113 posts
A canon-divergent young Handmaid from Homestuck Semi-selective, independent, SFW, see my /about and /mun for more.
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not-your-handmaid-blog · 7 years ago
Peer into my muse's memories
❤️- A happy memory that makes them smile
💙- A sad memory that makes them cry
💛- A memory that makes them feel angry
💚- A memory that makes them feel guilty
💜- A memory about one of their loved ones, happy or sad
💔- A memory that leaves them feeling lonely
❣- A memory that leaves them laughing
💕- A memory about their significant other
💞- A memory about their children
💓- A memory about their friends
💗- A memory about a good deed they did
💖- A memory that made them feel special
💝- A memory that made them feel loved
💘- A memory that gets their heart pounding
💟- Wildcard!!!
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not-your-handmaid-blog · 7 years ago
Did not see you as a drinker, still, the finest wine I reserved from the wreckage of my timeline serves as no other occ8sion than now to open.
Very well. I look forward to seeing you.
- [AG] has sent [Lighthouse.cords] -
Third time’s the charm. Never before had Urorah come to meet Mindfang on very good terms - the first time in rash anger, the second out of duty and they were towing a dead body around then, hiding from the eyes of another Handmaid - and this time makes three.
Urorah had no idea what she would arrive to. She traveled to the coordinates with no intention of keeping to the shadows this time. Whatever was going to come, she would face it. With just a bit of wariness, but mostly curiosity. 
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not-your-handmaid-blog · 7 years ago
the woods are lovely, dark and deep. but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.
stopping by woods on a snowy evening | robert frost 
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not-your-handmaid-blog · 7 years ago
Selhan, who had been listening to the two older trolls talking, was surprised. Sister Urorah didn’t know their siblings? Tugging on her shirt, he pointed to the two wigglers. “Narí an’ Lilé!” he exclaimed proudly. Then he let go of her to walk towards Rosa and the little ones, turning their heads so they would face Urorah. “Rorah” he whispered, pointing at her. He wanted to make sure they’d know her too.
Rosa let out a smile and kissed the top of Selhan’s head, and then looked up at Urorah. “Help is always welcome, my dear… but you don’t have to. You can just stay, if you want to.” She looked… hopeful, sort of. “This is your home, too.”
Urorah laughed with delight at Selhan. He was utterly precious, she had to admit.
She didn’t meet her mother’s eyes for a moment. Of course this was her home, but she kept leaving. Sometimes she felt like she didn’t know how to stay put, only how to run. 
She didn’t want to run anymore.
Urorah looked back to her mother, smiling to mask the thoughts in her head. “I would feel terribly guilty to stay around and then leave you to run after the wigglers alone. The least I could do would be to help.”
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not-your-handmaid-blog · 7 years ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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not-your-handmaid-blog · 7 years ago
Would you like a certain 8everage aw8ting for you on your arrival? Tea, coffee? Hot chocol8te or perhaps something a little stronger?
I suppose you will not 8e needing my co-ordin8tes, no?
I’d be delighted with whatever strønger drink yøu might have. I’m nøt picky.
And yes, I am in need øf yøur cøørdinates, if I am tø arrive with any sørt øf accuracy. It is best før me tø have as much directiøn as pøssible in the manner I travel.
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not-your-handmaid-blog · 7 years ago
[PVT] @themindfang
Høw wøuld yøu feel if I tøøk yøu up øn that øpen øffer øf a visit nøw?
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not-your-handmaid-blog · 7 years ago
Purring in joy as Urorah hugged him, Selhan grabbed onto her shirt and started babbling, in a mix of common Alternian, his mother’s language and his father’s bubbly sounds, as if he wanted to tell Urorah everything she had not seen. 
“Happy and busy! Though now that this little guy has pupated, I’ll be even more busy again.” She chuckled and nodded towards the wigglers, one with lime earfins and scars over their eyelids and one with a thick mass of curls, the tiniest of them all. “I am not sure if you had met Nadiir and Adilet.”
Urorah couldn’t help but beam as she held Selhan tight, unconsciously bouncing him slightly on her knee. “I did not.” Urorah replied, smiling at the wigglers. “They’re beautiful.”
She looked back to her mother. The only sign Urorah had aged in her time away was the fact that her hair was growing out again, a little curlier and more unruly than before. “Maybe I should stay around and help you, this time.” The words were a little shyer, as if she were uncertain if Rosa would want her constant company.
