores, and like most intellectuals, he is misunderstood by the masses.
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Hello Mr. Johnson,I am ALLOS. I'm the central A.I. of a new Aperture Laboratories facility built by the remaining relatives of the previous scientists. Aside from managing the facility,I mainly work in data storage and the construction of new Personality Cores. Nice to meet you. (Oh,and by the way,I've seen to finish your Combustible Lemons project. It's going quite well.)
...what, who? You do WHAT?!
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GLaDOS: Why don't you just trap chell in a room with no escape, and just flood the room with deadly neurotoxin? After all, she IS a murderer.
Chell: Because I'd still find a way out.
GLaDOS: Why kill her quickly when I could keep her for testing for the rest of her sad little life?
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Wheatley, how do you read? i dont know how to.. show me how its done TTuTT
Well, erm... You kind of take the letters and put them together. Like a puzzle. Except instead of pictures, it makes sounds... I'm not very good at it, you might want to find someone else to help you with that.
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