noctoh · 3 years
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Some Hades and KH crossovers because I can!
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noctoh · 4 years
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noctoh · 4 years
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noctoh · 4 years
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Love the amount of cats in the FFVII remake! 🐈 🖤
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noctoh · 4 years
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noctoh · 4 years
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Patreon | Ko-Fi
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noctoh · 4 years
Even when the world falls apart, there is still hope to be found. No matter how desperate, no matter how lost, there’s still strength to be found in making a wish. With Cloud’s life in his hands and Shinra on his heels, Zack has no choice but to keep hoping- to keep fighting and keep wishing for him and Cloud to make it through this nightmare alive, together.
Nine months on the run are just long enough for Zack to figure out exactly what Cloud means to him.
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noctoh · 4 years
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at what cost?
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noctoh · 4 years
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noctoh · 4 years
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Happy mermay! 
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noctoh · 4 years
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this is an aerti blog now i dont make the rules
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noctoh · 4 years
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They are coming back!
Been hella busy, so haven’t had a chance to celebrate the news until now. FFVII is important to me in ways I can’t describe, and has played some part in all the major decisions I’ve made in my adult life. Like most oldschool fans, I’m slightly apprehensive about the remake (esp considering what Dirge did to my favourite character)… but my excitement far outweighs any other feelings.
Can’t wait to go back home to Midgar and see all these excellent folks again!
My FFVII art tag | My other FFVII art tag
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noctoh · 4 years
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i guess this was inevitable
patreon | twitter | instagram
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noctoh · 4 years
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noctoh · 4 years
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Can you hear me screaming please don’t leave me
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noctoh · 4 years
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For those of you who love clack, we have a really active, vibrant community over in our discord server! Lots of clack-related discussions, remake talk & fic/art being posted there every day. The server has existed for a little while now but it’s really booming with clack fans lately, thanks to the remake!
The invite link is here if you’d like to join: discord.gg/P3zkt5D and any reblog you can spare would be very much appreciated!
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noctoh · 4 years
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In another timeline…
[read left to right]
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