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not-your-handmaid-blog · 7 years ago
💔 = Has your muse ever been heartbroken? If so, explain what happened. 🌹 = How would your muse react to romantic gestures, expected or not?
💔 = Has your muse ever been heartbroken? If so, explain what happened.
Urorah had a brief, small crush on a friend, and while it didn’t necessarily end in heartbreak, it’s all she ever had. She didn’t know what to do with it and it eventually faded away. (The other person doesn’t RP anymore, either.) Otherwise, she’s never had any other experiences.
🌹 = How would your muse react to romantic gestures, expected or not?
Flustered, very flustered. She would probably get comfortable with it quickly if it was someone she liked. She’d be unlikely to do romantic gestures to others because she’s so inexperienced in romance but with the right person she would enjoy being on the receiving end.
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not-your-handmaid-blog · 7 years ago
☆ Headcanon Prompts ☆          Love and Romance
💔 = Has your muse ever been heartbroken? If so, explain what happened. 
🌹 = How would your muse react to romantic gestures, expected or not? 
🌷 = Is your muse likely to be the one to make the first move, or would they wait for the other to make a move first? 
🎁 = Does your muse become flattered to receive gifts? 
😍 = Does your muse have any crushes? If so, who are they? 
😘 = Does your muse like to flirt? Do they like to be flirted with? 
❤️ = Does your muse focus on one person, or do they like to go and date as many people as possible?
💛 = In what ways does your muse express their love to their partner? 
💚 = Does your muse get jealous easy? 
💙 = Does your muse prefer a night out or a night in? 
💜 = Does your muse date others based on their appearance or personality, or both? 
♡ = Is there any kind of person that your muse will never date? 
💞 = Does your muse believe in soulmates? 
💘 = Does your muse believe in astrology signs? If so, what sign are they most compatible with? And is this important when considering a date? 
💗 = Would your muse prefer a large, public proposal, or do they prefer a small, private one? 
💵 = Is money an important factor to consider when dating? Does your muse prefer rich partners? 
💎 = What kind of gemstone would your muse prefer on their engagement or wedding ring? 
💍 = Big or small wedding? 
💅🏻 = Does your muse always try to look their best around their partner, or are they comfortable wearing anything around them?
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not-your-handmaid-blog · 7 years ago
The toddler still stared up at her, his eyes wide with surprise, chewing on his little fist. He recognized the name, and his hazy memories made the rest. After a mere second his face lit up with a grin and his earfins fluttered, and he bounced on his feet. “Roraaah!” he chirped, in a singsong tone, and instead of taking her hand he straight forward ran into her arms to hug her. “Rorah, Rorah!”
Such was the picture Rosa saw when she came out, a wiggler in each arm, and she laughed lovingly at it. “I see Selhan found you first. Hello, my darling! How have you been?” she asked sweetly, kneeling down with them to kiss Urorah’s cheek.
Urorah laughed, half in shock and half in delight, as Selhan cried her name and bounded to her. She wrapped her arms around the wiggler. She smiled at her mother, her expression of pure joy. 
“Hello, Mother. I’ve been well, and I think I’m ever better now.” The sheer happiness in Urorah was obvious on her face and in her tone. “It seems you’ve been very happy too!”
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not-your-handmaid-blog · 7 years ago
Of course not, though to here I was for thinking it would 8e a smoother ride than 8efore.
I have often wondered where you travel to, to 8e gone for so long. Is it a serene place at least? Or perhaps you rest in the future, knowing what 8ecomes.
Excellent. Let me know when and I will send the 8ark8easts to their sitter. For a change, I will 8e looking forward to seeing you, Urorah.
I’ve travelled tø many places, acrøss many wørlds and timelines. Møre øften than nøt I seek peaceful løcales. Øther times I seek places where I might dø søme gøød. I attempt tø keep my travels vaguely linear; I’ve nø want tø see the future anymøre. 
I’ll let yøu knøw when I intend tø cøme. I løøk førward tø it as well.
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not-your-handmaid-blog · 7 years ago
It had been a long while indeed. And not a day had passed without her thinking of her daughter, hoping for her happiness and safety. 
That also meant she talked to her youngest children about her, every day. Though Selhan was the only one that might remember her, all of them recognized her name and listened attentively to the stories their mother told of her. Some true, but softened, and some fantasy tales in which she was the hero, along with their other siblings. That they couldn’t see each other every day didn’t mean Rosa would let the wigglers grow without knowing of them.
