nix-en Β· 3 hours
new theme for one of my forever blorbos <33 ffxv is so special to me, prompto is so special to me srry if this blog becomes heavy on the topic but i have so many feelings LOL
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nix-en Β· 5 hours
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nix-en Β· 5 hours
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nix-en Β· 5 hours
you ever think about how prompto had literally the worst week of his life and then immediately had the worst 10 years of his life and THEN had to watch his best friend die like
best friend says really awful things to him and then pushes him off a train -> he discovers that he’s a fucked up lil escaped science experiment & he was meant to be part of the military that killed his best friend’s family & destroyed his home -> he is tortured by the guy that is ruining all of their lives -> he gets rescued -> his best friend disappears into a crystal -> he lives through 10 years of darkness and daemons -> his best friend is back!! -> his best friend dies.
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nix-en Β· 12 hours
babygirl you won't believe the amount of popular things i don't know
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nix-en Β· 1 day
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zayne, the man that you are β™‘
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nix-en Β· 1 day
did i just watch cozy afternoon? yes yes i did, am i sick with the parallels between zayne and nanami this evening? yes, yes i am
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nix-en Β· 1 day
it’s so weird to me how there’s cliques and hierarchies within fandom spaces these days like. we’re all just fucking nerds. how are you gonna try to be popular amongst the nerds. how are you going to feel superior over your fellow nerds. at the end of the day you’re still a fucking nerd bestie
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nix-en Β· 1 day
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they can be petty most of the times, to each other
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nix-en Β· 1 day
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nix-en Β· 2 days
ππ€ππ€πŒπˆ πŠπ„ππ“πŽ who . . . . .
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β€”wakes at ungodly hours, eyes droopy even before another day of staring at screens and numbers that all begin to mold into one. he takes his routine seriously, never missing a beat in his calculated habits as he puts himself together; hair, clothes and whatever else neatly taken care of. even you who he lovingly retucks into the warm duvet as he climbs from it, blankets pushed beneath your weight and a soft brush of his lips to your forehead- then your cheeks...eyelids, lips.
he returns late into the night, long after bedtime and finds you in the same position he left you in before dawn broke; as though time had stood still while his day continued to pass by, guilt rippling though his being until he pushes it aside and starts the mornings routine in reverse. the shower, the change of clothes, the kisses; this time your lips ever so slightly pursing expectantly when he settles by your side.
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Β© nix-en 2024. please don't steal, rework or repost my writing to other platforms-- this includes feeding my writings to ai, just show me some love here instead ! dividers by @/chilumitos & @/anitalenia
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nix-en Β· 3 days
i'm on tumblr to read women's diaries
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nix-en Β· 3 days
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Well, you have my total attention now. I'm not quite sure if I've got yours, though. TOMB RAIDER I-III REMASTERED (2024) dev. Aspyr, Crystal Dynamics
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nix-en Β· 3 days
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i just think about haikyuu all day this is so bad
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nix-en Β· 3 days
sampo genuinely caring for the people of the underworld in belobog that he frequently risks his life to bring medicine to the clinic and spends time with the children to make sure that they're having fun amidst the poor conditions they are in. sampo leading the astral express through the story ever so slightly to help bring justice, make bronya realize the circumstances cocolia has put everyone through, and to make sure those underground can see the light again. sampo may be a con-artist but i think the one thing he cannot fake is his heart. maybe even the type of elation he follows is has something to do with this: seeing wrongs be righted - albeit, with a little fun of course..
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nix-en Β· 4 days
i let him hit cause. uh. well i’m gonna be honest it’s cause i fucked up my parry timing
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nix-en Β· 9 days
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Random gifs of Sunday Ζͺ(˘⌣˘)Κƒ
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