Said wigglers were now bundled up in tiny bathrobes as Rosa finished drying the youngest, fresh out of the bath. Selhan was too restless, though; baths always made him energetic. So he toddled off and out into the hallway, and there he froze, staring up at Urorah. 
Right then Rosa heard her call, and despite her surprise, she replied: “Urorah? Is that you?” Carefully gathering Adilet and Nadiir in her arms, she stood up. “Give me a second, please!” There was laughter in her voice.
Urorah’s anxiety evaporated the moment she heard Rosa called her name. There was joy in her mother’s voice, too, and Urorah let out a breath. Of course everything was fine. Of course.
She looked down at the little wiggler in front of her, blinking at him. For a moment she simply looked, trying to place a name, knowing she had met at least some of her mother’s young ones before.
“Of course, Mother!” She called back to Rosa, and then dropped into a crouch in front of Selhan. She offered him a smile and extended her hand.
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not-your-handmaid-blog · 7 years ago
If only I too could detach myself in the moment of struggle, alas cowardice was not engraved in me to flee at the whiff of a 8reeze. 
Tension still arises, not in regards to you. My life was never set to 8e on the straight and narrow, though seeking for a 8r8k I have. I reside 8y a lighthouse, near the shore. 8efore in the void, there was a pure silence, that 8oiled my 8lood. Now, the water calms me, if you ever so need a new place to venture, you are welcome in my a8ode.
It would 8e nice to see you stay around this time.
Nøne øf øur lives were truly meant tø be straightførward, were they? Cønflict arises everywhere, unførtunate as that is. 
I will dø what I can, this time, tø stay. Things are different nøw than they have been beføre, før a variety øf reasøns.
And I think I wøuld like tø take yøu up øn yøur øffer øf visitatiøn, søme time.
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not-your-handmaid-blog · 7 years ago
Greetings, Røsa. My name is Urørah, and my intentiøns are exclusively friendly, I swear it. It is a great pleasure tø meet yøu!
Then I warmly welco+me yo+u. Uro+rah, a lo+vely name, it means ‘dawn’, do+es it no+t? I find the sunrise to+ be a ho+spitable embrace, I can o+nly hope that yo+u are to+o+.
Ho+w are yo+u? 
I am well, thank yøu! It’s been awhile since I have been arøund here but I’ve been pleased tø find that things are better than when I left. A very pleasant surprise.
I wøuld høpe yøu are alsø well!
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not-your-handmaid-blog · 7 years ago
Part of Urorah wasn’t sure that this was her best idea.
She had no idea how long had passed in her mother’s perspective since Urorah had last been home. She wasn’t even exactly sure what it was from her own perspective - at least a few perigrees, she thought. Time was still a weird concept for her, as she hadn’t lived a linear life since she was hatched.
But she wanted to see her mother, and however long it had been, she knew she had to go.
Urorah knew she could try to aim more accurately, cut down on the length of time from Rosa’s perspective, but it would take much more energy, and Urorah figured she might as well leave the elapsed time similar to her own experience. It made conversations much easier when both parties had roughly the same amount of time in their heads.
So Urorah settled for letting her majyyk take her to the best time, and appeared in her mother’s hive. For a moment, she hesitated, and then she called: 
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not-your-handmaid-blog · 7 years ago
👤+ Mindfang
Send me 👤 + a character name for my muse’s opinion on that character
That’s a cømplicated questiøn if there ever was.
I never had much interactiøn with the particular Mindfang whø existed in the timeline I ønce hailed frøm. She is løng gøne nøw, a rather møøt pøint.
The Marquise I dø knøw is anøther matter.
I am pleased at whatever understanding we have cøme tø. While I may nøt understand what has øccured in my absence, the ønly thing I have wanted før søme time nøw is that we wøuld støp fighting. My wish has nøw cøme true, but I have nø idea what tø dø nøw.
She can be a frustrating persøn, and alsø very hard tø understand. But she has døne brave things and I dø have a begrudging respect før her. Perhaps it is less begrudging nøw, and møre geunine, since I see she is capable øf letting gø øf the anger she felt tøwards me.
She cøntinues tø surprise me, always shøwing she is møre than I first thøught. I am reminded again and again abøut why øne cannøt make any assumptiøns. I ønly høpe øur cømmøn grøund remains stable.
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